01-08-40 Regular > ,~ , 1.385 COUNCn. CHAMmR January 8, 1940 . 'l.he Gounoil met in regular session at 7:30 P.M~ with the fOllowing members present: Mr. Bradshaw, Mr. Qrego, :Mr. Hill Bttd Mr. Jaoobs. ):fr. Miller was absent. '1'he minutes of the meeting of 3'anuary 1st were approved as read. The Mayor reoonmended eleotion of a Vioe-Jleyor as the first order of bus iness. whereupon it was moved br Counoilman Crego that:Mr. BradShaw be naninated' to 1'11'1 the offioe of Vioe-Mayor for the ensuing year. IIr. Hill seoonded the motion and on roll oall the vote was as follows: :Mr. Bradshaw not voting, Mr. Crego yes, :Mr. Hill yes, l\!lr. Jaoobs yes. The mUon oarried and Mr. Bradshaw was deolared eleoted to fill the Vioe-Mayor's'offioe for the year 1940. In appointing committees, the Mayor stated it had been the usual praotioe for. the Mayor to aot "as Chairman of the Finanoe Committee but in view of Mr. Hill's ex. perienoe on that Conmittee he proposed to appoint him as ohairman of suoh and :Mr. Bradshaw as seoond member, plaoing himself on same as the third member. The UL oonmittee appointments were then announoed by the Mayor as follows: FINANCE COMMITTEE,: ('inanoe & Real Estate) c. W. Hill, Chairman D.M. Bradshaw W.A. Jaoobs LIGErr, PARK & GOLF COMMIT'l'U: A.L. Miller, Chairman C. W. Hill D.M. Bradshaw STREETS, WATER & FIRE COMMI'1'l'EE: D.M . BradShaw, Chairman Frank Crego A.L. Miller 1.38f COUNCIL CHAMBER: - January 8th, 1940 SANITATION COMMITTEE:. (Public Health & Sanitation) Frank Crego, aha irman W.A. Jaoobs A.L. Miller ORDINANeECOMMI'lTEE : W.A. Jaoobs, Chairman Frank Crego C.Vv. Hill ~'- !twas moved by Mr. Crego that the :Mayor'sCODlllittee appointments be approved and oonfirmed, :Mr. Bradshaw see_ onoded the motion and on roll ol)lll the, vote was as follows: :Mr, BradShaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. HUlyes, :Mr.iTaoobs not voting. The motion ms deolarEldoa:rrled. Other speoial board and oommittee appointnents by the Mayor were made as follows: + PLUMBING EXAMINERS BOAID: , Frederiok Brown Frank Crego D.M. Bradshaw W.A. .raoobs - Plumbing Inspeotor - Chairman of the Sani tary Co~"tte'e - Chairman of the Water 8omm11ltee - Mayor BOARD OF ELECTRICAL EXAMINERS: ~ L. W. Cook iToe ~sson B.A. Bailey C. W. Hill A. L. Miller - Eleotrical Inspeotor ... Representative of Local Power Co~ ... Looal Eleotrioal Oontraotor ... Ooun oilman - Oounoilman Th~ Mayor stated he was opposed to any group of oitizens aoting as a direotory oommittee to the Counofl but sinoe theli'itizens Advisory Camn1ttee had rendered such valuable service to the Council during the past year, ,in an advis... ory capaoity he VI'Ould like to rendminate these members to oontinue their work with theCounoil on any matters where cooperation of oit izens and oounoil might be deemed helpful. Therefore !:Ie reappointed this oommittee, as folloWs:' al'l'IZENS ADVISORY COMMI'l'l'l!)E: l W.O. ;relks, Chairman Ohas D. Boughton E.M. Wilson It.A. HUbbard Paul Rehr. , ~ ~i. 1.387 OOlJNCn. CHAMBER - January 8th, 1940 . It was moved by Mr. Crego that these appointments be approved. :Mr. Hill se oonded the motion and on roll call the vote was as foll ows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, J.Ir. Hill yes, :Mr. ;raoobs not voting. The motion carried. A communication from ;r.E. Farrar wss read, aSking tlBt a row of Australian pines on the East side of the Ocean Boulevard 'opposite his property, Lots 34 & 35 Seotion 9, be either removed or trimmed to a hedge height of 10 or 15 feet. :Mr. Bradshaw thought probably these trees were en State Road Depar1ment right...of..way, but was of the opinion they shmu1d be trimmed as requested if on City property+ He therefore moved that the Street Conmittee confer with County Commissioner Byrd, with a view to removing the condition complained of, and report back to the Council. Mr. Oregose conded the motion and on roll oall the vote was as follows: :Mr. BradshaW yes, 14r. Crego yes, Mr. Hill yes j :Mr. ;racobs' yes. The motion cal'1'1ed. A letter of reference from W.V. croft recommending .orris Bird for the position of assistant Life-Guard was read. Mr. Crego stated it had been customary to turn these applications over to the Chairman of the Parks Oonm- ittee for consideration and recommendation, whereupon the conmunication wss referred to Councilman Miller and his committee to consider, with other applications, in making the assistant life-guard appointment.~ A letter was read from u.N. Metcalf, oomplaining of undue shrieking of train whistles "through the town, especially at night, and asking that some responsible official of Delray Beach bring this matter to the Railroad's attention with a view to having the nuisanoe abated. It was reconmended that the City Clerk write the loaal agent regarding the oomplaint, aSking that he bring the matter to the attention of the proper offici,ala for remedy. A letter was read from Mrs. C.~. ~hompson, protesting the clearing of her property in .Block: 73 at this time, on the grounds that she had paid $90.00 a year ago for such work ant'i felt the clearing of it again at this time was unjUstifiable. The Chairman of the Sanitary Committee stated these lots had been included with other preperties and advertised in the proposed lot cleaning project now under consideration; that they had not been properly cleaned last year with the result that they were overgrown again,but that it was not the intention to clear them at this time unless Mrs. Thompson wanted 1 t done. The following letter was read: 1388 OOUNCIL CHAMBER - January 8th, 1940 FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY-\'<<)RK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION OF FLORIDA HEADQUARTERS AREA 5 Miami Roy Schroder State Administrator iTanuary 2, 19 40 llr. H. Cromer Acting City Engineer Delray Beach, Florida Dear Mr, Cromer: Your letters of November 17th and December 22nd are at hand. After receiving your letter ofN~vember 17th, we oontacted Miss Essie Geiger, Area Supervisor of Recreation and requested that a playground director be assigned to your city park. Miss Geiger stated that due to decreased quota, she would be unable to place a worker in your park at that time. We were under the impress ion that s he had written you to that effeot. As soon as the statewide recreation quota is in- creased, Miss Geiger will be happy to furnish you with a playground dire ctor. Cordially yours, /8/ Frances Callahan, Area Supvr. Professional & Service Division Areas 4, 5 and 11 The Mayor enquired whether such playground director would be paid wholly by W.P.A. funds or if the' City would be required to pay a portion of such salary, Mr, Cromer sald it was his understanding that this director would serve on a part time basis as other W.P.A. Workers and would be paid entirely by government funds. The c OllIIlun- ication was referred to the Chairman of the Parks Committee, It was.reported that the Childrens Playground would be completed about the first week in February and the W.P.A. wanted, at that time, to move its crew to the City's Beach In!Provement Pro ject. Th.is project, Sponsor's No. 17, which had been approved last July called for an aotual cash outlay, by the City, of f!J proximately t600.00,.to be matched by a government appropriation of ti,443.00 The City Engineer stated this figure of $500,.00 did not 1.389 COUNCIL CHAMBER - January 8th, 1940 oover items for labor, supervision or engineering work to be furnished by the City but was primarily for materials. He said no beautifioation or planting of shrubbery was provided for in the pro ject, but that such beautification oould be done with funds appropriated under the street beautification project now under way. He said the W.P.A. Offioe asked that it be furnished an offioial letter from the Council giving instruotions for the conmenoe- ment of this new Besch Projeot. Mr. Crego said before taking any action on same he would like to go over the project with Mr. Cromer to see exactly what it is proposed to do, What it would oost, and what the City will get for the money expended. Then if it is necessary for a letter to be written authority oould be given. Mr. Bradshaw said before proceeding with the projeot, he would like to know how the citizens over there felt about it; whether it would be disturbing to them, at the present time, to have the boulevard torn up and work going on. It was therefore re cODDnended tha t the entire Counoil look over the proposed pro je ot and endeavor to learn what the sentiment of adjacent residents is in regard to pro- oeeding with the work. Mr. Jacobs reoonmended that it be taken up later, as a speoial order of business by the Parks Conmittee and other members of the Council. written report of a survey made by the City Engineer regarding signs on City property, stated he had found two E.B. Elliott Advertising Canpany signs looated on the Oity's aoreage in Seotion 21, viz, one advertising Burdine's Ino" and the other advertising The Hotel Edison of New. York City, It was debated whether the City should require rental for such signs or order them removed entirely. Mr. Herb Roth, who was present, said he believed suoh signs were objectionable to most people, especially to touris ts pass ing thro ugh Florida and he 0 ons idered they should be eliminated as muoh as possible, ByooDlllon consent of the Counoil, the )fayor direoted the City Clerk to write the Elliott Oompany asking that they be removed. Superintendent Baker was authorized to purohase an eight-inch valve required in the installation of the al ti- tude valve ordered from Golden Anderson Valve Company to be used in operating its small 7~gallon tank in oonjunction with the City's large one, The Mayor reported having talked with M~. Byrd, Attorney for the Town of Gulfstream, in regard to Delray Beaoh furnishing this adjoining munioipality with water. on an individual metering basis. Be said the Town would like to enter into a contract with Delray Beach to furnish water and would be willing to give this oity a franchis e for that purpose, Mr. Jacobs thought the pro- position worth going into, provid4ng the Oit~'s p~ant is of sufficient oapacity to serve this added territory, 1.390 COUNCn. CHAMBER ... ;Tanuary 8th, 1940 Counailman Hill said it would necessitate the installation of a new pump and probably the s inking of add itional wells. The Mayor asked the Water Committee to give the matter immediate consideration, as it would mean additional rev- enue providing it oould be worked out without too great expense to the City. It was recommended that the advioe of a reliable engineer be obtained before taking any aotion in the matter. It was therefore moved by:Mr. Bradsha_ that the City Clerk be instructed to write C.Y. Byrd, as legal representative. of the Town of Gulf Stream, advising him that the Counoil is obtaining an Engineer's report on the water situation here and will advise him as soon as possible, What the City oan do in this regard. :Mr. Crego se oonded the motion and on roll oall the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hill yes, :Mr.3'acobs yes. The motion carried. The Mayor said that before long the Oi ty would have to lay another water main across the Canal, and he believed it would be advisable to start getting the necessary,,permit from the Oanal Company for this purpose. He receommended that the matter of laying this new line, its size, looation &c" be taken up and inoluded in the Engineer's report on the water plant, whioh is to be secured. Miss Lee Belle Priest, representing the American Legion AUXiliary, came before the Counoil aSking permission for said organization to sponsor the free operation of two amusement devioes in town, the proceeds 01' whioh are to be shared with the auxiliary for charitable purposes. One amusement, to be operated for approximately B week or ten days, on Lot 16 Block 92, consisted of rides for children, the other, a ball-throwing device, was to be operated :den n'!;-o -.,thikAmattoanNJ:.egi&n ~B eDillgps i8l:Jte pn Atlantic Avenue for the duration of several weeks. Neither of these ooncess ions were gambling devices, Miss Priest said, and it was also agreed to discontinue the operatian of either of these if at any time the Oouncildeemed them objeotionable. It was acoordingly moved by:Mr. Crego that the request for these two concessions be granted. :Mr. Bradshaw seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, :Mr. Cre go yes, Mr. Hill yes, :Mr.. ;Tacobs yes. The motion aarried. George Greene oame before the Counoil, again asking. that something be done to foroe the owner to fill the water hole adjaoent to his property in the \iheatley Subdivision. He claimed it was a hazard and an obsta ole to the sale or rental of his property. It was oontendedby the members that s inoe the pond was a natural water oourse, existlng prior to Mr. Green's acquiring of the property, Mr. Zook was not responsible and should not be forced into the expense of filling the hole at this time. COUNCn. CHAMBER - J"anuery 8th, 1940 1.391. 1he Mayor outlined briefly, mosquito control work contemplated by the County, which preliminary work it was estimated would require a levy of approximately one mill throughout the County. Elton Harvel oame before the members asking finan. cial consideration from the City for the extra work required on streets being improved, due. to rain damage, He said streets had been finished and approved and turned over to the City but before the City oould oil them heavy rains had oome and damaged the oompleted work, thereby requiring them to be re-worked and finished again. He felt that the Oity should assume some or the expense of this re-1inish- ing, and after disoussion, it was moved by Mr. Hill that Harvel Brothers be oredited on roller rental, the amount of the extra expense chargeable to refiniShing 01 streets damaged by rain after aooeptance by the Superintendent of Publio Works, bills for suoh work to be O.K'd by O.~. Baker and submitted for the Council's approval. Mr. Qrego seconded the motion and on roll oall the vote was as followe : Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. cTacobs yes. The motion carried. Mr. Crego brought up the matter of interseotions, stating these should be finished properly to conform wi th the new improvement and since they had not been inoluded in the Harvel contract he asked whether the members wanted the Harvel boys to do this extra work or have the City Superintendent and his men do it. l\fter disoussion, it was moved by Mr. Hill that the inter- seotions be completed by Harvel Brothers. Mr. Bradshaw seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. cTacobs. yes. The motion carried and the ordinance was declared adopted. It was moved by Mr. Bradshaw that mr.SOT,TTTTON ~45 -' be adopted, authorizing the signatures of IY.A. cTaoobs, Mayor, and D.M. Bradshaw, Vice-Mayor, to a:U checks issued on the West Palm Beach Atlantic National Bank, also RESOLUTION 346 for all cheeks issued on the Florida State Bank, by the City of Delray Beaoh. Mr. Crego se conded the motion, am on roll oall the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradsbaw yes, Mr. JOrego yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. cTacobs yes. The motion carried. (By motion regularly made, seconded and carried the f61lowing ordinance was pla ced on its firs t read i~ : 'WJ2!NANCJl: ~7 AN ORDINANCE OF THE OITY' OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, DES IGNATING CERTAIN ZONIfl AS DE- FINED BY THE CITY ZONING ORDINANCE AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY ZONING MllP TO BE SO ALTERED SO AS TO SHOW SUCH CHAmES. 1.392 COUNCIL OHAMBER - January 8, 1940 The ordinance having been read in full, it was moved by Mr. Bradshaw that it, be passed on its first reading. :Mr. Crego seconded the motion and on roll oall the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Ifill yes, Mr. Jaoobs yes. The motion was declared carried. ') The City Attorney reported having returned the right-of-way deed to Mr. Zook, advising that the City had deoided to rebuild the sidewalk on its present site, and in reply had received a letter from Mr. Zook, stating he would be willing to give deed for the added right-of- way if the City merely hauled in suffioie nt s oil to make the grade, south from the sidewalk, look deoent. The Council agreed that this'was aooeptable and that on these terms the work could be done as originally planned. Mr. Jacobs stated that he had been requested to install a street light on the standard in front of the Boyd BloCk, and in aocordance with the request it was moved by Mr. Hill that the City Clerk be authorized to instruct the Florida Power & Light Company to re instate said whiteway light. Mr. Crego seconded the motion, and on roll c all the" vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes. The motion carried. v The City Clark reported no reply had been reoeived from the F.E.C. Railway in regard to providing additional safety measures, at grade orossings, but that the S.A.L. ,Railway had installed small safety signs on eaoh side or its crossings and would like the approval of the City on these. The members agreed to look at them and advise if they oomplied with reg,uirements. The Mayor stated he was unprepared to make appilint- ments of city employees at this meeting, and requested that they continue for the time being; also stat ing that he had found no satisfactory objeotion to their continu- ing in their present positions, but preferred to postpone official reappointment for the time being. By motion of Mr. Crego, seconded by Mr. Hill, and on roll oall unanimously carried, bills numbered 5085 to 5142 having been O.Ktd by the Finanoe Cornmittee,were returned to the Council and ordered paid. ' By motion regularly made, seconded and carried Council adjourned. ~~ w. Grl Oi ty Cler APPROVED: ~n&