09-15-41 Regular Adjourned
September 15, 1941
The. Council met in adjourned reg\1lar sessi.on at 7:30 p.M. on
Men day, September 15th, for the purpose of f\1rther taking up the 194iJ.-
1942 Budget matters and for any other h\1siness needing action of the
Council at this time.
A request was presented from J. B. Davis, asking permission to
extend a screened porch along the front of his house on Lot 53 Sundy-.
Tenbrook Addition to within lB feet of the front lot line.
Inasmuch as the lot was exceptionally small and such deviation
from the building req\1irements would affect m one, the Building Inspector.
recommended the granting of such permit, which by motion of Mr. Sabath,
seconded by Mr. Hill and on roll call unanimo\1sly carried,. was allowed.
It was noved by Mr. Hill, seconded by Hr. Sabath and on roll
call unanimously carried that the Council approve 11 plat of a proposed
division of the Sonth 59.4' of Ocean Beach Lot 32, which allowed for a
25-foot setback from Watson Street (S.E. 4th. ~treet and sideyard setbacks
as indicated on said plat, vI' ,ich plat already carried tre written endorse-
ment of Mr. Garner , ;"1'. Plastridge and Hr. Blake, menbers of the Zoning
A request from Mr. Sinks was also read asking that building
permit fee be remitted on the nevI addition to the Legion llome. After
discussion it was moved by kr. Hill. that the Building Inspector's
recommendation be complied with and said fee be remitted in consideration
of public service rendered the City in the past by the lJogion Organization.
Mr. Jacobs seconded the rotion, which on roll call carried unanimously.
The 1.;13.;'01' recOl'1ffiended that the Chief of Police be granted penniss-
ion to buy about $15.00 worth of amm1mition re-loads, and it was moved by
Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Hill, and on roll call unanimously carried
that the Ma;'or's recomnendation be approved and purchase authorized. This
brought up a discussion in regard to purclk'lsing materials for the regular
operation of the various departrrents, it peing the opinion of the majority
of the menbers that the Chairman of tre various Conunittees should have
the power to authorize purchases of rraterials necessary for needed repairs
or the carryiq; ont of projects previously authorized by the Council. It
was suggested that a report t'1en be made of such action by these Conuni ttee
Members at the following Council meeting. It was therefore agreed that
the Chairman of each Co:nni t"tee be authorized to requisition flk'lterials
for any reasonable expendi tu re, without requiring authority from the
enti re Coon cU.
The balance of the evening was spent on the 1941-1942 proposed
budget and at 10:00 0' clock the meeting adjourned to meet again, Friday
nie)1t, Septenber 19th for the same purpose.
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