Res No. 44-19 .......... . ..................... . . ............................................... - -.......... ................ ........... .......... ....................... RISC)JA ''TN")N 44 19 A RESOLYTION ()f, THE 01Y CA" 1)UN.) 1310C1-1 PLORIDA, DFXWRING '111E 141101110N OF THE CIY TO C(�)NSIDF.'R '\F)OPT(,YN VN, ()RDINANCE V'\11-'ND1N(,'Y T11F,, OTN'' CODF, RFOUING TO THF, IU�CJJ-XHON CA" EK)(IKLESS NUDBU34Y DEVICES; 1NV(­A<1N(-'m Hfl-,� PLNDINC, ORDINAN01 DOCTRINE; f1W)VIDENG '111AT FRCMI JANUARY 1, 2019 AND DURING ITIFF PF,NDFNUY' OF U)NSIDERNHON, 'HlF,, CITY DFFFT TIIF PROUVOING V&D APP100VA1, OF ALL APP1J(.,AT10NS I^OR D0(,XLFSS NIC)BUTH DEV10"'S INC,0\SISJ1 N'T WITH Till-, COF)F" OF ORIMNNNUS; NRFCAING TIHI U1Y CLERK IU P1111..IMI N, NUf ICE OF mumu it) wwrr an i ORDUNANCt'; PROVIDIN(3 FOR PRWIMN& FUR :NN DATF,; AND 1"()R ()THER PURP(DSF,S, V'1JF,RFNS, thisflesoludonisenactedpiaRminto the honme rulepcmers Of Ciiy of Delray Beach, Florida ('6111 as mA Wrth W WtHe 1111, Suabn 2 of dw (AmthuNtri of the Stme of , 110daUiapter '166, V'4�ridiStatule,� and aw 0,(lart, mid WHITIOS, the Ciq is respcnisible for the 1-iroiection of the heakfi, saicolY ani] wclfare of'its businesses, residents, and visitors, and VCHETIOS, the prinaai�, PUt-POSe (,4' ffie Cita`s strects and sidewalks is to provide as safe place f6i pedest-tian arid vehicular traveaiat includes, but is aneathinited trn bikes, buses, cars, inotorcIvIeN anti scooms; alul NNUTYAS, W 11ja of the recent increase in ffic number of'businesses that rem dockless b3cyc1cs, and scoc,tc,rs, also 1,nown as dock1t,,,ss ITK.J)fli , de6ces, is publ: We Whe ydaceinew of sUreable mobdiv devices, amoughcwt the (in,without being locked to as ble rml or o6wr infrastructuteand the potenfial negative.unpacts Of thC Witegulated use of pe.isond rranspcntation vehkkq (My W'desires to awa],�,ze, ffic situations that haxe occuacd in other cities and ev.-Juate and mah.c r.co!ommendatria ns for aye gubdons as hie h -will better promote t1w saWy and general mclfarc, of We (Am bukiesses', residents, and visitors; ancl VO IVRIKA' the (Sq, has been actively engaged in the process of uniferfaking a revision and. update of die exAting(Aide of Onlinmiceswidi respect to the regulation ofdockless rnc)bifiil devices, sim:(nat least fartU.1r, 15, 2019; arid VCHFA FOS, die Uy Gininission hnds and declares a need U) tcinpc�rarjl): suspend ffic approval or denial of aprIcSons relatui w the sharbig of tkxkless bicySeq scooters asid/or Wicr personal transportathni tlhi6f,,� in the pubhc to),hi of-�way to alh-m- the developrnent of regidaWns Sw such uses; and. NXI[FAE,AS, be (My &Aes U) WAAW"p1me aU pales on norx,,c that it is (c)nsidering a ng the g mextdI Wy We and that all parties -who ,are Coll Sideting, die operaWn of dockhNs mobdi", deVes Or the shark% of - bicl dcic s, sc:� i)a e°rs and/ord.athc°.r personal t.ranspo nation..veld les V the niblic Qqhi 4wa the _h considering,the add:alaoro +rfcardiraances rr0i rul:aect in this sarhalect ruuat_ter aam'l that this subject roa.aaner slmc)uuld ise d_cnnsi.elered faurSUanut tO thee° l,e:rr.dirniy lci:nssU.ado n doctraai . g y-q NOW, '11 1q...�y °, �;���.p)���::�^:.,,, Bpi°, I�.,:�' .�a,"�yO�./��,�'fie, ) ����.:�. ,1"1 IE C ��.9:�5�'' �;��.�"�.I.;'"a��.T;��tCY: Of, THE (,J]:" ' IDN `ecti w�rvf_k The! above recitals are stare, carrma, aradf hicd,arl.orated Frere W by this refire.aac e, � Beach a�rcbN ala cl��a es its �r�rcnt��on to �Thef,;it � � Baa"�iraruaaa;s.aaaa�r a��al the City ark 1.'�a�fraa,a consider adoption of,an Aardirrnarne dm arrueri(Itrrhl the C;io f."oele rela6n tc) the re ?,platton a°uf a-b.)d.:klers7srridbbilitr,dic.a re es Q die sbatiruyy of bicycles,c le:s, sdra:dd:rte n Rn"An Ober faerurra<a.l trans:,pcwta.tiduau n d"h&..8d lo-s in the public right d of rw a.y. dad t dmtr .: Pursuant tdathe pending le°taisl-at,ion dfaucti-irte sect: forth errSavilb r, (�ya?)`C l,'r,,ranvaaler, :383 MAI Jim 2d:f. l.;iC;, 198Q, Al laena.rras areal enNO that pib.,n to estmublish and/or operate did.ackless ra,aot.dit,y da�arires f6r the.;G�ba�a.urraf�� a��d�f��1sk)crid�.s, sa_a'aarnters s��a�rrdiAw(ANYl;ermnia�ul. transhacrr°tat�on ve°Ila:ud les in the public r.-ightof�. i way drat: lie (1); is considerrarsl tine. adoptions of reyyaubti.o ns resl.a.trrag to surcb use; flu! re°gu.�d,asadrns arca e„t:ansi erml fnene'liralli and � f c', 1 i rc^ ra.raace.� ar rddnn aw:r;rra�°e�rut reraa�.atad;rrns� aar e�:m'>a.'rna:btaur°e' of f`uuaaels or a f`fbrts in relrarrd:d° d,AR"k draarud^a.a6 rre W tron., until the re uulata.p is are considned by tfre° ("Jty, C orrmaraurs;sid:�)n art(] ac cd aged and effective, or de°ter.n-uned sunt d~u v &B fl c"a tlea° radoh led, its neat reasonable and is atthe risk of flie aalal:,cant. ` 15,a.r:neuaay' 2019,2019, shaa.D Mir the hardxess�iarg of i a.lrohritdr��atif«.ar,as and rtkae m,ammtm_t�da� =f. t�:rtt� st:aaff, afier j rs sande of approvals for Al dldrekless maabilits-a.ic.vke,.a Or t:hd: sbarirryy 4bicycles scooters arxef/or,:catlaer pe:r°;;mal t-r c➢a�laas,ct,�t.r.d civehla les as n the in.t Wulic right of wan prem.#halt the passage def' re i�ardraad to tile:, f_:rtr, Code rc°�tl,a-ard�rrrf; i x'1;1 Such afe°.h'd axsal in farard::cm rig a alnplkd;.sAt.&l:ns is t:aurralaarraaj and sshaaH aeutdnnaaadcmlh cl.is,calse upon tire.° passage of (nut hundred eighty (18(o days f`raom the effictiv es date Of,. Heise R.ersdafu.t.tiozn, eat until new regulations dear dicacidless tan.ddldb y, devices Wr the sharing of bgx1e.s,,scooters ane'1,/Am odue r laer: eara.d t.raaml-ao rtmiom r-we4cles w n the pulflic right of wav i are adopted by Thee t q ('danr.raarssic) , whichever occurs fint, r lni �tlm_m. 'fine (Ty- f;td.rk as hreml y Mcmdl to publish as " 'otice of itrQentiaarr to consider adoption ofan A.urclinarnce in as newspaper of lfe°ne rel d r.rcaa.8at-id.:rn era the Crtr�. <t,amtt2�. The lard:arrs,runrrsa (A t: s Rembahm ue cled lared to be��, severable, � � r sente;rncer,, ����ar�acf if a� section,n, clause or phrase of this re°soltio n VAL I any reaasa° ; be had d to be hwal.ici or u,ncdarnsfituatianno, sand.I a.fa.chidnra shal.l rmt affects the val.idirry, ofthe renaa.rairig sentences, sec.tiarn , clauses ox, hulanascs of the IRA.sc)lurtion RES. NC144 19 . . ................ .. ..................... ............. but they MR reni,,,tin in cffect al benig the lcgvdmive intent clual this resolurion Y;hall stand notes ahstancfin��, ffic invah(lity of any Imrt. This Remllon W Me Stu AmmedAwk upon aQtiom RASSED OND ADOPTED in reWihr scishm on this dav 2019, MIST Kaw"i PAMUR Oty (AW SlwHv Pcm) I Mayor AlTroved as Qnn ,Ind I&pl SuMcwnq: IN'tin 'Qlterim (""ity kaorney 3 N()� 44 19