06-24-40 Regular
JUne 24, 1940
The Oouncil met in regular session at 7:~ F.M.
with Attorney Adams and all members of the Oounoil present.
The minutes of the regular meeting of JUne 10th,
the adjourned meeting of JUne 12th; and the speoial meeting
of JUne 13th ve re approved as re ad .
'>>he following letter from the W.P.A. Offioe in
West Palm Beaoh, was read:
;rune 14, 1940
Oity of Delray Beaoh,
Delray Beaoh, Fla.
Subjeot: ~roj. 4838-1
Under date of May 28, improvements to
Ooean Boulevard, as outlined in your proposal ~
No. 17 dated June 13, 1939, were oompleted.
We now have the honor of turning these
improvements over to you for use in the purpose
In this joint undertaking our purpose
has been to assist in the relieving of suoh
unemployment as may have existed and to at the
same time secure worth while, permanent improve-
ments for the oonmunity.
We assure you of' our purpose and desire
to at all times cooperate in a mutual endeavor
for aocomplishment.
That our records may be completed we
ask that you malle formal aooeptanoe of this work
by- the execution and return to us, in duplioate,
of the attached forms whereon your acceptanoe
is ind ioa ted.
Very truly yours,
/s1 Harry L. Meyers,
Distriot Manager
June 24, 1940 - COUNOIL CHAMBER
reoanmendations be oarried out and that he arrange to move
as soon as poss ib1e. Oouncilman Miller thought it would be
preferable for Mr. Oook to give notioe as to When he would
vaoate and the Council be allowed to study the Chief's re-
oommemations a little further before definitely aooepting
them. Mr. Oook sa:l.d he would not vacate until Someone was
fully qualified to take over the work. After some further
disoussion Councilman Crego seoonded Mr. Bradshaw's mOtion,
and on roll oall the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes,
Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jaoobs yea, Mr. Miller yes.
The motion carried.
A letter from Broward ~uarries was reoeived and
read, which stated that all rock delivered to Harvel Brothers
far the City's reoent paving work had been paid for and all
aocounts with them duly taken Oare of by Harvel Brothers.
(Mr. Hill made a motion that in granting Seward
Webb permn:=for an apartment house on Lots 23 &. 24, Blook 116,
that speoial permission be given for only a 10-foot set-baok
instead of 25 feet as speoified in the zoning ordinance.
This was reoommended by the Building Inepeotor, who stated
the new building would oonform with other business buildings
in that looality, all of whioh were from nine to fifteen f:Jet
from the front property line. Ifr. Bradshaw seoonded Coun 1...
man HIll's motion, ''41100 oarried unanimously on roll oall.
Tbe Chairman of the Street Oommittee reported on
W. W. Williamson's complaint regarding the pavi:ilg and olea1'-
ing of Osceola Street ad jooent to his property. Mr. Bradshaw
said any pay ing improvement was out of the question as th.e
abutting property did not just1ty suoh an expense, but he,,,
reoommended that as soon as Superintendent Baker has extra
labor or applioants working out water bills that he have them,
go down and olean out the growth and debris complained of.
It was moved by Mr. Hill, seoonded by MI'. Miller, and unan-
imously carried that this reoommendation be oarried out.
It was recommended and movedby the Chairman of
the Finance Committee that the City Clerk be authorized to
aocept $25.00 offered in settlement of the old C.P. Warfield
mortgage and note held in the City files as seourity for
City deposits in the defunot Delray Bank & Trust Company~.'
Mr. Bradshaw seoonded the motion, whioh oarried unanimously ,.'l
on roll oall. . .
.~- ...
The Clerk reported having reoeived a request tor
an annual rate for year-round dockage aocommodation in the
Oity ~oht basin. City Engineer Cromer stated that Delray's
dookage fees were very low compared to other towns and for
this re as en the Council declined to make alV reduotion on a
year-round proposition.
At torney Adams reported that a fOIm letter"t:I!t
been prepared to send to out-of-town water oonsumers, ~,..
ing them that owing to the fact that the City's veter plant
COUNOIL CRAMBER - June 24, 1940
is overtaxed and the consequent fear of having to make ex-
tensive repairs and additions to the system, the City would
be foroed to disoontinue the water servioe now being furnished
out-of'-town oons1lllIers, after J'am:ery 1st, 1941. It was moved
by Mr. Crego that the Clerk be instruoted to send suoh letter
to all consumers outside the City_ MI'. Miller seoonded
the motion. In the subsequent discussion Mr. Bradshaw re-
oommended that this aotion be deferred until the forthooming
water report is reoeived from Measrs. mack & Riohheimer.
Oouncilman Hill said he oonsidered the sale of water, to
outsiders, a strictly business proposition and if the Gity
could supply it at a profit he was in favor of doing so.
He therefore suggested that W.O. Winn supply the City with
figures showing complete water pumping costs to the City.
It was oom idered advisable to first obtain these reports
and figures before sending out the proposed form letter.
MI'. Crego thereupon withdrew his motion, which Ifr. Miller
agreed to on oondition that the matter be again taken up
after these reports and figures are available.
Mr. Bradshaw reported on the proposed Atlantio
.Avenue sidewalk, between Canal & Gleason Street, stating he
oonsidered the fill sufficiently paoked and settled to
prooeed with the sidewalk co ns-truc t ion. It was proposed to
construot a 6-foot reinforced walk, 5 inches thiok, with
extra thickness and steel rod reinforoement at the .two street
oross ings, used by the heavy nursery trucks, suoh extra
expense to be paid for by MI'. Zook. After disoussion, it
was moved by Mr. Bradshaw that this sidewalk be oonstruoted
at the earliest possible date, with wire mesh reinforcing
at a price of 19 oents per square foot as bid by Gulfstre.~
Engineers, November 14, 1938, said walk to be built'acoo~a_
ing to the City Engineer's Bpeoif ications as prepared and bid..
on at that t 1me. MI'. Hill seoonded the motion, Whioh oarr1ecT"
unanimously on roll call.
Counoilman Bradshaw brought up the matter of
upkeep and grave digging at the City oemetery, stating that
Adderly, the colored man usually employed to dig graves,
oharged $10.00 for such servioe whioh Mr. Brailshaw oonsid-
ered too muoh. He reoommended, therefore, that Bob Wilson,
city employee, be given this work at a price of $5.00 for
an adult's and $3.00 for an infant's grave, suoh payment
to be made through the City Clerk's offioe. _ It was acoord-
ingly moved, seoonded and oarried that this ohange be made,
as reoommended.
Mr. Bradshaw enquired what disposition was to
be made of the Palm Avenus street improvement job, whioh
still remains in an unoompleted condItion. The City Eng...
inesr stated it would cost about $225.00 to or own , re-soarif'y.
and oil the entire surfaoe. It was reoanmended that the
members investigate and go into th~ matter before the'
meeting and be prepared-to deoide what to do about it
COUNCIL OHAMBER - June 24, 1940
Oounoilman Hill said there had been a lot ot'
discussion and questioning as to whether fireworks were to
be alloYled in town this year. A seotion in the Fire ordin-
anoe prohibited the sale of suoh, he said, and another seotion
pennitted the discharge of same in oertain deSignated seotio~
approve d of by the Fire Chief; the%'etoreMr. Hill re oommended
that permission be granted to use the playground for this
purpose, under the supervision of the Instructor, also the
City park, Where there was little danger or fire hazard,
he thought. It was oonsidered dangerous to allow them on
the pUblic streets and it was further suggested that they be
discharged only on property owner's private premises. The
Fire Chief recommended that parents be required to take out
a permit t'or such fire works. It was finally agreed to leave
the entire matter up to the Fire Chiet' for regulation as he
cons idered best.
It was moved by Mr. Crego that bills numbered
5658 to 5708, having been approved by the Finanoe COmmittee,
be returned to the Council and o%'dered paid.
It was regularly moved, seconded and oarried that
Counoil adjourn,
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