07-09-40 Adjourned Special 1.4:98 COUNCIL CHAMBER JUly 9, 1940 The Coun cil convened in ad journed special session at 9:00 A. M. as a Board of Equalization, with the follow- ing members present: Mr. Bradshaw, Mr. Crego, Mr. dacobs. Councilmen Hill and Miller were absent. A long communication was read from Carl J. White, asking a reduction in the !!l sessment placed against the Bon Air Hotel property. Based on its income value, he considered it over-assessed ccmpared to .the Colony, Seacrest and Delray Beach Hotel. He also asked that the appraisal on his Annex, Lot 13 Block 77 be reduced, to bring it more in line With other properties of the same type and nature. A discussion ensued as to the relative values of the various hotels, some considering the Bon Air to be due some reduction. It was elso stated that the Colony Annex should be raised and the Bon Air Annex reduced to equalize these valuations. George Riley appeared before the Board, stating he considered his valuation fair, but inasmuch as his bus iness and apartment building was not in condition to rent by the first of January, he considered some reduction in rental value was due him. He said he occupied the East store on January 1st, but the center store was not oooupied until January 15th, and the West store not available for occupancy until February, consequently he failed to rent the latter at all during the entire Season. He stated the apartments were not in condition to rent until February 1st, although the building was SUbstantially ocmpleted by the first of the year. M. N. Weinerman asked the Board to reduce valuation plaoed against his property, Lots 3 & 4 Blook 92. As on the previous day, aotion was deferred on all canplaints until they could be investigated and acted upon at a meeting, when a fuller membership of the Council is present. All complainants having been duly heard, it was regularly moved, seconded and carried that Council adjourn to meet again the following day as a Board of Equalization. ~ 4~. Or tJ-AA/1~ City Clerk APPm~~ .~r