07-22-40 Regular 15m COUNCIL CHAMBER JUly 22. 1940 The Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. with the City Attorney and all members present. The m:lnutes of the regular meeting of ;ruly 8th. the spe cial meeting as a Tax Adjustment Board, iruly 8th, and the meetings or the Council as a Board or Equaliza- tion'on JUly 8th, 9th, 10th and 18th, were eg?proved as read. ,," Mr. George Brockway appeared at the meeting and consul ted with the Council in regard to the esteblishment of the West right-of-way line or the Ooean Boulevard. He stated he had been requested to make survey and plat of such proposed line, but after spending considerable t1me on it, had been asked to derer further work on same, He said he had prepared the plat and would like. at least, to present it for the member's consideration, as he believed the line should be established ror the benefit of both the City and 'property owners, He was confident that an arbi... trary line. mutually agreeable to the City and property owners, would be approved by the county. Finally Mr. H1l1 moved that Mr. Brockwey be authorized to go ahead and est- ablish what, in his opinion, he believed would be aocept- able as the ,'llst right-of-way line of the Ocelin Boulevard, and submit same at another meeting of the Council for the members' approval. Mr. Bradshaw objeoted to a new line stating that the line previously established by George carr had been tacitly aocepted by property owners and the oity, therefore he reoommended that the Carr line be used and submitted for approval. Mr. MUleI' seconded Mr. Hill's moti'on, and on roll oall the vote was as follows: Ml'.. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Orego yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jaoobs yes, Mr. Miller yes. The motion carried. , F. W. Cason came before the meeting, submitting application am sketch of proposed buildings and improve- ments to be made on Lots 5,6.7 Block 109, Corner Federal Highwey and Atlantio Avenue. Speoial concession was asked in the matter of set-back requirement, it being pointed outL~)a~ improvements on the three other oorners were cOi~tr~d w1th less than a 20-foot set-baok, and the reques ted speoial permit would therefore be in keeping with what now exists. The Building Inspeotor pointed out that whatever concession was made in this instanoe would more or less afrect the three miles of highway 1504 comcn. CHAMBER - JUly 22, 1940 L North and South. After disoussion however, it was moved by Mr. Hill that special permit be granted allowing a 10-foot encroachment on the east line set-back require- ment for the construotion of canopy, service station island, and irtstallation of pumps, it being understood that the main building would set back the full twenty feet from sa id lot line. Mr. Hill's motion was se oonded by Mr. crego, and on roll oall the. vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr'. Hill yes, Mr. iTacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes. The motion was deolared oarried.. A letter was read from Mr'. and Mrs. Paul Dye protesting the removal of palms from Atlantio Avenue, between Seventh & Eighth Avenues, as previously requested by business owners in that territory. The letter was ordered filed. A letter wasread from the Arundel Corporation aSking that the CIty make some reduotion in the amount oharged said oompany for the replaoement of piling broken by itsdredge a year ago, whioh piling, they oontended. was i10tten and brittle with age. Members of the Council Who had invest igated this mat ter stated the piling :In question was new and in good oondition and would have stood years of servioe, therefore they felt the Arundel Company was obliga ted to pay the full OOB t of replaoement. It was aooordingly moved by Mr. Bradshaw that the Olerk advise these people to this effeot. Mr. Hill seoonded the motion, whioh carried unanimously on roll oall. By motion of Mr. Hill, seoonded by Mr. Miller, am unanimously carried, the Clerk wes instruoted to purchase $472.00 worth of bond interest coupons at a price of .25 oents or a total oost of $118.00. It was further moved by Mr. Hill, seoonded by Mr. Bradshaw, and on roll call unanimously carried that the Clerk arrange, if possible, to purohase through Thomas M. Cook Company, at a prioe of .25 oents or less, $165.00 worth of ooupons offered by Utti ted Meroantile Agenoies of Louisville, Kentuoky. Bids for painting on the seoond floor of the city Hall were opened and read as follows: Court Room, Stair Hall, Mayor's and Inspector's , ,~ J , Offioe: C. O. Hagen W.H. Davis A.F. Baggett $ 198~OO 223~50 295,00 It was moved by Mr. Bradshaw that the low bid of C.O. Hagen be acoepted and the work be done at onoe. Mr. Hill seconded the motion, whioh on roll oall oarried unanimousl y. 1505 COUNCIL CHAMBER - JUly 22, 1940 , A prioe of' $390.00 f'or re-roofing the city FIall was submi tted by the South Florida Roofing Company. It was suggested by Mr'. Bradshaw and the Chairman of the Finanoe Committee that this work be deferred until after setting up next years' budget. Mr. Sinks reported having made an inspeotion of' the roof' that day and he said it was in very bad shape and something should be done about it without delay, as a bad storm might result in muoh damsge to the interior beoause of the roof's condition. The t,~e offered at the above prioe was a Barrett 15-year bond pitoh and gravel roof, whioh Mr. Sinks said was fUlly guaranteed to give satisfaotion. It was suggest- ed that the roof be put on at once and appropriation'be made for repayment to the water Fund, of this cost, in the 1940-1941 budget. It ,~s aocordingly moved by Mr. Hill that the South Florida ROOfing Company be employed to put on the Barrett roof, as per bid, for a price of $390.00. Mr. Bradshaw seoonded the IOOtion and on roll oall the vote wes as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Orego yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Miller yes. The motion carried. ~ i J . { A communication was submitted from the Amerioan Seating Company, quoting prices on theatre seats, suit- able for the Council room, viz. $l38.60 for 66 seats installed; also outs and prioes on chairs for the oounoil members. Mr. Bradshaw reoommended that the purohase of seats and ohairs be,'deferred for the 'Present. Mr. HUl said he would 1 ike to oheck up on finanoes before voting for f'urther expenditures at this time, and promised to do this, and report baok at next meeting of' the C06noil, ,J ~ By motion regularly made, seoonded and oarried, permit was authorized to move house from Lot 11, Blod<: 62, to Lots 16 & 17, Blook 36 Colored. Town. By motion regularly made, seconded and oarried the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to sign the proposal of G.A. Youngberg & Associates, authorizing the engineering services of this company in preparation and rendition of preliminary report on Delray Beaoh's water plant and available water supply. By motion regularly made, seoonded and oarried the following offioiala were appointed to oonduot the speoial election seheduled for August 6th, being held to decide on the adoption of Ordinance 365 amending the~.,.. zoning ordinanoe and oreating a zoning oommission for the Ci~y: W.O. Winn, Clerk; Arthur Barton, V'l.J. Johnston, and Mrs. W.A. Larey; Inspeotors. By motion of Mr. Bradshaw, seconded by Mr. crego and on roll oall uDBnimously carried, the Mayor and City .., 1.50( COUNCIL CHAMBER - ;ruly 22, 1940 ": Clerk were authorized to execute quit-olaim deed to Lot 6 Block 11 Dell Park to oorreot and olear title to said lot as it appears on the county court records. ~ Gity Engineer's report and assessment roll, totalling $1,147.00 oovering cost of olearing and grub- bing of lots, Project #2, as authorized under resolution 343, was submitted and examined by the Counoil, and it was moved by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Bradshaw, and on roll call unanimously. carried, that the report and assessn:ent roll be aoproved and same be plaoed on file in the City Clerk's offioe; that the assessment roll be advertised onoe eaoh week for two conseoutive weeks, together with a notioe to the effect that said assessment roll has been duly examined and approved and that the City Counoil will sit to hear objeotions thereto on the 12th of August 1940. 1~ '-.- By motion regularly'made,seoonded and carried the following ordinanoe was plaoed on its first reading: ~ ORDTNANCE 368 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DELRA Y BEACH, IN PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING THAT OERTAIN ORDINANCE NO. 193, DULY ENACTED SEPT- . EMBER 13, 1937, RELATING TO THE SALE OF INTOX- ICATING LIQ,UORS AND BEVERAGES WITHIN THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, AND P ART I CULARL Y RELATll'lG TO LICENSES FOR WHOLESALE AND RETAIL VENDORS OF INTOXICATING LlQ.UORS. ~ ~ ,.,.. / ,. The ordinanoe having been read in full, .it wes moved by Mr. Bra:Ishaw, seconded by Mr. HUl, and on roll call unanimously carried, that the ordinance be passed on its first read~ing: ~ By motion regularly made, seoonded and carried the following ordinanoe was placed on its first reading: ,9RD TN AT:i G1i: 369 AN OIDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA AMENDING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCn. OF THE CITY OF DEL RAY BEACff, FLORIDA. FIXING OCCUPATIONAL TAXES AND LICENSES TO BE CHARGED THE VARIOUS PERSONS, FIRMS OR CORPOR- ATIONS ENGAGED IN OR MANAGING />NY BUSINESS, PROFESSION OR OCCUPATION IN THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA. , ,',- . t '. . . 150'7 COUNCn. CHAMBER - July 22, 1940 The ordinance having been read in full, it was moved by Mr. Hill, seoonded by Mr. Miller and unanimous- ly carried on rollcall, that it be passed on its first 1'6 ading. \ Councilman Hill brought up the matter of oiling the railroad right-o:f-way running from Atlantio Avenue to First Street, on the West side of the tracks. As previously reported by Mr. Bradshaw, he stated this street had been reoently rooked by the railroad and abutting property owners, and it was requested that the city oil it, as it was largely used as a public thoroughfare. Members expressed themselves as being opposed to paying anything towards the maintenanoe of railroad right-of-way but as willing to oil this partioular seotion. It was tl}ef'efore moved by Mr. Hill seoonded by Mr. Miller and on roll oall unanimously carried that the City SUperin- tendent be authorized to oil that portion of the rignt- of-way reoently rooked, between Atlantio Avenue and First Street, west of the tracks. l.. , ;':. f'- ", '4 The Clerk reported havin~ come to an agreement with Mr. E.N. Andrews on the settlement of taxes: against Lots 2,3,4,11 and 12 Blook 83, for $163.12, whioh oash amount muld cover, in full. the years 1937,1938,lm 1939, as\required by bond refunding agreement and existing ordinanoes. t.... I I . \....1 By motion regUlarly made, seoonded and oarried, bills numbered 5760 to 5792, having been approved by the Finanoe Conmittee, were referred back to the Council and ordered paid. It was moved QY Mr. Hill that the City Attorney be authorized to draw up necessary papers~ for present- ation to the Legislature, of a bill re-incorporating into the City limits the subdivision of Seagate and other adjacent territory exoluded since boom time. Mr. crego expressed strenuous disapproval of same. Mr. Miller seoonded Mr. Hill'S motion, and on roll oall the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. crego no, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Jaoobs yes, Mr. Miller' yes. The motion oarried. Mr. Novilin agreed to prepare such, and submit for tm Counoil's approval and further instruotion. The Chief of police brought up the matter of obstructing shrubbery on street oorners and at points where it beoomes a Itlraffio hazard and recommended that an ordinance be drawn regulating the height of suoh. It was stated the City already had such an ordinanoe. Counoilman Miller asked what definite aotion the City intended to take in regard to completing the '. improvement of Palm Avenue. It was stated that the ~.. would probably have to do the work if it was done. ML-'I;. "'j~4H ,JR <t. fi , ;~ ~.. 15Ut'S COUNCIL CHAMBER - JUly 22. 1940 Bradshaw estimated it would oost about $225.00 to orown, re-soarify and oil this street as agreed, the city to furnish the rook, but he promised to have definite data and contraotor's price, for submission to the Counoil at its next meeting. By motion regularly made, seoonded and carried, Council adjourned at 10:30 P.M. ~4P1r2;Qe~f APPROVED: ~-~~ ., . :7", .......__0.1 COUNCIL CHAMBER July 22, 1940 The CounoU met at 10:30 P.M. immediately after Counoil meeting; as a Board of Adjustment, with all members present. The offer of \V.A. Jacobs of $I.OO.OO in full settlement of all taxes and improvement liens against Lots 5 & 6, Block 112 was oonsidered. The Clerk stated this was approximately the same basis of settlelll8nt allowed on lots in that section, being 15% on all taxes prior to 1937. It was therefore moved, seoonded and unanimously oarried that the of'fered settlenent of $100.00 be aooepted and the Clerk be authorized to issue tax reoeipts therefor. It was regularly moved, seoonded and oarried that Counoil adjourn. t;/Vt~~{/~~~ l APPROVED!' QhzJ--' ~ Maye