Res No. 35-19 . ...................................... .. ................... RESOL111ION O. 35-19 A TEES( 1111ION OF U-IE CITY OF DE.L.RAY BE AC U'LORIDA APPROVINGY AN AGRF.`,EMf.`NT WITIJ Uff.`, GOC)DYEARURE & RI JBBER (,0MPANYF0RIIRI".`,S AND RI.-I-XIED EQUIPMENT, STATIJES, AND SERVIUS; AM 1(.)RIZIN(,,' 11 CIT Y MANAGE,Rr(..) EXECT-TTT IT 1,' AGREEMENT AND TAKE ALL A(.-,fl()NS NECESS. Y TO EfTECRWIT, TI IIS A(31REIEMENT; PROWDING, AN EFTECIIVE DATE;AND FOR OTT....IF R PURP(I)SES. VI IF,REAS,the City,of Delray Beach. C City") is authorized to enter into agreements to provide services, pmgrarrunirig and prx:)ducts in accordance with its C.Iurter,and WFI1`,RE,AS,the Cty requires tires and m6ted eqt .pment,supplies,and smices for the puqx)se of maintaining the operation and safety of(.qty vel-dcles;and TIEREAS, the 0ty desires to enter into an agirement with. The Goodyear Tim & Rubber COMpany;and M IERE AS,the City Cornnussion deems approval ofthis Resoludon to be in the best interest of. the health,safety,and welfare of the residents and citizeris of the City()I'Delray Beach and the public at Large. NOW, TH.,,RETORE, BE IT" ORDAINED BY TI ITS, CITY COMNUSSION OF TI fE (ITY OF DELRAY BEA(I 1, FL,(..)RIDA,.AS FOILOWw : Sem. on 1. `17h.e foregoing recitals are hereb af finned and ratified. .......... y Section.2. The City (.:)mryn�ssion of the ('Ay of Detray Beach hm reviewed and herely approves utilization ofthe 'National joint Powen, All ia.tice (rL/k/a Sour cewelCbntract#: 102517-G"TC, vvithAlie Goodyear Tire &Rubber Company. Section 3. '11-le (:qty Q.)rnmission authori7es the City Mariager to execute any docurmmts and aRy amendments and/or renewals thereto and tak�any other actions necessary to effeauate,this approval. Section.4. 'nis Resolution shall become effective irninediately upon.adoption. ............... PASSED ANI)AD("'XIIIIED in regular session on the, y-of 2019. m ..: ........- ......... .... _. ....... ...................__.................. m��aaw Approved as to form. and legal sufficiency- ............ ...............______ Y