01-19-40 Special 1393 . COUNCIL CHAMBER January 19, 1940 Jhe Council met in special session at 10:00 A.M. with the following members present: Mr. Bradshaw, Mr. Crego, Mr. Hill and Mr. Jacobs. The City Attorney, Mr. L.A. Paine and Mr. Thomas M. Cook, fisoal agents, were also present. Councilman Miller was absent. , The Mayor announced the spe cified bus iness of the meeting was for the purpose of reoeiving sealed tenders on the City's Series "A" Refunding bonds. Bids as follows were thereupon opened and sub- mitted to the Council: " BIDDER A.C. Allyn &. Co. 100 W.Monroe St. Ohioago, Ill. AMT. OFFERED > Kirchofer &. Arnold Inc. 40 Wall Street New York City Seoond National Bank Cinoinnati, Ohio 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 7,000 PRICJ1j 48 49 50 51 61 22,000 80 After disoussing the bids Mr. Bradshaw. moved that the City aocept A. C. Allyn Canpany's bid on the 12 bonds at a total price of $5,940.00, and that all other tenders, at this time, be rejected. Mr. Crego seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes. The motion carried. Mr. Cook stated he had reason to believe A.C. Allyn &. Company owned some 'thirty five thousand dollars worth of bonds and suggested that the City make this company an offer of fifty oents for these additional bonds. It was acoordingly moved by Mr . Bradshaw that the City Clerk wire acceptanoe of A.C. Allyn's tender on the tw~lve bonds, stating that the City will aooept approximately '23,000.00 . additional bondS at fifty cents, for immediate aooeptanoe. :139'i COUNCIL CHAMBER - January 19, 1940 Mr. crego seconded the motion, and on roll oall the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jaoobl!l' yes. The motion oarried. The Chairman of the Finance Committee stated he was working on the water situation, and believed he would be able to get a complete story as to the capaoity and possibilities of the plant, and as to what may be expevted of it, in the supplying of the Town of Gulf Stream with water, which report he believed oould be obtained without oost to the City, and which he hoped to have for Counoil meeting on the 22nd. The Clerk reported Harvel Brothers were assigning oertain street improvement oertifioates, to be issued on the street oontraot now under way, and asked what the Counoil's wishes were in this regard. It was reoommended that theFinance Committee get together and deoide just What oertifioates the Council" intends to aooept for the $5,000. extended b~ the City on this paving oontraot so that Harvel Brothers may assign the remainder if they so desire. T~ Mayor reoommended the immediate appointment of employees \~o are under bond, in the Clerk's offioe, also the Judge as the City Attorney stated the oharter .. made no provision for. hold-over in this office, after January 1st. It was therefore moved by Mr. Crego that W.E. Wilcox be appointed Munioipal Judge (as of January 1st) to serve for the year 1940. Mr. Hill seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows.: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jaoobs yes. The motion oarr ied. It was moved by Mr. Crego that Miss Cramp be appointed to fill these respective positions provided by the Charter, viz. City Clerk, Tax Collector, Tax Assessor and Treasurer. Mr. Hill seoonded the motion and on roll oall the vote wa s as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jaoobs yes. The motion oarried. It was further moved by Mr. Crego that thes.e employees be appointed to fill the following respective positions in the Clerk's Offioe: Jane Cremata Lee Belle Priest Deputy Clerk &. Tax Colleotor Deputy Clerk in Water Dept. Mr. Bradshaw seoonded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. .Jaoobs yes. The motion carried. 1395 COUNCIL CHAMBER - January 19th, 1940 After some f urthe r d is ouss ion with Mr. Cook in regard to the bond situation, Council, by motion regular- ly made, seconded and carried, adjourned, ~.~~ Ci ty Uler , APPROVED: ~