03-28-40 Special 1436 COUNCIL CrwlBER '- March 28, 1940 on 11 oP'i~"II~~t~ n ~ IRe "E~n~, "g! "~!l'" ~"1J" ,];a'" reading amendments to the zoning ordinance making changes in the Federal High'^,'BY and Osceola Park districts. " Mr. and the " The follO'.ving members were present: Mr. Bradshaw, Crego, M. Jacobs and Mr. Miller. The City Attorney Councilman Hill ,rere absent. It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that following ordinnnce be placed on its first reailing. ~ ORn lliANCE 352 , AN ORDlliANCE OF 'rIlE CITY OF DZLRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, DESIGNATlliG CERTAlli ZONES AS DEFINED BY THE CITY ZONING ORDINANCE, AND AUTHORIZlliG THE CTIY ZONlliG :MAP TO BE SO ALTERSD AS TO mow SUCH CHANGES. (Osceola Park District) The ordinance, having been read in full, it was moved by Mr. Bradshaw t~at it be passed on its first reading. Mr. Miller secondeil the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: II!!'. Bradshaw yes, MI'. Crego yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes. The motion carried. By motion regularly made, seconded and carried the following ordinance was placed on its first reading: { '.' 'c ~ ~ AN ORDlliANCE OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA) <.L-i- i I- ;' DE::HGNATING CERTH N ZONES AS DEFINED BY THE CITY <> {.f i 6 r ZONTITG ORDINANCE, AND ATJTHORIZlliG THE CITY ZONING ~ ~..i:; ~ ..'~ 3 , . MAP TO BE 30 ALTEm;:) AS TO SHO'Of SUCH CHANGES. J ~ ~ ;; ~ : (N. Federal N.E. First to N.E. Fourth St.) J::'~ ~;t.. ORDlliANCE3,..-1\ The ordinance having been read in full, it was moved by Mr. Miller that it be passed on its first reading. Jack Saunders was present and objected to the change stating it would be detrimental to his property, upon which he contemplated building an apartment house. He said when he had purchased said property he had been 1"-:17 COUNCIL CHA~!rnER - March 28, 1940 assured that no bl~inessP\rere permitted on the North Federal. The members of the Council contended that the time had come for the business section to exoand and that the Federal Highway was the logical place for it to go. The Mayor stated that the ordinance was simply being placed on its first reading and that if property owners \~shed to be heard further in regard to same they \~uld have the opportunity at the next meeting of the Council. After some further discussion, Mr. Miller's motion was seconded by Mr. Crego, and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshf'lw yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes. The motion carried, and the ordinance was thereby passed on its first reading.~ Mr. George Zane entered complaint regarding the worn eondition of the street, in front of the theatre, which he claimed was dangerous and could be patched by the City, at little cost. He also asked that a street light be installed bet\l!3en the corner of Atlantic Avenue and the theatre as it was a particularly dark and dangerous spot there, after the liGhts at the theatre have been put out at night. The Street Committee agreed to have the necessary repairs made to the street and also prqvide the street light, as requested. There being no further business to come before the Council it was reguarly moved, seconded and carried, that Council adjourn. ~ m;~.Ccrw.f .., APPROVED: \