07-10-40 Adjourned Special l.tl99 COUNC IT. CHAMBER ;ruly 10, 194{) The Council met in adjourned special session at 9:00 A. M. as a Board of Equalization, with the following members present: Mr. Bradshaw, Mr. Crego and Mr. ;racobs. Mr. Hill and Mr. Miller were absent. A communication of D. F. Buie was submitted to the Council, in which he asked the Board to ~educe the assessment plaoed against his property, viz. Lot 4, lying East of the F. E. C. Railway and ~est of the East boundary of the ~ of Section 9. He st~ted the Federal highway had taken about one aore of this 10 aore traot, and the bulk of the tract lay baok from .the highway, having only 500' frontage on the highway. The members considered the average valuation of $150.00 an aore, for the entire traot tobe in line with other acreage valuations. It was reoommended that the aore appropriated by the Highway be deduoted from Mr. Buie's assessment. , A. B. Thomas appeared before the Board, in the interest of the Colcny Hotel to ascertain the valuations plaoed on the Boughton properties. There being no other complainants desiring to be heard, it was regularly moved, seconded and carried that the Counc il ad journ to. meet in adj oume d sess ion, upon call of the Mayor, as a Board of Equalization for final hearing of conplaints and to make recommendations in regard to properties, on which oomplaints had been made. ~'" 9--UJ..Q~ City Clerk APPROVED: ~r