05-27-40 Regular '. 14:65 COUNCIL CHAJ.lBER May 27, 1940 , , . '!he Oounoil met in regular session at 7130 P.M. with the Oity Attorney and the following members present: Mr. Crego, Mr . HU1, Mr. Jacobs and Mr. fUller. Counoil- man Brllishaw arrived during the reading of the minutes. By DDtion regularly made, se oonded and oarried the minutes of the regul ar meeting of May 13th and the speoial. meeting of May 21st were approved as read, The Street COIlIIIrl:ttee, appoinlled with power to aot in the matter ofgl'lIiing the f:lt of Market street, adjoin- ing the MoCarty property, reported that Harvel Brothers had out down tJ1e ridge and graded said street, as agreed, but had not yet paved Mr. MoCartyts half ot the right-ot... way nor dug the ditoh for the city water main. Eltonffar- vel was present and stated this muld require only about one day's additional labor and that they were ready to do this work at any time, but did not oonsider it advisable to dig the trench until the Oi ty was ready to l.ay the pipe, sinoe it would probably oave in it left open too long. He also presented bill for $94.00 oovering the oanp1e: ted job. It was moved by-Mr. MUleI' thallthe Street Committee's report on this matter be aooepted, whiol1 D>tion was seoonded by Mr. Hill, and on roll oall, unanimously aooepted~ iJhe Counoilmen were not inolined to pay the Harvel bill, in full, until the ditch had been dug, there- fore it was moved by Mr. Hill that 10% of the bill be held out until ocmp1etion of this work. Jlr. Bradshaw seoonded the motion, Which oarried unan:lmous1y on roll oal1. A letter was read from Mrs. ;r.o. Swanson asking Why the Oi ty was appropriating private property, in 1. ts boulevard widening pro jeot, without due notice to abutting property owners, On motion of Mr. Bradshaw, seoonded by Mr. Crego, the Oity Attorney was instruoted to repl.y to Mrs. Swanson advising her that this was not being done, explaining the legal angles involved, and how it affeots her property. Mir. crego seoended the motion am on 1'011 oall the vote was unanimous and the motion oarried. As a resuJ.t of Mrs. S\'I8neon ts enquiry a long dis- oussion followed regarding the disputed West beaoh boule- vard line, and the Oi ty Engineer was asked What progress George Brookway hili ma4e in preparing an aooeptable bl.ue prin t of the proposed line, In rep~, Howard Orcm8J' reported that he had reoenUy llalked wi th Mr. Brookway in regard to this and had been informed that he vas working .. J < , , < :14:66 COUNCIL OHAMBER - May 27, 1940 <" on it and expteoted to heve it oompleted shortly. The Cha1rman of the Finanoe Oemmittee reoomnended that the Oity withhold payment on the mrk until suoh time as this line is definitely established, aooepted by the County, and plaoed on record. Mr. Crego brought up, again, the matte r 0 f railroad gates for the At1antio Avenue orossing, stating there had been no misumers tanding bellween t}>> counoil and Ral1ll'Oad officials in regard to the 01tyfs demand for a manually oontrolled gate, and he recommended that the Clerk write the Ocmpany to this e1'feot, stating that the Oity demanded DlIDIuslly oontrolled gates and nothing else; otherwise we expeoted to enforoe the speed regulations provided by State statute and Gity ordinanoes. J&r. HUl seoonded the mUon and on roll oall the vote was unanimous, and the motion calT ied. ! ~ The Oity Engineer made report as follows regarding the looation of the lot line between the Kentuoky House property and the Oity Pam, which raport the Mayor ordered incorporated into the minutes, ~ ~ May 27, 1940 TO THE mMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL: < In aooordanoe with your instruotione. I have investigated the sidewalk between Blodc 184 and the City Park and find that there exists 8 10 foot sidewalk, the oenter of which is the line between the tm properties. Very truly, Isl H. Cremer Aoting City E.ngine8~ < . ..... C.T, Eaton addressed the meeting, stating it wss his understanding that the Kentuoky House Properties had originally given 11 feet for a walkway! and now he would like to be assured that the Oi ty CounoU W111. agree not to permit its use as a vehioular thoroughfare. He sald he would be glad to deed this footage to the City provided it would be used only for sidewalk purposes. TheMayor stated that half of suoh sidewalk construotion was ordin- arily ohargeable to the abutting property and sinoe the Kentuoky House had never paid its portion 1'01' this 'RBlk he oonsidered the City was also due some oonsideration in the matter. ;!;t was reoomnended that the disputed right-, of-way be olosed to vehioular trsffio, at the North as well as the South end, for the time being, r :1467 COUNOn. CHAMBER - May 27, 1940 . Ai camnunication, trom the Sherman Williams Post No. 19, Oolored Veterans of the World War was read in Whioh it \\8S requested that the City prooeed to seoure a W.P.A. Project for the oonstruotion of a sidewalk on lVest Fifth Avenue extending a distanoe of four blaoks, from S.W. Secald street to N.1". Second Street. Mr. rego said such a sidewalk had been previously considered but beoause the abutting property was not able to s tam the expense of suoh an improvement it was oonsidered out of the question, but if it llOuld be worked out on a W.P.A. job he believed it should be done. A sidewa1k of rolled rock and oil, similar to that cQlstruCted on the beaoh, was reoommended. The 01 ty Engineer stated he believed it would be neceesary to include improvements in other seotions of town in order to provide a projeot large enough to be aooepted by the W.P.A. Office, therefore it was moved by 'Mr. Bradshaw that the City Engineer go over the s ituat- ion and make report back to the Counoil at a later date, with recommendation as to other tmprovemants he oonsidered advisable to ino1ude in said projeot application. Mr. crego seoonded the motion, which on roll call earried unanimously. A long and detaUed report on the Oi ty Engineerts trip and attemlanoe at the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Florida Be otion or Amerioan Waterworks Association, was reoeived and read, in whioh several helpful reoanmend- ations were made in regard to oorrosion and deterioration of \\8ter mains &;c. The CounoU expressed appreciation for the report stating tb3 y considered the trip well 'worth the time and money expended, because of the useful inform~ ation gleaned therefrom, and it was moved by Mr. Bradshaw that the report be approved and filed for future aotton and referenoe. Mr. Crego seconded the motion whioh o<arried unanimously on roll call. In referring to one particular reoanmandation made in his report, the City Engineer further stressed the ad- vantage of the Oity making request, with supporting data, that the City's yaoht am turning basins be included in Colonel G.A. Youngbergts application to the Ohier of Army Engineers, advocating the deepening of" the Florida Inland Waterway to twelve' feet and the dredging of side ohannels and turning bas:lns. In this way the City, he said, 'ICluld be p1aoed in a posi tion to reoeive maintenanoe on these munioipal basins. A long letter \\86 read from Jinmy Lane in Whioh he tendered his resignation as Life Guard, stating he intended to take up other work.. tt was moved by Mr. Crego that the resignation be aocepted, Mr. Miller seoonded the motion, which earried unanimously on roll call. , " "'\.. r t 1 , j . , I .1 . t. f t .",' H.H. lVellenbrink oame before the meeting, aS1l!mg that the members cons! del', se ri ously, the p rov is ion or . COUNCIL CHAMBER - May 27. 1940 14:68 lawn boWl..ing faoilities next Season. He ststed this form of recreation was gaining in popularity am was enjoyed by a 1 arge number of people who were unable to indulge in reoreation as strenuous as golf or tennis. He believed the cost would not be over $500. for two or three courts, and sets of bowls and stated that a $5.00 per year member- shjp fee is USUally charged for the privilege of playing on the greeIlS. He asked that such an expenditure be taken into consideration when setting up the 1940-1941 budget. By motion of Mr. crego, seoonded by ~. Hill,' and unanimously oarried, Arthur Quinoe was given permit to IlOve a building from Lot 46 to Lots 7 & 8 Block 29. Applioation of Violet Donald for permit to build a two-family dwelling on the rear of Ooean BeaohLot 3 was submitted. 'tJpon inspecti~ the plans, it was moved by Mr. Bradshaw that application be rejeoted, in its present form, sinoe same did not oOll!Ply with the single- famUy dwelling regulations laid down for said distriot. Mr. MUler seconded the motion, and on roll oall the vote was unsnimous and the motion oarried. r , The Building Inspeotor presented a plan f~r the rerode11ing of the Oi ty Hall to provide Polioe, Jf ire and othar department offioes; also estimate of oosts as follows: Estimate for ohanges as shown on drawing: Ooean Oi ty Lumber Co.-Lumber & Hardware Joe Pries t - materials Jack Strong - rOOfing Carpenter labor Mason labor Stuoco 60 yds. @ .60_ Painting Paving west alley 72 feet SlO' wide . $ 335.09 261.72 63.00 175,00 150~0() 3/5400 45~OO en.~ 1. u4ti. Bl !II ;'i:;r The aboveestimate does not include any e1eotrical work. 'l'he Mayor explained that expansion was neoessary sinoe several departments were orowded for room, and asked the CounoU to consider the proposed ohanges, stating he llOuld we100me any suggestions or reooIlllllendations in this regard. He felt a start should be made, he said, even though the v.ork might not be d.one immediately perhaps~ After oonsiderab1e discussion, it was moved by Mr. Bradshaw that the financing of suoh proposed remodelling be referred to the Chairman of the Finance Oommittee, to investigate and report baok at next meeting.. Mr. Hill seconded the motion and on roll oall the motion carried bY' unanimous vote. By motion regularly made. seconded & carried Jt,ul Muss1e was granted permission to maintain only a 20' set- baok for house he propose' to move on to Lots 9&10, B1 114. :14:69 COUNOIL CRAMBER - May 27" 1940 Upon reocmmendation of the Chairman of the Finanoe COIIlIIrlttee. Oounoilman Miller moved that a new typewriter be purchased for the City 01erk's offioe, and that the Fire and Inspeotion Department Office be given one of the good machines now in use in the Clerk's offioe. Mr. crego seoonded the motion, which on 1'011 call oarried unanimously. By motion of Mr. HU1, seoonded by Mr. Bradshaw, and on roll call, unanimously oarried, the following res- olution wes adopted: RESOLUTION 362 A FlESOIDTION OF TijE OITY OOUNOIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, tLoRIDA, GIVING THE OOUJ.I[W OF PALM BEACH I!'OI;t J'URISDIOTION FOR THE RE- CONSTRUCTION OF THAT PART OF THE OCEAN BOULE- VARD, !roR'lR OF ATLANTIC AVmUE, LYlNG WITHIN THE CITY LD4ITS OF DELRAY BEACH. Upon motion regularly lnade, se conded and carr1ed, the following ordinanoe was plaoed on its seoibnd reading: ORDINANOl!: 358 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BElCH, FLORIDA. DESIGNATING ALL PROPERTY NOW OR HEREAFTER LOCATED !N LOOAL AND SPECIAL BUSlNES8Z0NES AS BEING IN THE SECOND FIRE ZONE. '!he ordinanoe having been re ad in ful;l., the se oom time. it was moved by :Mr. HU1, seoonded by Jii.. crego aDd on roll oall 08.lTied unanaously that same be adopted on its second ,1rB6dt6g:)lnd final. passage. A new Golf Oourse pumping oontract, a t a reduoed rate, lll!lS submitted, and by order of the CounoU referrea:;,:;:. to the Golf Conmittee for investigation and approval. , -"" >'" Mr. Jacobs asked what aotion the CounoU wished to take regarding the hiring of a man for night duty, to answer telephone oall.s, after Mr. OoOk moved frCIII the upstairs living quarters. It wes reoc:mmended that this matter be deferred untU suoh time as Mr. Cook vaoates. The Clerk enquired wJ1ether the Oounoil wished to make any compromise in the matter of lioense and personal. property tax assessed against Klearwater Ccmpany alld was. instruoted, by motion of Mr. Bradshaw to prooeed w.tth 14:70 COUNCIL CRAMBER i9 Bay 27, 1940 " oolleotion as assessed, s inoe the members considered it was in line with other similar businesses. Ill'. crego seoonded the motion whioh carried unanimously on roll oa11. '!he Chairman of the Street Oonmittee statedhe had reoeived a request from Mr. i'I.F. Dennis. owner of !the pro- perty on which the new Presidential Building is bemg ereoted, asking that the City grant him the same oonsid- eration as others, in the rebuilding of the Atlantic Avenue sidewalk in front of his property, viz. that the old broken walk be torn up and a new wal.k oonstructed to oonform with the elevation of the .idewalk East of there, the C1 ty to bear half the expense and the abutting property owner hel.f, the Oity to retain the old flagstone removed from said l.ooatlon. Mr. Bradshaw reoommended that the work be done on this basis and it was aocordingly moved by Mr. Crego that his reoommendations be aocepted. 1Ir.. Miller seoonded the motion and on roll oall it was oarried unanimously. j; It was m\>ved by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Crego, end on roll oall unanimously oarried that bills numbered 5580 to 5609 having been approved by the Finanoe Oommittee, be returned to the Council and ordered paid. .1 Mr. Hill asked that the Counoil come to a deais10n in reg\;d to the request made at last meeting for a ohange of zoning in the district lying betwaen Seventh Avenue and the Canal, extending one block North and South of Atl.antio. He said Ill'. Eaton had talked to him, stating it was not legal, substantial businesses they wanted to prohibit but those that were noisy or would tend to become a nuisanoe to surrounding property. The matter was dis- oUssed at length the members all be 1ng of the opinion that Atlantio Avenue was the 10gioal p1 ace for business and should not be barred. The Olerk was instruoted *0 inform the petitioners that no additional permit would be granted for boWLing alleys in other looations, Easll of the Federal, without due notice being given and the Ito~ Publio~~olea sa opportunity to express objeotion there~ It was regularly moved. seoonded and oarried that Counoil adjourn. ~/iJZ cJ.{h~. . City Cler AWROVED: ~ ,