Res No. 28-19 RESOLUTION NO. 28-19 ,A RESOLUFTION OFTIII.`, (-TfY' C(),\4.MISSI0N OF THE C I I IY I OF DELRAY 13E,kC,IL, FLOR[DA, RECOGNIZING AND C(I I)NINIENDING RLGINA HART 3:;' R. THIRTY Y[,?IARS OF S F,R NICE TO T[I E CI ITY C)FI)ELRAYBE�1ACH. WHEREAS, Rcgina Hart bcgan her career with the City dad`Defy av 13cach onNOVCDiber 21, 1.988 and c)ri Noverriber 21 , 2018, reached as Tnitestonc in her career,, having achievcd thirty years offult-time seryce with the City,- and WHERFAS, Rcgiras was hired as as Secretary 11 rri the, P(Alcc, Depailinent and was soon promoted to Secretary 111, the to StaffAssistant., then, to ,�(linii-).jsti-atjve ,Assistarit where she currently serves with diStiDdion and horior; and W.H.1"REAS, Regina has worked in many diff-erent Police divisions during her uireer and has been awarded nuinercnis coninien(Lations f5or her profssionahsm, tier dedication, her attention to detail and her wilfirigncss to take oAnership ofany pr(�)ject she touches; and Repina has twen illStrurnentat ill Diany crii-ninal. investigatk)ns by utilizing analytical abilities that go abovc and beyond expectations. She is known. fior taking on difficult tasks that require exceptiorial skills and always prod tices eNcelient results, MIIIF'REAS, Rcgina is knowrt 16r being an (.;xcellent steward of' the public 4,Joflar by keeping rneficulouis records, assisting with complex budgets and efficiently h.andling the logistics of the recruftnierit wid training of sworn and civillan staff, and WHEMEAS, Regina has consistently been willing to step outside her area of resporisibilit,v in order Io rnect fiw riceds of her team and the P()Iice Dcpairti-nent, NOW, THEREFORE, BE',, F-FRY.S01,N)T'D BYTH E CITY COMMISSION OFTHL CITY OFDELRAV BEAWH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That ttie City Commission ofthe City, of Delray Beach hereby recognizes and commends Regina Hart for thirty,years ot'dedicated and faithfUl pUblic service, Section 2. That the (I ity Conirnission [tereby congratulates and expresses sincere thanks and appreciation to Regina Hart for her rnany ye,,.Irs ofservice and wishes her the best of health and happiness in her continued erriploynicni., —­—, "'IN e, I 1 N -egula --y 2019. SS ND A, Of 'ED �n i r session oD this the 5'�' day ofFebrUai M .............................. .............. N YO R A F FE ST- CITY CLERK I APPROVED ASTO FORM AND LFIGAL S(JFF'I('IEN( Y BY� I Ylin to -i, iterini City Attorney Res No 28 9