Time Card Procedures (GA-9, Rev. 1) City of. ADMINISTRATIVE SUBJECT: GENERAL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ADMINISTRATION: TIME CARD Delray MANUAL PROCEDURES Beach NUMBER REVISIONS EFFECTIVE DATE: PAGE GA-9 1 July 8, 1985 1 OF 1 ~-@) SUPERSEDES APPROVED BY~fi vA-. ~" j/. . 0 James L. Pennington, City Manager GA-9.0 Purpose: The purpose of this directive is to establish proper timekeeping procedures. GA-9.l Procedures: Each non-exempt employee will record daily, on an approved time: card record, the number of hours they worked. Any leaves with or without pay will be duly noted by the supervisor with completion of the blue leave forms. The time cards will be signed by the employee, approved by the supervisor and then submitted to the department's payroll timesheet preparer. The employee's time will be entered on the computer timesheet form and the timesheet form will be signed by the preparer and the department head. Any department using timekeeping other than the time cards will need approval from the City Manager.