Ordinance No. 10-19 ORDI"',,, 10 �9 Ali ORIHNAWR (11" ME MY COMMISSION (mour cra of,' DFJRAY B1,,,ACJL HDRINY 1NIENDIN(; '11, REM I"MCONS", OFTJ 1,11 CODE OF ORDIN,ANCUS BYADMINX"'J� A ;NFAV (:I I.k I Y FF,R 122, "1)R()I-I lB HJ 0 N 0 FS I N(,1,F, USI",I I J,,N S14C, S'fR,.,k\X,'S," PROMB11MG 1111 , DISTRUil —HON OF PI,ASTIC' STRAWS, PROVIDfNiC, PENA1,TIFS FOR A N Y S(J",F I IMSIRIBUDON, PROVIDDOG A CONFLIC"PS CLAUSF, k S&TIRAIMIX11' CMUSI? AND AMPORYry, 10 CCHMFY; PR()VJDINCAN FF+F'VT1VK DATE AND FOR MEER �PL RPOSRS, WHEREAS, be (Ay Wrourinkmi of the Ort of De 1w° Beach (hereinafter refetred do as the "Op") hnds dmt suou use plaw suaws pose an environinewal Ward to the health, safe.io', W Wme of the reskients and vkhors of Delray Beach, Floritb, as %TH as nrpikeh Opmt mmwr qudky and smnxmd&g mile: lee; and WFIFT FA KL Rule certak plasKs cavi In° recycled, the vast m000nq �"4 sungle use plastic straws cannot be repycled clue to their lack of resin code and small sim, M2kdg thern as nuisance on ffic, WIDIREAK Ddrav Beack has as 6brant and gmwing hospkahq budn"s cmmneando nnxh 4whkh is kwawd within 2 UAL Of W', (JO'S 13(!aches and marine ,&aatuwaq, mful ine or IMMe sbqe tee phmic .MWS dmt me heqw6glaand casfly blow out of trash Enns aiml recic.le cwradners 00% tern w acc:umuhte W summi runoff and unterways, tnamg them a cornnion qPe of pollutant lou n.d a:,)n the (AyN Madws and marine waterwals; and VQ I FT KA!"SWgk Me P6StJC SMaWS are WMI 1ADdegradable and take bundieds of years to deccnnpose. Even then, the plasuc nimeh, breaks down No Q=plastic rrieccsvvhich marine life ingest, decreasing their lifespan;an.d WRAMAS, the public at laqge is becombig increasingQ axate cd the negative en.vLronrnentul. consc�quenccs froryl using siqgle.use food semice hems whkh are rxon. [nodegraclable," and NXIDIREAS, non ISO: mraws stich as those made 4 Impa, plant, vegetable, iin.%] offier nalurJ prcxluctq are realh avdabk air(] art, a more envircminentaAy respondWe altunmNe to phmk smaw and WHERE05" die (S' (]orninjssion of Delray Beach find WIMon of spans Ordwance is in the 1-oest NweR and pronums the Wall, My; and "Whre of the Mzens, resdents, and businesses of ffie, (','lty of Delraa Beach, N(MaTHRREMREJF FrORDAINFI) T'HY'JJ'1-Y (* . ...... ........... LA"ILRAY BF, V.It, FLORID XS FOLI OWS- Secuon I I'lie aboe rcctals are true and ccprrccf, and are herelm, lricorjx�maecl Biro this Ordirialice as f fiiuv restanxi hereffl. scccRm-1 2, 11,"Business Reguhilons",(,,)f thc C"ode of'Ordinances Pwf DehraiBcac[i, Florida shafl be amencle.d lo acid ("hapter �21, "Prohibir.Km of Single, t "'.ic Ph'suc straw's", as foflovvs: Sec, 121, PR()HIBITR)N (A" SINCiLF, 1,`SL� PLAS11C STRA\X,S, ­­­...................... ..................... (A) r: "Person" rne ns...an 1 e M ....................­­ �! - i L A.............. -4,2 �LJ! L)tjj-1...Lgg i7ati(ffl...or (2) 1TICar.au s an tem ccmtaulir )11�,Ahir ari ficial Ic ul Its ......... -or�s nrhet ;p,)unjs whd.c it tungins a whole iterri and ffirou ut its jec ...................... .......I.................................... .......... p In use" s klefi.n.ed as an tem that 's pten(h.,x]. to be us(.x] one 61ne III 'Its S�IMC ..........ruse'. .....1......................................................nn-a 1................................. ............I.. ............. mu r f )od vencb.) the cuslc)mc ................ aje.4,)js�ji a mt "Plastic Straw" mcans a tube rn 0M.111 derived frOM Cither ............... ............. ...­.............................. at.q(t1cu–n-i cur a bl(")L ,.qs�kLas corn or crd c I .........................__L1 ­......­­ ..........r plal ! .Lr t..j.Ans m.n a be e f orn the. mouth of the drul.h,cr mjgj,L __jjs ontaing � ............................................. �T­ A ei Mk L:�jj.��j'c mraw Inculdes ......................... 1.,) o1qgj,cq1j), ba��(.Icl.li�213-tnL�'..�.ttam�s..b.�.i.t does not Include stravvs thai are rnadc froin .......... . ...... ................ ............... .............. sm-Ular ........................ matcrLals. t«rJ.ucls that wfll_bio (k�4r,L the nuarl.11C, coridit'( ris,c)f acrobic mar' ............................................ ............. waters or qii�,ierob c rn,6'ne sed' ................ .......­­­_­.­­­.................................. 4 idmg s.s.J.11,..i i�_1 "fit�dla. XVI s.......... "nattiv made t a ..........11...............­. made. or biok)wcallv ba copsidered marwc d -.1............ m ..................................... ......................... (6�� "I)IStrilbution"' or to "disLrlbute" means the nent or delimaeruan of a straw fan»a than as or not .......................... nc dent to the sLc_��g n.nj n ud r e in a conmtairi .. ........ "Restaurant and beverage establishnicpts" mean withI.D. the .......... h, LL.10od or beverage�,s fiA, Mand out L� �Latgl ther f')od is served. n. comic,.ctlon -with or Sep ............... ..........9_t,U hf�........... ..................... ­­__­­.._­ �L f, 01.11 other bustricss),.bars fee sh� P���j " _an.j.j.ii lit .clu s _ba 1 CIS is 'A' j.g.....,,...,_:..j2_,_,baa_h�� .c( f bat ........I. .........­ ... . ­ .n- - .1 ­ 1-.mjjs,..hotcT based restauta.nv.- caf J( cr,!:arrLs1i0p,, ler1ce ................. ................ ................. ............. ........... ............ stores.w.1.,....f...0..u......ntaa ­b�_ C, MuSers, (13) 1)1stribatmaon (ifThistic Stnaws Prohlb1ted cm of thC)rdj.paf.11CL,_gjj and bc-ma t: stabi s t e ts r i —IS__............... dd.lLituib s_ a pq!1011 f 2 ORD: N( 10-19 % ��aUiLfll .. ....._�.�....���� ( a�stau tant_�....._and �a��mm� �..... J l;r�l�ticmlt:_ al �ac &ramaa:swaItlarr�,m_thc..( �. '. dFl 1 .... r,ta::z.....6.. .hLq.c straws ca asa._1)edistribuute tr�_m:a a customer when...&)as�i rxae;, lrc alm am )11.ysical c to alrAra ay_ amur m which ri r;t;m Nuastlaumst:u:uaays �rc:>a;u.ld laaua:u:ra,mLUt1---l- straws �ht:. ala La f' ala taa s ......s c.._ e .. ' :alaaatcd laat tb ',; e➢a aru� $ rea e rt used as a. ..._._..._true .0 a ru�� lad c1a sty_ ._._..� _.__._..�w_r. ..... _..... ..:... .. _ . .— r�s..:!le aaa r° ha. tlaa.....:� ho—o:p.:..Rttar d..........arl I In i. a aewh. unt � r�entia , M cht2 .2cirry, Suaclh.atu..aarum. ..hmom ma,tr assists,d. latua;a.� la.�...��uacsaha^ Prcjl,�L andm a ac,l elmmtmasl aaYa .. kac .�....0 � tt..g�.aa a c_l� azc u kap'�c a z maw—1 Lt aaltc Lc„u c1.. z _(i1eretAite s . and rc .,.raamau uaakl.i °a,rm. r:t ,d'"erre/"r :A.ur?rmmCr,d r mr d axrJkg-1a1aratagJ..�mra .r':} ..➢_, . 02,Gk trba._uaa.._violal�tarrx_of thj� 6 h 1�at. ,�u. °m,m 1.rst offense_ imlhaa-ummdrrmtc.hr;,..�I:�.1._��aar�t�.. c a�u�c�m_J- �as,raMJm,law�u11k,_�� mma�pray,.... I la.ndred Dollar 4-' e a awl cul offnsumm.w iffian ara tv,10t c . ...'�, aw�a:�cl asrr,rra��Ir rk�a��.��a.';��n><:r.... m far a a a I. small r... "d b.... d y raac.. ffiq l off rise t:.tluu�rman,tW! ewl�av_.l l_ ra�abr��1� lie rratu�a� _�ar r,aisli.�12l�, lad�..1;1VCl. and al, w)r �w rr./SS00 00� fine. ;I..)'' rayrrartvr sig, j, 1.r Llt_all..b the tof theC �e foren rt Division of the. ' _anlnn , Com—rnuataa.:: .."a a ,Ica , 1:�, aat:a �ut r,a :1t_rm a c air`__t;rmmc.a caac m;II,_t�a p.La; N Isi ruu,;� �a;f Illras..tm_laa -id LJ arr a.aaaaprr c t�caar..:m atkr....�jiA t. .7 �of ffi�� _od of Ordinam c s.of the Sc( . .._ }' sectionsir larcra-t;uc.m c»1 tlalt� Ordinance or ;an% eurtucrr�u thereof, any pia arlrala, a.t:adauamm.aO ��acaaul.c�laar sentence, or word bcu cdcc1arc d bV a Ccaaaat Of Ca:raaal-acrt'Ilt ha d;,cl.1c ticaaa to be invalid, such decision shall not affeCt` the v ahsli , of the rem,amder herc,,o as ;.a-whole, or part therc of cathc^r than the part declared to be, Invalid. °",c..t:..tionu..4 That maH c'.aur<du.r�aau'accS o parts ca1�.«.orcl.l.n aaac et a'n sari ci luc^:r°e°aurutlu e°, �a. al the same arc � hereby repealed. skx d SPecific eperuale d.. kutmaar 'alaccrl.c uaaatfiuccaltv aswcac°lad lY'vcn t:ca c°oalrf:c, tlulra rv`lrchrua.a c:. m ... . trl :evulre �cacrucra.cfinal(,un6, "Ti,Ordinance shalbecome effective urc1 tuaratr . reading, � 12019. 1, s 1> � r c121 er f � °� l h 1�;� .u.a�a ac..tc:al.:�au ��r,c.tuar �ra"u �c°a�a:;aracl �au�c1 �uau�l .u�uewwaalara� c�aaa t.du:u� tl'u�_�....._.._.�._ ^. ¢ aalyc ... �mm m� [hot Readbg--J�..//!�' Second Rea a i n g-..., 7, Approved „u '0 ,... ,�