02-26-40 Regular 14H COUNCn. CHAMBER ~ebruary 26, 1940 TheC'tJUncil met Lll regular session at 7 :30 P.M. with the City Attorney and the following members pre- sent: Mr. Bradshaw, Mr. Crego, Mr. Rill, 1~. Jacobs and Mr. Miller. It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that the minutes of the last regular meeting, February 12th, be approved as read. A communication was read asking that the City Council appoint one of its members to serve on the Board of Direotors for the Chamber of Camnerce. in compliance wi th the request it was moved by Mr. Bradshaw that the Mayor be appointed to represent the Counoil in this capaoity. Mr. Hill seoonded the motion, and on roll call, the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr,. crego yes, Mr. Hill yes, 11r. Jaoobs not voting, Mr. Miller yes. The motion carried. In ans'M3r to a oommunication from Thomas M. Cook &. Cc.mpany, it was moved by Mr. Rill that the Clerk purohase ~ the $665.00 bond offered by said company at a price of 50 cents and interest. Mr. Bradshaw seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes. The motion carried. A letter from H. I. Pittman, Secretary of the ~ire Departrrent, re commending the appointment of John R. Uregory on the Board of Trustees of the Firemenfs Relief and Pension Fund was read, and in accord with the recommenda- tion, it was regularly moved, seconded and carried that N.r. Gregory be the designated appointee on said Boord. J>' Apetition was submittedfrom various churoh member- ships in the oommunity asking that the City give churches special rates for water consumed in maintaining lawns and shrubbery, and in compliance with the request it was moved by Mr. Bradshm'l that, as an inducement for Churches to landscape and maintain lawns and beautification, that the City char,ge churches a flat price per month of only $1.50 plus $.50 cents maintenance charge, for all the water they want to use. Mr. Miller seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. ~radshaw yes, lI.I'. Crego yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes. The motion carried. 1419 COUNCIL CHAMBER - February 26, 1940 The City Clerk submitted, for the Council's a:pproval, a subdivision of Block 133, being the South 205.75' of same, resurve :'Ted and ])1 atted into lots, to be known as Riker Square. The members inspected the plat, 'mich seem,d satisfactory except in regard to easements for public utilities. It was therefore moved by Mr. Crego that the plat be referred to the City Engineer to look over and make recomnendation back to the Council. The Mayor staten he was willing to oall a s])ecial meeting for approval of s8id p18t if llecessary. Mr. Hill seconded Councilman Crego's motion which carried unanimously. A letter was read from C.Y. Byrd, Attorney for the To\'ln of Gulfstrcam, requesting a further and d8~inite report as to what the City of Delray Beach can do in regard to furniShing water service in the Town of Gulfstream. The Chairman of the Water Committee reported that the Florida Power &. Light Company had been prepar- ing a re])ort for the past several 'veeks on the ,'later Plant situation; that same hac1 not been completed, but that as soon as the informa tion was available, the City 'would get in touch with Mr. Byrd anel Mayor Wal13ce advising them further in the matter. The Ci tv Clerk was instructed to wri te, and so anvise Mr. Byrd. . City Engineer Cromer reporten a conversation he had had with Mr. Riley of Bessemer Properties, in which it was stated that his Company, who is a large property owner in Gulf Stre'am, wouln be willing to put up money to cover the original cost involved for the laying of the required distribution system over there, provided a deal could be worked out with the City. This, it was estirnaten, \\1ouln cost about $27,000.00. Mr. Cromer also stated that he considered it poor policy for the City to furnish water through some one else's mains, as we are doing in the To','m of Gulfstream at the present time, since leaks occurring because of improper ma inte nance of such water system would cost us money. ' The Clerk submitted a sample sheet for a proposed bondbook record, the :price of which was considered extreme- ly high. The Clerk was therefore authorized to investi- gate further and obtain best prices possible on such re cords before pur cha sing. The Mayor re:9orted having received from the FIarley- Davidson Motor cycle Company, the very favorflble pri oe of $540.00 for a fully equipped new machine, allowing a trade-in credit of $225.00 on the old machine. Both the Mayor and Chief of police reconnended the purchase of this new machine on said basis. Councilman Miller said he was not in favor of purohasing it right now unless it was really needed, but upon the Mayor's reCOMmendation that the Ci ty purchase same and pay cash, it was moved by 1420 COUNCIL CBAMBER - February 26, 1940 Mr. Bradshaw t hat we enter into a c1 eal with the Harley- Davidson Company, of Miami, for purchase of same, as stated, on e cash basis. 1rr. Hill seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes. The motion carried. Call was made for objections to the assessment roll levied for Group 4 of the Street improvement work adver- tised in Special Improvement Resolution No. 319, and there being no objections to said work and no one appearing at this JTleeting to object to said assessment roll, it was moved seconded and carried that the following ord- inance be plaoed on its first reading: QRDTNANCE 350 .AN ORDINANCE CONFIRMING AND EQ,UALIZThIG ASSESS- }~S FOR STREET REPAIRS ON N.E. SECOND STREET, FROM N. S'.'lmTON AVENUE TO N.E. SEVENTH AVENUE, AND LEVYTITG SPECIAL ASSESSHENTS AS SHO''/N BY THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR S "ID SPECIAL TITROVEMENTS; PROVIDING THE I'lETHOD SAID SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS sHALL BE MADE; THE TTIm ,;,mEN THE SAl,'lE SHALL BECOME PAYABLE; THAT SAID ASSESm'lENTS TO B]; LEVIED SFJILL BE A LIEN FROM THE DATE OF THE ASSES<JMENT UPON THE RESPECTIVE LOTS DESCRIBED IN SAID ASSESSMENT ROLL AND SET FORTH HEREm; THE MANNER mVHICH SAID ASSESSMENTS ARE TO BE COLLECTED lIND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF SPECIAL CERTIFICATES OF m- DEBTEDNESS FOR THE A110tmT SO ASSESSED AGAINST THE ASSESSABLE PROPERTY, AND PROVIDINC'T THAT TIm crry MAY TRAN3FER AND DELJ:V}<~R A PORTION OF SAID CERTI- FICATES OF TIIDEBTEDNESS TO THE CONTRACTOR IN PAY- :!.'[ENT OF SAID SPFCIAL TI.{PTlOVEJ,mNTS. SIV I.j The ordinance having been read in full, it was moved by Mr. Miller that the ordinanoe be passed on its first reading. Mr. Crego seconded the motion and on roll oall the vote was as follo'~: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. crego yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes. The motion carried. It was moved by Mr. Bradshnw that the City renew its ,Vorkmen's Compensation insurance ]lolicy with the Great American Indemnity Company. "Mr. Miller seconded the motion which carried unanimously on roll call. The Clerk reported no property, located directly on Lake Ida was purchaseab,le from the State for taxes, but that the City held City tax certificates, which could before olosed, on several pieces apparently border- ing on the Lake. It was therefore recommended by the 1421 COUNCIL CHAMBER ~ February 26, 1940 Mayor that the members visit that section within the next two vreeks anI endeavor to ascert ain whether any of these parcels would be suitable for location of the City's future water plant. J The Cler-k also reported that a piece of the city's property, viz. the N40' Lot 8 Block 109, had been bid on and advertised for sale by the State. It was stated that, due to an oversight, the deed to said property had never been recorded and that taxes for 1933 werp out- standing, upon which the State had acquired title under the Murphy Law. It was therefore moved by Mr. Crego that the city Clerk have deed immefflately recorded and that the City Attorney be authorized to bid said property in at the sale, for the City. Mr. Miller seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hill .yes, Jlr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes. The motion aarried. The Chairman of the Sanitary Committee reported on his clean-up campaign, stating there was a fifty..foot street running North and South from S.E. First to S.E. Second street, between blocks 78 and 86 which was bad4! overgrown and should be cleaned by the City. It was therefore moved that this street be thoroughly cleaned and grubbed at the city's expense by Mr. crego's hired labor. Mr. Bradshaw seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. crego yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes. The motion aarried. > Mr. J.M. Cromer Cffine before the members asking redress in the matter of tax assessment stating his taxes were $19.00 more than 1938 and that his garage apartment had been assessed in error inasmuch as it was not assessable for 1939. It was moved by Mr. Crego that the Finance Cormnittee look into his claim and report back to the Council. Mr. Miller seconded the motion am on roll oall vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes. The motion carried. The Chairman of the Parks Committee reported it had beenirnpossible to finO. life-guards uniforms at the price of $7.501\ubtained for at least ::\l8.50. It was therefore moved by Mr. Bradshaw that the counoil aPl?rove purchase of these outfits at a price not to exceed ~8.50. Mr. Hill seconded the motion am on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, ]~. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes. The motion carried. Mr. Miller reported that the reoently appointed Playground Instructor had commenced his duties ~ebruary 19th and was doing good '~rk in organizing the children's recreations, and that from forty to sixty children were 1422 COUNCn. CHAMBER - February 26, 1940 to be found at the grounds every afternoon. He recommended that some toilet facilities be provided for the chilr'ren. Mr. Crego moved that Mr. Miller's report be accepted and that the council consider his recornmendation. In this regard, City Engineer Cromer steted that provision for toilets had been deleted from the original plans on the Playground project with the un~erstanding that the City would builc1 these if it was later found unsatisfactory for the children to use those provided at the tennis courts. The 11ayor suggested that the Chairman of the Parks Committee make further recol'lTIlendations to the Counoil, in this regarc" if he felt there was a nee d for it. It ,~s moved by 1tr. Crego that bills numbered 5270 to 5299, having been O.K'd by the Finance Cmrnnittee; be re turned to the Counci 1 and ordered paid. '" It was rf,guli3rly moved, seconded and carried that . Council ad journ. ~17~~)' (] ~f C Y lerk APPROVED: ~~ t i ,