10-13-41 1.81.5 ootob.. lS. 19<11 t )(:r. ~..oba&spl.bedthat th1abloolE hadorl.1Jlall~ all beeD 10w-l~lng land hut thatD.HUlhad.- tUlea .8J1I..- 1mproved hi. lot to buUdon.lea..lq -the--lturHtlDIUq property at aloualdeJ'&-blylOlftt1' 1.ve-lthenhl&.He.....J;cl. he believed the aityahould oleal'thep'l1bU.at:reeta."... he queaUoDed the poes1bt11ty of torct!:q 01ll1e1"8tO' fill b ~e private pl'op.r'1.... ltowever, )(:r.laooba ap.ed to bye.till'-. the oQIPldnt aDd make reOOllllllend.tio. baole to 1Ihe Oo\Utoil d nenme.t inC. - A oo-.uloat1oa was reo81ved trCD lI1toaBar'Vel.....- 1118 to d 19 suttlo1eat rook tor all tlae'City.. aeeda d_laI 10M next tJIW months at a prlo. of 50 oenu pe Ollblo~.- )(:r. MUleI', oha11'J11l1n ot the street OCllllmi:Uee.reo"'ad.4.', that the 01'1" aco.pt sald p:'opoe1 tioll as he add he bell"'" it adY1aaUe to bave tbe d1gg1xl8 done _l1e th.B....l .quipment waa on tl1e grouad. and moud tbat the Oi..,_1peel' b. iuatruotedto P1'OO8ed,wl.h~.dlsg1q'ofroo1l:-toth. .stent ot 2500 additlolla1 ya1'4. witlaln'. Cromer eallSJDa'llea wo\1ld be, required tor 01ty W04.01l..oat...la-"'d_1q 'IIh. ooming se.son. -)(:r. S.b.'IIh ..co-nd.d the mO""loaa_ oa roll 01111 the vote was as follows :Jrr. BUl 188. 1Ir. :aoobs yes. 1Ir. 'MUler yea. IIr.Sab.tl1 ye.. Mr. aeou yes. ':L'he MUOIl o.nied. COJt1'espondtllloe b.1Iweell the 01117 1D81n..r and the Stat. Board otHealth was read. r.laUve to the p1'Op08.d oon- .t".UOIl ot a grOl1nd a'llorage oil water tre.1Imem plpt 1D Delr.,.. *ioh oorrespolld..oe waa ord.red fUed tar tutu. oonsideratlon and retereDOe. I I i ... letter was reoeived t'1'Om lIan, Grao.y C1ttQlng . 0.,.,rom1se a,tUement on tl.81,..OO.w.th of oUy 'allea out- stanUns against Ida J,aIce '1'.naoe. beill8 a 20-aore 1Ul- developed aubdivision in Seonon 8. 'f11e .Ol&J'k U.plains4t.t the ad.3uatment al101r8d tor taxes prior to 193'1 on _ohv.odt aoreage waa .. which 1n thls instaoe t1sved a1l tuS.IO; that according to the 1Iax ad3uatll1Ont ordinances th. rears required to be paid in cash amounted to "~9"5. aad that ~e aqual taxoa on sald prope.ty at pres.nt, runs b.t.... ".OOll and ."0.00 a year. AtteJ' oouaUe.aUon. it waa llICWed by , )(:r.JlUler that this matt.r be r.,erJ'.d to the ps:n.oo cca- mUtee tor inveatigation a_ reoOlllHndaUon baokto the ~011. Ib'. ..bath aeoonded the moUon and on ,roll oall the vote ... aa toil_: M%'. HUl yea. Ib'. ~.toba yea. )(:r. MUler '1... .. Sabath yea. D. Soott yea. 'l'he motion .n1ed. - 1816 ir'l , , it , Ootobel' 13, 1941 n,' LJ .. 8&441&, r8)~"8DUJi8 .~.J!.,.Q.RaUwa,..appeue4 at the .ee"'1~'wlt_'.ntft&...1I>o..,th&'01""":t.""qll&&t.t"-.a. oross ing at.. ..B. 11_t ..tree'. atati.q.. tha't-th........ many dlsadyaatqea inprovlMlI8e..b ,ol'()8a.lqattMat.ae,,,tbe, pr1ncipal oaebeius 11-1a. 0"""'. 11l8....>>it'. duet 0 eldeR... pa'lp"i tt :Ngl,llaUoua, . t.ob-t$- .1..tJ'1~a1equlp..att.r . the ' prote.tioaot noha ..oroeslaff. . .lJe- "1'.~'Jl&.wl4"iD8 01' ex1a.Ung&roSSlJi88tOi1'theal~.Y1"10Det De:l-ra,...tl'at-tio problem, alao staUq'ha' th81'ewo,u4b&..re"...tralU.la. oP8rattoD thls year,and_'the~ft8taeeJ'8had'l'eoe.1Ye4 . speo1tioiDatruoUoJl8 1I>o8000aduot.W$t~hi:1I8 openUo..-aa 110 oause a m1Dbwm- .ot tratflo '....UoniDtoWDlt. "'lIay01" reoo_nded tbat the matter b&'det.nea UD>>1 nod e'llllllllel' but ... HUl sa1dhewulnta'f'Or ot~pt!llulnBthe 01.... 1'8'quest tor the 01'oaslng,'and moved thatslIIle lie.. put bat suoh time as signalsare,.btainable, 010hmo1l10. was secen4e4,. by JI'r. MUler.On :toU oall, tbe. vote wa. a. follo-~ Hr. .:1.1 yea, Jno.~aoobsaoll voUua,D. JIiUel' "ea,Kr. Spath yes, Kr. ~oott ~s. '!'he-'1I01I1oaoa1':de4. JI1t. Qada1at___ed the members and agreed to repert this aotioP,. 119 the RaQ.:rOad teoe1ve:n, and tttreo..eadthat th,1a.beden.. fte hOU1" ot 8lOG o'oloolel1avius 81'rl.ed., .call ......4. tor objeotioJl8 to the proposed.Ulpl'Ovem.nt of Thomas stl'.e', as. advertised under resolut10l1.Q5...J'olm'~ap~. in the intere,st ot hl& olieDtn. J'oz..&taUnc"hat H. pl'e-, vloualy outlinel in a let'e~ to the Cj)Wl~l1. )11'. 'ox ob3e,.'ed to the t.pro"ing of said street at 1'ts preseDt altoot wlltla but was wUl1ng to donate 1&, tee't provld1q Kr. MoO,be, the oppo81yo 01lll8J'would do lileltw1ae md:lul'tbuprOTidlD8 that ' the City would, inexOhage tor suoh property. meke till pro- posed street improvemea1l without expense to abutUII8 propert,. 01ll1e1's. Be oonteDded thd the street, was ot no beaefl. tor)l1'. lox pEr&ona1l7, .but rather to .the resllents li.,iJ18 .0 the \Yes" of ADd_e_ Avenue, _0 would thereby be gi.8a an ouUell to the Ooean Blvd. On tbese groundS, JlN Ada. wi.h.el to eater protest asainst the ~rovement as proposed by the 0111'1 on the basl. ot a 20-toot r~t-ot..way. ,After' lIC>~ider- able ~1a0U88ioa, I'll was finallt moved by IIr.Z40obe that the COtlDol1'ftOO81l1ze the objeotion mab to this PlIVing aad poet- poae, turther oonataerat iOIl of ..me uDtJ1 nen ..e1l1118 to allow the Stnet Committee to conta.' .these abuttill8 owaeJ'& la an a. 'he. 1IlP. t to work out.a aaUstao'tor7 OOJllPl'GIIlDe SOlU,",.loa in :reg..a to a_e. Mr. .U~er aeoonded "he moUoa.and 011 J'pll oa;Ll the vote was as 'follows:Jfl'. aUJ. ;ves. )1].". ifaoobs ',-ea,. ".IIU~er yes. Jitr. Saba _ 18&, Mr. soon yea. The _UOil ca,..,,,.d. , .c'~, )" , '\j {]'l~!. ~ ;, D('-' , , J' [)