Res No. 45-19 R�?SOI J-110N V). 45� 19 A RQGAJ 1FK)N (HI IYE (111" CONINUSSION OF IHE an" of,' I)HRAV BF:`,ACIL HDRU)A, PROVIDING OPPOSI HC)N B'Y lIfEcraw, IWLTAYBEWHOF (*[SIIORF, IN`UA DING SFISNIK: AIRGUN JWSTING; JIM-AIDING AN EIPHAIVE DAIR AND 1,0R. 011-11 R T"L'RPOS ES, VAIERKAn Ae Wded Sraws goA,ernrnent ha's C"CPressed inte'rest in opening the Atlantic Ocean and EaSWTII GlIf Of NWQU to (%Kqe od and gas developiment and exploration, including riskl I.Ththods such as scismuc iitgun, blastin�',,,; and WTIF.,'REAS, scisadc airguns fire immue bhqs 4 cmnpwmed air, one (A the loudest rnarn.vade sounds in the occan, every 10 12 seamds A dn,weekq cn mcnahs on ent and WHEREAS, seistnic. airgun noise, has been shown to Imuran and injure ck,)IphJns, whales, endangered sca tau aless, fish, and other rnartne tie ; and VIAE RAIN exploratur�,' and cot ntnercial drnftaig, (',,xtraction, and transportat�on of offshore u�,)fl and pas regnuces pose a syWcua 64 of oil spUls and chronic leakage; and AN14ERF0S, evemiml oThwe Mhng inay requKe Qhficant omhow infraStTUCMM, SUCh aS 1�nipehnes c)r rcfineric�s, ",lucIli %Wd Kann We character of the coast; and WHRRIONS, Wshorc� diffling a.cfivitics pose direats to tic,.asured v"acation des6nations on Florida's Coasts, xkhichare of hahnic ecwxmik inhe Or IWITICI oUS industries, provide essential nursery halsitats for recrcauonal and conimer&Uy iniportant Gsherieq and act as nawn] buffers fi(nn sv,)n"n surgc, and hurricane�,; and PERKY, be (My cd Way fkach rev-.r)piizes 1110t rhC t(A&M and 6shmg industries, -",hi(h, dcjnne�rld on a heally aml vibrant coastal enGonnient, 110th sezve, as rnajor econotruc c1rivcts benefiting the CLItrCm and fuume residents, prcqxrt� r)%',ncrs, and vishors m) Florida;and WHREWS, the Chy of Delray Bc:ach endeavois to be a g(KXI SfCA`,U'(j (.)fr die, settee and environrrientand its re s .)urces; and VVI IFIRKS, exploradon arui dei clopinent of ud and gas irsoumes off the coast of Ho6da wdl not QW&A ad&ess Wn hing terni eneW, necds of oLu- cound-y'; and WHEREkS, tk^ n. htu of Dt�,,Iraj' Beach recomrnends that it woill be rnow econoinicaHy and aohag,caU� reqmnAW to pursue nmrPoWAT soulkes (Ar renewable enugy mxh as RAm and krut, tint pow Us 6sk v) the coasul envitonnsent and ecionornic health 106re using uncertain rnethods a�)f seisinic airgu.m blasiJng Whcnc (Al mid gas deposits, ................. NOW, INERFIX)RII BE FU WOLVED BY 11M CIT) CONVIMSSION, 01' THE ("JTN_ OF, DELFQN' I3F_kCIJ, FLOR[DA, AS FOLLOV`S: ,k¢, :)n Th(�! foregoing recitals are, hcteby confinned and radfied, siL SAM Ibe CS 4 DeW Beach reccIgnizes o0hore A and jps ddhng and elloradmi, including seisrmc aRgun Wastmg, w,J1 put fioddal envionment, bcAcbes,rnar�ne resources, and local econornies at W" theref6re, tim (AM (A)Nnninkmi expresses %; (TpoWw ") these actiskes aimi urges the fideral governnwnt mi to ynwsue buch praciiccs off F'JoridCs Coast, They ("'ity ("c'mimission authorizes the Cit) Manager to take all ac6ons, necessary to ef'fectuatc ffie purp )sc of ths Resohmon, I'his Rembahm shaU Imcortic cActive. imrnedratChUP0,11 P,'ISSa,p",C, 1,Illiie, IMSSED VID NDUYUM this day of 2019, S-iOh Fletro I Nf k )r' 0 R Al Ilawai Qkn;4,(Iy Umh VPnWelf, Uld I c" al Sufflciency� Ls nn C ( run Vv:)rney RIX NU ITY)