03-25-40 Regular
Mar ch 25, 19.40
The Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M.
with the City Attorney and all members of the Council present.
By motion regularly made, seconded and carried
the minutes of the regular !'leeting of Harch 11th were
approved as read.
~' Letters protesting the granting of building permit
for a ~'ouri8t court '..ere received from Mrs. Day Mitchell,
M. Fisher Wright, W. Y. Fillebrown, ;rane A. Reed, E.R. Mc-
Carty, T.O. Lyall, Margaret C.L. Smith and Pardon C. Hickey.
It was moved, se conded and carried that sa id communications
be tabled for consideration later.
A petition signed by fifteen property owners from
the Osceola Park district, asked that chan(~es be made in
the zoning ordinance as follows:
Change ordinance so that the following described
are a shall be zoned for local business:
150 feet on the East side of S.E. 6th Avenue
and 135.5' feet on the:1est side of S.E. 6th
Avenue, between S.E. 4th Street and S.E. lOth
Change ordinance so that the fOllowing described
are a shall be zoned for Res idence "B" construction:
All property abutting on S.E. 3rd Avenue and
S.E. 4th Avenue, between S.E. 2nd Street and
S. E. 4th Street.
Also all of Osceola Park betireen S.E. 4th
street and S.E. lOth Street, between a line
150 ' West of S.E. 6th Avenue and a line 135'
'Vest of 8.E. 'l'hiro Avenue
It was moved by Mr. Crego that these recommend-
ations be approved and the chane;es made as reCJ.uested in
said petition. Mr. Bradshaw seconded the motion, and on
roll call the vote was AS follows: .Mr. Bradshaw yes,
Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. ;racobs yes, Mr. Miller yes.
The motion carried.)
COUNCIL CHAMBER --- March 25, 194.0
By motion of Kr. Hill, seconded by lrr. Crego, and
on roll call unanimously carried, the following special
building permit was granted: Permission to Mr. & Mrs.
',V.F. Dennis to maintain only a 12-foot set-back, instead
of the twenty five feet re',uired for residences in the fire
zone, for a house being moved to the rear of lots 1,2,3
Block 125 ~ Inasmuch as the neighboring res idence had been
built only 10 feet from the front lot line, the Building'
Inspector recommended the granting of the requested permit.
(APPlication for renewal of permit granted in 1937
far the construction of a service station on Lots 19 and 20
Block 106, was made by Mr. Buck. Mr. Bradshaw moved that
the permit be granted, ane] Mr. Crego secmrled the motioru
In the discussion relative to this, it was stated this pro-
perty was in the Apartment House District, therefore the
Building Inspector recacrmended that the zoning be changed
before granting the reCJ.uested permit. Members in the
audience were of the op inion that such re commended zoning
changes should be submitted for the approval of surrounding
property owners before being made by the Council.
The Mavor and other members of the Council con-
sidered it wise' to first re-zone the Federal Hj,ghway before
granting Mr. Buck's permit, IVhereupon ~ouncilmen Bradshaw
withdrew his motion, Irlth Mr. Crego's consent, and moved
that the zoning ordinance be changed to rezone the North
Federal High',vay, between First Street and Fourt Street,
for LOCAL BUSINESS. JAr. Crego seconded the motion, and
on roll call the vote ',va '3 as follmvs: Mr. Bradshaw yes,
Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hall yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller
yes. The motion carried~"
'N.S. Piersol complained about a house which had
been moved to Lot 5 Block 5 Osceola Park, asking when the
owner ',vas going to remodel same and put it in presentable
condi tion. The Building Inspector informed him that Mr'.
Priest intended to do so at his first opportuni ty bu t that
the City had no means to force the building permit reCJ.uire-
ments before the 60 day period allowed, had lapsed.
Applica tion of the Colony Hotel for special build-
ing permit for construction of a bridge to connect the
main hotel building with the ad ja cent Annex was s ubmi tted.
The Building Inspector claimed the 16-foot clearance through
therear alley to be sufficient, whereupon it ,vas moved by'
tIT. Miller that the request be granted with the proviso
that said constTIlction be removed at any future time, after
reasonable notice, should the Council deem it necessary
or advisable. The City Attorney agreed to draw the proper
recommendation in this regard so that it might be incorpor-
ated in the permit so granted. Mr. Bradshaw se conded
Councilman Miller .'s motion, and on roll call the vote was
as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Orego yes, ~IT. Hill yes,
Mr. ;racobs yes, Mr. Miller yes. The motion carried.
COUNCIL CHAMBER - March 25, 194.0
An offer of $500.00 for the City's acreage in
Section 21, lying Jest of the Federal Highway, was submitted
by Matt Gracey, in behalf of a client. Mr. ;racobs and Mr.
Crego were opposed to selling any of the City property,
Mr. ;racobs stating this land was need:ed for a City dock.
Mr. Miller thought it might be vrell to negotiate for sale
of the property in cpestion since it was too far removed
from the waterway to be useful for dock purposes. No action
was taken, hmIBver, and UTJon motion of Mr. BradShaw, seconded
by Mr. Crego and on roll call unanimously carried, the
communication was ordered filed.
The Cle rk read a letter from the H.P.A. Office in
West Palm Beach advising the City t"at, under existing cir-
cumstances, no work on Project 4418 could be performed on
either side of the Ocean Boulevard, North of Atlantic
Avenue, for the reason tha t Project regulations provide that
sites where work is carried on must have been dedicated
prior to expenditure of funds on any such pro ject, and
that such necessary dedication of the Ocean Boulevard had
never been made.
In connection with this Ocean Boulevard right-of-
way, it was contended that the City had paid Ge o. Carr for
a survey to es tabl ish the West line of the boulevard and
it had been supposed that the County had accepted such
arbitrary line agreed upon at that time, but that now it
developed that the County had never accepted s aid survey
of Mr. Carr's.
George S. Brockway, Engineer, submitted a price
of $200.00 to prepare a filing plat and stake the irest
line of the Ocean Boulevard through the City of Delray
Beach. The desirability of definitely establishing the
West line of said Boulev8I'(l was s tressed, both for the
befiefit of property O\VllerS and for the City. Mr. Cromer
stated that the present 'V.P.A. program in Delray would
expire about May 15th, and that this would be the end of
the V'l.P.A. work in Delray unless a further proj:lct could
be put through. for the improvement and i~dening of the Ocean
Boulevard to 42 feet, commencing at the South line of the
S\renson property and running to the North line of Section
16. He s aid thIs improvement and 'videning could be OOoom-
plished during the summer, with '.'l.P.A. labor, much cheaper
than if the City contracted for the work, but that in order
to have such a project accepted it VJould be necessary to
establish the ,vest line of the boulevard, and that he had
been assured by the County Engineer that the plat Mr. Brock-
way agrees to make would be acceptable to the County and
would act as the required. (! e,lication for all such purposes.
Mr. Cromer estimated that in this way the City would get
approximately three or four thousand dollars' worth of
street improvement work for a cost of apprOXimately $600~OO.
including the $200.00 survey expense. It was. expected to
receive County aid in the way of machinery and material
for such work, he said.
COUNCIL CK~JBER - March 25, 1940
Mr. Bradshaw said he hated to payout another
$200.00 for the reCJ.uired surve;' but if that vms a means of
establishing an acceptable right-of-way line enabling the
City to get the recol11lllended pro.ject, he was in favor of
it. He accordingly moved t'18t the prol)osition be accepted
and the City have Geo. Brockwa7 proceed to establish said
'.West Boulevard line. Mr. Miller seconded the motion and
on roll call, the vote was 8S follows; Mr. Bradshaw yes,
Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. ;racobs yes, Hr. Miller yes.
The motion carried.
It was further moved by Mr. Bradshaw that the City
Engineer be authorized to draw up the proper forms for Pro-
ject application to widen the Ocean Boulevard, along the
lines discussed, providing for paving, sidewalk, parkway &0
Mr. Miller se conded the motion and on roll call the vote
was as follows: Mr. J:lradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hill
yes, Mr. dacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes. The motion carried.
A communication was read from Harry Phillips,
Director of the Georgia State Fir A College asking Delray's
Fire Chief to attend this year's session of the College
being held ],lay 8th, 9th, and 10th to assist in conducting
the various drill e vqut ions . It was moved by Councilman
Hill that Mr. Cook be permitted to attend said Fire College
being held in Atlanta on said dates and that $25.00 be allowed
him for travelline; expenses. Mr. Bradshaw seconded the
motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Brad-
shaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hill yes, I.1r. ;racobs "es, Mr.
Mill er yes. The motion carrie d.
Upon ,ITitten recommendation of the ffire Chief,
authority ivas given for the purchase of four new sections,
or 200 feet of 2} inch fire hose to replace defective hose,
thus bringing the number of feet up to the standard demanded
by the underwriters.
By motion of Mr. Hill, seconded by 1T. Bradshaw and
on roll call unanimously carried, the Clerk was directed
to acknowledge a letter from the Florida ~ower & Light
Company regarding limitation of power use bet\~en the hours
of 4:00 and 10:00 P.M. during the company's excessive
power load season.
r- The application of Fred T. I10ran, for permit to
build \0 houses forming a residential court surrounding a
central park, to be located on Lots 38 to 49 Hofman Addition
was then sUbmi tted. The Building Inspecto:C' said these houses
irere permiss ible in half of the block, which was zoned for
local bus iness, but that the 0 ther half was zoned for apart-
ments, and the t''])e of construction rec]uested would not be
alloi'.ed. Many ci tj.zens in the audience registered very
definite objection to trailer camps, tourist cottages, or
cottage court" anywhere within the Ci ty, it being their con-
tention that such a type of living accor~ations lOirered
the standard of the town and the class of citizens who are
COUNCIL CHAr-ffiER - March 25, 1940
attracted to it. Among those addressing the Council to this
effect were Mr. 'V.B. Ewing, A. Allen 3pencer,'.l.;r. Enright,
A.]~. Bond, Uiss Galvin, Mrs. Saxton, J,rr. Jodis chek, Chas.
Boughton and others. It 'ras further "l\J.,l,1;g8sted that the City
proceed to take in sufficient surrounQ';'l7erritory to obviate
the possibility of this type of construction enc~oaching
on our City limits.
Mr. HofmFm stated he had owned the property for
years and "',as unable to sell it for anythinG else and could
not see where an up-to-date cottage court, such'las was being
conteI'1)lated, woulil be a detrj.ment to the City.
After consiclerable (liBcussion it 'Nas finally moved
by Mr. Hill that t'le permit be re jected. Mr. Miller"
seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows:
Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. ;racobs yes,
Mr. Miller yes. 'J.he motion carried.
The Building Inspector asked that the Council pass
definite legislation in regard to tourist camps, cottage
courts &c. so that he might have something to guide him
in the future when such applic ations are presented 1l!o his
office. It was accordingly moved by Mr. Miller t'lat the
City Attorney be authorized to prepare an or~inance pro hi-
bi ting tourist camps or trailer camps anywhere within the
Ci ty. Mr. Crego seconded the motion and on roll call the
vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, ),II'. Crego yes, Mr. ,,\
Hill yes, Mr. ;racobs yes, Mr. Miller yes. The motion carrie~.
City Engineer's roport and assessment roll, totalling
$7,500.82, covering cost of Group 1 of the Harvel Contract,
was submi tterl and examined by the Council, and it was moved
byMr. Crego that the report and assessment roll be approved
and same be placed on file in the City Clerk's Office; and
that the assessment roll be ai1vertised each ireek for two con-
secut ive ire el,s, together with notice to the effect tha t sa id
assessment roll has been duly examined and approved and that
the City Council will sit to hear objections thereto on
the 22nd day of April, 1940. Mr. Miller seconded the motion,
and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes,
Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hill yes, Hr. J"acobs yes, III'. Miller yes.
The motion carried.
Mr. Crego r,'cor-mended that'll1 ordinance be drawn
to prohibit peddling of any kin'! wi thin the City limits,
stating t'1at he was opposed to the granting of a :;P50.00
license permitting the peddling of vegetables and produce
of the farm, as he consi!'!ered it unfair competition with
:rep:ularly e s ta blished mer chant s in town. As further c om-
plaants hac! been made ".ha t Carl Carlson was still peddling
bakery pro~ucts, it was moved by Mr. Crego that his license
be revoked and money refunded him therefor.
COUNCIL CHAHBER - March 25th, 1940
Upon recormnendl'ltion of the Chairman of the Parks
Committee it was moved by Mr. Hill that an expen"iture of
$6.00 or ~7.00 be authorized to cover cost of patching soft
balls, the purohase of an inflater for the balls and the
painting of a shuffleboard court for the children's play-
ground. Mr. Bradshaw seconded the motion and on roll call
ghe vote \ms as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes,
Mr. Hill yes, lIr. Jacobs yes, lrr. Miller yes. 'l'he motion
Mr. laller reported that James Lane, Life Guard,
wanted the r~onth of April off to go Narth, where he intended
to visit various beaches, and he recommended tl-Jat the boy
be allowed to do this as he had another boy, Charles Clark,
who could satisfactorily fill the position during ;rames
Lane's absence. It was accordingly moved by Mr. Crego that
Mr. Miller's recommendation be approved and the requested
leave of absence be granted. Mr. Hill seconded tl-Je motion
and on roll call the vote was as follo\~: Mr. Bradshaw
yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. ;racobs yes, Mr. Miller
yes. The lIDtion carried.
Upon recommendation of the Chairman of the Parks
Committee, it was regularly moved, seconded and carried
that the City install another i~ter spigot at the tennis
The Clerk brought up the matter of appraising new
buildings for the 1940 assessment roll, and it Vias moved by,
Mr. Hill that Roy Diggans be appointed to make appraisals
on said new building;:;. Mr. Bradshaw seconded t'he motion
and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw
yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. ;racobs yes, Mr. Miller
yes. The motion carr ied.
It \~s moved by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Crego,
and on roll call unanimously carried, that bills numbered
e363 to 5404, having been O.K'd by the Finanoe Committee
be returned to the CounciD and ordered paid.
It was ree;ularly moved, seconded and carried that
Council adjourn.
~~ vJ. ~1hM/O
C ty lerk /