Res No. 41-19 :SOL, "ION NC). 41-19 A. RESOLUTION OF 'n-ff,, CT.TY OF DELRAY BEACn FLORIDA APPROVING AN' A(,,RFEMF-N'I' W1.11-1 TOTAL PRFISSURE UEANIN("; SERVRT.S FC)R PRFSSI..JRF CLF,ANING SERVIC1,S; ALTI11C)RIZING UEF (11Y MANAGER TO EXF(-,UE, ME AGREEM1",,,NT ANT.) TAKE .M.1, ACIIONS NE0,,SS.ARY TO JIUS ,AGREEM1,'NT; PROWDING AN EFTECIIVE DA11; AND FOR 0711-JERTURPOSES. VA-IEIU-,AS,the Cky of Deh-ayBeach ("(1ty") is authorimd to enter into agneer nernes to provide services, programming and products inaccordance with its Charter, and WI1ERE,A,S,the C ky reqi.drespressur-ecleiningserv-ices;ancf W1 III I'AS, the Gty desims to enter into an agreement with Total Pressure Cleaning Services; and M HE RE AS, the Cit�y Gmunission deems approval. of this I(S solution. to be in the best interest of the health,safety, and welfare of the residents and citi7xns ofthe City of'De Iray Beach and the public at large. NOW. 11 1EFTF0Pd-,,, BE rr Cyd.DA1NE,D BY 11 IE CYTY CONMSSION C)F' U U---', (171-Y OF DELRAY BEA,Cn, F1,C)RIDA, AS 1,01.1-OWS: coon.. .. 'the foregoing recitals air hereby affinned and ratified. ..................---. Secdon 2. "line City ("onu-nissioni. of' the (A Delmq- Beach. has reviewed and hereby "'ity ...............-.- 1 approves this Agreement between the City andTotal Pressure (leaning Services,Inc.., %,hich is attached to this Resolution as Exhibit 'A.' Section 3. 'Me City Cbrnrrnission authorizes the City Martager to execute the Agreement and any arnenchnents an(i/or renewals thereto, and take an),, other actions necessary to effectuate this Agreement. Section 4. "Ibis Resolution shall become effective inu-nediawly upon adoption. ........... PASSED.ANEYADOPTED in .r session on.the._ �� day of .. :�'��...:... � 12019. N.... ... ..." ............. ........ 'k-'-a-tem jtafns `t .Ce�. , Approved is to foml nd legal suficien ,), wM� x FTEI 2019-017 PreSSUre Cleaning 011EEMENT TMS AGEENis hereby made and entered into his day o 20.q (the ..........-- P "effective date")RbyMEandT between the City of Delray Beacht, a F.Iorida municipal corpoiratuojrl ("atyl, whose address is 1,00 NM, 1" Avc-.mue, Deiray Beach, Florida 33444, and, Totai Pressure Cleaning Services, as corporation (heeafter referred to as "Contractor"), whose aftess is 941 W Ornmeron Dr Tampa, A 33603, M iEREAS, the Oty desires to retain the services of tf,-w Contractor to provicle the goods and serv0cv:.,s irl accordance wit:h the City's invitation to Bid 20V)--017, Pressure Cleaning and the Contractor's response thereto, aH of wMch are incorporated herein by reference. NOW, fl---i ERE FORE., in consideration of Ow rrrutua0 covenants and prornises hereafter set forth, the Contractor and the City agree as foHows: ARTICLE 1, MCORPORATION THIS QUOTE The tervrns zmd conditions of this Agreement shaH inckide and incorporate the terrns, conditions, and spec ifi cations set forth in the City's h,witation to Bid 201.9-01.7, Pressure 0eaning, and the Contractor's response to the invitation to Bid, inciu&ig aH documentation required thereunder. ARI U.E 2. DESCRUPTION OF GOODS OR SCOIDE OF: SERVICE'S The Contractor shaH provide the goods and/or perform those services identified in the specifications accornpany�nfy the City's invftation to Bid, wh9ch are incorporated her6n by reference, D, ARTICLE 3. COMPENSAIION The City shah pay to the Contractor, in comphance with the Pricing Sc hedue attached hereto and incorporated herein, aul-ording to the terryis and specifications of the referenced lnvitatuon to Bi(t A RII C L.E 4, MISCELLANEOUS PROV00NS a. Notice Format. AH notices or other writ:ten cornMUnications reqtJred, corrtenipated, or, permrtted under this Agreement shaH be in wribng and shaH be haind dehvered, telecornmunucated, or rnailed by registered or certified MaH (postage prepaid), return receipt requested, to the foHowing, addresses: L As to the Cit:y: City of Delray Beach 100 N.,W. V'Avenue Dekay Beach, F�orida 33444 Attn: City Marra&r Ernaik LakjzierM@myd6r,aybeach.corn ii. with as co,-)y to: City of Mray Beach 100 N.W. 1"Avenue Mray Beach, Florida 33444 �'FB 2019-017 Pressure Cleaning Attln: City Attorney t:malil:ge6inL@rnydelraybeaclli.coi�n iiL As to the Contractor: Total Pressure Cleaning Services 941 W Cirnimeron Dr. lampa, FL 33603 Allm AR)erto Suarez Ernafll: zon net ........... b. HqadiinFs. Me headings contained in this Agreernent are for convenience of reference orfly,aind shail not hmit or otherwise affect in any way the meaning or cnterprE�tation of this Agreement. C. s Effective Date. 1'r he effective d ate of this Agreeead be Mnt Shad aof the dat:e it habeen s —----------- "' " ex(m.uted by both the parties hereto. AfMCLE 5, CONTRACTTERM The term of this Agreement shall commence from the Ofecdve date and shall re rnain in effect for a terrn of one (1) year expiring on the day of Upon rnutual 2020, agreery,�errt of the parties, the Agreement rnay be renewed for, two (2) additiionaR one (1) year terms, unless terminated earlier in accordanc.e w9th terms set for,th in the ITB. (Reirnaiinder of'this page is int:ent'ionaflly Ieft Wank,) ITB 7019-017 Pressure Clea a n IN WITNESS WHEREOF, fl,ism partnes have execut(-.�d tMs Agme ent on the dates her-einafter gftten. CITY U® t7EURAY BEA(P...U® FLORIDA ISE AL] By: _.... . _ �...� .... ry . . ...._ . ... ...._ Mark J.,auzier, City Man— . r AT.T E STS r � —w By.„ m r� K teuohnsw°,t6't.y Oerk APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SLJF V IEN('l'Y M By: tmnlerii ff Attorney ➢t�UE o ,u �a bHc � Y.71�£ rn aam ama ^^^ �Pms�dmamm' &.:U�.56'uary 2020 tela_.. ,.......... _...._._" a .m.. ....... t ES5m1 �� �.......