Res No. 24-19 ........... ............................................... .......... ....... N'O24-19 A RIAMMON (':F F, THF-,' (ITY OF ITULRAY WYCH, HDRUM APPROVINS W& WHE'lAll N'T %'LFH NIURRAY 1-C)C3'AN (,(,.)NSTRLJMON INC., FOR THE", STORAMA'111",R NFRASTRUMINE amsrRIVYION; AJ7FH(,)RVfNC� crry NLANAGER TO EAM LTE, JHE A(,;RFL�AlF,NT AND MWE AL(., ACTIONS NINUSSARY 11) 0111; AGRFJ"JN,lLN'F; PROV1DING AN EFFEMWE DA"no AND F'OR OT111JR PURPOSF,'S. WHERFAIL the City of'Delra3 Fac sch ((1y) is authmized to enter into a? Its tc) Plovid seivices, Inggramming ancl luolicts & accoulance with hs Charter and NVILERIMS, Hm (Ay requkes services and products Can the Inupose of =mwom infiastruciure C011SMAcuon.; and. V1 14-,RF-kS, the Q clesires v) enwr huo an a,mment with and Mmy Ingan Constmokm hic., for thcsc st.,tvices and products; and \VHL,R[,AS, th(�.! City (,orrmussion deemisapproval of this Resobkkmi nj be in the best Werest (if the healtW Why, armi ivel%; of the reskknu and ckizens of the Q of Delta) Beach and the pul)hc at Immv NONQ '111 ERIJUR F, BU IT CMDAIN(',I) (�,rry' C'"('))lSllSSlmW m" '1 ((Na, cm- FLORIDA, NS F()LHDWS� Thc foregoing,recitalsarthcrcb.0 affirtned utd ratified. lhe� Cormnission of the C'utar of Dch.-ay Fach has m4wed aml hemby approves this A bct%cen the City and Nhamy Alan Mrimmkon Inc, , which is atladmd U) g,reement tlti,s R(.!solu.rion as Exhibit :-V 5c&lkln.3. IS CK (AgmnAdmi aNKOzes the Oty Manager to exeCLOV the Agteervient aml aqy amemknous amt% Axivah thcret(h and mW anv (Aher actions necessary to effectuate this Aw'ecillent, 'I his FCS sohdion shaH tworrie eff` cfive irm-nediately upon adoption. .....2= ... ........................................ .... .... .................................... ..... PASSED AND ADOFFED Hi regular sees ion cm the d ..day of 2019, -. AIIIN A All "Siw HT,Tictr('Aia, avor 11 n'O� City ("�Icrk. Af .mm"ammi ligm q,nd lqpa suf%ency: IMASTER CONTRACT0111SERVIE ES AGREEMENT MIS AGREEMEN r is made by and between the City of D6ray Beach, as Fiorkia rnunicipaorporation (hereinafter referred to as "City"), whose address is 100 NW ls' AverlUe, Deiray B(,-.,ac.h, FL 33444 arid Murray Logan Construction, llric,, a Fioirida Corporation, (her6nafter referred to as "Contractor"), authorized to do [.Xls�ness in F:::lorida, whose address i day of f�-tbr' 01'( ,s 313 651111 Traii N, West Pa�m Beach, FL, 33413, fts WHEREAS, the City desires to perform .;,,,,torrnwaler infrastructure conStflACti(XI" and Wl IEREAS, the City dedres to procure these services tron-a Contractor, utiUizing existing contract prices provided to C.fty Of WESt PaIM Beach, PLArsuant to its sokitation number, i'TB 13-14-407, for stornmater irifirastructure construction services" and WI-111REE AS, in accordance with sokitation number i'M 13-14-407, City of West Pairn Beach, entem�d finto as three (3) year, agre(,-,,rnenl, with Contractor fbr services effective Novernber 21, 2014 through Decernber 31, 2017, with th(ll option to renew for an additionM two (2) year,,,,,,, and Wl 1111: REAS, the parfleas exercised the right to extend the (.,.ontract thrOUgh Decernber 31, 2019-land t,,,,1 Rlll; AS, the City desires to purchase services from Contractor on the sarm-i� terrns, c.omfifions, and pric4ig provkled under e;,oficftation nurnbeir, iTB 13-14-407, sul)ject to the terryis and condifions of this Agreement, the City's Purct-iasing ordinanc(..�, and Horida �aw-1 a,.md WHEREAS, the Contractor agrees to extend the terms, conditions, and pricing of solk,itafion number I FB 13-14-407 to the City, subjeact to the terms and conditions of this Agreernent. NOW, TUB EIII REF0III 1E, in corisid(,,.ration of the rnutuaU parses" awes contained h(",,ren and other, good and vakiatfle consideration of which the parUes hereto acknowiedge, the pavlies agree as foMows, 1 -rhe above recit,�.iis are trUe arid correct and are i nc(-N-po rated herein by reference. 2 Ttie (.'.%ontractor shalkl provide to the City engineering, architecture and reflated professoria� services, in accordance with and pursuant to the sarne terrns, conditions, and prk,.ing of soficitation number M.3 13-14-4.07 procured by City cit.West PaUm Beac.h. 3 "T'his Agreement is lin full force and effect upon kA exe('.lufion lby the City for. an annuai n0t-40 EW.eed amount of thr-e(--.I I'vindred thousand and 00/100 Doars ($300,000.00). 4. T'Ns Agreernent shaH tE.nNinate on December 31, 2019, urfless the agreement to VrB 13-14-4-07 is renewed by Dty of West Pafirn lBeach. 5 The Cfty, at its scfle discretion, reseVWS the, 6ght to tenninate #fls Agreeffient with or WthOLAt cause irnmediateiy upon providing wdtten noflce 'to C'ontractor. Upon receipt Of SUch notice, the C:pontractor shaH not Ocur- any addifionau costs under the Agreement. The Cty shaH be kaNe only ft)r reasonable costs uncurred by Contractor prior to the date of the rmtice of terrrflnallon. TV-ie City shaH be the sole judge of' "reasonaNe costs."' 6 The Contactor certifies that the price and iratEe repres(imts the uowest price and rate for the products and servuces of any contract between the Contractor and any other governmentM entity WitIl un the State of Rorida. 7 The Contractor shaH undemnffy and h0d harryfless the Cfty and its officers, ernpoyees, agents, and mnstruirnentAitres frorn any and app fiabHity, poss&a, or- damages, inck.j(-.fing attorney's fees and cost's of defense, which the (Ay or pts officers, err#oyees, agents, or, k'istrurnentaHfies rnay Ocur as as resuft of cUrns, demands, suits, causes of acfions, or proceedings of any kind or riature ads�ng out of, reafing to, or resuffing frorn the performance of the agreement by the ('OrlIrractor or its ernpk)yees, agents, ,.,ervants, partners, princJpaus, or subcontractors, The Conti actor shaH pay app claims arid posses in corinec.tiori therewith, and shaH invesfi(-ate arO defen(l afl ca4nc,, sufts, or, "ratio ns of any kind or nature in the narne of the City, where appficatAe, uncpu&ig appeHate procee6ngs, arid slhaH pay aH costs, judgrrients, and attorney's fees wNch may be pnctjrred thereon. The Contractor expressly Understarids and agrea(-.,,-, that any unsurance protectron recpAred by this--; Agreement or otherwise provided by the Contractor shaul ki no way Hrrflt the responsibiRy to urlderrinrfy, keep and save IlnaarrrnUeassa and defend the Cpty or pts officers, enipuoyees, agents, and instrurnentaRies as her6n proAed the ol)Hgafions of tNs ,.-,ecfiori shaH SUrvive the ter(TI Of this Agreerri(:mt. 8 he either Party desires to gpve nofice to the other', such notice must be un writing, sent by certified United States MaH, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, or sent by comrnerciap express carrier wk,h acknOWEdgernerit of d(,,Avery, or by hand delivery with as request for, as written receupt of acknoWedgMent of (JeWery, addressed to the party for, whom it is intended at the pace pasl specAled, The [,Aace for guvirrg nofice shaH remaun the savn(a as set forth herein untH changed in wdfing in the manner provided s this secfion. For the present, the Parles designate, th(--,� foHowing- For UTY Cty of IDOray Beach 100 N.W. 1 st Avenue DOray Beach, Horida33444 Attri: Gutsy Manager For C.ONTRAC.TOR lftrr.ay L.ogan Construction, price. 313 65t�l Trail N, West PaIrn Beach, FL 3341,3 9 N6th(-,;r thus Agreement nor any right or interest hear urn shaH be asskned, "I transferred, or encumbered without the written consent of the other Party, 10 This Agreement shall be construed in accordance Wth the City of Delray Beach's Code of Oii'�6nances and the laws of the Stat(��,� of Porida, Any dispute r0afirig to this Agreement shaH oniy be Ned in a ("xHirt of corripf.11tent jurisdiction in Paini Beach County, RoMa, and eacl"i of the parbes to thsAgreen-nerit subrnits rtseff to the jurisdiction of such court. Each partyshaH be resporisiNe for th6r own attorney's fees and costs. 11 W T1,,,1 CONTRACTOR HAS QUEST�ONS REGARDING THE APPL.ICATIS ON OF CHAPTER 119, FLORIDA STATUTES, TO THE CONTRACTOR'S DUTY TO PROVIDE PU11B111 II IIRECORDS RELATIIING TO THIS AGREEMENT, CON-rACT THE CUSTODIAN OF PUB11JC RECORDS AT CffY OF DELA AY BEACH, C�TY CLERK, 100 N.W. I'T AVE., DELRAY BEACH FLORIDA. THE CITY CLERK'S OFACE MAY BE CONTAC r11ED BY PHONE AT 561-243-7050 OR V�A EMA�1- AT' CITYCLER�KalffDELRAYBEAq!!. OM. .............--- _g__ a. Contractor shaH comply with puNic m=rds paws, specfficaHy tram u. Keep and mauntain pubfic records required by the Oty to perforffl the service, iL Upon reqUest from the Cftyls custodian (.-)f pubiic records, provkle the City with a copy of the requested records or aHow the records to be inspected or copied within as reasonable, firnE: at as cost that does not exceed the cost proMed in Harida .131atute or, as otherse prcMded by paw, HL Ensure that PLAbHc recor(-Js that are exempt or confidential and exempt frorn public, records duscloskjre r,eq0r,(:.,rnents are riot discIosed except as authorized by uaw for the durafion of the Agreeawnt tean arid foHowing corr#efion of the Agreernent ff the Contractor does riot transfer the records to the Cfty. iv, Upon competion of the Agreement, transfer, at no cost, to the City app public records pen possessk.)n of the Contractor or, keep and makitaurn pubfic records required by the CRy to perform the service. H' the Contractor 'transfers afl pubfic records to the City upon cornpetion of the Agr(.?E.M)er)t, the Contractor Baha: H destroy any duplicate pubfic, records that are exempt or cnfidentU avid exempt frcarrn pubHc records clusclosk..jre req&e merits. pf the Contractor keeps and rnauntains public records upon cornpetiorl of the Agr-eement, the Contrac,tor shaH rneet aH apppicalble re quireffients for retaining pubfic records, Aii records stoed eectronicaHy Mst be, provided to the City, upon request from the City's custodian of puNic records, in a format that is compafibk` With the information techr)Oogy systerlros of the CRy. V. If the Contractor does riot cornply wrth this section, the Cfty shaH enforce the contract provlskms iin accordance with the contract and may unNateraHy cancO this coritract 4-1 a(-,(-,.o r(J a rice Wth state paw, 12 Contractor ps aware 11-iat the IInspector Generap of Par rn Beach County has the authority to 4-westigate and aLAdft Matters relating to the negotiation and performance of this contract, and rnay dernand and obtapin records and testimony frorn ("Oontractora,md its subcontractors and power tier subcontractors, Contractor understands and agrees that prl addpfion to a other remedies arid (-I.onsequenc.es provided by paw, the faHure of Conirractor, or its subcontractors and power (peer subcontractors to fuHy cooperate with the lnspector Generap when requested may be deeffied by the (,.efty to be a rnaterW breach of 0--lis Agreement jusfifying fts terrnpnafion, 13 The continuation of tHs Agreement beyond the crud of any fis(-;ayear shaH be subjECt tO both the aj,)prophafion and the avaHaNRY Of fLAnds in accordance vac th Fodd a law. 14 The d0(.-.Ui-V-iEIItS Hsted be are at part. of this Agreement and are hereby incorporated by referem.e. ln the event of lnconsist(�.-mcy between thel docurnents, unie,,-,;s otherwise proMed t-ierein, the I'En,rns of the foHowing docurnents Mi gov(:arn pn the f0iowing order of precedence-, a. Terr-ries and conOfions as coritained in this Agreement, to, Terms and Condffions of Cfty of West, PaIrn Beach sokftahon Mimber ffB 13- 14-407, (1, Contractor's response to soficftafion TIUMber FB 13-14-407 and any subsequent information submftted by C.ontrafor during the evaluafion and rtes gotiatk-K-i process. [ReMainder of page pntenfionaHy peft Nank] IN Wl„,I,,, WHEREOF, the CJty airid Dae Contractor executed this Agreem rit as of the day area year r first above l'it,Em, r R u � ._�. ..��� ��yo Kater - JcUrcrity Uer < M �_...M�.. .. Approved as to form and UegM sufficiency: ................... ........... U.....yrara GOO`„ A t¢, µr Sy Unr� t� �Um °� U as r°r�:�y � �a��� .�.�� yw .. � .... .� .............................. 'Mew President. (SEAL,) COUNTY If°-” U::" Urn � ea&—i The ragsurar �r�iraart was ir cacvvaag rbefore me this day of JnUa 2019,.. . lr)y ----------- 11 ....-.._. Il 1 David_,Log_gr!, asPresident (name of officer or �aggaarat, fitie of officer r agent), of _u..rray.._,, .g ira Gran truscfi0!] Uri m (ra ffia of ( (:Kporraation a:ackno:a edgUng), a Fijj (state r pa ace of Urcr caraaUcracorporation, c:. the cmcarlUacaratUcaran u ... aa, gu . ..._y...__wknown ray r" Ihas produce �...... ..........�... ..-._______________ (type of identification) as identification. da " all ,.. ' mvig cim Expi;u +ut p 2l 021 .... nP Notary ("'T'he ren-minder of tlN page intentionally Ueft Ua nk)