11-03-41 Informal 1E34 COUNCIL CIW4BER ) NO"l8mber 3, 1941 Atter an informal meeting and diBcus8ion with local contractors and DIIlmbers or the Building Contractors Examining Board, the Council DIIlt in special sessian at 8:30 P.ll. with the Cit1 Att0n181 and the tollowing DIIlBlber8 of. the Council preseDt. 1Ir. Hill, 1Ir. Jacobs, Kr. lIiller, JIr. Sabath, and 1Ir. Scott. , , In conformit1 with a IIOtion made b1 W.K. Water8, at the above DIIlntioned. meeting at contractors, which was secorded b1 1Ir. Schrader .d 4ul1 carried, Hr. John ThieDlll pre8ented to the Council a request that the ord.1.J$ace establishing a Contractors' Examining Board lIIIli regulations, and alee the one raising license tees tor General Building Contractors and General Contractors be repealed and the Contractors' license tees be retumed to the amount ch8rged previous to the paeeage ot the above IIIIlI1tioned ordinances. It was according:Qr moved, 8econded and carried that the tollowing ordimnce, repealing ordinance 382, which provided tor the examining and licensing ot contractors and Sllperintendents, be placed on its first reading: " i L ORDINAmE 422 AN EllEltGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COONCIL OF THE CITY OF DEmAY BEACH, FLCRIDA, RmPEALING ORDINANCE 10.382 l!XTITUm "AN ClIDINANCE fF TIlE CITY: CF DEUU.Y BEACH, FLaUDA, PIlOVmING Fal THE LICl!XSIl(; Of PERSONS, FIRIE AN> C<ll.PCll.ATI~S ENGAGlNG IN 'lHE BUSINESS OF CotrrRACTOIlS AH) SUPERINTJ:NDENTS IN 'DII!: CITY C1' DEIRAY BEACH, FLaimA, JlAKIOO IT UNLlWFUL TO mGAGE IN THE BUSINESS OF CCMRACmR WITHOOT A LICENSE, PllOvn>ING FQR EX- AMINATIONS TO BE PASSED BY THE CONTRACTOR AND SUPERIN'l'EHDllNT Am CERTIFICA'm TO IE OBTAINED lEFatE LICENSE .SHAIL BE ISSUED, AND PROVIDlOO PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATI(JI OF THIS ORDINOOE AND FROVISIONS Fal THE ENFalC1!JIENT TIBREOF". The ordinance _s recited as being an emergenc1 ordinance, andaf'ter having been read in full, it _s moved b11lr. Hill, esonced b1 1Ir. Sabath and unanimous:Qr carried that it be adopted on its first ard tinal re~. It was turther IIIOved, secorded and carried that the tollowing ordinance, repealing ordinance 400 and re-in8tating the provisiOns ot the'license ordimnce lIbich _s in ettect prior to the pas8age ot l!&illordinance 400, be placed on its first readingl :1835 November 3, 1941 ORDINANCE 423 AN EllERGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY CF DELRAY BEACH, FURIDA, REPEALING CRDINAtl:E NO. 400, THE SAME BEIrI: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY. COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF llELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, DEFINING 'lHE OOOUPATION OF GENERAL BUIIDnt:CONTRAC1OR, GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND SUB- CONTRACTCR, DEFINING THE TERll CONTRACTOR AND PROVIt>ING FOR A LICENSE FEE FOR ALL CONTRACTOllS DOING BUSINESS IN THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA" AND REENACTING THE PROOIVIOOS C1f ORDINANCE NO. 243, THE SAKE BEll(; "AN alDlNAN::! OF 'lIB CITY COUNCIL CF 'lHE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLCRIDA, FIXING OCCUPATIONAL ~ AND LICENSES TO BE CHARGm THE VARIOUS PERSONS, FlRlIS OR CORPORATIONS ENGAGED IN al JlANAGIOO ANY BUSINP'.$, 1Il0FESSION, OR OCCUPATION IN TIE CITr CF DElRAY BEAa!, FURmA" IN SO FAR AS SUCH ORDINANCE AFFECTS THE LICl!XSE FEI!: !.'OR CONTIlACTORS. , Said ordinance was read in full, and it having been recited to be an emergency ordinance, Mr. Hill moved th&t it be adopted on its first reading and nnal passalJe. Mr. Sabath seconded the motion, and on roll call the vote was as follow81 )(r. Hill 188, )(r. Jacob8 yes, 1Ir. YiUer 188, Mr. Sabath 18s, Mr. Scott 18S. The motion carried. The ordinance regulating insect and termite controlwa8 also di8cu88ed, it being stated that complaint had been made that the $100.00 license feellmlposed by such ordinance was prohibitive, and it had been requested that said fee be reduced. After discuasion it was moved, seconded and carried that ordinance 390 be lIIi1ended to reduce thll license fee to $25.00 as charged to contractors, and that paragraph (A) of Section 2 be amended to provide tor en inve8tigation by 10 he Building Inspector, the Fire Chief andIthe Acting Cit1 Engineer, certifying as to the proficiency of the aRllicant in making alteration and repairs to structures. Accord- ing:Qr the following ordinance was then placed on its fir8t reading. ORDlNAn:E 424 AN EIlERGENCY ORDINANCE CF '!HE CITY CXlUNCIL OF THE CITY CF DELRAY BEAa!, FLCRmA, AIoIENDOO ORDINANCE NO 390 mTITLED "AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUN::IL OF THE CITY OF DEIllAY BEACH, FLORIDA, REGULATING FUNGUS AND/OR INSECT COOTROL, PROVmING FOR PElIlIT TO CONDUCT SUCH OCCUPATION OR BUSINESS IN S AID CITY, PROVIDING Fal LICENSE FEE THmEFOR AND arHER REGULATIONS IN REFERENCE THERETO. 1.E36 November 3, 1941 , Said ordinaree having been read in full and it being recited as an emergenq ordinance, it was lIDved by llr. Hill, seconded b1 ute Jacobs, and on roll call unanimous:Qr carried that it be adopted on its first and final reading. The )(qor reported that Bill Webb had 471; feet of 2-inch pipe which he 1ll)uld seiU for 15 cents per foot. 80II1II of the IIIIImbers Considered this too mu::h for used pipe, and it _s suggested and agreed tbat the CitT pay him .10 cents per foot, plus cancellation of old tine of $75.00 which the Cit1 holds against 1Ir. Webb. 1Ir. .Baker was authorized to submit this otter to 1Ir. Webb. The Jlayor enquired whatu;he _mbers ineended to do about Gee. K. Smith's application for package store license. It was stated the County had refused to grant said applicant:a license and it was therefOl'e moved b1 Kr. Killer thet the city reject llr. Smith's application on the grounds of the Count1' s refusal to issue such liquor lidense. 1Ir. Hill seconded the IIIOtion and on roll call the vote _s as follows: lIr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, llr. Killer yes, llr. Sabath 1es, Mr. Scott yes. The IIIOtion carried. The 1la101' reported that A.F. Baggett _s anxious to purchase Lot 26 Block 40, belonging to Johnny B. Samuela, and he asked the City Aj;torney to ascertain what this colored 1lODJall would take for he r lot. , l " The llayor asked the memers what th81 thought of publishing the 1941-1942 budget figures, which the Clerk intorDllld them would cost between twent1 lKId twent.1-five dollars. After disuus8ion it _s regular:Qr moved, secorded am carried that tbl Clark be auth- orized to haw S&IIIB published for the benetit of the public. It _s moved b1 JIr. Miller that .the salary of the City Attorney be raised to $50.00 per IIIOnth, am that of llrs. Catherine Strong to $75.00 perronth, said raises to be effective as of Octcber let, 1941. 1Ir. Jacobs seconded the mal;ion, and en roll call the vote was unanimous and the motion was declared carried. . Upon enquiry regarding the 6-inch /IIlter needed for the Town of Gultstream, the City Engineer stated that the Bessemer COJllP&ll1 had received confirmation or the order but had not yet received the IIIIIter. It was reported that the street sign at the Corner of Atlentic Avenue ard S.E. Eighth Avenue read "S.E. Eighth Street- and 1Ir. Sabath requested that this mistake be corrected. . . :1837 .J Novelli>er 3, 19U , Councilman Sabath 8Ubmitted a lengthy letter from F .P. liedford of the Seaboard Railway with reference to the possibility of bringing a minor lsague baseball team to Delray for training. The communication went into dstail as to what would be required of the City in the ~ of improvelll8lts to the baseball park, and accoDBllOdations for the players. The City Engineer estimated necessary improvements would cost, rough:Qr, around $2,500.00. Some of the members doubted it this amount would be IllI1'ficient to cover the improvements outlined in the letter, and stated that thll1 c<l1ld see no way of financing such a IIlOW this year. It was suggested that Ilr. Sabath investigate further to see if &n1 -1 could be 110 rked out to bring such a team here at a minimum cost to the City. ~ adjourn. It was regular:Qr moved, seconded and carried that Council '.' ~tn~ city Clerk 1 APPROVED : ~ )layor. -<