05-21-40 Special
Kay 23., 1940
The Oounoll. _t in speoial session at 10:4.5 A.M.,
upon oan of the Uayor, With theCity Attomey. and fOllow-
ing mll!lJlbers present: )[r. Bradshaw. Mr. Crego, Mr. Jaoobs
aDd Mr. Miller. Mr. Hill was absent.
Upon oommg to order. Mayor Jaoobs stated the
meeting had been oalled for consideration ot an otter
on a .10.000.00 blook ot bondsreoeivedtran Terrell.
Field, Richards & Shepard, ofCinoinnati. at 51 oents.
good tor one houris acoeptance.
In the ensuing disoussion. some of the members
expressed disInolination to making 1mmedlate deoision
in the matter. being of the opinion that the Oity would
probably reoeive more favorable offers if purohase WBS
deferred for the present. It was therefore moved by
CounoilmanBradshaw that the City Clerk advise Mr. Terrell
th8 t the Counell was not prepared to take aatton on
the of tel' at this time. Mr. Miller seconded the motion
and on roll oall the vote WBS as follows: Mr. Bradshaw
yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. MUleI' yes. The
motion oarrl8d.
BY' motion regularly made. s e oonded and carried.
Counoil adjourn,d.
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