Ord 75-06 ORDINANCE NO. 75-06 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CIlY COMMISSION OF THE CIlY OF DELRA Y BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CIlY OF DELRA Y BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 35.097, "RETIREMENT INCOME; BASIS, AMOUNT, AND PAYMENT', BY AMENDING SUBSECTION 35.097(M), "EARLY RETIREMENT INCENTIVE", TO PROVIDE FOR CHANGED ELIGIBILIlY TIMING, PROVIDING A GENERAL REPEALER CLAUSE, A SAVING CLAUSE AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CIlY COMMISSION OF THE CIlY OF DELRA Y BEACH AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the Code of Ordinances, Section 35.097(M), "Early Retirement Incentive", is hereby amended to read as follows: (M) Early Retirement Incentive. (1) Effective October 1, 2002, an early retirement incentive program shall be provided in accordance with this Section. The availability of the early retirement incentive in any plan year shall be detennined by the City. The City shall provide all eligible employees with at least thirty (30) days advance notice that the early retirement incentive will be offered. The early retirement incentive program shall be voluntary for all eligible employees. (2) Employees who are one hundred (100) percent vested and within two (2) years of their earliest normal retirement date at the begiftaiflg of the plftfl yeM in whieh during the period that the early retirement incentive is offered shall be eligible for the early retirement incentive. In MlJ plaa yeM the period in which the early retirement incentive is offered, eligible employees shall be given an opportunity to elect the early retirement incentive within sixty (60) days following receipt of notice that the early retirement incentive is being offered. The employee's election shall be made in writing on a form provided by the City, and shall be irrevocable. (3) Eligible employees who elect the early retirement incentive shall have their retirement benefit calculated in accordance with Section 35.097(A), based on credited service and final monthly compensation as of the last day of employment. There shall be no actuarial reduction as defined in Section 35.097(B)(2). Employees who elect the early retirement incentive shall immediately retire and tenninate City employment. (4) An employee who e ects to recelve e ear y retirement lOcentlve un er s subsection cannot also participate in the Deferred Retirement Option Plan under Section 35.11 O. Section 2. That should any section or proV1slon of this ordinance or any portion thereof, any paragraph, sentence, clause or word be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remainder hereof as a whole or part hereof other than the part declared invalid. Section 3. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. Section 4. final reading. That this ordinance shall become effective upon its passage on second and c:'~P ASSED ~ ADOPTED in regular session on second and final reading on this the ,:) day of ~ "lL- . 2006. ~of Itc ATfEST: ~L ~~.~~',,\ City Clerk First Reading \ ~~ ~ SecondReading '\~S\~ 2 ORD NO. 75-06 MEMORANDUM FROM: MAYOR AND CIlY COMMISSIONERS CIlY MANAGER~ AGENDA ITEM # '0. t-l - REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 5. 2006 ORDINANCE NO. 75-06 TO: SUBJECT: DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2006 This ordinance is before Commission for second reading to amend Chapter 35, "Employee Policies and Benefits", of the Code of Ordinances by amending Subsection 35.097(M), "Early Retirement Incentive", to provide for changed eligibility timing. This will give staff flexibility in timing the open window to meet the needs of the City and its employees as is now allowed for the Police and Fire Pension Plan. At the first reading on November 21, 2006, the Commission passed Ordinance No. 75-06. Recommend approval of Ordinance No. 75-06 on second and final reading. S:\City Clerk\AGENDA COVER MEMOS\Ordinance Agenda Memos\Ord 75-<<; Amend Sec,35.097 Subsection 35,067M Early Retirement Incentive 2nd Reading 12.05.06.doc [ITY DF DELRAY IEA[H fA CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE 200!'\W 1st AVE!'\!F' DEI.RAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 ILLLPHONE: 56 I /~+'-7()[)O . FACSIMILE: 561/278-4755 Writer's Direct Line: 561/243-7091 DELRAY BEACH F lOR I D A lI.8I:II AII.America City , 1111 ' DATE: @ TO: MEMORANDUM November 15, 2006 1993 2001 City Commission David Harden, City Manager FROM: Susan A. Ruby, City Attorney SUBJECT: Earlv Retirement Incentive This Ordinance makes a change allowing persons who achieve 28 years of service or age 58 with 10 years of service to be eligible for the early retirement incentive if the qualifying events happen any time during the 60 days the incentive is offered instead of prior to October 1 as was the previous requirement. Please place this ordinance on the City Commission Agenda for November 21, 4000: Attachment cc: Chevelle Nubin, City Clerk 12.G .' , ORDINANCE NO. 75-06 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 35.097, "RETIREMENT INCOME; BASIS, AMOUNT, AND PAYMENT', BY AMENDING SUBSECTION 35.097(M), "EARLY RETIREMENT INCENTIVE", TO PROVIDE FOR CHANGED ELIGIBILITY TIMING, PROVIDING A GENERAL REPEALER CLAUSE, A SAVING CLAUSE AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the Code of Ordinances, Section 35.097(M), "Early Retirement Incentive", is hereby amended to read as follows: (M) Early Retirement Incentive. (1) Effective October 1, 2002, an early retirement incentive program shall be provided in accordance with this Section. The availability of the early retirement incentive in any plan year shall be determined by the City. The City shall provide all eligible employees with at least thirty (30) days advance notice that the early retirement incentive will be offered. The early retirement incentive program shall be voluntary for all eligible employees. (2) Employees who are one hundred (100) percent vested and within two (2) years of their earliest normal retirement date 3t tho beginning of the pl3n ye3r in which durinq the period that the early retirement incentive is offered shall be eligible for the early retirement incentive. In 3ny pl3n year the period in which the early retirement incentive is offered, eligible employees shall be given an opportunity to elect the early retirement incentive within sixty (60) days following receipt of notice that the early retirement incentive is being offered. The employee's election shall be made in writing on a form provided by the City, and shall be irrevocable. (3) Eligible employees who elect the early retirement incentive shall have their retirement benefit calculated in accordance with Section 35.097(A), based on credited service and final monthly compensation as of the last day of employment. There shall be no actuarial reduction as defined in Section 35.097(B)(2). Employees who elect the early retirement incentive shall immediately retire and terminate City employment. .' (4) An employee who elects to receive the early retirement incentive under this subsection cannot also participate in the Deferred Retirement Option Plan under Section 35.110. Section 2. That should any section or provision of this ordinance or any portion thereof, any paragraph, sentence, clause or word be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remainder hereof as a whole or part hereof other than the part declared invalid. Section 3. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. Section 4. That this ordinance shall become effective upon its passage on second and final reading. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on second and final reading on this the day of , 2006. ATTEST: City Clerk MAYOR First Reading Second Reading 2 ORD NO. 75-06 .. '.. ~ o ...; E 8 ~ ~ '" <..> o i <D o o N .0 N .0- N '" .0 E '" > o Z co o 10 0:: '" <..> o <D CITY OF DEL RAY BEACH. FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A ('I)DUe:' Itf....\IUN<i ",'ill th.l lJcold 011 lhr f;>Ilowing flt\:ll1o:)'lC({ ordinai'l'o."n .:I. 7'00 am n. TI'J.'SOA.Y nIU~I:M'Rt:R ~ 't..... u" al Jill)' C(mftnualiQfl IIf such lIWt.'1ing whil:h is M'I 1:>." me- Commission), in the Cil}' C.cmnniuion Ch.1",I.IC'r~ 100 N.W. ht .<\..;t'I1t>\'. lklr8~ A.~h. I'l.....ida. III whk:lllin,e Il~ City C(\f1')ltJk'linn ,,"111 t.""1WU1tdef their .:Idup4ion. 1l~ Prol)fJscd on.tillalM;l:'~ llI.ay ~ illspr:dCd at the:: Office- of tbe- Cil~ CIt:rll:l1 ('~ Hall. 100 N.W. hI. Avenue. (k'm,,- IkDeh,. Fbkln. hi!.tW(ot'lIlffl,o. hot.fN.l)f ~:oo ....111. and 5:t)() p.RI.. M.'lfllby throuJJh Fridtl).. CXl:qM h(>lid,1),,\;. 1\11 illkrc$tCd ~nies are in..;iled 1tl allenJ and h<: he.1rd ""ith r~11111hc propust"J IInlinnnccs. !1P1l(NA.NCF. Nt) ~~ AN OR()INANCE or l1-lE en..... <_:OMMISS,ION OF TH[ <:IT\-' or DELRAY m:~"'CH. FLORIDA.,. .\MHNOING- THE n.rrlT1U; LAND USE Mi'~P DBSIGNATlON AS t:ON1J\IN[;O IN 'l1fE COMPR(;Uu.;S1VE PI....\N FROM C..F (COMMUN'J1Y FACfl.lTIF-S); TO l.ll (tOW C)f:NSITY REslnENTIAl. 0-5 DlIJAC); EU'.cnNG JO PJUxn:D UNDER Till-: SINGI.E Ht-:ARfNO AlXWI10N P1HX,.:SS l'OR SMALL SCALE LANO USE PLAN AW..NI)Mf~Nl"S: .0\1'0.'0 RI.:ZONING ..'Nn rt.AClN(j LANO PRF.SENTt.V Y..oNED CF (COMMUNITY rAf'lLrnES~ TO R-I.,\A {SINGU: FAMILY RF,SJUENnAU ()15TIUCT; SAU) l.ANQ Df.JN(; ^ PARCel. Of' I.ANO UX'!\fEU J~S n~F.T SUUTH OF SHl::kWOOlJ 80ULf;VARU, ^PPROXt- MATEJ.Y MO n~I-:T fl.,\ST 01<' MIUTARY TRAJL. AS MOI{['. pi\R"nCUI.ARIY D[SCRrBED IlERE1N; AMi::'NDING .ZONING MAP OJ' llEL.M.AY Gl::.'\CH. I-"lOHIllA. M.>\RCJ-I 2006"; PROVIDING ^ G~'NERAL R[PE^U~R CLAt:S(Z, A 5AVfNG CLAUSE. ANn AN ITH,(:TlVJ-: 1>.....:rL ORDJNANCr: NO 6."i,...tlti AN ORl.>fNANCE 01- TUh LT'Y CO.'l.tMJSSION OF TIfE erf"Y Of OELRAV lJt-.:ACI-I. fLORIOA, AMENI>JNO ORDINANCE 34~061W AMENI)JNG SEcnON::;7.<tS. "S.UPPl.EMEN""I~'\LCO()E E.NPORCF... MEN"!" PJUX';I-..1lVRF..s-, SUHSE-XTION (1.,.'.1. ..t:lvn~ J'ENAU")I;S-_ lW Rf!.MOVINU Il-IE RfWERf;....('I:, TO SF.Cl10N 9M.OIl, -UrfF.R 1N PARKS".AMENI>ING nlE PI!N:'\LTY __,\MOl.lt';1' FOR lXX,S ON nil:: DEAClt ANI) SKAT"f.f<<.M.RI>JN(f ANn ..\lll1lNU }\ NEW PENALTY t--OK "VEHICLES ON THE HEA(:H" AND n(l;\RH....m,:. SP..WM,t;.. AND (YrI-tl:R WASn: MATERll\l$"': PROVIJ)lNG ^ GENER,'\L REPEALER CLAllSE,. A SAVING Cl.AUSE AND AN t'WI'fXTIVf:: DATE. nlUtlNANCl' NO t.6..Ia6 AN OkI>INANCF. OF THE cn'Y l.X>MMISSION Of nu:. CITY Of' UHlIR"" IU':A('Ii. l:tORmA, REPF.AUNG Sf,CTION 91.0'.1. "UTlf.R tN rWRKS" ANn AM'ENllING CHAPTER WI, "'''AR.KS-. ilEA-ekES ANI> RECRF.A'nON. OENERALPROVISJONS". HY A.M1.;:NUING SHCBON 101.17, "GARlJAGF., Sl:::WAOt::. ANn OTHER WASH~ MATERIALS", '10 RJ-.:.ALl "X.iARH^(ih,rRASH. l.fT1ER.SF.WA(iF~ AND OrHF.R WASH: MATERIAl.S", RY AMf.NDING SHSECTION 10J .17(A). TO SntFNGUnlEN PROUJAITIONS ON U".l"i.1lIN(.i ON TUH MIJNICII'AL 8f.AeH, Rf.CREi\TIONAL r:^ClLlTlt:-~S AND PPRUC ~Rks~ ANI) BY ENACTIN() " Nl~W S1l8~;.:c'nON IOUti, "Al)[)tTIONAI. RlfJJ~S ..\PPl.YIN<, TO (UY PARKS. RrX'REA'n(JN F^C1Lrnr~ AND THE MUNICtPM. DE.'\C1r.Jl) PROVII>E fUR A'OOfnONAL RUl.HS WHICH INCI-I)Ot:S.<\.PROIUnJTION ON SMOKING IN ('[RTAIN AR['N, OF THE BEACH, l1-IAT ('AN DE I.J....-Pf)RCH) BY 1S.<iurNG C~VI1_ CITATIONS IN ADr>rnON TO OHlER REMEDIES. PROVIDING A GF:Nr..1tAl. REPEALER CL.tt,1JSF.. ^ S.4VJNGS C1.AIJSE !<\oND AN F.HITTIVE D.""['.. OI~nINAN('''' Nil '70-06 AN Oft1)INANCll, Of" THI:: crrv COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF Of-LRAY IU''".ACH,Fl.OR.IDA. ANNF..XIN(i TO 'OlE ClTV OJ<' nELRAY Dl<.ACII, A PARCEL or I....'\ND I.(X~ATr;o ON 'rrm SOlm'I'SJDR OF 1:4JRU ROAD, 640 fEET wp:s-r OF 8.'\RWIl"K ROAr>. AND ^,>l'ROXI~'lAfF:I.Y I ,<IOU "Ef;T NOR'nt OF LAKH lD^ ROAD. ^S THE SAME IS MORE PARTICI)(.ARL\, DFSCRIBI,O IIEREfN. WI,IICIt lAND J!S <::(IN'rIG{)O{TS lOTUE EXISTTNO Mt,NIC(PAL LIMITS; fd:D6F1NIN{i HIE BOUNDARIES OF1lIE c..1TY TO INCUif>J.'. s''\1J) I.AND;P(~O"'U'>INO FOR 111[ RIGH1"S AND om,.IGA'nONS OF !'lAID J.AND; (JROVlDING FOR niE ZONING TBlREOt' TO RM.8 (MEDIUM DENSITY JO~Sfl)Et..'''nAI, ._1 UN1TS PBR ,\eRn):. J'ROVIDINO AGl'.Nf-'R"L Rf'::I'l'.AI."~k C'I.,\I :Sf.. ASAl,-'INO CLAt1SE. AND AN EFFJ:C'"JlVE nATE. A DUtp (lIot to "'-':81.:1) depieling thl!c ~net:l1 IOCiltiott <If the pn-.p.:l1y 1<1 hi:- :Ulnc-.x..-d i" "hOWII ho-Inw. '" complete Iegul dt.'5Cr1ptioll b)' lot nnd mlldh;i$il1n 8"d:0)1" lll(I1Cf< and l}(ttll}(I.~jmd a <x'p:r' nfrtu~ ordinance Mroill ahtw<l! oumcd Catl be ...tw.int:..t f,,'m .t.t: OtTwc tlrtfle' Chy Clerk Ciiy BuR WI') N. W. 1st A...-".IU.... DdT1l)" ~h. Fk.>riiJol. BAR'MCk' PARK ORUrNANClr NU 'll-fili AN OROINANCE ()f 1'BI' cn~v COMMJ$SION OF HIE ern OF DEl.RAY flE."'-CH, fI.ORU)A. JU:7..()NJNG ANr> PLACING LAND I'Rl~SENTI..Y :l.ON.bll I (INDUSTRIAL) DISllUCT TO MIC lMfXED IND1JS1-RIAL ANn COMMERCIAL) [HSTRlCt; 5,\(0 LAND OnN(i A. PARCEL LOC,\lEn NORTII or THE OLD TRAIN STATION. BETWEEN nu, CS.'<: RAILROAD ,\M.> I-Y5. AS MORE PARTICUL.'\Rl...Y Df::SCRJl)EI> lIERmN; .\MENJ)INO "ZONING MAt> 0" OELRAY nrAelf. ftOIUDA MARCIf 2006-', PROVIDING.,\ GENERAl...RE.PE.-'LER CLAUSE,.'\ SAVING ('LACSE-. AND AN m'H::cnVE D_4Tl'. ounlNANCI' NO.. 72_06 AN OkmNANCI! OF TilE CfrY C'OMMISSlON OJ: HiE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, n~ORID^. AMI'iN01NG CItAPn~R WOo -NUISANCES-. OF 111[' C'ODl> Of' OR[JIN.o\NCES OF HIE CITY OF UI.:.LR....Y BP.ACH flY ENACTING .\ Nfl\\' SH-nON 11)0.10. "'N"OIVIDll.O\U,Y DESJ(JN.o\":rED IHSTOR[C STltUc:nJRES AND S"Tl<lICnatE$IN HISTORIC DISTRICf'S", 'ro PROHl811NEGLECrOr SAMCAND PROVIDE ,'\ MJo:n-IOD H)R ENf'OR('l-:MRNT TO HELP J>REVRNT Dl-:TF,RJOR!\llON OF SAfo.R:'; PROV1UING" SAVINGS Cl.AUSE, A GENERAL REf>E.....Ll~R CI..AUSE, AND AN GFFf..CnVF. nATE. OAllIN"NCt:!'\in ':\-86 po ., AN ()RUtNAN(.l~ Of' nit; err\' COMMISSION Of Hlf. .....rn. Ot' D):;UIAY IJEACII. tl.0RII),<\, AMEN()IN<:i CH.,\pn'.1< ~", "Rf'''<''lA.JMED WAn,R", Of THE COD!:: OF' ORDINANCES Of HtE CITY OF 1}tiJ..I~W t:J1.':\<;R HY AMENDIN(. S[(~TION 59.ti9. -n--:E.s. RAms ANI> C1ii\R(JES~, H) AI)JUST nm WJ-KlI.ESALE COS1'OMEK fV\"rf:'; PKOVIOING ,\ S,<\VING CL:\tJSE. A GENERAL KEl~e.;\.LE.R CL.'\tJSb AND AN l:f'tl'.(;nVt~ lJA[1i.. UIUlINANelo' Nn 74-06 AN DRDtNAN<.:b Of' THE CITY COMMIS~ION OF nl[ CITY 01' J.>f;(.RAY UF..A<,::H. H.OIUDA AMENnIN{j TI-Ut l,ANI> nr,VEl.(,pio.fENT RH,Uf _.....TI()1'.'S or 11-IE ('om.; or OIUlINANCF$ 01' 'IHE CITY 01" Ul'l.RAY UEACJI, RELAITNc.; TO "litE CONCURRENCY MANAGEMENT SYSTrmt BY ENACTlN(i SEe-nON I.lo --I'KorORnON.-"on, f:AIR-SHARE PKOCiRAM'.: ANT> PROVfl)JNG A G[NERAL Rf-;l"l'.ALER ClAUSE.. ^ SAVINGS CI.AUSbA.NDAN EFfl':J.;l'IVE DATE. ORIlINAt.NCF NO 7!\..tw.; ,\"" ORnrNA:oiCE OF nlE etTV' COMMISSION OF 'ntE CITY 01-' DELRA" 8P.ACH. FWRIDA. ^MI-:NnlNO THE eOHF. Of" OROlNANCF:S OF THE CITY Of! OEI.RAY AF..ACH. FLORIDA. AMF_NOIN(, SEe-nUN" 3S,~7, "Rl-:TIREMf.NT fNCOME; BASJS, AMOt,.lN'I: AND PAYMI:.N-r.. BY AMENDING SURSEc'nON ,';:O;.()<)j(M\ "I,ARLY RF.TIRFMF.NTINCF.NTlVE", TOPROVIOr. FOR CRANor.)) fH(HRIL- rIY'J1MING. PROV[I>ING A (,ENbRAL REf'EAl.EK CLAUSE. A SAVING CLAUSE A""I)^N EFI-'F.CnVE DAlh p~ he f1Il~-~..1 thai if a 11Cf!oI>n .tccidc.'l1O llI'lfl('.aI..uyd.x:i..j,..... made h)- the Cily Conllnis5iot1 with ~>ox:( I(>.a,,)- 11I"'lk:r Q..n$id....n::d 81 llk:'a: h..'aring.~ $u,.:b p..'I'!>IJl1 nNl,Y l1CalIl' ensun: thilla v',"",IMn "':(;lIro iftc.ludc,; I~ Ice;tiI1lOflY ,,00 c....Kl..."l(;C upnl' whid. the a~1JX-lI1 i.. to he- hawoJ The City does n..... pct".'"idc ''''If pru~ 1!.lIdl r...oconJ. I'u.n.uant tf,. ES. 2~ti.OI05. I'PUlJStl: 1',-idl1)'. !\;Oh;UlOer 2-*, ~006 flOC." KATON 1"1:~WS"m~LR^ Y !lEACH NEWS CITY Of DEl.R.o\Y BEACH Ch.::vrlle I). Nubiu. CMC City Cieri.: ce J- a.A1-e I d 0-/ ~ 'Dee. 5f1-- A~ciO-/