06-06-40 Special
June 6, 1940
The Council met in special session on oall 01'.
,the Jlayor, at 1;30 P.,M. for the purposeot considering
the request ot W.;E. Wilcox tor a leave 01' absence trom
his oftice as JUdge, and the necessary appointment 01' a
judge pro tem, du~ing the absence of Mr. Wilcox, also
to take up other matters ot business deemed necessary
at this time.
Meeting came to order and Mr. Wilcox's request
for leave ot absence was considered. Counoilman Crego
moved that the leavl!! of absence be granted until July 1st,
as requested. Mr. Hill seconded the motion, whioh carried
unanimously. . :
Upon reoollllllendation ot Mr. Wiloox, it was moved
by Councilman Bradshaw that Arthur Barton be appointed as
Judge, pro tem, to serve during the absenoe 01' Judge Wil-
cox. Mr. Crego seconded the motion, which ~arried unan_
imously on roll call. Thereupon, Mr. Barton took the
required oath.
Mr. Bradshaw then brought up the matter 01'
sidewalk to be oonstructed in front of the new Presiden-
tial Building, stating that R.C. Lawson agreed to put
it down at 20 oents per foot. This was oonsidered as
cheap a s the City coUld do the work, and he recommended
that Mr. Lawson be allowed to construct it at said price;
the City to pay h,lf the cost as previously agreed upon.
It was accordingl!, moved by Mr. Crego that R.C.Lawson
be instructed to proceed with the work. and that the City
pay half the cost of replaoing the old sidewalk'and the
City to get the cement slabs removed from said location.
Mr. Hill seconded the motion, and on roll call tbe vote
was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes. Mr. Orego yes,' Mr. Hill
yes, Mr. Jacobs yes. Mr. Miller yes. The motion carried.
Mr. W.J. Snow appeared at the meeting request-
ing permission to operate a plaoe Of business at the
filling station site on Lot 20 Block 101. He contemplated
running the filling station, also carrying a stook ot
building materials on the rear of the property, he said.
Upon enquiry, he stated that no maohinery or blook-making
.pparatu~ would be operated. It was moved by Mr.Orego
.that permission be granted to operatesuoh flll1ngstaUon
bu~l~t~~ in conJunotion with the sale of building materials
OOUNCIL CHAMBER - June 6, 1940
provided license is taken out for eaoh type of business,
and provided no machinery or nOise-making apparatus is
operated. Mr. Hill seoonded the motion, and on roll call,
the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes,
Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes. The motion
The Clerk reported having reo8ived an otter 01'
fitty cents on $10,000. worth of bonds, through Thos.
M. Cook Company, but the Counoil declined to consider the
purohase of more bonds at this time, since the sinking
fund had'been exhausted by the last twenty thousand dollar
It was moved, seconded and carried that Counoil
Oity Clerk. ,.