05-13-40 Regular 1452 COUNCn. CHAMBER May 13. 1940 'Jhe Counoil met 1n regular session at '1:30 P... with the Oity Attorney and the following members present: , .1'. Bradshaw, Mr. Crego, tlr.lf1ll, Mr. Jacobs and Mr. M1J.ler,. '!!he minutes of the meeting of ~1'11 22m were approved as read, ~ 1 1 _~ Knt.~U1'en Hand' apP'lt81"ed at the meeting and en- quired what deoision had been reaohed in regard to pa~ent ot the $492.38 allocated by the'ity tor library purposes, an~ upon reoommendation of the Ohairman ot the Finanoe 0aIl.- -, mUtee, it was moved by Mr. ,Crego that this money be re- leased to the :Library Assooiation at the rete of $25.00 per month until tbe entire sum is paid. Jlr. Bradshaw seoonded t he motion, which on roll call oarried unanimoual,., 'I) aud payment was so ordered. " ',{, " , A letter was read frcm the F.E,.C. Railway CcmPaD7 . stating the demalXl by the Cl'ty CouncUthat a manually oontrolled gate be installed at tbe Atlantio Avenue crossing necessitated another conterence with the Oounai1 and it WIllS e:lpected such a'meeting could be arranged between the members am Mr. Beals, General SuperinteIdent, am the Superintenden't of Telegra;:>h and 8ienals, thds month. The communioa'tion lIl!lS ordered filed. .A petition, siened by eight 10081 businelSs men; . was read,peUtioning the ot'ty to secure a W.P.A. projeo. tar the construotion of a commerdal turning basin and Wharf on Oity-ownsd property located on the Canal a t S ,iJI. 'fenth 8t1'8..t. Oouncilman Bradshaw reported tha't the City WIllS endeavoring to work out such a projeot and had been in touch with Colonel Youngberg to see Whether or not it would be pOSsible to get a government dredge on the job. Upon the suggestion of Oouno1lmau KUler. it was moved that the City Engineer be instruot8d to prepare plans for sUbmission of applioation for a W.P.A. - Project for a municipal commercial dock, as outlined. Mr. Crego seconded the I119tion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Brads haw ye s, JlIr. Cre go yes, 114r. Hill. yes, JIIr..J a cob s yes. Ill'. lUlIeI' yes. The motion oarr1ed. A oamnunioat ion was received and readtrom offioers ot The Iburch of 'l'he LiVing God the Pillar and G:rouDl\~ Truth, declar1ngand stating that Lots 3'1 It. 38 Block~f Oolo1'ed '1'own, had been purohased bY' the Ohuroh in 19at5J , 1.453 ODUNCn.. CHAMBER - Kay 13, 1940 1 , I , and a building erected in 1926, and beoause this property had been used exclus ively for church purposes since tl:Bt time 1t was requested that taxes levied and outstanding agail1St same be canceUedf The Clerk explained that al- though the Chul'Oh badcontraoted to purchase the property, it had not been fully paid for nor deeded by A. Simon :Kassa to the Ohurch. It was therefore moved by Mr. Brad_ shaw, thatwhan the Church can show a duly recorded wannty deed for the property that it again present its request tor tax cancellation, since eJllmption could not properly be granted as the title nowstams. Mr. Kill seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. J"acobs yes, Mr. Miller yes. 'Rhe motion carried. Applioation was rece:l.ved t'rom a.A.B. Zook for per- mission to move il residenoe frcm:Lot '1 ~look 109 to :Lot 23 m.ook 103. 'l'he Bul1dingInspeetor stated this building oonformed to the type of structures permitted in Blook 103, whereupon it was moved by tlr. (Trego, seconded by Mr. Bradshaw, and on roll oall unanimoUSly carried that the moving permit be granted. Upon approval of the Building Inspeotor, moving' permit was by motion of Mr. Crego. se conded by 1Ir. Bradshaw and unanimously oarried, granted for IIIhe moving of a house from the front to the rear of :Lot 16 Blook 115. A request was read fromltrs. Harry Warner asking that she be permitted to main'tain only a 25_foot instead of the required 35-foot setback from the South line of- Ooean Beaoh :Lot 32. Since her South line of this p.ropert,. abutted directly on a dedicated street and such deviation from the setback requirement would affect no othll 1" property owner, it was moved by Mr. ,Crego that the request for a 25- toot setback be granted. Ifto. Hill ~seoonded the motion and on roll oall the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs Yes, Mr. IIUler ytls. The motion carrisd. ' Aoommunioation from the Cbainnan of the Golt' lJommittee was read in ~1ch it was requested that the City give to said committeepll plants or trees removed from Oity streets or other places where they might be consid- ered undlfsirable. The Mayor explained that this request resul ted tllP1ll a conversation he had had with the committee in which he bad mentioned that obstruoting shrubbery at .street corners and the cocoanut palms grC7Ring among mango .rees on the North Federal would have to be removed I also a clump of bamboo growing in :Lovers :Lane and prob ably other plants 1I1'0und town would have to be t,aken out. He therefore recommended that the Oi ty fUrnish the Oourse with as many plants and shrubs as pOSsible. Mr. Miller said he was in favor of giving them' such plants provided theY'WlIll'e not needed on' the Oi ty's streets or beau tifi cat i()n pro j eots, \ '~ , 1454 COUNCIL CHAMBER - May 13, 1940 f l , I and after a short discussion it was moved by Ilr. Bradshaw that trees and shrubs, not essential or needed in beauti- fication of streets or beach pro ject, be gI. ven to the Golf Course, same to be moved at the Committee's expense. Mr. Crego seconded the motion, \II1ich carried unanimoualy on roll call. A reques t trom Frederick Beafie, Spring uake, N. J. ; that he be granted a license next season, for a beach equipment concession with the privilege of stacking his equipllBnt direotly on the beaoh f'oi' rental purplllses, \1lIlS read. In the dis cuss ien whioh followed it was st ated that no business tra'nsactien. would be tolerated East of the boulevard; that the applicant would be granted license to Illperate such business, provided his establishment wall! loeated on the Wesll side ot the boulevard, and his stock kept there and rentals made at such plaoe of business. It was turtheragreed that he would be permitted to deliver this equipment to the beach or to Whatever place it might be requested. It was llDved by Mr. Crego that the clerk so notify Mr. Neatie, which motion was seconded by liJr. Miller, and on roll' call the vote wes as follows I ... BradShaw not voting, )(r. Crego yes, Mr. HUl yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes. The motion oarried. .It lellterfrom Mr. A.C. Ilittendorf, urging that every effort be made to collect delinquent tsxes and thsreby liquidate outstanding bond interest, was read and ordered filed. , . A pet1tlonwaa read whioh was signed by thirty- four pl'operty owners residing East ot the Federsl and within two bloclmNo:ltth and South of Atlantic Avenue, in which it was requested that the Counc1! designate as Hotel and Apartment House Zone tba t sa ction of the City lying between N.E. P:irst street aud S.E. First St1'eet, bounded on the East by the J'lorida East Coast Canal and on the Westby a line 150 feet East of the Federel HighWlllY; also that the tollowing nuisanoe clause be adopted for sald distriot "No use sbll be made of any property within the above district that shall in any way be offensive or nflJ:1ous by reasons of the emission of odors, gassea, dust, smoke, vibrations or noise, nor shall anything be oonstruoted or maintained in the sbove distriot that YlOuld in any way constitute an eyesore or nuisance to adjaoent property owners, residents or to, the oommunitylt. llr. C.T. Eaton. Ammon Gibbs, and others residing in the district referred to, complained of the noise from the bowling alley in blook 133 stating it was the desire of the residents that zoning regulations be passed that would prohibit further objeotion- able businesses. 1Ir. Bradshaw and other members of the Counoi1 stated they were unprepared to act on the request without giving it a little thought, and Mr. Crego moved that the petUion be filed tor further considersticn. Mr. Miller seoonded the motion which carried unan1mousl;V on roll oall. The Mayor promised that the request WO~d , l.'l:nD COUNCIL CHAMBER - May 13; 1940 not be pigeonlloled but, would reoeive the early consider- ation of the members. .'~ \ C.T. Eaton also addressed the Counoil in regard to the sidewalk lying between the~entucky House property, Block 124, and the City Park, Block 132, stating that the Kentucky House properties had originally given eleven feet off the East line of B1.ook 124 for a walkWlllY but that now the City WIllS permitting it to be used for vehicular traffio, whloh he stated would soon destroy its util1tlY as a r igbt-a1'-WIIlY of any kind.. He asked tha tits use for street purposes be discontinued. He said plans were oon- templated for the sale, in bul1dinglots, of the J!i)rth end of the Kentucky House property and he would like to be able to tell purohasers that there would be DO publi8 street in tront of their houses. Doubt was expressed as to just where the sidewalk had been construoted, Whether all or part of It WIllS on B:Look 124 or 132, therefore it was moved by J4r. Or8'go thst the City Engineer looate the corner, and determine where, the line is between the 'Kentuoky House blook and the Ci ty Park. 1Ir. MUleI' seconded the mo1l:l0n, which on roll call, oarried unanimoUSly. Upon reoanmend- ation of JII1'. Hill, the Mayor ordered the street running between said properties to be closed at both ends temporarily. A letter from H.E. Motter, of the ilake Worth Drainage);listrict, wasread, in whioh it was requested that. the City cancel all taxes on lands in the area which onoe lay within the boundaries of the City but which now 18 exoluded therefrom, In exchange for a s 1m11ar csncellat10n of drainage taxes on the City's Golf Course. It wss moved by Mr. Bradshaw that the communicat ion be referred to the GUy Attorney for reoommendation baoll\to the Counoil. J4r. Hill seconded the motion, which carried unsn:lmously. A new water p1lIDping ralle-sohedule, submitted by the P'lorida POWlIlr &. Light Cc:mpany, Number P~5, was pre- sented, and OounoUmen l:lradshaw stated that Mr. Senior had explained that, based on last year ~s demand, this new rating would mean a saving of t400.oo a year to the 01 ty.. It was moved by Ill'. Hill that the :Mayor and City Olerk be authorized to enter into, and Sign said new pumping agreement witb the Florida Power &. Light eompany. ... Bradshaw seconded the motion and on 1'011 oall the motion WIllS unanimously oarried,. and llESOLU'l'ION 388 duly adophll. 1(.. :By motion of Mr. Crego, seconded by Mr. Miller and on roll call, unanimously carried !twas voted to renew annual $5.00 SUbscription to the Engineering News- Record, for use of the Engineering Departlll8nt. 'l'he following letter was/received and read: ~ '1 1456- COUNCIL OHAMBER - May 13, 1940 \ HARVEL BRO'lHERS Delray Beach, Florida JlIay 13,19 4D OUy of Delray J:>eaoh De lray Beaeh, Floria: a Gentlemen: We have been given the oontraoll for the paving of the north halt' of Uarket Btreet from the ocean boulevard to a point appl'Ox:fmately 200 ' west by Mr. Earl H.McCarty. Kr..coarty is agreeable to doing tMJI work if' the city will cut down the ridge for the other half' of' the right of way and clear ott the palmettoes. We Bre willing to do this work a t a price of $94.00 to the city. This street will be built to city specit'ioations and the shoulders will be dressed down and left in a satisfaotory manner, Trusting you will see your way clear to do this, I remain, 'f 'f' ~ I l Very truly yours. HARVEL BRO'l'HERS by /s/ G. 'E11lon Harvel I l Elton Harvel, who was present, stated that for the quoted price of .94.00 they would also dig the trench t'~ the laying of the Oity water main along said rlght-of-wq. COl1noilman Hill moved that the matter be re ferred to the Street Conmittee to report back to the Council at nexll meeting whereupanMi.-. Harvel stated that he intended to move his drsgline past said location the following 4ap and for that reason would like to do the YIlrk, on which he had quoted a very low price, while in the territory and not be required to bring his equipment back to Delray,_ ..... Hill therefore changed his motion to the following: That the matter be referred to the Street Committee with power to aot. Mr. Illller seconded the motion. Mr. Orego ob jected to the City contraot-ing for the 'M)rk without going tm-ough the necessary assessment prooedure. but others oontended that the prioe quoted by Harvel Brothers was only slightly more than what it VoOuld cost the City to merel,. dig the trench for the water main, and for that re ason they considered it advisable to aooept Harvsl Brothers' proposition. Elton Harvel stated that if the Oounoil WIllS in doubt about colleoting the $94,00 ,froa ' the Miserocohi Estate, whose property abutts on thl!f ~outh line of Market Street, he would be willing to take a , COUNCIL CHAMBER - ],fa,. l3, 1940 1457 II ohanoe on colleoting f'or it. Mr. Hill's motion was finally put to a vote, and on roll oall unanimously carried. It was moved by],fr. Bradshaw, seoonded by Mr. CregOl and on roll oall unanimously oarried that the fire insuranoe policy on the SvL nton Avenue garage property and contents be renewed for another three years wi th Colonial .!I'ire Under.. writers. \'iith referenoe to the City's insurance, it was reoommended by the Ohairman of the Finance COIIIIIIittee that the Clerk advise all local agents of the pelicies carried by the City in order that'interested companies might be privileged to bid on same. '!he follOwing report on weights and measures inspection of local stores, by the Chief of Police, was reoeived and read: Jray 10, 1940 ],fembers of the CouncU Oit,. of Delray Besch h ",. Dear Sirs: ~ I wish to submit the follOwing repo~t as to the inspeotion of' the s cales within the ~ity: 14 Stores were visi$ed 34 SeUes were ohecked 22 Soales were found oorrect 12 Scales were found to be overweigh'll All Boales are now correct Package goods were checked and all stores visited had correct weight, '!'his inspection was a routine one that is made from time to time and it was found that there were no scales that were short weight nor were any package goods found to be short. Inspect... ion seals have be~n plaoed on all scales examined. Respectfully, /s7 A.P'. Nelson Ohief' of Police ~ ~ Resignation of 'l'raffio Patrolman, Desso SOholtz, was received and relld b~' the Clerk, said resigll!lt1on to become effective May 15th, 1940, It WIlS moved by JII1'~ Bradshllw that the resignation be acoepted. :&fro Miller stated he felt aeceptllnoe of such re.i3nation to be out of order since it had been understood, at a previous meeting, that 1Cr. SCholtz. employment ceased llay 1st. The Mayor st ated thllt DO official notice to this etteot had ever been given since the meeting referred to was not 1.458 COUNCIL CHAMBER - Kay 13, 1940 , a regularly called meeting. n. Hill seconded Mr. Bradshaw's motion and on roll call the vote was as fo1lows~ Mr. Brad- shaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hill yes, JIIr. Jacobs yes, Mr, Miller yes. The IIDt ion carrie d. ' The Clerk asked the Council 's authority to call for tenders to purchase bonds under the City's refunding agreement, reporting that there was a balance of $8,006,82 over and above the City~s next interest requirement of ' J'ulylst, It was therefore moved by Mr. Hill that the Oity Clerk be authorized to advertise in the re gularly des ig- nated publication, calling for the purchase of Delray bonds, with the right to accept or reject all offers, ,Mr. l:lrad... shaw seconded the motion and on roll csll the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes. ',l'he motion ca:L"rled. :n was moved by Mr. Hill thatlthe Clerk make a seoond payment, in the amount of $1,250,89, on Thomas II, Oook's fiscal agent fee of $5,003.55. Mr. l:lradshaw seconded the motwn, Which carried unanimOUSly on roll call. Tha Clerk enquired as to the status of the water situation at Gulfstream, stating that the water Department wss having difficulty with the 'connections up there beoause extensions and unmetered cut-ins had been made without notifioation to the water de":lartment. The matter of furnishing Seagate Subdivision with a lar~ four or six inch meter wss also discussed, but JIIr, .l:Jradshaw, Chairman of the \Vater Ccmmittee, asked that all tb8se matters in conneotion with the water department be lett in abeyance until data am reports are fully oompiled as to the plant 's poten1:!ali ties and partloulr1y until after a visit from Dr. A.P, Black of Gainesville. ~o is expe eted to be in Delray during the week of June 2nd or 9th to furnish valuable inf'ormetfon aDd advice on _tb8 City's water situation. By motion regularly made, seconded and carried the following ordinanoe was placed on its second reading: . ORDINANCE 354 AN ORDINANCE CONFIRMING AND EQ.UALIZ:tNG ASSESS- MENTS FOR STREET REPAIRS ON N.E. NINTH STREET, N.E. TENTH STREET, N.E. ELEVENTH S'l'R15JST, N.E. TWELFm STREET AND N.E. THIRTEENTH STREET, DELL PARK SUBIDIVISION, AND IEVYING SPECIAL ASSESS... MENTS AS SHOI'M BY 'mE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR S.I!ID SPECJrAL mPROVEMENTS; PROVIDING THE MI!mtOD SAID SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS SHALL BE MADE; THE TIME WHEN THE SAME SfULL BECOME PAYABLE; THA'l' SAID ASSESSMENTS TO BE LEVn:D SHA:tL BE A LIEN FROM THE DATE OF 'l'BE ABSESmmN'l' UPON THE RESPECTIVE LO"I1'S DESCRIBED :br SA_ AS~ ,.' :14:59 COUNCIL CHAMBER - May. 13, 1940 ROLL AND SET FORTH HEREIN; THE MANNER IN WHICH SAID ASSESSl4f!:NTS ARE TO BE COLLEC'l'ED AND PROVIDING FOR THE lSSUANCE OF SPECIAL CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNl!BS FOR THE AMOUNT SO ASSESSED AGAINST THE ASSESSABLE PROPERTY, AND PROVIDING THAT THE CITY MAY TRANSFER AND DELIVER A PORTION OF SAID CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS TO THE CONTRAC'l'OR IN PAYMENf OF SAID SPECIAL IMPROVEMENTS. Group 1 The ordinance, having been read in full, it was moved by Mr.. ,Bradshaw, seconded by Mr. Hill, and unanim- ously carried on roll call, that ,the ordinance be passed on its seoond reading and final passage. By motion regularly made, seconded and carried the following ordinance was placed on its seaond reading: ORDINANCE 355 f-<- AN ORDINANOE CONFIRMING AND EQUALIZING ASSl!BS- MEN'l'S FOR S'l'Hl!:.l!."l' REPAIRS ON S.E. SECOND STREET, FROM F.E.C. RAILWAY '1'0 S.E. THIRD AvoW:!:, ON AIJ:.EY NORTH OF ATLANTIC A'VnfPE, FROM N.E. FIFTH AVENUE TO N.E. SIXTH AVENUE, AND ON N.E. SEOOND AVl!:NUE, FROM NoE. EIGHTH STREET TO N.E. ' THIRT- EEN'l'H STREET, DELL PARK ADDl'l'ION, AND IEVYING SPE01J:AL AS8EBSMEN'l'S AS SHOWN BY THE ASBESSMI!lNT ROLL FOR SAID SPEC!.AL IMPROVEJIII!lN'lB; PROVIDING THE MI!l'l'HOD SAID SPECIAL ASSESSMI!lN'l'S SHALL BE MADE; THE TIME WHEN THE BAJlIE SHALL BECCHE PAYABLE; THAT SAID ABSEBSMENfB 'l'O BE LEVlED SHALL BE A LIEN FROM THEDATE OF THE ASSESSMENT UPON THE RESPECT- IVE LOm DESCRIBED IN SnD ASSESSMl!:NT ROLL AND SET FORTH HEREIN; THE MANNER rn WHICH SAID ASSESSMENTS ARE TO BE COLLEO'l'ED AND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF SPECIAL CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS FOR THE AMOUNT 00 ASSESSED AGAINST THE ASSESSABLE PROPERTY, AND PROVIDING THAT THE Cl'l'Y MAY 'l'RAmFER AND DELIVER A PORTION OJ!' SAID CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS TO THE CON- 'l'RAC'l'OR IN PAYJIII!lN'l' OF SAID SPECIAL mPROVEMENTS. Group 3 . . . 1 i The ordinance having been read in full, it was lIloved by Mr. Bradshaw, seconded by Mr. HUl, and on roll call, oarried unanimously that the ordinance be adopted on its second reading and final passage, .,. IlDt10n regularly made, seooMed and can-ied the following ordinance was placed on its second reading: 1460 OOlJNOn. CHAMBER - May 13, 1940 c ORDINANCE 356 AN ORDINANCE OF THE OITY aOUNCn. 0]' THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH .AMENDING THEroNING ORDINANCE 0]' THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH. "Special Business Zone" "B:Pe oia1 Residenoe .." &. "B" Zone The ordinanoe having been read in f'ul:l, the second time, it was moved by ",Bradshaw, seoonded by Mr, Miller and.on roll oall, unanimously carried that it be adopted on its second reading and 1'i!Jtl passage. By motion regu18'rly mede, seconded and carried the tlollowing ordinanoe was placed on its second reading: OJIDINANGE 357 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CI'l'Y OF DELRAY BEAOfI, FLORIDA, DESIGNATING CERTAIN ZONES AS DE- FINED BY THE CI'l'Y ZONING ORD INANOE, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY ZONING MAP TO BE SO ALTERED AS TO SHOW SUCH CHA:NGEs. (N. Federal: First to Fourth Streets) The ordinance having beeD read in full the seoond time, it was moved by Ih-. Bradshaw, seconded by Mr. MiJ.'ler, and on 1'011 oall unan!mously carried that the ordlt)anoe be adopted on its seoond reading aDd final passage. By motion regularly made, seconded and carried the following ordinanoewas placed on its first reading: ORDINANCE 358 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CI'l'Y OF' DELRAY BEACH. FLORIDA, DESIGNATING ALL PROPERTr NOl'l OR HEREAFTER LOCATED IN LOtmL BUSINE3S ZONE AS BEING IN THE SECOND FIRE ZONE, ilbe ordinance having been read in full by the Clerk, it was moved by J6l'. Bradshaw that it be passed on its first reading. Mr. Crego seconded the motion am on roll oall the vote was as followS:' Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Ore go yes, Mr. }fill ye~" Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. MUler yes. The motion carried~ 146:1. COUNCI:t CHAMBER - May 13, 1940 The Oity Attorney presented preliminary resolut~ ions a uthorizing the improvement of the alley running through the center of Blook 741. stating that the Contractor G.O. Baker, had requested the City to l'U1Il the necessary advertisements and authorize the 1 egal work required to make a lien assessment for said improvanent, whi<il extra expense Mr. Baker had agreed to pay for, personally. ~t was aooordingly moved by Mr. BradShaw" seconded by Mr. Crego, and on roll call unanimously carried, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION 359 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNOIL OF '!HE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ORDERING THE CITY ENGINEER TO PREPARE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET IMPTIOVEMElfl' WORK - Block 74 , It was moved by Mr. Bradshaw, seconded by JIIr. Qrego, and on roll call unanimOUSly carried, that the following resolution be adopted: f l' RESOIDTION 360 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF THE CITY mGINEER FOR CERTAIN STREET IMPROVE- MENT WORK TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN BLOCK 94, FROJII N.E. SEOONDSTREET TO N.E. THIRD STREET - Bloirt 74. "" :It was moved by Mr. Bradshaw, seconded by Mr. Crego, and on 1'011 call unanimOUSly oarried, thst the fOllowfngresolution be adopted. RESOLUTION 361 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE OI'l'Y OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ORDERING THE CONSTRUCT.... ION OF CERTAIN STREET IMPROVEMENT ~RK - Block '14. ';'<-'C The Olerk drew to the Council fS attention to the outstanding water bill of A.F. Baggett amounting to $18.12, whioh she stated covered a period of four or five months and which the Water Deplll'lll1leall had been unsucoessful in collecting. Inasmuoh as Mr. Baggett claimed to have been sick:, the meter-man had hesitated to cut off the service and now requested advioe of the Council aa to what to do. After dis cuss ion it was moved by Mr. Hill that Mr. Baggett be granted a 30 day extension 1.462 COUNCIL CHAMBE1l - May 13, 1940 of time to take oare of' the water account in full. Ill', MUler seconded the motion and on. roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. CreBO yes, Mr. HUl yes, Qr. Jacobs yes, JIIi'. Miller yes. :Lne motion oarrled. o The Chairman of the Street Oommittee submitted CUy Engineer fS plans for the proposed construction of a street to extend from Swinton Avenue throUgh the center of the 8i of Lot'10, Section 20, west to the cemetery. The CUy Engineer eXplained that this was part of' a proposed W.P.A. Project providing for a l6-foot drive on each side of a oenter parkway constructed with an underground sprinkler system; also the beautification of the road running along the East ,line of the cemetery property and the ten aore tract South of same v.!l.ich the City prOposes to acquire as additional cemetery property. Mr., Cromer estimated the total cost to the City would run around $2,000.00 and he stated E.B. Nichols, Whose property muld be materially benefitted by said 1m.prove~ ment, had agreed to pay tl,300.00oash, immediately upon ccmpletion of the verk, leaving the City only $700.00 and that probably Mrs. Stoney would be willing, also, to pay a portion of this expense. All members were highly in favor of the proposed improvement and it was moved by Mr. Miller that the City Engineer prepare plans and speoifications for submission of applicstion for a W.P.A. Project as outlined. Mr. Bradshaw seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows I Hr. Bradshaw yes, JIIr. Crego yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes. The motion carried. It was also moved by Mr. Miller that the City Attorney be authorizied to write to MtiI. Minnie Kahn and attempt to negotiate for the purchase of Ei Lot 27, Seotion 20 for a prioe or $150.00 suoh property to be added to the C1 tyfs oemetery tract. Counoilmen Bradshaw drew the members f attention to the Waterworks Convention being hel d in Jacksonville on May 16th to 18th, and recommended that the City Eng- ineer attend, as he considered the information to be gleaned from such a meeting would be valuable to theOi ty. It WIllS accordinglymoved, se conded and unanimously carried that Mr. Cromer attend this convention and bring back It report to the Council; that he also be allowed $25..00 expense money for said trip. Mr. Hill drew the Council's attention to several budgeted items Which had been overspent, and as ,Cha1r~ man of the Finanoe Conmi ttee, reconmended that expendit- ures for these particular items be curbed as much as poSsible until after the commenoement of a new fiscal "'81'. It was moved by Mr. crego, tha t charges tor Lowr,. Street sewsI' connections, as recommended by the Plumb$rtg COUNCIL CHAMBER - May 13, 1940 :1463 Inspector, be approved and adopted as a basis for future connection costs, said schedule being as follows: ( REVISED SEWER OONNEO'l'ION CHARGES (Lowry Street Line) Hotels, Apartments, Residenoes, Stores, or business houses and such like, of e rooms or less shall pay a flat oonnection fee of . . . 125.00 All suoh places having more than e rooms shall pay the 125.00 flat fee, plus a fee for eaoh additional room of . . ! . . . . .. 3.0, per room , , The motion was seoonded by Mr. Miller and on roll oall the vote was unanimous and the motion carried! The Clerk stated every effort had been made to colleot license and personal property tax from Klearwater Oompany but beoause of a grievance Mr. Page had regarding the amount of license and personal property tax oharged him by the 01 ty, he refus,ed to settle. The Clerk was instructed not to issue wsrrant for said collection at the present time. The May 7th Board of Health Water Report, stat. ing that the water was "Good" was submitted, and ordered filed. It, was moved by Mr. Ore go , seoonded by JII1'. Miller that bills numbered 5493 to 55'19, having been appr~ by the Finsnce Committee, be .eturned to the Couno~~ and ordered paid. It was regularly moved, seoonded and O8rri*4 that Oounoil adjourn. ~fD~'@~ () ty er.. APPROVED : ~qj'd~ Mayor _ , , I,