da nuary 1, 1940
The Council assembled at 9:00 A.M. for annual
organization meeting as provided by Seo:tion 12 ot
the City Charter. The City Attorney and melll!bers
Bradshaw, Crego,Hill; and MUler were present.
Counoilman Hall Was absent.
- BY moti on regul arly made, seoonded and ca:r~iad
the minutes of the meeting of Deoember 21,th were.~~:pp"-,,
roved as read. . '.
The Clerk was questioned as to Whether there
remained any unfinished busmesst and reported tha1l.
there was none requiring aotion of the old Counoil~
Mr. Crego said before adjournment 01' theO.l,d
CounoU, he wanted to express, to the differen~
lIJ3mbers and employees" the e~ncUfs appreoiall.~p..
for their oooperation and faithful servioe during
the past year.
The business of the Old counoil having been
oompleted, it was moved by J,tr,,:d3:1.'adahaw thattbB
Gounoil ad journ sine die. Mr. Mmer seconded
the motion and on roll oall the vote was as 1'ollQWs:
Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr.., Crego yes, l4r.H1l1 yes,
Mr. Miller yes. 'the motion carried.
Mr. Hill, Aoting-Chairman, then called the
Council-Eleot to order, and the oath 01' o1'1'ioe
was duly administered by theOity Clerk to nevAy
eleoted Oounclll1J3n c.:W. Hill, \If.A. Jacobs and A.L.
It was thereupon reoommended by. Counoilman
Bradshaw that the next order of business be prooeeded
with, viz. the. e leotion of a Mayor. and President 01'
the Ccmnoll. Mr. Miller said he thought t he intention
had been that the Counoil merely meet to make the
prooedure legal and to then adjourn until Tuesday
night for further eleotion and a~ointments. He
agreed hov.ever, to prooeed with1lh.1S,,_,order 01' bus...
iness s inoe other members des ired,t O""do so.
Mr. Bradshaw stated it was, a .l'lard thing to go
ahead and eleot a member for this ottice, and al thottg'b(,
he felt Mr. Crego wae due,'Il~. apJ'lqi~tlllent h~ heSi... .
tated to nominate him, due to his poor health ancl
6 .
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COUNCIL CHAMBER - January 1, 1940
as Mr. ,Hill and Mr. Miller v.ere both business !!len,
needing to devote muoh 01' their time to suoh private
businesses, he considered Mr. Jaoobs the most logioal
lIJ3mber for the of1'ioe and accordingly moved that Jitr.
Jaoobs be nominated to serve as Mayor and President
01' the Council for the ensuing year 01' 1940.
Mr. Miller seoonded the motion and on roll call the
vote was as follOws: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego
yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs not voting, Mr. MUleI'
yes. The motion carried, and Mr. Jaoobs was deolared
Mr. Jaoobs thanked the Counoil for the *;Q.t;S.on
....--1 stating that he would try to merit the CounolJ:.~s
good will and oarry on to the very best Of his abi11ty,
aDd to be guided at all times by the will of the
his inte nt ions; that therewere de1'ini tely no strings
attached to his aooeptanoe 01' the office and that
every member would receive due and full oonsideration
during the forthooming year. He said he believed 111
woule be best to postpone the committee appointments
to allow for a little more thought and consideration
of same, and if it was the will of the Oouncil he
recommended that this and the appointment of City'
employees be postponed until the next regular meeting
of the Council, January 8th. .He said he saw no
reason for removing any of the present employees
providing they had given good servioe and had not
violated Seotion 133 of the Oity Charter pertaining
to solicitation 01' votes during election. .
There being no 1'1ll'ther business, meeting ad-
journed to meet in regular session A~ :: _~_
Monday night, January 8th, at 7:30 P.M.
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