04-08-40 Regular
j 4.'1'
April S, 19<<0
tbII"tmndll1l8'1l in regu1er Bon ion at '1l30 :P.Jf~
with the O:l;ty Allto~lUIl!l1'olloW1ng 'tmno1_a pres..:
... Grego, J1r.7aQObe, ndJli..HUl. 1Ir. 1111l.ra~
1Ir. Bra4sbaw appeared betore the reading 01" the minutes.
B7_t1en regularly made,seOODPdf\1l4oalo$d
the minutes 01' the regularllllleUng,_Oh85th._'
the ape c1lt1mee U:ngotllaroh88thwtreapp1'ove4 aSlreat..
(Wifiln1'e1'eDoe to 1'11_ ;b:t. 1Ibt mbutes 01' bro,
2D1I',. authort2:;b:tg . thlfdrll1'bgotllll. ordi!l8noe proh~"t..
illS tOlU"istandtrsllet" oamps, the Ilayor a1ltted llbBlW
_s . ques4lion b11ts m111d'as to the lega1.ity 01' e,:olud..
ing ally lewtttl bU8~SS in tbB state, _ thet he had
asked tile OityAttorDey"a opinion in resel! to same.
-... . Oity Attomeysdd the 00Urt8 have ruled
that U' tbtma1ltpurpose in 8 In:l:s to give amoIlQ,C)1Y
on some particular l~ut1ne.sin 11 oOJD!llUDUy, theD 8 U4Jh
a la. is unooutitutional; aDddnce the e1'teot ot the
suggested ordiunoe, in t111s case ,1IOU1d be to give the
exlsUng hurb'to1lmp a vtrtuullOlIOPol,. ot that typ_
01' bU8ine.s in town,tlle Court mightllOld that the law
1. not goOd. He add it wo113:4 prQbably be awl...
p..aotioe to limit touriat osm:ps to as smell an area as
possible loosted in the most suitable aeotloD tor 1I1at
purpose than to risk a oourt ded.hn that the flity .-.
g1T11lg it monopOly OD suehbustneall.
Attar eome little discussion it was moved by
ib-. HW 'that the Oounoil's preVious motion, v:lz.lI.'Ihat
the .0Uy A1Jtorney be author1'2:e' to Jl1'8pltre 8D ordmaDOe
prohib1 ting 'tour1s'toaDlpS or trailer camps 8D1Whel'8
within the Gity" be "(tODS 1d ered 0 JIr.BradshaW 'sesond..
the motion and on roll oall the votewss as tollo_: '
1Ir. Bradshaw yes, .I(r. Ore go ,..s,... ;aU! yes, .,. ,,.oob.
18s, Mr. KWer yes. the mo't1OD c81'r'1ed.JIr.~ego
stated it was not the intontion 01' t11e Couno11 to give
8n,.one a IIIOnopo1y on tourist csm:ps. .0 turther aot:lon
. was taken in the matter.
A letter was read protesting the COUDOil..
aotion in regard to ohange or zoning OD t11e JIorth'll'ed..
eral B1~way. hem an Apartment House to a LOGal Bu81ne..
'!'be Vayor thereUpOn tb1'ew the m8tting open tor
dlsou8sion 01' this zoning ohange and varioue attoohd
property owners appeared registering objeot:lOB thereto.
OOUlfClL CHAMBER - April 8th, 19.-0
1Ir. - E.C. Hall presented a P!t t11l1on t1'OlJl tell' Fede%'al
H1ghwa,. 1'8-siden_ Prfteslltng an, obimge in the present
zoning of tbBlIoM!tl'ederal;B1ghwQ-. 1lr.-B'a11 sa 14 1~
had not prev10ultly be-en the prscticetomallle zoning
changes exoeptuponllhe request ora substantial 1'8-
presentattonotinteres18d pt>OpertyoWDBrs,.and since
the Pl'esent requeat wastl'P2l1mere'lyone owner compared
to ten owne-rs, representfngapprlntimatel,. 1108,600.00
01' properV Wh01llft'eop'P08ed to tile 'change. he tel11
the Counoil should gbe the objeoti1l'g prope-l'ty 01'lDer8
. oonsiderat1on.afr. 0.-0. Turnercla imed it .ould be .
very dett!menllal to his intenlt-taa'a property owner,
to have thel'ed81'al tu1'nedintoa lOCal business 418t1'iot;
alsoiTohD-Ad..sandir.B. &tlttham lIppe.toed in the iDtQen
of the Iletbodl8t Ch1n-lth,tooppoaesuch change,..
D... BJ'adltba.aald hebe1ieTEJdhe had as mUoh intereat
a.anyonein NortllJPederall'I'Openya1l4 thougbt thet
lndhidualpropert,. 01ll1~8WOu1:dhne1'it by the propos.a
zoning eba%lge beoausere'al Itstate values would be .,ieed
as a result 01' it.. 88-1d 11enew residences 11ad bee.
buU t on the J'ederaldurl1!g' the last ten years beoauae
the looatfon was UDSuitabllt tor rltsidences,aild by
ohanging 111 to a business zone he believed it .0111.
open up the highway to other bus1nesaesot a high tyPe.
""01' "aoobs as lIB d how the residents would teel
18 regard to giving a special pe1'lllittor the requested
tlUing station con8truot1on, without changing the zon...
ing 01' tbB entire J'ederal Histn,s:r.
IIr.Ifall sdd he questioned' the legality 01'
g)'antinga spee1alperm11: whic11d1reotly violded the
intent otthe ordinance, and believed the 0111,. COuld
be stoPPec!. and in such an event he llUuld feel compelled
to take aotion in the oourts to prohibit a violation
01' the ordinaBoe air it now 8tBDda.
.rter so.e turther diacuss1= itwa8 moved b;r
)(1'. Crego, and seoonded by.". )(Ulerthat the zoning
ot the Borth lPederal_18h.aybe lett as 1s~J4"l'
1Ir~ Orego. with JIr.IIUler's oonsent withdrew sa1cl
mot10n. and it ..8 moved, seconded and carried that the
toll owing ordinance be plaoed on its second readme:
'ME 01'l'!' ZONlNGIIAP '1'0 BEse AL'l'ERED AS '1'0
(If. J'edeJ'sl.N.E. J'11'11t to B.E. Fourth St.)
COUBOn. CHAMBER - AprU 8th, 1940
. '!Il&ord'\J'!~JlO. ha"J.ag been read in tullj it ._
moved bY' IIr.H111, aDl1&eOODdedbY'IIr.Dredshaw tha1l the
l)1"dlnanoe "adopted eni'tslle-ctODdl'eadingaDd tinsl
passage. The vote on the lIIOtton was as follOW1J:IIr.
Bradsba. no, ".ore-SO DO,~.ftU! no, ... Jacobs no
and 1Ir. MUleI' no. The motion _8P.ecla~d los~ and the
ordinance no1; adopted.
In ,the granUng-otlJplt~al permits, asprovidet
tor in llhe01tY~8Zon~gOl'lttnance. it as tl1e op1Di-.
at the City- Attorn6ytllat1;he-d Oouno:ll llOuld bere-quired
to sit in speoial n8111t'on'as a B081"d 01' Adjustment
rather than as a City OouncU, and then make its reoClll1-
mandaUonsbaok tothe'CouJldl -for f'1nll1 aetSon.
'lheBuUdtng,Inspeotor .aid l1e wis11e4 to mUe
it olear to tlleOoUDo1land-citlze228 that cottage c012l>W
..:re in no "'1' re1:at'ed 'to Wbat is usua-Uy t&rmed tourist .
or trailer 1tampaaDdsfrtmldnotbeoontuaed with sueb;
that it lIOUld beu1lr8a$01JII'bhtoprohibit cottage C()~"'8
as theY' were no more-01'tje-ettonabletban apartment ~!l8.
buildings 91' anymul:tiple unit dwelling. Be sald tl1ey
"1'8 not a cheap proposition it tbe Y complied wit11 the
requirements to.r cottage courts, as laid down in t11.
JIr. Brad.he. moved thet.Jpecial permit be
granted appliC8nt, foraservied' staUon at 1lbe looatiep
preYlouslyrequested, due to the :fact that t11e propert)"
Borth, South, East, and dlagonallY' across the street
is vaoan t. .
'1'l181"e was .8eCtODd to the motion andCi ty
A1ltorneYl101din said he did net believe anY' IICtiOD the
CllQneU might take at .ism...UJ:W', woUld be legal,
alii! suggested tbat the mambea hOld II spedal meeUDB
as II Board or Adjuatment tor s aU pur~~ wtlereupcm
'OOUac11m8D 'Bradsbawlrtt hdrew-hi1tmollloe..,;
A pet-it!on was reoeiYed trCllll tourteen abutt..
iag property owners aSlchg that the alaeY' running 1'brt,
and South through blook 74 be paye4 tor a Width 01'
16 teet, the e2PeDSe 01' lIame to be asses.ed ag.iDSt
the abutting properties, at an l!ll>proximate cost of
.2.50 per lineal too~.
~t 1lllS accctdingly movedbrllr.. Bredshn that
the City Attorney be direoted to draw necessary resol-
uti ODS ord~ing lIhis1llltf'!cdOD8.".HUl seOOMed tile
motion and on roll call tbB vot-e _8 as tollowsl..
Bl'adshaw yes, 1Ir. Crego J'$8,JILo.IU11 78S,~. Jaoobs
,..S, 1Ir. 11111er""8. .1'hemottOD'eerrtech
Kiss Gelvin asked .heD 1II1e Cit;y oontEll1plated
completing the wideD1ng 01' Andrews Street as authorized
comron. CFJ~ .. April 8th, 1940
last l'pr:l!lg aMJIr. Cromer advised that this 1IDrlc had
been ol'dereddone .~'8Uchttmo-as the ,Oity forces eouid
ge t 110 it, but t ha t no de tinite ins truot 10DS .ere e vtr
issued in reg8rdt01t.
;[t was moved, seoonded and .rried t11at the
tollowtllg ordinance be placed on its seoond reading:
O:rmlDlAifD 362
J!'ll'lJW BY TH'E Orry ~ONDlGOftDINAN6E, AIm
AI.'1'E1!ED AS '1'0 SHOW'StJ6H mwmllS.
(Os0801aPart Distr10t)
The ordiDancehavtngbeen read h1 1'ul1 the
second time, !t was lII.OTe-d'by'JIr. 'B1U that it be passed
on its second reading am ttn81 P8ssage. Mr. (]rep
seconded tile motion and q'l'OlloaU the vote was as
to11ows : Jfr. Bradshaw yes,"" OregO yes, Jto. BUl yes,
1El'. l'acobs yes,IIr.J(l1le"..yes~ 'Rho-motion oal'rled.
The tollow1!lg report 01' the !1lity Engineer Oil
the completion ot the llarvel Cantraot tor 1IOrk order.'"
undel' resolutloDS lil1.0, 313, 316 and 319 was submitted
and read:
April 5, 1940
'fo The Oi ty eounoll
Work contemplated under the BM'yel Brotbers
Street paving o0111lr89t datedS8PtfIRber SO, 1939
bas been given final 1ns'pe OUCllIland we find sa_
to heYe been completed in aocordanoe to plana
a1l4 speoifioations under the termaof the contract.
Vet? truly yours,
/s / lb eromer
Aoll!ng Oity Engineer
/s/ C.~ Baker
8uperinteadent Publl0 \forks
COUlfOn. CIWIBER ~ April 8th, 1940
,I1IW8IJ IUved: .'b1.... IlUler thall the. :report be
approved, ,1Ir~ Cl"ego81tctOD4ed'lIl1e mottol1 and em rolloall
the "01le was as :t'ollowa:lfr. Bradshaw 1'8s, Mr. CreSD
yes. Mr. lUll 1'8s, Kr. Jacobs yes, 1Ir. Miller yes.
2I1e motiol1 carried.
Ii letterfl"ODll'fdf. ,PtGkering asking tor an
extension of time in whtchtopsy his tine 01' $77.150
was read. Mayor il'aoob'srel'orted1;ha-tthla man .U
destrous 01' W\n'kingoutthts tine and sinGe the 01..'1'
garage needed re-roottng, '.ndh. was able to do this
work, he recommellde"d.that'IIr.' ;BaJatrbe authorized to
buy the neete&eary roofingm-ate:rt81 aDd have JIr. Piokeri1ls
do 1;he work,remunera'ti01ltor aametobe applted1n '
p.ymen1; of 'hia1'ine, *tCh'srrangement, 11; _s stated.
1I8d been agreed to "b1"" the'iftrd;gesad Gh1et 01' Polin,
n.as SOOGrdinglYJllOYedlryllr.. ~ds!urw that the
"YOI' '8 reoommelll!-atien be earrtedout in th:ls:re sardo
1Ir+ B111 seconded the'motton,8i1d (Il' TOU oaU tl1e vote
was as 1'0110118: Rr. Brads!urw yes ,111'. Crego yes, _.
Rill yes, JIr. raoobs yes, Mr. 11111er yes. Tlle mot ion
1Ir. E.H. JIloOartYapJleared at the meeting in
regard to the iDrprenment; 'o:rlle1'1tet"Street, bet_eD
Andrews .".n118 aDd theB..ahBettl......", .hUng that
he objeoted to haTing safdst:reetme1'81ycut tbrouSh.
leaving anunslglrtly 25 tOO't strip ot sand .djaoent
to 111s property Whioh he_a .tllflilltt1ng to beautify.
lte said he WOuld be glad toPaylnoash his halt to~
the improvement am pav1ngot said ililarket Street but
that the .buUlng owner l!forthothim.s unwilling to
1I8ve the street improvedat'th1s time; tor that
reasonhe uked that tl1e CUy disoontinue the cutting
through of the right-01'~WllY until suoh time as 11; could:
be properly paved.
n _s explained by Mr. Cr_r that the Gtty
contemplated laYing water pfp.e along thisright-ot....ay
a1l4 unless -it was graded at the...e timei t lIIruld
necessitate the rela1'big'o:t' much ot'the 11ne Whenever
the street is graded and improved. It was hoped to
avoid this by doing suoh grading at tl1epreaent tiJll.8.
Atter some 1'urther discuss ion 1n this regard it was
agreed to p08tpone' the laying 01' the contemplated pipe-
Une in order t11at the road be not disturbed just at
pres ant.
By motion regularly made, seoonded aD:!. carried
t11e tollowing ordiDSnce was placed on its tint readlq.
ORDtlfANCE 363
AX ORD mANOR 01" 'I'BE e,!'l'Y OJ' D1l:LRAT BEAeH,
COtlNcn. ffl'AlfRER - April 8th, 1940
The- o:rdiDanoe 'l1aYIlg been read in full the t'irs"
time, it wasmoTltd),Y'Ifr-.~1l1 that the ordinanCte be
passed on its first read1ng. IIr.OregO' seconded the
motion and on roll call the 'vatewas as tollows: Iott.
BradShaw. ye8, 1Ir. cregg.778s, Ilr. Ulll 7es, 1Er. Jaoobs
yes, Mr. Miller yes. 'lhemotionoarried.
1Ir. JOhn AdlbBappeared bett;retbll CounCJ11 in
the interest or John Sohoe11erandOapt . Pringle, aBb
~ tb.e 011ly'ltctoopera-t1cmiu obtainill8 a right-ot--.y,
ertendlngNbrth ,StreetEasttl'Om B.W. l'i1'st AVe~ue to'
Bw1ntan. lie stated he hid obtained: deed to a titteea
toot strip on the Sout11aidef)rtheentirs diatlanoe
ot appros:1mate~7300tee'1I andth8't B.P'. SUM? agreetl
to' give anadd,ttianal ':u5'teet to _1m a 30..to~ r~t..
ot-W'ft, provlding theClty~da$ltume one quarte:r "
(O'r'laJ ,(0) or the streetpavtDg 008t. Atter dlltOUlils"l)~"
~t WIllS reoOlllDended by Cound1man6rego ibatthe Ow_a-
talllenoa ct1onon the 1"equss:t until the Street Oomm1t'..
looked the situation over and made report baok to the
'lhe Obafrman ot theSt reet OClllllJll1ttee reportec!
t'hat a.A, Balter 9188 m.akiDg the varloull street repllire
requeS1ledat last III8ItUng ot the Oounoil.
1(1', L. W. COOk s~tedhe ha'd a requellll tor the
rental 01' theFiretmtn'sl!llll.torus8 as OIlJIIPalp
headquar1lersby Franoes'p. Whitehldr bhleraoe tor
Governor. 'l'hellayor aDdOoun-cll' did. not favor the
propoeition, lttoting tltat it was notpos8i~le to rent
publlo QUy buildings to one pal'ti-cUlarperson tOIl'
such purpose, as it wall tb.e OOunoiPIl aim toatve aU
oandidates equal conSideration.
It WIll8 IIDved by)fr. 1(111er that bUl. numbe"ed
~405 to 5451, having bee'n O.X'd by tbll J'iDa.noe c..,.
mlttee, be returned to the CCIl.ttloil llIld or48J'ed padd..
"he DlOt:tonwas seconded by 1Ir. crego~ and unaalmouatY'
Z1I was regularly IIIOved, seoonded and oalTied
that Council adjourn.
~~ ti). t.~r
" . , l' Uerk
lIllor.' f."'.
. 7 '1 ,