Communications Systems - City's 800 MHz Radio System Administration (CS-1)
City of
SUBJECT: Communications
Systems - City's 800 MHz Radio
System Administration
DATE: 8/29/02
Revision 0
CS-l.O Puroose:
The purpose of this directive is to set forth policies and procedures for use of the City's 800 MHz
radio system.
CS-l.l Policv:
The City is licensed to use an 800 MHz radio system for internal communications. As such, the
City is responsible for the proper operation as set forth in the licensing agreement. To assure that
this system is properly utilized, the following policies apply:
A. The communications systems shall be utilized for official business use only.
B. The communications system shall only be used in a professional manner.
C. Only authorized persons are permitted to operate communications equipment.
D. Geographical radio strength tested for by Motorola was based on the original equipment
supplied. Any unauthorized modifications of equipment cannot be guaranteed to maintain
the same signal and coverage. Modifications are not permitted without approval of the
individual responsible for overseeing radio system in local government, the police
department and fire department respectively.
CS-l.2 Procedures/Guidelines:
The City utilizes an 800 MHz, 7 channel radio system shared by the Police Department, Fire
Department and local government. The system is comprised of portables, mobile units and
control consoles. Periodically, the FCC monitors radio stations in use. It is essential that we
comply with their regulations. As every radio in the City utilizes the seven channels assigned to
the City, it is imperative to use the following protocol:
A. Use radios for City business only. There shall be no swearing, joking, or any other non-
business related activity over the communications system. Based on a departmental
review, disciplinary action could be taken against an employee if it is found that the
employee is using the communications systems for anything other then City related
SUBJECT: General Adrrilillstrmwn
Of City's 800 MHz Radio System
Page 2 of2
B. All radio transmissions are to be short and concise.
C. Radio call signs shall be used during all radio transmissions to properly identify the user.
D. Transmissions in progress shall not be interrupted unless in case of emergency.
E. In the event of an emergency, the emergency button shall be pressed only when life,
injury or public safety is in jeopardy. The emergency alarm immediately transfers an
alarm to the Communications Center in the Police Department where the call will be
F. Any time there is a conflict with multiple transmissions; the control operator or
communication specialist will assume command and direct the flow of communications.
G. The Public Safety Communications Center is operational 24 hours a day.
H. Utilization of the 10 codes and signal codes is based on individual departmental SOP's.
I. Each department is responsible for training all new employees operating the 800 MHz
system. In addition, each department is responsible for issuing copies of this policy to all
personnel who are assigned or operating equipment on the 800 MHZ system.
J. Service and maintenance of equipment:
a. Any software changes are to be channeled through the departmental designee who
will relay the information to the Public Safety Communications Manager.
b. Maintenance related issues of radio equipment are to be reported to the departmental
designee who will coordinate service and repair for such equipment.
K. Lost and/or damaged equipment:
a. Lost or damaged equipment is to be reported in writing immediately to your
departmental designee. Like all other City assets and resources, radio communication
equipment is acquired with public funds to enable City employees and officials to
transact the public's business in the most efficient and cost effective method possible.
The department head or designee will investigate lost or damaged equipment. If a
department head or designee determines that the loss or damage of such equipment
was due to negligence on the employee's part, the employee could be held
responsible for reimbursement of all or part of the costs to replace/repair such
equipment and/or disciplinary action as per City policies and Union agreements.