Emergency 911 Calls (GA-17, Rev. 2) City of ADMINISTRATIVE SUBJECT: General Administration: POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Emergency 911 Calls Defray MANUAL Beach NUMBER REVISIONS EFFECTIVE DATE: PAGE GA-17.0 2 Ma y 27, 1993 1 OF 1 ~@) SUPERSEDES APPROVED BY, ~ -r-: {J~ 0 DAVID T. HA DEN, City Manager &A-17.0 Purpose: The purpose of this directive is to set forth policies and procedures for the use of the 911 emergency system by City employees. &A-17.1 Policy: The 911 Emergency system number should be used for emergency situations requiring medical attention, Fire or Police assistance. Please be advised that in an emergency you MUST NOT call the Pol ice or Fire departments directly on any of their direct lines. By doing so you would cause a delay in the dispatch i ng of Emergency personne 1 . A 11 emergency ca 11 s mu st be dispatched through 911. &A-17.2 Procedures: If a call is made to 911 within the City's telephone system, give the operator your name, location, verification of the address and describe the nature of the emergency. If you are making a 911 call from a cellular phone, be ready to provide an address or location of where the emergency is, as your call can not be traced to a location, and you will not always be routed to the local 911 dispatch center. This will save time and, in some cases, possibly a life.