Unusual Occurrences/Command Responsibility (GA-37) City of ADMINISTRATIVE SUBJECT: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION: POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Unusual Occurrences/ Delray MANUAL Command Responsibility Beach NUMBER REVISIONS EFFECTIVE DATE: PAGE GA-37 0 May 7, 1991 1 OF 2 ~@) SUPERSEDES APPROVED BY~-r:lcl~ 0 DAVID T. RDEN, City Manager GA-37.0 PURPOSE: The purpose of this directive is to place authority and responsibility for conducting operations by City employees during natural or man made disasters and civil disturbances. GA-37.1 POLICY: "Unusual occurrences" connote situations, generally of an emergency nature that result from disasters (both natural and man made) and civil disturbances. The many variables affecting the response to unusual occurrences preclude developing specific plans to meet each situation but the City should address unusual occurrences administratively and operationally to provide a general employee response. Chapter 95 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach and Florida Statutes 252.38 and 870.041 - 870.045 provide additional guidance and authority. GA-37.2 RESPONSIBILITY OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT: The Police Department Head shall have authority for conducting the City's response to civil disturbances that will include developing plans and preparing operationally to respond effectively to the following: Demonstrations Riots Looting Labor Disputes The Fire Department shall provide paramedic support as necessary and agreed upon after review of plans. and other established Each department shall retain authority over personnel and control over actions that fall professional expertise and training. its assigned within their Other City departments will provide such support as is necessary to the successful law enforcement response. SUBJECT: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION UNUSUAL OCCURRENCES/COMMAND RESPONSIBILITY Page 2 GA-37.3 RESPONSIBILITY OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT: The Fire Department Head shall have authority for conducting the City's response to natural or man made disasters that will include developing plans and preparing operationally to respond effectively to the following: Floods Hurricanes Earthquakes Explosions Tornadoes Hazardous Material Spills The Police Department shall provide security and other support as necessary and agreed upon after review of established plans but shall retain law enforcement authority and responsibility when the occurrence develops into civil disturbance. Each department shall retain authority over personnel and control over actions that fall professional expertise and training. its assigned within their Other City departments will provide such support as is necessary to the successful Fire Department response. GA-37.4 RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT: The Public Works Department other support as necessary and established plans. shall agreed provide equipment upon after review and of