06-13-40 Special lLl~ GOUNCIL CHAMBER June 13, 1940 , 'lhe Council met in special session at 7:30 P.M. far the purpose of discussing with a committee from the Chamber of Commerce the proposed amemment to the Clty Zoning Ordinance, as sponsoreg and presented to the Council at last regular meeting by a qhamber of Commerce Committee. The City Attorney and all members of the Council Vlere present. , ' LeRoy Diggans~ Chairman of the Chamber, addressed the meeting at length explaining the Committee's motive in presenting the ordinance, stating it WBS at the request of nUlIllrous citizens, whom he felt should be given con-- sidera tion, and allowed an opportunity to vote on the question as to whether the ordinance should become effect- ive or no; and that it was in no way the intention of any group to usurp any of the power of the Council. Opinions were exchangeal', pro and con, between members of the Council, the commi1lrtee and citizens present, incl11d- ing R.E. Turpin, C.W. Garner, J.C. Keen, Henry pope, W.J. Enright and others. The Building Inspector recommend- ed, befare passing the proposed amendment th8.t the zoning committee go over the entire zoning ordinance and iron out some of its fl aws and inconsistencies, but the Committee contended that this could be done at any tlXl1e and had no relation to the amendment then under consider.. ation. ? , The Mayor recommended that the ordinanoe be re- ceived and filed, and that the Council consider it, and work out. something mutuaUtY satisfactory during ,the sumner. Counoilman MUller said as far as he was concerned he would like to see it discussed now, as he thought :I:t would be a good thing to have a Zoning Committee', although he found fault with some sections of the amendment, as' submitted. Mr. Bradshaw made the same objection to it as councilman Miller, stating that he would never favor its passage until it was amended to allow for zoning . changes from May to 'uecember. He said past experienoe proved there were many instances where need arises dur- ing the sunm; r months. After the gouncil had freely voiced its objeot- ions, upon recommendation of the Zoning Committee, the ordinance was returned. to the City Attorney for revision whereupon various sections of same were amended as followsl :148: COUNCIL CHAMBER - June 13, 1940 Section 111. First sentence to read: "Meetings of the Zoning Commission for-re-zoning shall only be held during the months of December through April; but emergency meetings may be called throughout the year as noted in Section 9.~ Section IV. Last sentence amended to read: "Each petition shall be aocompanied by a payment of $15.00 to be placed in the General Fund-of' the City." Section IX. This section amended to read: "In the event any petition as prescribed in SeotionIV hereof be filed during the months of May to Novemberl inclusive, of any year, The City Council ~al dispose of such applioation in the manner prescrie in Sec. 7, if an emergenoy is declared to exist by a majority vote of the City Council." Section XI. This seotion shall be amended by delet- ing this entire sentence: "The Zoning Commission, in considering such application, shall proceed in the same manner as provided in Section VII of this ordinance for consideration of petitions for re- zoning." , And amendment of the last sentence to read as follows: "Each such applicat ion shall be accompanied by the payment of $5.00 to be pJaced in the General Fund of the Ci ty." .. By motion regularly made, seconded and carried the amended ordinance was then placed on its first read- ing, and having been re ad in full, it was moved by Mr. Miller that it be passed on its first reading. Mr. Hill sa, conded the motion and on roll call, the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. crego yes, Mr. HUl yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yea. and the motion was declared adopted, and ORDINANCE ~, was passed on first reading. The Clerk presented appliciation of iV.B. stewart for permit to move a part of the old colored sohool building :from Lot 3, Block 28 to Lot 9 Block 28, said building to be remodelled and placed in good oondition .for use as a residence. Upon the Building Inspector's reoommendation, permit was regularly granted by motion of Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Crego and on roll oall, unanimously carried. Upon approval of the Building Inspector, it was also moved by Mr. Hill that Gene Hurd be given permit to build a house on Lot 20 Blo ok: :3 Dell Park, maintain- ing the same set-back for same as exists on other houses on that street. Mr. Crego seoonded the motion, and on roll call the vote wasas follows: Mr.. Bradshaw yes, t: < - ;;: :14m COUNCIL CHAMBER - June 15, 1940 Mr. Grego yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes. The motion carried. It was regularlY moved, seoonded and carried that council adjourn. ~~.(l~ a1 y erk APPROVED: ~ ~~ 1 "