06-12-40 Adjourned Regular 148( COUNCIL CHAMBER June 12, 1940 'l'heCouncll met in adjourned regular session at 7:30 P.M. with Attorney Adams and the following members present: Mr. Bradshaw, Mr. Crego, Mr. Hill, Mr. Jaoobs am Mr. Miller. Mayor Jaoobs stated the meeting was for the pur- pose of hearing a report from the Chairman of the Water Committee a nd fro n e nginee rs, who ha d a proposi t1 on to mam the Ci ty in regard to water survey. D.M. Bradshaw reported that the Water Committee had oontaoted Dr. A.P. Blaok, oonsul ting Chemist of the University ofnor1da, and Oharles Riohheimer of the Engineering firm of G.A. Youngberg and Assooiates, Jaok~ sonville, for advioe on Delray's water system. He said it was a recognized faot that improvements and additions were needed in the Oity's plant and the Counoil was not suffioiently informed to prooeed with these, without oompetent advioe whioh he felt these gentlemen were in a posit10n to supply. Thereupon both :Mr. Blaok and :Mr. Riohheimer addressed the Counoil and disoussed at length with the members the various requirements of the Water system, partioularly the need of a fil tr ati on plant to prevent further formation of iron oxide inorustation in the city water mains, whioh Mr. Black oontended would cut down the oapaoity of the pipes to such an extent as to require its removal after a period of years, costing the Ci ty many times ?bat a filtration syste~uld at the present time. They recom- mended that. before the City go into any e:xpenditures, that a ehemieal analysis and water survey be made to determine the sources and anount of water available. the quality of water available, an effective method ot treatment for the supply, and the approximate oost of a plant to treat both lake and well sources of supply. They agreed to make s~ch a survey and report for a price of $250.00, and on th~basis of such full and detailed survey recommend to tlie City the most advisable thing to do at this time. ,,' , '!'~, Mr. Miller and some of the members doubted the nee~of a survey at this time, considering the expense ~ unwJrranted. It was contended that a survey would be advisable before making any kind of improvements to the plant, and if made at this time, even though it were not used, it would not be thrown away as it would serve all future survey requirements. Mr. Bradshaw contendeCJ,.it,. was foolish to spend money on improvements that might..". , i!1 1481 COUNCIL CHAMBER - June l2, 1940 J prove unsatisfaotory or inadequate when this could be avoided by obtaining proper information, such as the proposed report v<<luld give. He reco!Ill1ended that such survey be made. It was finally JIJOved py Councilman Crego that Mr. BradshaW's recommendation b:1accepted, viz. that Dr. A.P. Black ani Charles E,. Richhe liner be employed at a fee of $250.00 to make preliminar1 survey ani recommendation on the City's wa ter system, present and future supplYi survey to entail no other obligation' unless improvements as recommended therein are subsequently made by the City, in which event it, was stipulated that Youngberg lie Assoc iates should be employed as the engineer on the job. Mr. Hill seconded Mr. Crego's motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. J'acobs yes, Mr. MUler yes, The m:l tion carr ied. The matter of sunmer vacations Was then taken up, and it was moved by Mr. Hill that all City employees, on a monthly salary basis, who have been employed for a . year or more, be given 2 weeks' vacation, with pay, SUCh""., vacations to be arranged by the heads ot the departmentsf ,:&<l'j. Mr. Bradshaw se conded the motion, and on roll oall the . vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. crego yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. dacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes,. The motion oarried. ,. Mr. Miller then brought up for dis cuss ion the praotice or supplying out-of-town residents wi th c11ly water, stating that he wes in favor of notifying these people wi thin the next six months that water service will be discontinued. He said our system was overtaxed and we could .not afford to oontinue supplying these people when we received no tax revenue from them. He asked that some aotion in this regard be taken at next meet1ng. He sa id he was not in ravor of supplying any outside consumers; that the City was doing enough in taking care of its own citizens and that the water revenue de- rived therefrom was not commensurate with the benefit these people received. Mr. Bradshaw re commended that the Council firs t consul t the Ci ty Attorney and fOrmulate some plan of aotion for presentation to residents in these outlying distric ts, Whereupon Mr. Miller moved that the Ordinanoe Committee be authorized to take thematter up with the City Att'orney and report back at the next reguler meet.,. ing. Mr. Crego seconded the motion, which \1l'arried unanim.. ously. By motion regularly made, seconded and carried,v Counoil adjourned. APPROVED: Of>z.j)~ '",.., ____ A ~ t,"" ~ O~). ~~~."~., 01 ty Clerk <,,' :! .... . .'-oj "