Ord 72-06 L ORDINANCE NO. 72-06 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITI COMMISSION OF THE CITI OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 100, "NUISANCES", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITI OF DELRAY BEACH BY ENACTING A NEW SECTION 100.10, "INDIVIDUALLY DESIGNATED HISTORIC STRUCTIJRES AND STRUCTIJRES IN HISTORIC DISTRICTS", TO PROHIBIT NEGLECT OF SAME AND PROVIDE A METHOD FOR ENFORCEMENT TO HELP PREVENT DETERIORATION OF SAME; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE, A GENERAL REPEALER CLAUSE, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, desires to preserve and protect historic structures and structures in historic districts in the City of Delray Beach. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITI COMMISSION OF THE CITI OF DELRA Y BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. That a new Section 100.10, "Individually Designated Historic Structures and Structures in Historic Districts" shall be enacted to read: S~~. 100.10. INDIVIDUALLY DESIGNATED HISTORIC STRUCTURES AND STRUCTURES IN HISTORIC DISTRICTS. (A) Structures that are individually designated as historic or are located in historic districts shall be maintained in a secure and attractive manner. All defective structural and decorative elements of such building facades shall be repaired or replaced in a workmanlike manner. to match as closely as possible the original materials and construction of the building. All exterior walls shall have all loose material removed and patching or resurfacing shall be accomplished to match the existing or adjacent surfaces as to materials. color. bond. and joining. All cornices. trim and window frames that are damaged. sagging or otherwise deteriorated shall be repaired or replaced to be made structurally sound and all exposed materials painted. stained or otherwise treated in a consistent manner. Section 2. That should any section or provision of this ordinance or any portion thereof, any paragraph, sentence, or word be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remainder hereof as a whole or part thereof other than the part declared to be invalid. Section 3. hereby repealed. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are ( Section 4. That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage on second and final reading. ~ _!~SED AND ADOPTED in regular session on second and final reading 00 this ~y of ~..D ,2006. ~Y~R t.A... ATTEST: ~~~ ~. s). ~~:N CITI CLERK First Readin 2 ORD. NO. 72-06 MEMORANDUM FROM: MAYOR AND CITI COMMISSIONERS CITI MANAGER ~ AGENDA ITEM # 10. E - REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 5, 2006 ORDINANCE NO. 72-06 TO: SUBJECT: DATE: DECEMBER 1,2006 This ordinance is before Commission for second reading to amend Chapter 100, "Nuisances" of the Code of Ordinances by enacting a new Section 100.10, "Individually Designated Historic Structures and Structures in Historic Districts," to prohibit neglect of Individually Designated Historic Structures and Structures in Historic Districts and to provide enforcement to help prevent deterioration of the same. At the first reading on November 21, 2006, the Commission passed Ordinance No. 72-06. Recommend approval of Ordinance No. 72-06 on second and final reading. S:\City Clerk\AGENDA COVER MEMOS\Ordinance Agenda Memos\Ord 72-06 Amend Chpll00 Nuisances 2nd reading 12.05.06.doc [IT' DF DElRAY IEA[H CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE ~()iI i\W ht ;\VU\I ! .: RAY BEACH. FLORIDA 33444 TILFPll()N!:~()i i' !\CSIMILE: 561/278-4755 Writer's Direct Line: 561/243-7090 DELRAY BEACH Dad All-America City , III I! ~:~E: 1993 2001 MEMORANDUM November 8, 2006 City Commission David T. Harden, City Manager /..ytJ) FROM: Terrill Barton, Assistant City Attorney SUBJECT: Ordinance 72-06 The attached draft ordinance provides a new Section 100.10, "Individually Designated Historic Structures and Structures in Historic Districts", to make it a nuisance violation to allow a historic property or structure to fall into disrepair. Please place this ordinance on the City Commission November 21, 2006 agenda for first reading. Thank you. TCB:smk Attachment cc: Chevelle Nubin, City Clerk I'/,.D ORDINANCE NO. 72-06 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRA Y BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 100, "NUISANCES", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF DELRA Y BEACH BY ENACTING A NEW SECTION 100.10, "INDIVIDUALLY DESIGNATED HISTORIC STRUCTURES AND STRUCTURES IN HISTORIC DISTRICTS" , TO PROHillIT NEGLECT OF SAME AND PROVIDE A METHOD FOR ENFORCEMENT TO HELP PREVENT DETERIORATION OF SAME; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE, A GENERAL REPEALER CLAUSE, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, desires to preserve and protect historic structures and structures in historic districts in the City of Delray Beach. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRA Y BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. That a new Section 100.10, "Individually Designated Historic Structures and Structures in Historic Districts" shall be enacted to read: Sec. 100.10. INDIVIDUALLY DESIGNATED HISTORIC STRUCTURES AND STRUCTURES IN HISTORIC DISTRICTS. (A) Structures that are individually designated as historic or are located in historic districts shall be maintained in a secure and attractive manner. All defective structural and decorative elements of such building facades shall be repaired or replaced in a workmanlike manner, to match as closely as possible the original materials and construction of the building. All exterior walls shall have all loose material removed and patching or resurfacing shall be accomplished to match the existing or adiacent surfaces as to materials, color, bond, and ioining. All cornices, trim and window frames that are damaged, sagging or otherwise deteriorated shall be repaired or replaced to be made structurally sound and all exposed materials painted, stained or otherwise treated in a consistent manner. Section 2. That should any section or provision of this ordinance or any portion thereof, any paragraph, sentence, or word be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remainder hereof as a whole or part thereof other than the part declared to be invalid. Section 3. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. Section 4. That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage on second and final reading. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on second and final reading on this _ day of , 2006. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK First Reading Second Reading 2 ORD. NO. 72-06 CITY OF DEL RAY BEACH. FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A ,'UlU.le IlfiAklNG \0;;11 ~ h~1d on the 1,,11.)wint. pn)flo"lged ordiMfloCn :lit ToM DIIII o. TI'FSDA.Y 1)f.:(~I:MHr:R!'Ii lOft6 nf" at III)' ccllltinuation uf s~h 11ll:t:litl@ which i~ lIf:t ~ rh~ COlnmislUon). in the Cif)' fAmim"llion ChJuubrf~ 100 N.W. hi A\','fIut". '.lelf.:!' a..~-,cll. l'I..,rKb. fll which lime th.) City O:>mmk.'l'ion \\-iIl C:l~ik:f their adoption. llw prolJO:SCd ontinul.:CS roay toe illspe.;1c:d at tho: 01't;ce n"",1w City CIa*. at City Hall. 100 \I.i.W. hi Av(!nUe. Octroy 1kaeh. Fk>ric.la, hei.wt'C'n too hOIlN ofA:UO lI.m. and 5:00 p.rn.. Mt"Huitly lhnllJgh FIid.1Y. CXl:qn tM>lidll)'11. All illlerested punic.. ,,!'Ie in\;ired In 111<:1'" and he: 11I::lrd ...ith r~tllo the POlJ'K>si:d urdinllnccs. 1lt1nINA.N(~1i' NO ~ AN ORDINANCE or mE elTY <X)MMiSSJ()N Of nil:. <:ITY nt' D{:.l.RAY BEACH, Fl..ORII)A,. M..Il::NUING nJ[; rVnJR(; LAND mil: M.'\P OI.:SIGNAllON AS CONTMNI,D IN "nn:: COMPR[HEN!-.lVE Pl....'\N fRo.'-i C..F (COM.'I.1L:NITY FACU.lTIES); TO U> (LOW m~'"NSITY RESIDENTI.\L. 0-5 Dt'/AC): El.I;.(':"nNG In PJ((X~J.:J) UND[R TilE SINGI.E In:''\.R[N(j AIXWHON PIUKESSFOR SMAU. SCALE LANl> U~C: PL4N AMF.NI.>Mf.NTS: AND .Rf!Z.oNlN(j ...NL> PLACING LANn PRfi:tlFNTLY :tA.lNED Cf lCOM....tvNffY FACILITIES>; 1U- R.I.AA (51N<jU: FA.MILY REsmt-:N'nAI.) ()ISTRICT; SA!U l.ANQ UEINt" ^ PAKCEI. 01' I.ANo UX'!\TEO I~S "Efi]" SOOTH 01' ~ERWfKm BOU1.f:V.-'\RU, ^PPROXI. MATI:J.Y 650 n~E'r F....'\$T oF M(UTARY TRAIL, AS MORE PAR'nClll.AIUY m:'SCRUU'.D Il[',RJ~IN; ,\Ml-:NDlNG -LONING MAP or OELRAV BEACH. r'UJRIDA. M/\RCH 2006": PROVlf>lNG ^ Oi:'NERAL REPEAl.ER CL.AUSfi. A SAVING CI.Apse AND AN IT.FF.CTlVl: l>ATL ORIIINANCF. NO ~ o .....r AN ORI)INANCE 01-' nm <:ITY C(')MMISSION OF -IliE cn'y Of OELRAV lio....ACl-l. RORIDA, AMF.NI>fNG ORDIN,\NCE 34-06 B\' ^MI~ND[NO SEcnON-::n.415, "SUl'PL[MI~""I~'\LCODE ENfORCF... Mf..NT pH.()(;bnUMF.S-. S1l8Sf;cnON (V.. "CIVIL PENAL;llI.-:S-, BY Rf.MOVIMj HIE Rf;FERf;NCE. TO SF.C1'ION 91.cm. ""'urn'..R IN PARKS". AMENDING THE N:-NI\.L"rv AMOUt-.'1. FOR IXX.S ON n'IE OEACH AND SK.Al.TEHOARlnN(. ANll AllUING A NEW ~N^LrYfOR "VEHICI..ES ON THE REACtf.. M~n "GARfl..\GE. SEW.-\G.?. AND (ynn:R \lr:-'\sn: MATHRllU$"': PROVIDING ^ GENER.'\.L REPP..'\LER CI.AtJSF.. A SAVING CLAUSE "NU AN IWfECllVE DATE. E o u ~ '" <= '" u o 1 nunINANC"I-' Nt).. 6.6-86 AN otll>lNANC.P. OF nu::. CITY COMMISSION OF 'lliE CITY Of Uf.LR,\y 1i~^CH,. FLORU>A, Rl'.PJ,:AI.IN(j SJ,:C-T10N ,,*.0<.1. "J..J"rrf.R IN PA-RKS" AND AMl:..,,,,,nINO CHAPTf:..R 10J. "PA"RK.~.llf;^CHf'.S AND RE(~f.^,nON.. HENHRAl. PROVlSJONS", BY "'Mt;N()ING SHe'nON 101.1 7, "GARBAGti, SEWAGE, ANn OJ"HER WASH'. MA"11~RIAL'!''', TO REAl> "'t_iARHM,Ih,rRASH. UTH::R.SEWACif-':" AND orHER WAST[; MAU:JUALS'-. BY AMENDING SUSI-:CTJON 101.17(A). TO S"JRtNGtrn-lEN PROUlDlTIONS ON urn,JUI',..'(i ON THf. MI ~NICI"AL 8f.ACf.I, Rf.CRf:"AflONAt. r:ACILlTIF..S ,\ND PlJBUC- P....RK.S. ANn BY ENACTING '" NEW SUBSF.CTI<>>-<I 101.36, "AI)[)(TIONAl. RlIl.F.~ Af'PL.YIN<j TO CI.TY PARKS, KECREA.nON F^cn~rnr.s ANO nlF. MUNICIPAl,. 8T~."C:H-,ll) PROVIDE FOR AllDITfONAL RUU~~ ~1-I1CllINCU)0t;S A PROHJRlTION ON SMOKING IN CERTAIN AREf'S OF" THE. Rf..~CII. TI-IAT CAN BE '~:NI'ORCf.n liY ISSIJING CIVIL CITATIONS IN ADnrnON TO 01l1f:_R REMEDIES. "ROVlOrNG' A GENERAL. RF.PEAJ.F:R. Cl..AUSE,. A S.ltVJNOS CJ..AU5E .."'Nn AN F.FfECTtVF. nATf:.. <.0 o o N '" N ~ N :v .0 ~' :> o Z OnnINA.Nl',' Nt) .,.0-86 AN ORDINANCB OF lliE CflY COMMISSION OF THL: CITY OF Uf.LR.AY Bf'JIlCH, -f'I..oRIDA. ANNEXIN(; TO DIE CITY OJl J)ELRAY or".J\C'II, A "^RCI~1. OF I..ANI> UX'..<\T['D ON nn: St}U1HSmJi Of' IHRU ROAD,.MClfJ:ETWRSTOf." BARWICK ROAl', AND M'PROXIMArELY 1.400f'U;T NORTH OF [.AKH J1)A R.OAD. .\S THE SAME IS MORE P..,\RTICUlARLY DF$CRm[:O HEREIN. wmcn lAND IS t..'ONTJG{)(){T~ l'()TtiE t:XISTINO.,.n::NK1PA,.. LIMITS; REI>Eflto.1NG nIt:: ElOU"'O^Rn~SOFnIE L'TY TO INCLllOl.:. &'\1.0 I.J\NJ,>:pf(OVLJ.>lNG FOR lllE RIGHTS A....ll) OBlIOt\Jlt),"IIS OF S,'\IO LAND: IJROVII)ING FOR "lliE Zt)NIN(i THEREOf" TO 1(M.8 (MU>1UM DENSITY 'RFSIDI-:l'<--n.'\.[. n, S UNITS PBR .\<:Rb): f'ROVlUING A (}ENF;:R....L REJ>EAU~R. C1.A.l.;SE, A !iAV1NG CLAUSJ:,ANf) AN EH'r;(~flVE llATE A ou,p (nnllo "".....lc) .Jt.",ic"t-ing the ~enetltl klcatioo of the po:>po:My (0'- he annexed is ,r,ho.,..n bel..."",. A o:.ompleto: lewll dt'!lC:ription hy 1ol1lndwhdi\ii:sinA altd:or rodes and h<.lIrnds and a <lUPY (Ifmt' otdillancc Ju:oreoin alllwe named call tlt' uht.leined rrum die Offioo urule City CIeri.:, City Hall. 100 N.W, hl AYC.'fItlt'. l~h-.)' bca.::h, Floridn. <= .s '" 0: '" U o <n SA.RI'II'CK -- nRnlNANrli NO 71-lWi AN ORDINANCE or TI-II": en" (;OMMJSSION OF nlJ~ CITY Of tlELRAY DEACtt, FLORlI)A, Rf.7..()NING AND PLACING I.AND I'KES1:'.NTLY 7..oN.eO I (INUIJSTRIAL) DISTRICT TO MIC (MIXED INDUSTRI;\L. ANn ('(JMM[~RCIAI..) [)ISTRI(,T~ 5.\lD 1......NIl HFIN(j A PARCl:'j. LOCAllD NOR,." or THE OLD TRAIN .~TA"noN..,. BETWf,[;N THE. CSX RAILHOAD AND .1-95. AS MORE PARTICULARLY IlI:SCRIOEI) UI:'.RmN; '\M.ENDIN(i nZ()NINc1 MAP ()Ji" DEI.RAY I)EACU,. FLORID.\. MA.RCH 2006"; t'MO\'IU1N<. ,\ GENERAL REI'l.:ALER CLAUS.E, l\ SAVING CLAUSE. AND "'IN EFf:U'TIVE D_A,TE. ORD1NAN(''lo' NO: "n.fll, AN ORDfNANCf! OF nm CITY COMMISSION 01" 11tE CITY 01' DEI-R,\Y UE,\CH, 1'I.{'RIDA.. AMfZNOING CIIAPTEM IOU. -NlfISANCCS-_ or 111['_ COOL OJ: ORDTNA""ct:...'i or 1111.:_ el1'\' OF fJU.R,'\Y ru:.\CIi liy 1-:.'N^C1TNG .... N};W SECTION 100.10, '-Jt-.1)IVIDlJAU.Y DESIGNATED tlrSTORrc STR(J<'''[1IRES AND STJtllC,lJRE8 IN HISTt".'lRIC DISTRICTS", TO PROHIBIT NE<".lL.Ecr 01' SAME ANt) PROVIUE l\ MI{n-lOn ['OR ENFORCEMRN1' 1U HELP I'REVIWf DH1T:.RIORA110N OF SAME: PROVIOING A :'i^VlNGS ('1..!\USc. A CiE.NFRAL REPE,o\U~R ("L-"USE. AND AN r.rl'EC"TlVE DATE. nAIUN"N'~1i: Nn 7:\..06 AN ORDINANUi Ot' HiE CITY COMMISSION Of. THf. (..'nl' Ot.- nEl.RAY BEACH. ...1.0RlI)...., ,\Ml:.NUING CH^PTEI( ~q. "RECLAJMl".Ll WArb!!", OF:'JHH coot:'. OF ORUIN^NCE~ 01' THf~ crlY OF UEUtAY 8I.'ACU. BY AMI:;NDIN{l SE<~nON S9.<<i9, Hrt-:Y.S. 1(,\"0-:5 AND CEL\RGES", T() ADJUST Tllli WH<.)J.ES1\LE CtJSll"JMb:K RArE; PROVIDING ,\ S....VING CL.\tfSE::. A GENliRAL REPf;...\lER CLo\USE AND AN 1if't.t=.c:nVI;: DAm.. UN.DINA.NCF. NO 74.01; AN ()RDIN."NU~ 01' nm CITY COMMISSION OF llU:. CITY 01' UEl..llAY IU:''\.CI,i. H.(lIUC>A AMENnlNG nU:I.AN() nt.:.vu..oPMENT RFGl)l.ATlO....~ OF THE ("om~ OF c)RllfNAN(T,5 01' lHE CITY OF ut:'".l.KAY fJEACII. Rl,L"'TIN<.; llJ TtIE CONCURRENCY MANAGtoMENT SYSTEM UY J':NACnNG SEcnON S.tio -pnoPOt{nONATE F^IR-~I.IARE Pl(C)(.RAM": ANn PROVIDrNG A GEN1~RAI REPl:.AUoR CJ...AUSf.^ SAVINGS n..."'.IShANllAN EHH.:nVf; UArE. ORnlNANC)o' NO 7~"'W\i AN OR.l)(NA:"<CE Of' flU,; CrTY COMMtSSION 0" lliE CITY OF OELRA" BEACH. FLORIDA. AMF.NOING THE com, OF ORDTN,\NCF-S. OF THE CITY OF OFl.R,\\" REACH. n.c)RIDA. AMfcNOINfi SECnUN n.~7, "RETIREMENT INCOME.: BASIS, AMOlIN'1: AND JlAYMB--:T-. 8Y AMENDTNG SUIlSF.CTION 3~.()o17(M). "EAIU.v RF-TIREMF.NT'iNCf'.NnvF.... 1"0 PROVIOF: FOR CHANOF.D F.UGIRIJ.- flY HMIN(j, PROVII>lNG ^ GENt3RAL REPEAl.ER CLAtISE. A ~AV1NG CLAUSE ANI) AN EFf-'ECnVp. DAl1:h ..le3..... he ..t"':Kc,1 th..,t if... po:flInn otcci.te.. tn liP""'" $ty d..::ciosi.-., made hy ftw. Cj{y Conunis;;lot1 with I'C'lIfhJCt to lIn) nl:aUer <.:t>n>l;.tk:.red II Ihc9C heariJlg~ ~tli.;h p.:rsdn nt:I)' llcecl k. ensun: t11i.t Ii Vl."ftmlilR R't'urd i,.dudcs l~ Icstimony alltJ c"iut"1K:C lip....... "'hi.::h tho: aprr.al is h., he. hu.~d. 'ne:' Cit} <loa.. ,1o(J( p1~\lflk .It'll'" pn::pare "'lid. n."COI-d. J'W'Io<Ian1 10 ES. 2$h.0105 l'OULlSII: t'riday. N('...",mbtt 2~. 2006 IUX~/\ R!'iION NJ:\\'S.1)F.LR!\Y UEAnl NEWS CITY OF DEtR.'" Y BEAU I ('t1~~IIi:' I). Nubin.. CI\.1(.: CilyCkri; ~. cC J- CJJl-e I d 0-/ ~ 1) eC. 5Il-- .A~dO-/