Res No. 20-19 . . .................... . .......... . ...................... — - __- ..................................
A RIMMETION, C)II (,�JIY OF L)F1RA), B11"U"'111,
`4)H F1()N,'S, um_:, f"OR PATIF,N'I C'ARF�
suiice% proy7arnining and pnNucts in acc.onlance with its Chartcrajid
W1 I 1"RI"As, the (')n, requires, clean micpattent care reporting so fiware services for the p uaryaw e
of rnanaging fire ancue padent cam 1VOW; and
it JI W, the (Sty deskes u) niwr Wo an agwenientwith [`,S0 Solutions, Inc.; and
V1[FREA,-, the (_',ay(,°�otnrnission deems approval of Rds Res(Jutkui uj be in the bem interest of
the heakh, safety, and neffare of the nwidews and d6zens of the (,it o,f De1ray Beach and the public at
1Q()VQTM1RF1q)R1� BF n ORDAINIM B1, ull; crn' r� ol:; ("TTY
tkL 'L
Ile bnep,)ing recitals are hereby aff-urned an(3 radfied.
The 6tv CCM)Mi,,ssA3n 4 the Otv of Lkhav lkwh Ims uNknY and lwmbv
all)w es TO Agreement between the CAY and I So Scldhmu, Inc., whxh is, attacho.!�d to this Resolution
as ExhN
`Ile Coy Owuni"ton audNwhes the (�jty Nianaget tcp execute the ,`tpeeinent and
war, atnendrncnts anki/or renewals thereto, and take nary, other actions necessaty to Cffectuate thus
Uds Res(IMmi shaU bec(mw effective Immediately upon ",adoption.
.................... ..... .............
PASIND AND ADOPrED in regidar sesdon on t �c dav of-
Alum 1, 'A Y JR.
KMcrn johnson, t ("perk
ppr ved. as,110 ftin q WL legal suf6cieny:
City of D&ay Beach
CS2019-001 SafetyPAD Agreeffient
City Standard
T1 IIS AGRI:::: T is made by and between the City of Delray Beach, a Florida
municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "City"), whose address is 100 N.W., ls'
Avenue, Delir ay each, FL 33444 and ESO S6ufions, Inc., a Florida Corporation
(hereinafter referred to as "Contractor"), whose address is 15100 Mterra Parkway, Suite
100,, Austirr, Texas 78758,1 thisjf� _day
_y 201�j
WHEREAS, the City has a need to procure services relating to an electronic
patient care reporfing software (herein referred to as "SeiMces"); and,
W1 4EREAS, the City has deemed Contractor a city standard 'for Services in
accordance with the Purchasing Policies and Procedt.,ires Manual, City Standard Ipoficy
(herein referred to as "City Standard policy""); and
WHEREAS, the City desires to obtain Services from Contractor utilizing the City
Standard Policy-, and,
WHEREAS, the Contractor has provided the City a proposal to perform Services-,
WHEIREAS, the Contractor, agrees to provide Services to the City in accordance
with the terms and conditions of this Agreerrient,
NOW, T1 IEREFORE, in consideration of the rnutual prornises contained herein
and other good and valuable consideration of which the par-ties hereto acknowledge, the
parties agree as follows-,
1 The above recitals are true and correct and are incorporated herein by
2 rhe Contractor, shall provide Services to the City, in accordance with arid
pursuant 'to Contractor's proposal, attached hereto arid incorporated Ihneirein as Exhibit
B, and the terryis and conditions of this Agreerune nt.
3 The City shall pay the Contractor in accordance with the pricing schedule
detailed in Exhibit A.
4 This Agreement is in full force and effect upon full execuflon by the City for
a term of two (2) years. This Agreement may The renewed for tip to three (3) additional
years, suhject to Contractor's designation remaining as a city standard.
5 The City, at its of discretion, reserves the right to terrri4,iate this
Agreement with or without cause upon providing sixty (60) days w6tten nofice to
City of 11'.) ay Beach
52012-001 Safety:AD Agreement
City Standard
Contractor. Upon receipt Of SLIch notice, the Contractor shall not incur any aftfional
costs under the Agreement, except as provided below. The City shall be Viable only for
reasonable assts incurred by Contractor prior to the date of the notice f termination.
The City shaIll be the walla judge of"reasonable casts."
'The Contractor shall Mer nrnify and hold harmIess the City and its officers,
employees, agents, and instrurnentafities from any and all liability, posses or damages,
including tt:orrn y"s fees and «waste of defense, wlhi h the City or its officers, employees,
agents, or instrumentalities may incur as a result of claims, demands, suits, causes of
actions, or proceedings of any Ikirnd or nature airising out of, r p tirng to, or re ulltiiing from
the performance of the gr em nt by the Contractor or it.s employees, agents, servants„
partners, principals, or subcontractors. The Contractor shall pay all claims and posses in
connection therewith, and shape investigate and defend all claims, suits, or actions of any
kind or nature in the name of the City, where applicable, including appellate
proceedings, and shall pay all costs, judgments, and attorney's fees which may The
incurred th it cern. The Contractor expressly understands and agrees that any insurance
protection required lay this Agreement or otheWse provided by the Contractor shall in
no way lirrnit the responsibility to indemnify, keep and save harmless, rid defend the
City or its officers, ernpUoyees, agents, and instrumentalities as h it in provided the
obligations f this section shall survive the term of this Agreement. It is hereby
stipulated that the Contractor's ind rrninific tion pursuant to this Agreement shall be the
lesser of: (i) 1,000,000, or (iii) the maArnnum amount allowaWe under Floidda law.
7 Upon request, Contractor shall provide certificates of insurance to the City
evidencing its insurance coverage and narnu ng the City as an additional insured. Such
insurance shall be in an amount and form as described iin Exhibit A and shall be
d piv r d to the City pricer to execubon of this Agreement. if Contractor fails to provide
the c;; rtiific. t of insurances in a form acceptalWe to the City, the iity may immediately
termnate this Agreement.
Whenever either, Darty desires to give nofice to the anther, such notice
rrnu t be in writing„ sent by certified Unit d States bail„ postage prepaid, return receipt
requested, or sent by comm rcW express carrier with acknoMedgement of delivery, or
by hand delivery with a request for a written receipt of acknowledgment of d lliv ry"
addressed to the party for whom it is intended at than palace Ilast specified. The place for
giving no ice shall remain the senna as set forth herein until changed in writing in the
manner provid d in this section, f ear the present„ the parties designate the following:
For CITY',
City of Delray Beach
100 N.W. 1 t Avenue
Delray Beach, Florida 33444
Attn; City Manager
City of IDekay Beach
S Q1 g-€ 01 SafetyPAD Agreement
City Standard
With copy to:
Dty of Delray Beach
100 N.W., 1 st Avenue
Delray Beach, Rodda 33444
Affru: City Attorney
ESQ) Solufions, Inc.
15100 Apf rra Parkway, Suite 100
Austin,n, T a "73753
Affrn: Scoff KeHy, 11)irector of Contracts
g Neither this Agreement nor any right or interest herein shall be assigned,
transferred, or encumbered without the written consent of the other Pam,.
10 Thp greement small be construed in accordance oft the City of Delray
Beach's (.erode of Or6nances and the paws of the State of I"orida. Any dispute r llafung
to this Agreement shall only be taped 0 a court of competent jurisdiction in Palm Bach
County, Florida, arnd each of the parties to this Agreement submits itself to the
gu.uds6ctuorro of such court.
243-7050 OR VIA EMAIL AT
a. Contractor small comply with pu.ubfic records paws, specifically to:
L Keep and maOfaO pubfic records required by the City to rform the
Mc .
pu. Upon request fro m theCity's custodian dian of public records, proMe the
City with a copy of the requested records or allow the records to b
un pcf d or copd within a reasonable time of a cost that dares not
exceed the cost IproM d in Ro da Statute or as otherMse provided pay
City of DOr y Beach
CS2019 001 SafetyPAD Agreement
City Standard
iii. Ensure that public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt
from puuhllic records disclosure requirements are not disclosed except
as authorized by law for the duration of the Agreement term and
following completion of the Agreement it the Contractor does not
transfer the regards to the City.
iv. Upon completion of the gr me nt, transfer, at no cost, to the City all
public records in possession of the Contractor or keep and maintain
public records required by the City to perform the service, If the
Contractor tr nsf r Ili public records to the City upon completion of
the Agreement, the Contractor shall destroy any duplicate public
records that are ex rrnpt or confidential and exempt trorrn putAc records
disclosure requirements. It the Contractor keeps and maintains public
regards upon completion of the gr ment, the Contractor shall wrest
all applicable requirements for retaining public it rds.. All regards
stored electronically must be provided to the City, upon request trorrrn
the City's custodian of public records, in a format that is compatible
with the information technology y t m of the City.. Notwithstanding
the foregoing, all records, whether confidential or otherwise, which
qualify as "Protected Health Information" under federal Ih lth r law
(HIPAA et II) shall follow the procedures of destruction rnd the
transfer of data as stated in Section g "Confidentiality" in the Master
Subscription and License Agr rnn rnt (herein referred to as "I IL ")
and Section 1 "Effect of I ermination of Agreement" in Exhibit IB to the
V. If the Contractor dues not comply with this section, tth City shall
enforce the o nt.r ct provisions in accordance with the contract and
may unilaterally cancel this o ntr ct in accordance with state law.
12 Contractor is awarethat the Inspector Gen r l of Palm Basan County Inas
the authority to investigate arnd audit matters r relating t the negotiation and
performance of this contract, and may d rnn nd and obtain records and testimony from
Contractor rnd its subcontractors and lower tier subcontractors. Contractor understands
and agrees that in addition to all other remedies and (:-,onsequences provided by law, the
failure of Contractor or its subcontractors and Iloww it tier subcontractors to fully
cooperate with the Inspector e n r l when n r quu t: d may the deemed by the City to be
material hr h of this Agreement justifying its termination. Notwwith t ondirng anything
to the contrary in this Agreement, for the purpose of security, all audit matters and
investigations must he related to this Agreement and the City will not view or otherwise
access or, attempt to view or otherwise access records of Contractor's otU"er customers.
13 The continuation of this gr ment beyond the end of any fiscal year shall
be subject to both the appropriation and the v iilabiliity of funds in accordance with
Florida law.
City of D&ay Beach
C 201 g-001 I3 fetyPAD Agreement
City Standard
14 The documents lusted below eine a part 0f this Agreement and eine hereby
incorporated by reference. Ilam the event 0f urn cons ii t ny Ibetween the ocume nt , unpess
otherwise provided herein, the terms 0f the following documents will govern in the
foHowuung order 0f p recede~n :
a. Terms and conditions as contained in this Agreement.
b. The City'spurchase order terms and conditions
C. "The MSLA referenced herein as Exhibit B to this Agreement.
[Remainder 0f pugs int nfioriMpy left blank.]
City of Delray Beach
City Standard
IN WIT14ESS WHEREOF", the duty and the Contractor executed ffi s Agreement f
the day and year first above written.
B y:: �. ..
U 4erh John n, CRy Clerk M rU<o Lauzz ra City nr
and UeUuis ie ncy:
u w'
Print N rn ?:: ._..�.__
IU A ,�
d sr r �.�,
'rm mP rrr^m Expo lm iµ1-2('"l
attar 9k Q of Texas
'� W WWWW ��'b n r y i D n� 1V V '�A 2 6"
The foregoing i n tra.ume nt was acknowledged before me ft ! _ day of
; ��. ......ti 20,18, by '...:�:` � ......... � � �w..._..� ._.. � (namef
... ..._.__. m..
Deicer or agent, title of officeroragent), f ( n rn f
orp r fion ckrr wU ung), a ..� ...._mm�_............................ (state r placeof unc r r bon)
y �..e. fu fa n).... n tutu �u rim r Un
r n known to me
Notary Public State�,of
corporation, onUU� U� �U� corporation. He �rnu
Cutty of IDUry Belo
Catty Standard
1...h it quuir d insurance coverage is to be issued ley an insurance company ny uuthori ,
ficensed and registered to do businessbusiiness in the State of Florida, with the miiirnim um r Qirng
of B+ or better, irn accordance with the Retest edition of A.M. Best's lnsurance GWde.
Th1is insuirance shall be documented in cerfificates of insurance which provides that the
City of 11'.' k y Basan shall be nofified at least thirty (30) days in advance of c me ll bone
rno n_r rn ww l„ or adverse change. The r c ilpt of certificates or other documentation of
insurance or Ip fii i s or copiies of policies by the City or by any of its representatives,
which in6cate less coverage than is required, vases not consfitute a waiver of
Contractor's oblig Hearn to fuulfiill the insuraince r quuir rrn ruts herein, DeductiiWes must be
acceptable to the City of Delray Beach.
Contractor shall provide insurance coverage as faalllaaww :
1.. Workers' Compensation lrn uur me — as required by law.
2. Employer's Uability Insurance ® $100,000 per occurrence, $100,000 for
each disease, and $500,,000 for aggregate disease
. Comprehensive General Uability Insurance wwith lirrifts of meat less than
$1,000,000 Ip r occurrence arnd $2,000,000 in the aggregate for I as illy
Injury and Property Damage,
All renewal gar replacement ertific t s of insurance shall be forwarded to the City
Purchasiing Department loc ted at 100 VFW 1 st Ave.., Delray Beach, FL 33444.
City of Dekay Beach
CS20,19-001 SafetyFIAD Agreement
City Standard
----------L__— .
rhis olasteirSubscnption and Lkense Agreeineirl Wits'Agreement'p is entered mito as of fkAH exec0on of the Cilyaavf Deiray
Beach Agicenrent('Effective Date'),br'and b4qweein ESO SokAfiovro,ins,as T'(,,xa:!:c corjjporalvon having,its pirmicipd piace,of ti at
11.500 thane i'a irkway,Suite 100 Ausii I X 78758('EI30')and City of Delray Beach,having ns ppoincipar p0ce ot business at 100 N,W
10 Avenue,DelvafBeach,i_iaprida('Customer"y.TN Agfeeirnent rx!insists of the Genceall jr(,rvns Se Gir:mdibons beiow and any Addenda(as
ckArv(Kd bil:rh:iw)execulrrd br'IhEparties,incluchng any attad-intenis to suir�lh Addenda.
life parties have agreed that ESO win pr()Vde Cuslorner ceNain @er�rhnolopy twxcucts and/fvp services and that Custorner wiH 1pay
IESO ceirtain firi�s, f1wrefoire,in considEiralion ot the cirverrants,aG!p::eniernts anct promiscs set lorth twiovv,and fin other goirid and vakjabie
consklevaWorn,the recept aind suffi<Aeirrc�i�of which is hevotcy acknowiedged,the intafies,iNonding to be iegaHy bound,hereby agree as
d. DEFHTIONS,Capitalized leirnns not rAherwise defined in,this 'Professional Services'nircans pit(Aess*naV seaviros p rovd(of by
Agreerneini shaill have the rneannigs Iloaaabwv^ ESO under tv Statervient of Work
'Add OnSoftwarre"irrieans a:ny coinpleirnentary sof1ware "Protected Health Intbanation"or'PHI'shaH have tfw meaning seiv
corn1)ainentAs or reportiii iig seiivice(sthat E,130 rrvakeravaHatfie to forttv in 11-iiFIAA AH rereii:mcsuss i to PHII shali Pre construirni to
custarrviN 18nrough its L icensed SofuWava, <tr inciude elecIv<!i1nic PHf,or eM fl,as that term is,defined by HiFlAk
SaaS. 'Repordng
.,Services" ineans,c(rilectively,the d0event toon;ov
'Addendum"ii*ans as wriiiiiii iig addiessiii iig an,cirder of as spedfic set featuires iv v the Softwaaa aiiowing Customer to generari
aA products or scrvices reriecuted by authonzed represeintabves of conpiiaOons of dista,ondudlng but nor finnted to ad hcxa rep orts,
each parly—An Addendurn may be(a)a Sollware Schedule,(b)as anatylics, henchirnarkiing cany orriev ceporwirng W6 provided
StalefficM cif Work,(c)Saies Order,cirr(d',ar napth er vvv itiv ig tho through the Software
parties inlemJ to be pnccq)oialed by iefiNrence into If isAgv eireneirl 'SaaS'rTrearts sirnvwe that ESO hcists(direcdy w
"Anonyinized Data"rneans Custrx nev Data 1coni which an IpersonaiiV, tlndimrctiy)for Custorner's rise F toeo avoidam*oi doubt,SaaS
iderruciabie inkiii irriali has bcmn iemoved,as weill as line r ames does ii iiot n iciride L o0 0. Software,but does onchjdo Add on
and acid ire sse i::,of Cworner and any of its Users and/or Customer's Softwave and inferoperalrAfily Software,
creirls(and which,as an consequence,rs nonher fxh-H mono"klentrfiabic
tcir or by Customer) Scheduled Ek)wrpt1n?e* mearis perrods vd en EISO miVentionaily
interrupts the SaaS for the perf(iriniance of srstein inrainteriance ov
'Custorner Data"rn0ami,iv iforarali data and a:Aher ax!mtenf in, or,otherwise coinect servhN)ervarS.
eiectronic focim that is;submitted,postred,or othenvise transinittliNI 'Software'means any ESO r!0n)pWrec program,pirogmitiming or
by oir r>r) riahr:M of Customer tirr the Softwrge modifles specifir:!rl ai anySofiware Scherlurve of SOW.IFor the
'Deliverable'niewrs stftwaie,repol,ov,other work product created awAdance c!4(k)vRA,Add on Software,SaaS,intemperabflity
pwsuant to as StateffleiM of Work Software,,and LVcenaed Software are oflectiveiy referred to as
"Documentation'mernis user puides,olissrafing mainuai:s,and
sfxeaa opal°aatul mS f0faprding the Sofcware, 'Software Schedulereferaj to an Addench,vim under whmJ)Custornfir
has ordered either Add on Soflwan::,Licensed Softwaire,
`Fft,dback'up fers to any suggestlan or idea fov unpr o0ii ig or intevolpetarriMy Software or SaaS.
ailherwuse imwdlhj,vng ESO's PrQdt",J,,,or SerVires
"Staternent of Work'or'SOW'rir4em tir�o aro Addeii dir"'n in which
"Intelles,tual Property"nteans flade,,:.stems,copyinghlable sut)0a1 Custoineii has ordered Professiciia1i Seivices or,as Defiveial,')1le fironr
matte r,pateinls and parent appilcatmrns,avid o0er DfoprietarfESO
intorrim0on,a0vities,and any ideas,cuncepls,,inincivacirms,
inventroins and+JesIgns "Support Servk\es"naeans those seivkxm described in Exhibit B
'Interormrability Software'gymans SaaS that Mfirriws Custcmner to '7hird-Flarty Data"rneans data Inot.owned tpya.,SO net which is(or
exchange heaithcare data witlin otlisers.For the avoidarrce rand''doubt, access to w1hich Ds)pircmded by h.:SO uindeir a Software Scheduie.
inievopeirarshly Software does not vinchele Add on Sciftware or "Third-Part
Licensed Software, y Service"rrwa ns a service rilivir pr(wkh:4J by ESO but
which ts(or access to wNclf vsoffemd by IIENSO un+onnectioirl With its
'Licensed Software"'means the exec cla bk:',objec I c cide,versiOn of Software under a Software Scheduike or Addendurrin,
softwace 1hat:ESO provides t1r)Curaoirneir for ifs irse and instaiiation 'Third-Pdrt '
on Custir)vrrei'!:�own equijtim�mn.For the,avoirckince,of douli yWtware'i sofiware not owined by ESO but which
Lwrsinsa�!d Sortware does not mcicide Add on Software, iis(oraccess aware
is�piroodrel sy ESO vjnde�r a Software
interopeiialbvIny Software or Saw& ScIrreciuki cpr Arildendurn
"New Versfon'irneans any new version of L rcensed 1:11of1ware ttwt 'Llse Restrictions rnearts alma Irlislriclioiqs fimpcirsed cin Cuslowner's
Emay frorn time to ticne in1rr:xJuand
ce ritarket genemlly,as a use of Sc9tware as descii iti in SecUon 3.3.
distinct hir�eirrsed pmduct,as may be in(heated try Lvcens<x's "User'means any indMdkjM who uses the Soflware on Customeir's
designation(ri:a new veision nwrflbo,,bmnd<u procluct ber mif oir through Cuslt�inev's acorriunt or passwords,wir0hev
'Outage'means Customer is ov ialbie to accs:iss SaaS,cn,sud,� authorized or nol:.
�Iccess in naterwRy deiayed,�imjpahed or disirupted,in each cass,as Z SOFTWARE ORDERS.Duving the fern,Custarne�v may order
cacgsel ov conisolihed by
E Sfd. Software frorn ESO by signing an appopinate Software
SclhecAfle Custoimw's vicense to Jcensed Software and ns
City of 11'.Mray Il h
CS201 9-001 SafetyPAD Agreement
City Standard
subscrp6on to StaS we her forth bolow,f:::'ach such Softwwo move than 10%of the Trirr(wairty Date or rtthwwhs:
Scheduk,,rs rnowpomled her6in by reference. c rcur wers the usage hrntatk)ins onchrded m 11)e Software,
�v�)marovo any pmjsirrely notioas ricftrded w0nCMM
3. UCENSE/SUBSCRIMON-ro soFmAvul IParty Data o rSoftware,or ,0) ise I hiird Party Data 0)any
3A, Q[anj p�2( For SaWS,dunng the Terr� rtranneii or far any,prrrpaose that Whriges or ott)erWo;e
Cwt1orner nnay,access tmd rus fhpaa SaaS and Reporhing vKAate::;any projorrii:Aary hghl oa person,or lhal.0o[ates
Servic+ such qrginWies as ore set forth on the appirii�:atAe appii��aWii:n raw,ESO does nwt warraint the frinctionallity,
lorftrvarcSchedule,sulstect to Custome(s coirnpliance wnh rehatAhty,accuracy,coirnpeteness(s ulifity of,Thud-r."'airty
the Use RestncWns and olher hr6lalOns contained rn Ms Data,oii wx�epl any habilvty therefc1r, Adckficintfl terrns and
Agreement hmrta0oins apfAcalfA1 NvPParty Data may ae prWded on
the appficakAe Adedendutom
3.2. U22Q�> SQftA�Hg F rooUoi�!nsed 1k)fl:vvare,
during Whe Term ESO hereley guints ClusVmwr a�kmfed,rrcm- 37 N V��sfg'rs H B0 releases a New Version of
excka,eve,mcn-lvansforalWe, non ass�gnalsle, non Ucensed Software,CrAtomer run ay ryedA lo irtiCeive such New
sult0censable,revii��calWii��hcerrscll to copy and rise the Verteen,subjjn ct to a reken,as fee of 75%,of the standard
Litemsed Sof1ware,or such cpmntilres as are set forth on the porno for such new versoon.AH New Vemlions provoJed under
apphcabfe&Atware Schi::MJufe ar rd as rrecessauy for thrs Agreement w1H constnule Lrcensed Software and be
Customer's internM busness frurposes,err oach case sul)�W subie�A to the tenns arsl coindrfionr;of thnr Agreement f:,"M
to Customer's cornpharrice w0h the Us. Ver Anc:Uons and may drscontinue Support SoMo:,,s for Ucearose d Software
other hrn4alOns and obhgatrons conlained m flts upon 12 months'iiotiice to CusUnner.
3.3 Exmsj�)t as pirrwk)ed�n thts Agmement 011 Bs 4.V. HQatong Bj��4ana.gffttgot CaStoqrtHr shaH be Wely rosp onsrble
otlMirwr:o�arrthohzed by B0,CusU)mer has no nght 1A),and for tosfing and managing any Ucensed Software ES*shaH
haH nol:(a�decorytpHe,wwwr!:50 enprrver,chsasi;entble, bic,responrsbk!for hoString and rnainagrnp any SaaS,
pnini,colpy or(fispiay the Software or otherMse reduce the
Soffwane U)as hurnan-peceMRAe form m wWe oii nr part;tb) 42. If an Outage,emlu6ng SchedWed
pubhsh,fepease, rers,Ilease,Win,seH,(fistrrbute or Transfer Dom bJrrKo dans defim:A bekow),resuhs m the seirOce kwM
the Sottware to another pertum or entny;(c)reproduce Irre uptrine falhng bomw 99X,,foOuee months on any nflfing 12
Soflware for Ore USe Or beirefil r.of anyone other Oran rrionth frii?droI(the'Uptivne Commitrytent"),then Custorner
Crjsaairner;(d)ahea ,rno&y or de6valrWe works baseid rnay rirnmechateiy teirrnmate,thiis AgiieenHant,m whrch case
upon the SiiAlwwe enheii un whoBe or m pwt,or(euse or ESO wH11 refund any pirepard,unearned Fees to Customer,
f>evimtt the us,a:r of 11he,'kAware,for'cornmer6M Nine :01aning p rts[S GUSINMr S sore rernedy foir ESM'S h)reatjt of tto:a
airraii iiger rents,or po)vkling seii viice bureau,data pror:ess4ig' Uptinne ColfrifuUm:Mt,
rentW,m olhor servrces to any tf0iid parly(iinchiobing amy
atfihale nage
�steci in the atschcaWe Software 43. DQ�ynbryie ESO voH provWe reasonable nobce to
schevir de), At ri:�Clustom�:Y�'Software AdmurvsUMor Co"'Aact or ollheiivv�r;e)
of,`�c�wdWed Downfimo(usutftly ar ko�sl 72 hows fin
3A QMIV.d:h. Jr he nghts pantod under 0w advairce),and M11 pN3n Scherlufed 0cmintinte to corcm,dkiring
Agreeryscint do not constrtute a sWe or the Software.ESO non pealk Ihouars(inWmg1h1 to 6 jr�nne),
relaas;aH nght,Utle,and mrereit lira and to the Software, ScheduW Downtrine shaH iswer rx)nstilule a fadme of
rnchjdpng wrlhoul himrWonr M sof1waire used to pihwrde 11he pertornranuxs ar Ou1age hay ESO
Saftwam and aH glapfik,,s,user Oterfaces,nogca and
trado,MW$S rNaoduced thmugh the Scgiware,oxcero lo the 44� au�g2L)—Jir-
-"ffi75 E)tiir�ir�gtrue'Terirn,ESOshaVrlprovsdel���!li
hmited extent set forth m Mrs Agreement. Th�s Agreement custoffmv the Suppart Serv�ces, in accordance wrlh Bhibll B,
does not girant Custornsn any rnteHectuall propeirly,rjgMs iin who�h�s mc<)rt)cnaLecJ here�n by refer(Nice,
9 ",oftware r�n arra of rls components,except to the hrruLed 9
1), FEES
extent that thrs Aweierne,nl speoficalliy sel'ss forth Custome(s
rightti to access,use,co cxrpy the Softwam dunino,the r en n. 5A E!12u,Vi'!i r�:onsrdemtOn of the rights gr ant2d'CUSUrnwr agrees
acknowiedge!;that 11he Soltmare and ns, to pay EISO the lees for the Software and Professkmall
ccKnI.:*inents are Ipareofeaaf,aeud by copybght and other Paws, Seii voce s as set forth on the Softwaire Sdhed0o(s�or SOW(s)
hFees are rroncancelable arid non-
35. ESOnertheraccejpws retundable,excep�as expressly,prowded herev),C
harAfty for,nor warrants the luncfionaMy,ufihry,avaHaWity, shall pay aH�nvchces vothni 30 dayt of mceipl,
refiablifity<)ii accuracy of, Thrrd-Pwty Software or rhrird-Party
"dervices, Addftktnaterms and firnitations apfaficatAe to 5.2 ]rlydPar!M RaMr, rf CuMairner deruires to use a thi!rd-party to
1'hnd-Frafty SoftWare arvJ 1 hrrd Party Ser vrces rnay be pay sorne rx afl of th: Foes crin behatf of Custorner,(a'Fhlrd•
provided on the apphuA)k,Addeindum, Party Pdyer), t1freirr(o)each applicaltte Addendum MH kJentHy
6 '1 �f CusU��rne�(as mcficated on an Addi:mduni) such arrangernent,faun the lh��d-Party Payer voH enter rnto a
w0len agreemi:�irvk wrth ESO repairdsng such anangeirneirvt,(hi)
oletAs ro nuc ense Mrd-Pafty Data(e g.,kie codes),then C:auto rrety relpiace the'Tf6ird-Parly Flaye� by wr hten nobc�:,
sub�e��.,l to fl�e teirims lt�:�riaof,ESO hereby granp;Customer to ESO(pirovkied that Fro such(rhange slhaH be nmde untH th"e
non oxclusrve,non rwrskensaWe,and non tvarnifembte pe
uro 'sadrv)Cristconer,shaflrernamhcensduriig The 1erin to use such Thbd Party Dala wa the rensm�e for payment iif lfre ThIlrd-Partt,Payer does nol pay
arsokfly for Customer's mternar purp oses. Customerlhi::�Fees
wM ncA(ii)aflow greater accessthan that set otfir)m the
appficalalle Software Sclhedkde,(li!)dlWose,ireIle as,e, 5. UQb 2[s.RejuV
ll-xu eptort tAneori:,tanceof0v(,,rages(<35
drstdbute,or dehver 11 i4d Par ly Data,oii any pa�)okqii lhereof, dellined b0aw),Fee:!:!,for Softwaie,w1hrch rec ur arrimMy,shall
to any th0d party(0!i)copy,rnodHy,or cora ate droivatrve wo,d,,,s one re«ar»e by 3%each year thrs Agreanmen rs m effect,
of flflrd-Partv Data,{wY reni, Ilease,Ile nd,seH,subhcense, f hs I�r,'
assign,Ostn6ute,poWrs1r,transfei,or otherwme rinake 54Dx�n j2nj F��j. e,;are exchieve of aH taxes and
avadaWe rifiwl Party Data,(v)atteiyqA to output m any lorm cretfil card processing fees,rf appficaWe,Uin0ess and an
Cuslomer crovWes ESO as lax eiernptk!in eeorfkWe,
City of Delliray Beach
CS2019-001 SafetyPAID Agireernent
City Standard
custoiner wall Ifne. lesptmsitile louanij vvm re inlit(air will fi,Arn,:O, Cu!l1wmelr aclrm)me(�ges that MESO is under no
poinil leimbuise ESO ficii)alf raxes e�4 any hind,inituding obligaUon to retain Cusiloiner Data nioie thain 60(Jays :ffler
sme!:1,use,duty,cus1roins,wnhholding,property,value explarl cir temination this Agleemellit,
and oi[hersimllm federal, all rte or local taxes(01her than,
taxes ttamrd on ESO's lnciimne)related b>this Ageeiment 7, REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES
55, It Customer is a ally,�!�uuniry oil ouler �Agaj ESO repirc!sents a ind
gove,r ii i�in e n t e,l)f ity,C�p si a ii n e�w 11 he ve t rr a�r g I t a r c,r in r ii r a te wm�ar ill�s fliat the ScArwaTe w011 perfo�m m rnati:,�Of
Uie Agioement at tire einJ f4 die rlusU�iilm's fiscall leirrin 11 mxxwdanco willh any Docuirnernation ti,iovided hly EM
Gusllou neii plcmdes evidence U lal He g(�weii iiiing body did nolt AtAi��2E�j
t .Y EaCh Padi EEKecubon,d0lvery moil I
aliplitiolixiale sufficient fuluJs�or I neo f6caf yeali, peltonniance of this Agleeinent and each agreemeirif 011
Notwlth:Mandmg the�oregrorig,Wis 'Hovissmi sliaH ii,I)f excuse instinirm:,in cu�mleinjj:flated bythiAglt!entenU has beeir duly
Cusilomer homi pnast III obhgatlorls oil odrell III audionzed by 0 ilex�es!:Iaiy colpoii ale or$!weininiatillf aclion
earned amil unpaid
7 3 Qlgg&Nj&2 Gusiiiillneq agreei: ti use current
5,6, Va"R Mg�lillaiji!ig, ner �espor KbfAe foir life owr ���jjperatlrlg syrsio�ris and reasonably alvl 0rinely ax;q�eialel wilh
adheience to voluine and use lrinllalk!ms indicaled on the ESO,lincluding pii�mdlrrg ESO lea'Ionalble accessto irs
af�qAlcablc&�Mvvale&Aiedule, ESO inay mullitoiii Cw:toiner's equipment,sollware aml data,
use the Software,and if Cusiiismen a usage exceeds t1hic,
levief for which Cu11ci has palnl unu fine ajppllcabkl ,S<ilhwaire 8, DISCLAMER 011:°WARRAMIES.EXCEPT AS 01HERWISE
Schedule dalii'Ovecage'),Qri::oomer l owe E,1330 the Fe:!e PROWl iti SEMION 7,ESO MSCLAWS ALL WARRAN tIIES,
coneq*ridlng lo such usi:ng(:,levell b&:1ed on lhe&:Mwale E)(IF:lBESSoRlMP.EO,,VNCLUDIItqGALHiMPUEDWARRAMIES
SchecRltle(or If lm�me,ESO's thein I�iimeiM IaU:s),ESO may 01:: M1::RC HAf,1fAB111 il)",f:11NESS FOR A,P,AR ICUAR PURPOSE,
invoice,for Ova:'lages inunoMairely Ph H FOR IOANGE,SUHABIL11 i'll, 6 1111 ILL, OR
6A agj!i Thile teii iin 0 11�his Agmennerrif(ViC TIRADIE W11 P HPUT L1MVT1f4G f K: GEPilEIRM iT-Y oFT11 1E
I�Oiylmem�e on
Ur 11::Hei�ftive Date amf u��ntiniue fouthria pielirco f MEWING,ESO DOES 190f REIIRESEINT OR WARRANt TW
sell lorlh in the af�qlAlcable Soltvvwe Scliri:hdule(ol,d nolie,fouCUSTCIMER DATA WR L REMAIN PRIVAM OR SECURE,OR N MT
I>nii?visaiiii;piovkled Mat Me Dema shaH bE1 aUb)1nKAna1tY f�t 11::SOFTIAIAR E:�X)Wf L::L PIERAMM WIP QUI INIERRUP10"J
extended ill lnatchi I elml 0 the lasill subscription period Oil OR ERROR,,OR(Y)I")SIECURE FROM HACt,0f4G OR OTHER
hcenso I ot aqjw GiAllware provided hereundei, UNAUTHORIZED INIRUSION.EXCIEFIT AS EXPRI::,SSLY
Theleafter,1he rerini wilf if-inew kir owces:Mvia orw year PROVIDED IN SEC110N 7,CLISIOPAIEII�ACCEIKS I-HE
pemxls unless wrill1len notice i:!::t plovided at la au 60 days SOFTWARE'AS IS"AND AS AVAIL AM E
I:,oiloii to the applkable ueneuwal tiate, 9. CONFIDENTIAUTY
62 91 'Confidential informationefels W 01::i kftmng 0ms, (a)
AgreeliteiR oil any rindiviidum Sollvrzae sit lhetkjle 1011 line Other any docuinisril iflarked'Crsrlfidentlal'��(b)ally inicirinatkm
party's,unciriled lnWevW bipach by prmdlngvdbUen nobce, arrailly de!:ngnall(c1l an all III brm�of disclosurix,
The 11�iieaclhing I slrraH litive 311)days fmin Fecen�A tap cuie polviuJed 111fe(fisch�odng party Ixmflnns such(kslglration lir
such Weach W Ube of the non wii itiii iig within five bi Pan lesrs day%{ct1l le Scfftwwe and
breaching par IN, Doculnell0alicill,wheffieu cricit diesigilaked conhcllk.mlflall;fd)
63 1 If Quslt<rnmrmlenninalles fliis Agreement or 31ny&rltwaie ant,pMlier inviptil1;4le,sensitive iniciii natk: n ue a;A�)nably UeWeill
Schedule as an rerolit I�4 ESO':s lnaleu efl I then kis as tradesecret u olhowise axiinllmJensaland JCustomer
Vie extenW 111haf CUStOr7W has pref�wld any F-ees,ESO Rare whmAr�uJoes net coinipm:1e Pfif.t4oe wirh!:Itaindlng 11he
Shan feffir id li(li(Li:::1 10lneu ar ry prelpaid Fees alio a pin�!,-iWa ta�megolng,ConfidenturIl inicimation doi:is not include
bi::Mle tai the exileill such Fees are atlrlbulabh�to the information khat:fir)is our the<)Iher party's po::moissliour at the
peliod afteudie letter t�ii oca::ur of the(l)terrnlinatip�mi date tilml,Oil:IfisuAiaSise,feeble aircluty I)f noin dl!:olosuire„(ii)is
ou(in I date cin which Ctj!,Acilneacluialtyctases use 0 indqj.oenderQly dev(:ka.)iad wilhout uuse of cru refemince Rr
lhe schwale Ccinlideniiiall hlkminabcinm{nl)becomes In I;nubhcly,befou:
iruatter discici:sule,ietllue a Uaan as,a re::'ult of:tune receiving
63,2 1111 s,urmolsno tu�,, cut I is Agii etn ii T[e,ii ii I ami cony So t t w a r a pa r ty's p i o pe�a(1 io� i,n ac r�on
v)�s a I)p v o ved fano
Schedule,Customer shaill cease Mf use d th�:�Scflltware
refloarso in vouOtig by dm!!disickxMing ImOv
,;air(v)11-4 111(wMch
and delete, destn�uy io� eilurn sill copies Irf the shaill be govtimed bY dw Busiim�ss Assox:iafe Agmement
Documenlation and Uceln!:t(,�d S01waie in its�x)slnessm�m raftW�r ffiajln ftnrS SeCtroeu)
Olf contiol,em!iepif as ra cpred by liw, Custorner MW
immain obligated lo 1pay approprialle 11:eos at ESO':::j 11 9.2 Each partyshalf ii ise Confidentlar infori inaticm r
nnarrenl rMes III CusU'inyrer p,:olitlniies to uuse ion aix�ess of the oflfeparty soliely 1s)fulfiH the terins of t1fis AgfeelnerM
Soffivale aflea the teunina0clin am exjj!mmfion of 111his (the'Puipose") Uhl u I shaIll(a)eV:surithat its
If received discounis rui a�ly 04�he er n1ployees or cor it r acton::,are b<xind by confideriblW14,
two years pi%x to the(late all teirnination,Cusltornes0fad ntbllgallons no less resikWive t1han dhose contained I
promptly pay ESO's limmee ecoul!"ne such ifiscounts, and(bl m!iir disclose Confido RW 4tforrnatkm lo any e!Aheii
iNirill pa0y withoul pm written cumsentficim V*,,disclosing
63"L feunlimfion ot 0-ns Agreement is willhout plelimJicie to my pally Wlllul,�oiril invdil gener,310y or the foregohtg,rhe
odier liht reinedy andshall not lellease a f�alty flomi receiving patty shall ivotecil ConfldeiMla 11 linormation with the
ar iiy lobgillilyor sarne afp Crewe-"col care it inses to fxouact Rs own uxmfidenliM
6,4, Qaata2, it Guslicim lequests,it;dalia volilin 60 inloirnaWn not snytilaii ilatule and iMfX)11alKX?,but Min im
days col:raipvaUml oil teninmiAloin of 11Pns Agreement,ESO MH le::as Illluanun reasor iiablie care A res elving pair tv ahall pronipilly
piovi6Qusllcmneii AS Custoineii Dare oni an,swam!habile 1I n0ly III 6sclloi,:,iiing I on any ml!;u!:te io� imppopination
<ilf infairmallion 0 min!it is awalrisae
Clity of DOray Beach
CS2019-001 SafetyPAD Agreennent
City Standard
93 Da2nn2inigldi �EfgMp) KIM resIl!wO to each wten)of ESO vM11 iefund aniy ppe-piard Fees on a pata>rata baes fisii
Confidentlaf h4ornraWm,Ure obiligalion!:1,of nondl!:10oswe wiH ::Arch Software Schedule rJoe,orltellandIng 1he hoiregoling,
ferminale thmeyears afle�the date of drsclosure;pr�wrded ESO shaH I ii iio oii 11 lereuii di:h fior arry salio
thalt,sucf ii obheraboins mlWe(f Ut CcirrfideiAIM lrrfcio tnaUon lesu[Mg or aa ising 9frunm(x)Gu:rMrrler,!:6 tmeach of flus
constiWiring,ESO's tiade ::eciiets sfiaH ccnfinue:::o long,as Aglieerinsinl•(y)modri nuade lo the Solltware that
swJ)ink!wlwiallon relTrafins,:wbaEcill To trade se<!rer pfotecli<m vveie not pelfr(gr med or pivided by or oin behaff of E SO ax
pursuathl lo a1 pphiia b Ile law Upoin Vm inination of thIs (z)Ure ca'ombinatwm l,q)eratlon iou use: by Customer(and/or
Agmenreirl,as pwB),rshMf ielliunii 30 colpes of Cu�mfideinrlap arlyone acdng,on CUSWMar's behalf)of Me Softwaie,in
Infolirna0m to 11he oflm or cofify Ire desUmiction 1heico1l CC>si1e(1r(mn v,0111 any Wheir pm,oiducl[ars si�,Hviu,r(the
,N)MItilimboir oap�)iiM use of which cau::Ies the alfleged
9,4, fjgtsffram U)V I T11l!E Agreennein�doe�:,not lnflnsPeii ngeineinii),Thils Section 11 slialles ESO's soW obfigation
owneiship)A Coniot�flntlali Iililfm inatron oii graint a hcs:!nse �md fialbiifity,and Cu::qcliiner'i,::,saile nemedy,k!iii tx)1ENRiar or
fllemlk�) acruall intellectuaf tmot)eify nniiingammmr try III Sollwam
9 51 112, inUd uro uoo
flh!:1, road dorto Vie coinbaiy,the parties expressly rraelteii I>IuwfNNd�`�•tiis suljpA to the piommms oA:Sections 111 (Ell
ackinciviledge 1haii 4 onfiden0af t umay be discfl>sed Cuslomer inusl give,prompt wrRlen no0ce or ::,uch
of sucls CoMderroaf InknimalrOr rs requfin::d to be chsciior:,trd by Gami,io ESO,accarnpalwed lby cofrie:s air ally wntilen
alayrfiO tm1f)hc iscme;requesIt,or ludlchiN ordev, docursentabon regardlng t1ho Claim m6ved by Vise
prow<11ell1l That prkw U��Such�hsclosure,mitten noWnr of such Cusltoriler,
miltu4ed disclosure shalf hie givimi piompfly rind wlthout �vpuauna aird%vith its,�rwn counsellanyuch idelay Uytheircceiving pmty in imdum to give he uSUiine6 MH e dii::!right,all its l)t)tlontopart6pateiiii,drclosing party ME�ojpjjm1Ui"fy V)Ob�eCl[TO flrs'd*Cl0::AM,' KI SeMeineM 0�defens,E�of airysuch Clalim,w4hi fts imin
and/o�ri�r seek a pu!Ae��:hve oider The leceMing paity:sliaH C(unse1 and at&:�owir plowled,however,that
ieasonaby txtoj:reialte or III elfalf,In addftin,CuskrmenESC)willf have Vie rghr til�contrc0 emIlr sett1eirl<m
rnay disclose the conilems of IlVut y Agreeimmt:maely for The derense ESO wM rm�)11[Mea into any sr!ttleisienit 1lVlat
1xiijItose,ofcoinjj!AE!0usg its review and afprovaf pciCesse:3 mnImmes w)y�mlfmhty oii oll�oliganm�m on Quotorner without 1he
undeii rts lo<all rures,if afnplwafoe CuMo inei's pii*�wrine ir consenl T 11 ie parbes win cotsj�)elalie
d.0. INSURANCIE.Thmugf lout the reoin(and for a po laroatl of a:11 Ileaau t vn any such selItIoMIL 0 delemse wood gwe each other WV
thilee news therealltei roii aniy nsuiao iip°e wriUe��<mr a claims auess to all r0evanlf infoirmalron,al ESO'!::E expense
made fty rn)ESO sltaH nrarintaln iii ii effeiA the Inswance 12, Lf MITAITON OF LIJABIJUTY
comage des),!Rilbed belw
�!11 2 1., L"ffAT..Q.N QF, )A
10A Cornmericiaf generM hty ln:suramx"wrth a iTrinlimum Ell SHAII-11 IBE LIABILE[ TO T r HE ONTHER FOR AN'i'
$1 anIllon I�oxwrience and$21"mIll0in aggiegate, C0PJSf:.QLJIENTlM,INDIRECT,St:'ElAf,PUNITIVE OR
G;(G- CorrnnercrM autoiniobile liabiliity insurance cowmillg use of INCIDENTAL DAMAGES,lPA;UJ[hf4G CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES
aH non nwired and hned iWon)ohiflias mllii a iTilinnnirm lm)0 111 OS1 dOFPS,GOODWILL,V IISE OF MONEY,
+�A$1 Tllfl6on for bochly rnppry and piope�ty clznnage ih�flEdity� UN Tr ERRUPTED OR IMPAIRED USE 011: 8HE SOFIWARE,
I(),3, Wo0eir's connjpensaiiid'rn iso mmnonce and einployei's habd0fy IMPAIRMENT OF:CP 1103 ASSETS RO M ING r0 MIG
111I)SUlailiCle 11)11 any alteniatIve tAi3111 011+:)WWIE gd p::, iinitted ACMEEMEN F
equned by asittlicalble aw,w0h a im linnuin einjjAnyeii
iiIabiky hyli1 oll$3 Tnihon ei�:Ich as cident or dv:�eew�and 122 LNUAILMDEUMIL111Y WH f I GU 9E EXCEPT ION OF
10,4. C0n�PUjjejr piioCe:sSa�ai`computeii p0esswnall labildy f IABIILf Fi ESO'S MAMM11 R0 AGGRIEGAT`E f IAMILRY IFOR ALL
lirrsurance(a/k,a lechirrokligy eo on:,and onwssion!:1)coveing ('If MMS OF LIAT31111.ITYARGING CM OF OR IN CONNECI ON
tlri::4 habHlty for fiiriawmbss due Ur erroi,oinissknn oo ffl'fj_jI ft CS AGREEMENT,SHALL NOT EXCEED T98L FE ES
inegligence ot ESO,and jjmvwy arid network secursy PND BY(OR ON BEHALF OF)0JS-TOMER WITHIN THE
nsivanc,e('cybeii coverage")catwnring lossei:�aithng fiom a PRECEDING 1.2 MOffffl PERIOD UNDER THE APP ICABLE
dDs6l!oswe<0 d:!oirifideirtrM likmhatbn(miluding PI-0)whh a SOFTWARE SCHEDU11 E OR SOW GTVING RISE 10 THE CLAM
coirnroneeJ akWiegalle ainouni ol:$1 mitfu�nr. J 2,3,
V _ronar
Sutqecr:11(li ihe Irnfrillaltonis�n Seoion 12, UNDERSEC1110N 13 SHALLBE MPH) l0$500,000,AND
E SoshieWelenidand (8�ESUS UABH IT)"S11 MLL IBE 11 MITED Lo 1 HE AMOUP4 p O�Er
darvrage!s,<x>Ms,liabifitles,expenses(hicluding ieasonable INSURANCECOVERAGE REQUIREDBYSE(MON.10FORTHE
atb'unrrey's fees)('Damages')actuallty iim:iuvred oo finally FOLLOWINGTI(PES()F C11 AM& CfAlliMS ARISING FROM
ad�udlcated as W any tlfhdpwty clalim w1ion a0eging ESO'S WILLFUL IAIS(�ONDUC 11 OR CRITMPJAL CONDUCT;AND
tf rat rhe Software delwered I to INs Agieerner lf (Il)CLAIM`a ARISANG FROM A BREA0•I OF CONFIDEN 4[ALf 11i"
hnge�m mrsappropriale airy third pailty's patent, OBILK3M MS,INCLUDING \BREACH OF OBLIGATIONS
umpyflght,trade seciet,or other nleflrelmaV property rights REGARE)rriG PROTECII EID HEAL 11 H INFORMATION.
orlfoneabte h ii the at)pIlcabluirrscnilAlioii ii(each,an
1ndemniffed Claim'),If CuMioinea nmkes aiir Indemnified 12 4� TINE,FOREGOING IAMITIATIONS,EXCLUSIONS,MCI AIMEIRS
Clalin rjiuJer Otis,Se0roin(m it ESO delleii rniines,float an SHAII 1,APIN Y REGARD11.ESS OF WHE if IIER ME CLAIM FOR
rxJenmHrk�d Claim irlay ac��:ur,ES0::,:lioH sit�ts�,ijjIAiow�a� SltCH DAMAGES IS HASIED fltf(Vi WARRANTY,
Mahn as nght foCusU:wneo U;w mnturue usingsiui:1hi SMV U[ABIL11 Y,6UII.GlG1::;V'GG,;L;a'G'G;dRT OR OIHERM31E.
&Aiiwalta,(Lm)modOy :wch(lillwaiie Ur inaM�if a rcio JNSOFAR AS APPdCABLE dA%N'1'1R0f HBIIS ANY LJM[TA'TK)f4
nnfi 111111glirg iagw.urvalci or{c)ur place such S(Alwa re w0h a HEREIN, FHE PAMIES AGFO E THATSUCHI gIrAHA110N
mean-dnfnngling eqOvalenr,IT(a),)bd,or fay)abom*ate rot $11 MILL BE AUTOMATKALAYMOM Er IED,BU J f ONUV TO V F111lliii
reasonabily praclicable,eiflxry pally may,al its cqrtioli, IEXTII.:11JT 1,30 AS TO MAKE 11 f tE LIM11 IPOH.M PFRfWTT`ED TO
temilinialte 1he,,stovairt Softwaie&Ifledufe,in whlon cise 'rT ffi Hfll LES,fr EXTEN T'K)SSIBLIE I fliflDER Sf 0-1 LAW,THE
City of Delray each
CS2019-001 SafetyFIAD Agreement
City Standard
PAIRTrES AGREE THAT THE UMHAIOrlSSETFOIRTrf HIFRER4 mteirest to the mteHecluall pioperiv or propirretary know-how
AF6E,AGREEDAL-II..O(',Al'O0114SCDT"RlSKCONS'fl'TUlPl(;IN of Uhe Defiveralbks,
15,L Both partoessPiallr(�!carnip)0ywrtlhar)(I
,yvc,aH nntkxas reqmved by ailli appficabUe federa0,,state and
HAS 116EN ADWSED OF THE FIOSSH34.11TY 0117 SR llocM 0aws,oidunaioces, regulations and piwfld orders
11.IIABII of any pubhc authority heanng on usli:a of the Software and
l: NSE. 1 f US SE Cl 0'C 12 SHALL SUff?VIVE EXP� RATION OR the perfm maryce of thV s Agreement
.13. CUSTOMER DATA&PRIVACY term()f fhe Bojsess A,< ocrate Addendurn attached heieto
as ExlnNt C and mcorpomted her6in by reforence
13 1Qpjg.Ns lbeLwoen E,",0 and Cusloirymn,aH
Custaimer Data shafl be owned by Cuslomeir .15.1 EQVAA(lfp.P.2�m Y..The pardes shaH aNde by the
reqkArements of 41,CFR 60 1.4S a),60 300 5(a)and 60-
13-2 Qf Qu=mQ[UapW.Lllnress it recewes Cwolorrer's p63r 741 5/a),and the posling requvernents r4 29 CRR flail
mftten consent,,IESO shaH not,(a)accese,,or 471,ap)per)d,v;Atea saAlhalrnartA,,Oa:ppr abOe Those
otimmse use Customer Daia;and rb)rnlentuonaHy granl mgtJalions protflbit discmrimatRm agailnst quairfied
any thind party acco:es to Custoirneii Data,Onchxfing wiflmut 46vkluakbaseot on th6r statiJS am pirolected veterans or
hvrortatllll�)lln ESO's oticr:!o cuslorneirs,except sullociodractom mdwrduabwillo drsabfllitres,and era:hill` cfiscnirnmatkin
that are sublo!ct to as reasonabro nondr::'closm,e agiievimortl against aH onrfivkluMs based on thou r iiace,c<!4or,rehgon,
oii anAhcnrzed p wiicir:seils rn lhe case of Mlempemb4hy sex,sexuM o6entabon,g;,anradea klenbly re natronall odgbr
Si�)ftwars,iscovothstainMng the kxegomg,ESO may use and
6svloe Cristorner Dala to,fuffflH its obhgaficins under flr�s 15.4. E.S0 agi(::es to mm�ediatelly relsovt to
Agieement m ias requ0cd by appllrcabk�Oaw or kegai or Custonreir rf an ernpkryee or co��M acUm �s hsted by a federa0
goveimmentai autlucrRy ESO ehaH give Customer prcunpt agency as der)arceo'omluded im otherMse unehgnfe for
nclice cn:any such llegi�or governimenlM demand and jpavlrcpatkrn dn federalHy funded N:41th care paqraims.
reasonab0y roaxxpemle w4h Customer rn an),effixi,to se0l�a 16 PHI ACCURACY&COMPLETENESS
to<Aecnve oadev oar othermse to contest such eqtored
cfisckmme,at Customer's expense 16.1- E:SCD forowdcs theSoftware m aHow Custorner(ond its
13.3. A qqjyLtj jj@ja,. C'USIOMER ACKNOWLEDGES AND respectwe Users)to enler,dtx�:uirneirn:,and disclose
-0 Ir Cuslorneir Data,,and as such,ES()gives no represonlafions
AGREES HAIl',,NOTVOTHSTANIANG ANY 01 HER PROVGON or guaranteesabouk the acctow.y or coimfokftness of
HEREH,4,ESO MAY USE:AINONYMQED II EOR haTERNAIL Custornev DWa(iincluding F11-H)enterr!d,ufskuaded or
A .t pAf�Tr
NONYNflZED DA A r0l f-HR[ S FOR COMMERCML 16.2 Corsloxwrears!c4toy resjj!wnsffik^for any decism)s or actiomi,
USE, taken onvollMng pabianl Care, palreM care,managemenl,
lifle and rntemsl nn aH k-itcHcctuM Flmperty of any wt"�0e�tlnosrde(Asions or actions WEaoe rnack;ei taken
aggiegated and de odeintified iefrcmrls,summairres, usmg onfcnmalkm iiectaveld thiiough the Software
ccwnpflalh�)ns, slaUslics or other mfounalion
dedved ffierf:!frorm Li MISCEILLANE"OUS
114 M., f E 122% t I M
ha 17 1, =!5,1 he paiilres are mdependent
N;roebing data onfine oirvr)Nes irsks of unaullhArqod contractors Ne0her sim ty K,tire agent of the othef,amd
eJba;kfi.'loe o and that,in accossmg and usuii og the SaaS, nell0mr may irnake,coo nmnmen1s,on the cohe¢ 's behaH,The
C'usk)mer assumes such risks.Custonwr has soie patiJes agree that no ESO empioyu e or conVaclor is or wfli
msr.x)nsRt4rty ft�ir obtaining,niamtaming,and secuii drug"its, bE!�cp�irmd(4ed an emjsk�yee of Custorner,
networ k exmnecfions EfK) ValeVia,i mil representMim ri to 17.2 Ngr!j„ Notices pawrded undev this Agrooirmmo must be in
Gu!::wirnc�ir regarding the rehabHity,perk)orrnance rii senrrhy w6hing and defio(med by fap certrfied rn&0,return rec,6pt
0 any nEornork,or .pvovAer, reoLPESted rO as party's pnncipM jpace cA business as forth m
1.4. FEEDBACK ffiGHTS&WORK PRODUCT soe rec"N on page horse Agreement,(b)hand delhvc;Ted,
(c)Naar,imHe Mitt rep�*ipl(A as`Tr arrsirnsmn Confium:ld'
1-4.-1 N u�Dj2y"E ffiet30a.ESO does not agee to I real as acknowoedgnm:'unto(d)e-maH to a person destlginated m
aexifidenlotO any Feedback trot Customer preVpJes to ESO wrqng by the receMng pairty,or defivery by as mixitalble
Mrlhdng sn fts Ago u. wifll rar'Strrct ESO's nght to wse, oveirn(ghl canner servree In?hE!case of dehvevy Iby iamrnHe
profit from,6scllose,pubkslh,Ikeep seciet,or otheirwrse or o maill,the notice inust be folkoved by as copy of the
exp lolit Faedf)Zl(l�,,without coirnperso:96on or credrfing noirclha loerrig dehveied by a nreans fogo0ded m(a),(11))i or(e)
Cr4tomcr,Feedback wM not rxmstrlute Clonholentliall 1 he nofice wffl AA?deerned given on the day the noirce os
k)Womraficm,oven Of it woukl otheTwise qualhN,as such receNe(L
pursuant to Sectom 9(Confide of ir(cirrnafion), 173. M
1.4,2. YkpP.RrLg,.j.QV!!qt.15j2gf,'n the event Coistomea hnes ESO roarly rs Ira=O,yamg;upon any reroresenWuons or sLatemenls of
to perform Groervices,ESO Maine shaH hclkl Mi the olher lhat are not ftAy Mpressed in this Agreement"
rrght,bfle,and onlerest to afll proforelary and ilmtaa01lectuuaall raathea each party k;r0ying or)fts own iudgment and due
rm„)pi::lly rights of thsD0v(:!rabkm(inc0u6ng,wdthorrt 6hgenco and exforess�y drscWms rehance upon any
hmKabom,parents,trade seciets,ccwpy6ghts,and representatrons or statemoml ml expressfy s0 foolh m tNs
trademairks),as w0i as trflle ro any xpy of&)rtware Irrraaalra Agieenient,ki lfo:n event the Custoi-n("vosues a purchase
by co furorCustorneii(n appficalb0e) CUSlonwr hereby exphOfly order,leher Orr any otheor docuirnent addrossmg the Software
adini!mkslges and agrees that m A iiOngg On thror Agreernertl or or Seovices ircr be prowded and perfoirned puirsuant to this
as separate SOW pNes the Customer any rrght,thle,or �Asvli :sment,011 is hemby span„cftallly agreed and und(orstood
City of Delray Beach
CS2019-001 SafetyPAD Agreement
City Standard
I lhat anv such winting is for I he Cuslornel's internaf any Mspura,each party wM bear!its own aftorne)rs'fees
pwrfxrsr oMy,and that any ler ins,Iltrovisons,and aird costs ar itj eXpfrlSly walves any statuloiry right to
corlditions com rained thierein shaH in no way modify,t[m aflurneysfees.
1T„1.3. Pjlufl The parbe::. agree to waive,to the,maxignum
17 To Me exteni p(ernitted by applmotble Ila w,the Mtent peritriRted by law,any right as a pury jriall mth
f.ealles hereby walve any piovrsum or Ow Vial mmAd ender i In arry Dispute,
any clause of 11tirsAgieeiment invaNd or otherwise
unel4iwcoable in any i H:a provision of this 1.7 1.4. Pl,lo Q1agj5,Act!Qh_s 114EITHE.R PARTY SHALL BE.E N11 I LED TO
Agroeawnt is he+ d to be invaild or othermse Burne nlomeabic, JOiN OR CONSOL DATE.CLARAS Fir OR AGAiNS:T 0P HER
such provision voO be interjeeled lo Ndflif Os linendrol ESO CUSIOMERS,OR PURSUE ANY CLAM AS A
puqpose lo the rnaxiinnum extent pennitted by a1pplicable RE'FIRESE rj"�r A:'TjVE OR CLASSACMN OR NA FIRWATEE
law,and the remaining provis�ons ot thlis AgireeirneiM willf ATTORNE)”GE NE.RAL CAP AU'rY
MrlotllMe 0 UI forco and effect 17'15.
_LOKL j1ortheir paMy shall be hatih,,fon any
17,5aQl�a,,pry r sin rrn a.Except for trair ling and rrnpleimentation cklilrn brought moire ffian Iwo vears after I he cause of
semcc!s miated to Ihe Software,ono ither party inlay action fi�pir such<Ialin first arose,
srjbo�>nllact oil delegate its obligations 10 ii?&iAh c4her 17 16. Cusloiner and ESO willf attempt to
heierunder,nor may!it(X)otract wOh 11rijd parties to perfonrin resoAve any Dispule thir)lugh nefroldtion or by u0i0ing as
any 0 its obligations,here nder exc ept as conleorplaled it) irnedrajor agreed to by the parties,rather than t1lf)r0kJgh
If l�s Agiieeiinenl,wrtjo�ml 1he other parly's rxkx wr Uer itigafion,Negofiations and rriedlafrons wilf be flys.sled as
c oil rWIA (c)irh6'r:nl rall.b the parties are raullaladpe to neach as resolubon
I.7.6 i2nr(AgMadErO:Dja 1 his Agreenent irylay ai>t wil Plin 30(Jays oofruarlraaua ii)f the Dispuns to the c4hev parjy,
be eueEMded`DM�Opt III rimugh a m Men ag�eemer h!:1igfred by I he parties may pkosue allr cAtier courmas or notion
aW1horrz::KJ�efers senlafives of each party,prcMded thal thil: avaHable ar law tr ul�equiry,
Custoirwir agrees that ESO nray relly on ir foirmall wrlVings 17 17. Exmrj.custorner shaill not,(a)peirmil any MW
dlndudlnp enialls)of Cuslotni aluillhoirized represerhatives pal,ty lo acce!:"s or use the Softwaie ruin violation of any U,S
10 tl;)to nornate Softwale products and services and(n) I:aw or regtflatlolrl or ab)expert any�o�ltware provided by
appirove or atify late or lien incimases fcir Software lixoducirl, ESO or othemiso uw.rraruvo,it ffoim the United States except
::ind sea vices then lr r use U11(Cuslorn orr, irri(N)Mphaince with&H applicaltie U.S.Ilaws and
17 7
Em MLkam NO(talaye ,faduire,or default%vilf o:nrstdule a legulatm!ms Vi0thimit iiniling thins ponerahj),of the
broach of this Agreemt to 1he exIenr caused by acts of fixegoing,Customem shall not petirrill any thlird party to
war,Ila frorl5ni,hurricanes,earthquakes,other acts all:GxJ acce::r:5 or use 11te Softwaiie in,or ea:fxmt suclir sortware to,
cm,r:4 naturs,strikes<)r other laksoir 6slfmles,note or other as country subject 1c,a Illunilrd States embargo i of the
acts of civif disorder,Pinbargoes,or i causes beycind EfieOlve Date Cuba,hail,Norfli Kolr:a,Sudan,and
line jrevPonrnlng parbs reasonallAe contirA(a u. syirrad.
"Forcc'ylaansa e"),lin such event,hcyvevc^r,the dolayed part�° 17.18. Qr(k[OA Pt�1Qkqg1ry& in the everit of any c onfho between
musl prornpilly provide line�Aheir party i of Me,Fame this yg�slernenl,Addeirrda or other attachryrents
Mateme.The iJeOyed party's turne for perfilm riniance will1l ise incorpolated herelin,the foHowling order��4 precedence M111
excused for the,duration<4 the Rxce Majeure,but if tlhi:a gr)Vorrr (1)the Geirwraf Terms,and('t�pndAkms;(2)airy
event ast kxnger t1tain 30 days,,the otlte� 11�ovly nmy Business Associate Agleelylent (3)tho aplthcalble
immedrately termarale 1he applicable Software Schodulo. Software Schedule onr SOW,with most ireu ent Sollwa r e
"Schedule or SOW talk�ng pirecedence oveii earner one:
1.7 8 !�JgArketlsg�H uqUesle<l by E,130,Cusloroeragrees Ur
r easonad'1111y(:(:K)Pemate with ESO's preparation and: issuanco and(4)arry ESO pollicy posiled onhne,inck)(fing wilhoul
��4 a pubfic annouirceinent legairding the relationship or the himitation its privacy p(lificy,kkii airnendimenIs lncorlf,�omtted
'fr , ,
pwtitai� rntco this Agreement after em:N�mtlon of the Generall e of
and Conditions wdl arnend such(IenerMleirimsand
1.7.9, WgA�2K�!�E!�Ktf Ni iieii pwy wlH be��Ieemed to have CondlibiDins uMess o t;1pe6fu�zHy!:31ates its�rftnt to do so
waived any rights under Me Agrelernent unje!:rs iit!is ain ail cites the sei�lkn)or sectorris airnended
expjlclt wrillen warver ninade by an authorized
repqi:"oentaOve.No wtaver iaf as breach r�4 this Agmement Mir 17,19. This kgreerne int may be executed in ono or
constitute a walvor of any other bmach hereof'. amire couirfte,irpwts,Each COUnterpaN w be an oiriglinal,
and a0such counlerparts%viij conslilute'.r sm&
1."'7 10, IaVyypU_ot�R n M.Unless othelo,ren slated,air of ESO's mstrumerh
and resjx!cUve obligatims,refxeseintations
and warranties unde i Virs Apreernent wIlm1h are not,by the 17.20. lj��gttg
:!I, E Vectn:)nle agnatures orr this Agreemeni pr on
axpre�"Ised�ernirs of this Agreem�:!nt,fiffly to be perfOrmed any Addendurn(or coples of::rigtiatums sent via d:fleclronlc
wMk' this Agn:!!einreint is in effect shaH suivive the arra,ansa are the equivalent of handwritten signabYes.
termination at this Agreement.
17.IL Ara;LigySama Igg ME,I'his Agreerrienl wiH not brconsitrued
against any parly by reascm of its pirepara0�oir
17.12Q(tyQtr 69g_oyw,Thds Agreement,any ckMin dispule(rr
controversy h:tireundor aa'Dispute")wlir The governe+J by(l)
the Owe of the state of rexas,or(li)if Customer is a city,,
o:aounty,murn6pably ix �Aher ggovernrnerrtaf eiMity,Ow law
pl sittoe whisirlie Customir iis 8ocated,in oaclit c&W foregoing
without regaird to!its ciix)fficts of raw. I he UN Convention
for the meirnalk!rmf Sale of Gax)ds and the Wrifoirm
Computer Information lransacfioins Act wM nM apisly,hn
City of Dekay Beach
a2019....001 SafetyPAD Agreement
City Standard
aAK 500RE 521EWA.
LAPDflotimgi:E$Q EHRI;E$Q TQ Q4 )
I., The SaaS subscnptkroin term shafll begrin orr IN^earheof the EflectIve Date uA 1he Agireema,Krt or Me Ilasr date wNch Customer used the Sollware
Ila,whIch paynnent has not been receIved("SaaS Sulbscnpton Start Date",T,(4istomer shaill The deerned to have accepted the SaaS on the SaaS
SubscnictIon Start Date I llw,t)iaifies wIH make reasormble MrorPs W ensure that Customer Is aWe to use 1he SaaS as(,h Intempbited as qmckryas
posa:iWe,but In no event Mr the SaaS Subscnpfiorr Start Dale be rmicfified for rmjpIIenentatiu';m d0ays.
2' The ftflh,Wng SaaS ar:ry be orcered under this EAOA�
2A, ESO EkxtronIiiiHeaftln RecoId('161HIR")Is as SaaS soflware appVkotiorr foo prehosplar patient docurneMation
It !a.Qj I .�a
2.2ESO IPearsonnei Management("PrW)Is as SaaS software a)pficatkTn fix tiracking ijeraojnnea records,traInIng courses and educafion Nstory
tWl mai
2,3� ESO FIrcl is a SaaS software apInkatIon for NIHIRS repoithig
3. The fitWwInglinrd-Party Data may beordered tnndethus ExhilbIt
Mlcrnateninar Fire,Code
4, CuMu:nineii hereby agrees to hrria:,4y 1pay for the frAiowft products,accoirdmg to 1[w scheMfle bekxw:
lectr ni Patient Care,Reporting $ 1.15 per record
Unfin7ited rnobile installations on Android ice crearn sandwich
or newer OS.
......................... ....... ......
user access to web-based SafetyPAD Enterprise
Sc#etyPAD Hosted Virtuol Servers
................... ------- ------ ........
Airwatch/SOTI Mobile Device Management $ 7 per device/per month
Per device fire-reqUil,red for Android
....................................................................--------------------------------------_________-----—____•_•_ ____ ...........
Managed or Unmonaged per agency
Electronic Heal0i Information Exchange—Fire Included
........................... ........................... ............
Utilizing SafetyPAD API protocol specifications
_..-------------—----- ——-------—---------------------..... ...... -------
CAD Interface $50.00/month
........................ ....... ..................
...................................................... ......
................................... ......
NEMSIS 3.0(ONLY) included
State Extract
Fax i ng (ePCR voiu m e)
.I,--,.,..-.--.,..................................................................................................I................... ...................................
City of Dekay Beach
201 -001 S t tyPAID Agreement
City Standard
1-2 includW ._....
......................... .................
... .. ....w.__ ...... . ." .__.._..... ........................... M,d,
20000-40000 $55.00 month
40000-80000 $85.00 month
. .... a9"w4 wrAW ... a.. ...acurrent
.. .... .. "sir��.��.w ...................................w.
may require eFox**
Training on-site:
Training $1500 per trainer/pier trip
...... . ......... _..__.___._ ___ . .._.. _....._. ._.__..W _...._.. .._.....�..a.. �_....�. _._.........
Per Day Fee QUO per day( -3hr sessions per day)
-.a-�-�Sessiona.._---aW---------_-.w.---.w-..--- ... , ... W.�$80.00 GO Ver
One(1) field web session(3 hours training) $320.00 per sessi n
5AN the Fees above w ffl be tlinv„aocn,'d by E.S0 as k!iHows:
5.1. 1`4mng and lraa�rtlXrrog lr"ave0 Fort :e,uI any,shaH be mwawu+..oa„:a on the EflecVve Dale,
5,2 tyr,urong the first year,the 4 ees�Pslh a00 be unv¢auccd un onttdy nom arrears Dmw-',^ginntlouyr aap on the Sa aS raulh��crutaauw in Sb'aO Date
5.3. t:"ta:unng the second year and any srraroeW a0 years tape rr apt(r,t1Pue Ih Fees ra0°m flll be irava:,iic w�a:t irm�wmunlhllyu eam aura ars 4a g'ou°air ing r)rw Me aaoa�niiva iisai y of the
SaaaaS”"awllsiti¢:6pfion Staai t DaaW.
City of 1Dekay Beach
CS2019-001 SafetyPAD Agreement
City Standard
IDEFINMONS.Capitahzed tennis not definect below,slhaH have the same rare arvnit as m the GenerM Ternis&CorxMnwns
1 1.. "EMaincernent"means a rnodrfrcalroin,adchlwn noir now r0ease of rhe Sollfwaie that when added to hhe Sollware,rroledafly changes rls
WRO!y, :sffrcrency,lunctrcrnar capabflft or appikabon
1-2, "E-nwfl Support' irreans abOrty lc�make requesIs for technicall suppoit ass�sWnce by e-rywfl at any firne conceirnhig lhe use of the then
anjrrenl reflease of Sciftwaire
1-3, 'Error'nreans ain error ur lho Soffivare,%Irrch sgn0kmnVy degades perforrPance,of :AAch Software as co rripaired to F'SO's then-pulUrshed
JA "Err i Coirrecton means the usw of reasonablie cornmeroM eftlixts to correck Errors
15Trx'rneans the mparr<)r mfAacernent of olbtecl Cors le for the Sollware or Docurnenlatron to rernedy an Ern)�,
1..& Inarar Respcmse"means the fiisl contact by as Sujr,)txM Ret)resentatrvc afteil the wi,,rdeiit has IYbee n Oogged and as t0o:R generated. fNs nn;;y
mcludean autonrated eryiaO espo inse delperrOng roan when the 4r(Aenl rs fusl comrinflOcated,
1-7 WanagerneM Escatajrr,)rI"means,h the rOUtfl Mil0laround Frx iJoes not resoWe Me Error,nofificarion or rnanagement thatsuch Error(s)
haVs been reported and Df StrIlIS bMg taken(0 GDUKI ::Iuch Errar(s)
8 'Sevenly 1.Error"mcm n,an Eu or whwh vendevs the Sollwar e ca irr r IjAeWy Omfo.:!r atNe(e g_a User cam srl access the Softwar(h due to
unschedrupe d downfiiine or carr OuMge)
1.9. 'Sevedty 2 Error'"rneans an Enor iin%,Nch&Atwaie rs,sfiH operaWehc!iweve,one ox mcire srgmficant ft^olures or funcUoinahty are
unavaflaWe(e g.,as Ulcer cannot ane x;ess a v ire cornp oneiril of than Sotlwarel
:I.11. Seventy 3 Eii roii"rnearrs arry ol 1Y iier ernr tll nat does not prevent as 4U ser f iorn accessmg as siignff Ca rtt he aatuuro cit V w SoftwarsDe.g.,O tser is
experwncft LaWncy 0 mfords),
1.2, "Sever rly 4 Error"mear e;any enoir r clated to Dwn uner r Wk)in li�oir a Cu::hoiiYwr D Ni r wen request,
13. "Status Updab:l"mearts rf the 0011 WcHkarcruind or Fk ce"inol rlixAlve the Error,notfficalton of Ofe Custli�nrter m4ar&ngthe progrccrit of the
Workwcwrrd our Fiix.
1A "Onhine Support" ineans i�nfonnatiorni avaMbte through ESO's website
n0ulmg fie(p)enVy asked(piesttons and
bug repcn ling vra U Chall,
15. Supficirt Representative" hAl The IIESO wnpkiyeers)coir ageM(s)desrgn,Med to recerve Error not4k:atronsfrorn Cuslofne�,wNch Cued ornev's
Adnt�ncstrWor has been unable to reso4ve
.1 6 "Updalca"ff wans ain updato or revnorr to Software,tfpkr aHy kx Errm Orneciron.
:d.d". %Pgrade"means as nii::::!w VerSh)n cw rOe&:se of Sollwarse or as parlAcurar c omponerrt of Softwaiie,whel)ntrproves the Wnctrionahty or Whch
adds Wncironrfl calpall.Wifies to the Software and is not arckided rn an UllAate Upgmdes may mclude f�r nhancernents.
I-& "Workaround"means a charige m the pan xedt"a
.5 foflowed or data suplphed by Custorner to avoiid an Error without substaftalHy iirrlpar61rlg
Custoirner's use of the Software.
2 1 Customer Mll prowde at VPast one adrnmrstratrve entpOoyee(the"Adnimrstrator"or `Adrnnusbrrtors`'Y who wirll lnandOe an requestsfw first
Oe ver supt)W from CustornoCs emp[ovees wrth respect to the Sware Such suppovt iis intended lo be the"front fine"for sull.)poN,and
rinkornafiorr alpxAt the Software to Ustomeu's Users ESO MIN provolo traOftd
, w,,urnentabon,and n,wtenah;to the AdrThnistrator to
Errors that the Adminbarator cannor msrAvc arced assrst ESO m mformatOn gathedng,
2 2, ESO MH provrde Suppcut Servwes consrstrng of{,@)Error Correclon(s);Enrrancernenls,Updates and Upgrades lhal ESO,rn rts drscretrcm,
makes gerlerafly avaHablle lco its cu stoorers wn1hotA addftrorra9 chwgeand(c)E niaH Support,Mephorre sup1p)rt,and Onhne Supjrxxt.ESO
City of Dekay IBeach
CS2019-001 SafetyPAD Agreement
City Standard
inay uscmuhipie forints,of oi)mirrujinication for purposes or SLibnuMilg reror,lic satwmports to Cuslomer,unchAding but nol iiimuted to,
moan sages!in 1I ie Softwao e,messages appearing upon iogin lo the Software or otheii means of broadicas0ing Status Ullpdale(s)to nwhl#e,
cuslorneirs affected by the sarrtii?Error,such as,a cuistc�irner portaL
ESO's support desk wlu be stafled with cornpolent technicall coroultants wtoare trained in and thoroughiy farniiiar with true Software and
with Custoiner's apphcabfe cw:inflguiraborn.TMejpru�)ne supfx!liit and allf corriniunications will be dehvered in iiflellhgibie Engfish.
;!".4,, Normall business hours for . o 's sulpipoirt desk are Monday thirough Fii iday 7:00 am to 7:00 pm CT.C ustomeir wifll receive a cafl back f ror"a
Support Rlapifesentalrve after-houirs f(qr as Severity 1.Error.
3 ERROR PRIORPY LEVELS,Cuskxner wiiII rep(wl arli Ern�nrs to ESO via e rnag or Pry lellephone„866 766 9471,option
#3) F.S0 shafl exercise ccwninenOiy reasonallo offixts lo coulart any Error relported by Cusilorner in accordancia wifli the priorhy Vever reasonably
am egined to,suclIn Eriroby ES0.
3A, —''rr .ESO shair(r)c<xrrr*nr!e IlEnror Corteclion prlimipfly (ii)prov�+Je an iiniVar Respnese withim fow iioiins„(iii)inriiate
Manageineint Escaikafion piorrhAll[r;and(iv)provide Cusb�nnprwith a St akin UpJate wAilhfin buir hours utl ESO cannot iiesoive the Error wMhn
ESO shalr(0 ccrifirinence Error Clxreclk)n pirornjptily;fiiJ piovkle an llniUall Response within night hours;(iir)initiale
Mamigemein Esczflalioin within 48 hmuin 0 uinrosollvoda and(iv)provide Customer with an Status UpJale wlirtin forty 6ght hours if ESO
cainnot res0vo the Errowithin forty-eight hours.
5ayyu ut ' E rnptfy;�ii)pircmde an Mitiar Ra:'sp�iinEs:!within qfteu:�business days;and hii)
Ay..�l ESO ash (�)oi)arrinem!*Dr-oir Corir(!ct�on p1ro
piovero CusWmer w1h as Status Ulydato wAllrir r seven cs0endav days J ESO licar inot resoive the FD ror w4hin seven caiendar days.
14 %�'y
ES( alhaill(ii)provide an Mhor Response within seveoii a!:aiendar days.
A. CONSULTING SERVICFS.H Qwa':S4D rerrsonahhe behever',that a probi)em reproced by Cusitorner is i due to an Dior in the Software,ESO w1fl so nothy
Custcoier-Ad Mat Iiine,Cust(mier rnav uequuesl ESO to piro<°eed willn a n�xX causs aria[fisio at Custeine(!:m expense as serorth N:Nrein or in @
separate SOW,If ESO agree^! to pertoirm tinea investigation on behaff of Doitcroor,Own ES's then t:iurvlerit arid standard consulting rates%ir apjpy
foo arll work Ipaortamrrrmaad in oconnu ction wdh sucrt anaiysir;,pinus rea&i�iiialblle reata d eXfN:4iSes iiunjued.Fothe avoidance,ofdoubt,Corisurting
So ivices willf include custconized iepxt writing by IESO on behaH of Custoinei,
5,1 IESO shafli have no oNigabiii to peilorm Error C()"rect0ins or otherwise pro vide supjfrm irt loc(0 Gkqrocrrneo's repairs,nrainleirtance or
inodificatk)ns to the Soflvv:nie(0 prinnitted)�(ii)Custoinei's ndsaI)iAk!atim�nii or r.urmauuulfro'uxoy use of the Soiltwaiefi6)altered or daimaged
Softwaiie not caused by ESO;(w)any ri party software;ol)hardware issuos� C
(vi� uslomer'S brpad)of the Agreement;and(vii)any other
causes beyNrd lhe ESO's reasOnrible control
52. ESO shalln have ruoo flarnbly fix any cr ranges k ii Cuslcmwi's hzpdwan::,or soilware sysleine that rnay Ilio nOCESSairy Ilan use the Softwam due to
a Worlkairound or Fix,
5.3. ESO is not to par rlo"ni any Error Correcrion inflos!:'ESO can ielphca:to such Error rar it"I)Wrr&�+ftWaarm',and hardware ulyr ItioUgh
reini�do aclixos to CuStoqnei'S software and hardware
54. Cusloinior v:i :R)�ciy nspors;R)ie for Os sek:^cfioin o�ll:hwdwaili,w,and ESO slhaH not be resr*rnuble the p(.1',riflymance of such hardware ever)if
ESO makes recomrnendatio no regarding the same
6 MISCELLANEOUS.I he parties acknowledge thal honr time to birre IESO may updale its srjpp�aff t process(:s spar:icificalliy addressed in this Exhibit
aind inay do so by I.ilosfingsuch updates to ESO's wertsite or olheiiwise,nolf4lng Cusloirrier(')N such rApdate's.Cuuslcl mor wHr accelpt updates to ESO's��:edkjires and any olrx:ir ten in this Exhibit;provided however,thal they do not nraU.HiaHy decrease the lever of Support Services that
CusWrneii willf receive froirn E.So,THESE Ir EIRMS APJD CON t)pf ONS DO No cuqST 111 UTE A PRODUCT WAIRRAPPY,IHIIS EXH111131176 AN ADDTK)NAI
CON jr RARY fl-ffRE FO.
City of 11'.Mray Beach
CS2019-001 SafetyPAD Agreement
City Standard
("Ustoll n ell a r no
Cusiorner,which s;a coverexi Why under the Pdvacy Standards("Coveved Ennty")
flumumAto the,feaster SubscrltAl and Llceme^Agrii::ernenli(tho "Agreenrernlr")linta�wNch thrs HIPAA Busliness,Air&�)cstte Addendum(tffls
"Addendurn")tos beeln linctirpoiWed,Butsness AssYasoaaeeu may pertoinin fuixfions or activrOes In ohnng Ole use,and/or 6sclosiuTe of Prif on behalf
ol the Ccivered Enlity,and t1felefoire, Butsiness Assocrate may functron as as buslness assoclalo.Buslness Assoclale,theirefove,agrees to the
followlirte lerr"ns and coincfitlons,
$qQgQ, I hi"„Addendwin afothes to and h;hereby a0t0rnatically lincorporaled into alf creseint arid future agreements and relatlonsttfat,whother
wrMen,ofar or imphed, bellwoen Coveted Enfirly and Buslitess As.:lo c late,twirsiriaint lo won ch PH n,crealed,rownIalned,reilaelved or traroWnitted by
Buenoss Assoball frOffr or oil)belhaif of CovereJ EnMy 41 arry forrn Or medfurn whatsoever
QgllrylFoi! laj'rfs),'teS(A thls Addendurn,the teriins used heiie6in,unless tr1hermse Jefined,s1half havie the same mcanlngs as used ln the
Heallin Msurainc:e Poriablfiry add Acxxxintattlifty Art c4 1.996("r-HFIAN"),or the Health lniormallon rechinolopy for Erxinornk,and ChnicM 14:,aatth A0
("HIIIECH"),aintJ any arierelmerds<n'impierneirAlng regi,flations,(collecbvOy"FHIrIAA Rines")
3 g2l'TQllangt�wrAlf Ms).PcAI:rV:Lf-0W,'The pwties acl,inowledge and agrec,that,begirnning wrth the rt,'levarrt effective date,Bushness AstloclMe shaH
comply wfth its i%hpations under thls Addendum and whh alf chrhgatlons of as buslness associate under 1-1111PIAA,HITECH,the HFIAA RWes,and
other aptshcable laws and rqe)IzWcins,as 11hey exist at the tiime ihls Addeoduim is executed and as tlnii:�y are amended,for sac' rongas 110s
Adidenduin rs mi pitice,
'J.. 2�2rm;aall& 22 im()Quick*pm[tUf flb[f Business ksMmle nNty use aind dlsdose PHr as rlecessary to cany out its dullesto a Covered E.
pulsuant to 11he�eii ors of the AgPe�:'meni and as requned by Ow.Buslness Asso�xmte nray also use and d6lose PHII(l)for lfs own proper
mar wg(n rrieni a:ind adinlir llstirarlion,and(k)to m iiy out its ftal respowAlcifibes IIf Busor less Associate discloses Piroleclxd fletflth lnformallon to as
tr llfd parif,loeltheu above reason,pi lor ta�r nalkling ar ly skx,lh(heclosuire,Buslness Assoclate musl obtznr r(l)reasa:)nable assuiances froirn Me
recciving party that suchII:fIll it be ItEld confldentOr add be disclosed only as required by Yaw or f:or the purposestsar whlch o was dm(losed to
suclo ii eceiiving parly;aind(oi)an agreewrenl from Such receNring Pa Tty b':o lmrnedla Ufy Insnttuly Busness Atso�x,iale l)l any lorowin bra adres of the
confidentlaWly of true PH
5 Ljnirla21og]a Qu)Qag:'2nd DrtcpqurQ of PH,Buinness Assat:Otp shall mrL and shafl ensure that do daeclofs,officers,enrisloyees,subcontractors,
:)iod agents do not,use or(fisclose IDD H la
n any mminer that ray rUM fyemrlii:ad by the Agn
reement�� lhat wuldovloato Subparl l UJR
E i4,� , 164
("Prlvacy Fhdo")rf done by as Covered IEnlgfy.Allf uses::nrol disclosures of,and roquoslts by,Buslrress Aaa,;oclato for PKI are subject to the mirwinunr
inecessmy rule crf the Prlvacy Rule.
6, Rukifjta;l Business Assobate,shW11 use afe'Dropirlate saleguards,and conifDly with SultosaN C of 45 C F.R.Part 164,
('Secmrjjy f�4rjjell)w0h resperr to Oerlforflc PH,loi prevent Ihe Use Ill(111&;sn�ure of PIIH�MW than pursuant to the terms,and condltlons of this
7 )','Yrgugyryesy.Cy QQyqteLt titl[ty.B uso r sv!:Is Assoc!late all w 111 report to,the aff ate ed Qwe re,J E nI lty wo 11 1;)ut u r Fr rea,,,ionable de lay.(a)any use Ord lsdostj o e
45 CYR,1.64("Bireachi NotlfheiUon Rule");and�(c)any:secunly dncxlent or wrilch it bocornes awarc. With repand to Securflfy hmWents: caUSEet by
cr cx�xmrrrng to Busness Asscxmfe,Busliness Assxiate s1fali cooperalle wnh the Covered ErrWy's lnveMrgatlon,analysls,rvAlficatJon and
mltlgallciin a0mbes,and except for SruxiirOy incidenis causew 11 by Cxweiied Entit,,l,shalll se responsdoe k!v reaslitnable costs Vlrncuulrrel^ad by the
Covered Entlty fbir lhosle acrl W%vRrrstandlng the foregolng,Covered EnIrty ackinowh:Nlges and shalli be deerned to have recelved advanced
notice from Busir lm:'Asyear:late that there are isoelne occurrences or(r)unsuccessfur attempts to penetrate cornputer networks Cr smse::'
maultanr red by ENAsniess Assoc& ate;an d(" OonaterlM lrondents such as'pingfng"or"donlal of serwces"atWaclm
& !yfitjgLitioti D!Hayj�filfl Ejjg&j .Busmeisk;soclate agrees far nolligale,to the extent pracbcalrAe,any harrnfW effect of a use or filsctosure of PH by
Buslr less Asscidate in vrolabon of nor requirements(,if 11fe Agireerneni,limIudling,but not 9drrl to,comphance,wlth any state bimr or contracAkAaf
daW breach mquinonnnts.
14. Aergunifnia ky Fbffjj EgttiQgj,Buslness Assoclate shaH enter mto an agireemertl voth any subcontractor of Buslness AsoicAate thror creates,
re(ANves,mainlaHns oi Vansrnns PH on behalf of Busirress Ateor6ale,Pursuant to such aigreemenl,the sWxorriraclor shall ag¢ee to Ikae bound bil
the sairnt.r trr greater restrict*ne,cuondlfictns,and re qiAierrleints Ihat apply to Butencx:se Assoclate under Ous Addenduirn wlth respect to such 1131H.
M bra;d. 1q2 flt�l,Wlthrin five buslness days,of as request by a Covered EnUity lk)r aci:ess to PH about an lndlvldijaf contained do as De!ognated Record
Set,BuslnessAssociate s1hah rnakeavaflaWe to the Covered Enfity such PH fi�rr so um g as such lnforryrafion is nmrintalned utt,y Busliness Aisecclate
rn the Deslginaled Record Set,as tequlred Ity 45 CJ-R,164524.In 1l use event any lndlOduar dellveirs(firecilly to Bwoness Assoclate a request for
access to PtIl,Busmess Associate shaili wittfin five(5)Isusmoss days'forward,::uch request 10,rtuo CoVerad Enfity,
FLiL WRIffin llve brismess days of receptt of a lequesl Illonr a Cclveirod Erltfty ll:or the amendrnentof an lnchvldual's PH or a record
regavdlng an lmhOduall contalin&J in as Designated Reccod Sel(Ior:so long as ole PHII o malrdalned nn VniN Dtmgitated Record Set),Buslness
Ai�soclale shaH piovriiJe sirclo inftminaticm ii to the Qwered Entliy for wTiendinneW and rxorp+xate any Stich aimendments ln the R H as req"irred by
City of DOray Beach
CS2019-001 SafetyPAE)Agreement
City Standard
45 C.F,R,164.526 in Ihe event any rimfividwA delivers dirw°Vy to Bushiess Asscicwile a requeol on amendment to PIP,Bushtess Associate shaH
wrihin five trusiness days„furor ward such request to file Coveied Entity
12 Business Associateagrees to docurnent chsciosures ot PH and information reiatod N)such diSv.,h)&jres as would
be K!(ksrred dor as CoveFed Entry to rorotond to a reqwa:!A by an MivrduM for art accounUng of J0rrckarures of R H in accordanciia with 45
CAll:R 164528 and @ HTEO d.
13 Lr'Q�ULRLml of CuOrrsuiles,Mlon five WSiness days of notrce by a Covered Entity to Neaness Associate Mar n has receNed a requestfor an
aC(I)LAIting oil cfisuA<:isum es(if PH,Business Ass<xJate shah rim-We availabk: to a Covered Enlily mfounallon to permn the Covered i respoind
to the riectuest f(tr an accounting of discicssurcs of PHII,as riaqOred try,45 c 11:7 R 164 528 arid 11-fl I ED+
111- Mal r 0 t N exleo r t t hat i r ness Asseed Ja r e ii tit ca r ry im A orre d:)ii mcxe i)t as Covered Ethty's obhgat lo ins u ndeir the Pii rvacy R u le
Btjsii Vess kis<)6 ate sha 0 11 co ryqAy with suc,Ih ire,q u n ren w ras that a p jpty to the Covers d E in dry i ii a the perfor rn a nce c)f sr m h i)bhgatloins.
15, U&raLil �
N .d.l.rga in the event Biusness Associate ocxorves a subpoerra,court or admrnslrabve order lix other discovery
requesit or mandate for rdeasie of R fl,the affected covered E",ntdy shalt Ihave dhe right Ras contnA Bmsnest;Also,crate'S reSpcln iise to such r(\
,I uest,
proMed that,such coft(-O doos nor have an adverse impact on Bus4res!:a yrssoclatc'i: coall.)IOr ice wrth exishing Ili aws.Busmess Assoclate shaH
roility the Covered Entyof the request as Soon as of wxwraltly pracbcabie,but trr any tavern wrthin seven bu!::oness days of reclairit of such request,
16, Rg2Ea�211M R�2�gn�a li�s�ness Assoc,rate it e�eby ap ees to ma ke�ts i Me r re)�pii ac t book s,a nid records ava��a oe to the So���f ota ry
�A thc!Depa baien 11i of t fis)fth as id t I rj ry ra Servicesitm panrp000ses of id el or m n p ng,com frp 0 nce with t O w PAA R u lies.
gf.c�;tqn&t tw2v""�-
B -QS; addition to any oVie ir rights a party nay have in the Agreement,this Addendurn or by operafion of
law or rn equily,ether Party rrray'o)4winediately rerrVhjnrJjo the AfTeement if the iAheparty haswoiated as malerizA Wrn of Iros Addenduirri;or ddb
aR IN,non Irareaarrong party's ciptico,pond nt the lmeachinp party,to cute or cind any such virAsifion wnhnr the Une specrfied by W i non brewhu)g
party. Tre win-bireaching pi qAroo o to have iiuimd as bu!ach of this Addenclum shaH not be construed as awawe�of any other nghts the norr
bireadhing pady has on the Aq,„reernent,t1his Addendum or by operation c4 iaw oir rn equOy,
18 Etfga!j gj 2[ 1 the veirioinabon of the Agreement^a this Addeo idum fa o any reison,Ed)sind Associate shaH reburn to as
Cow:!o ed Ernuty 011,at flora CA)vered EnWV!��dko ect*n,doMmy M PH recx°ived flom the Coveied EntHrI(thM Bu,ane&�s Associate maintains un arty
forim,recorded on any modkin),or stmd 0 any storagesrstfom Trus provrsOn sh,A allority to Pili-H that�s m Ow Possession of Busonesskssc)clate,
subcontractorS,and agents of Business AssocOle Business Asax)cia:le shaill retam no copes of bw Pt-fl.Business Assu)6ate shafl rerruon bound
by Ahe prcmddsitms of thiis Addenduin,even after terminaton of the Agii eerneid or AdcIendum,untO such flrne,as aH PRI has been returned or
oihewisle deatloyed as i in this Sec tio ,For the avuidanoi:a oil:doutA,de-identifled Custornm Data shaill neat be sutijec:l to tII iios provision,
1.9. PCASBL KIsmocW.Bu �n ;,Azs � e stlouOtes that its unauthorrzed uuse or disciosunM M'�of Oe penfounrng services pursuant to this
Addondurn wouid cause ortepairabie! harim lo a Covered Enthy,and m Such evelini,Vie Covered ErdhyiflaH be enofled V�u mSWule pinus eedrnfs m
any cxxArt of+rwnpekent dw sofictron to obtain darnages and ulvuyrunchve reheii
20� Qwjtgt!gg J,Under no cucuntsiances shaH Business Assocme be deomed on any respect to be Ahe owner a�A any M H created or r wxsved by
Busriness Asoc)Oale on i of a Coveied Enfily,
2:11 and AM2 tk!wr,Coveted Eftily us msponsibie fcw mni�flernenong attpwsnaV: pr Nacy and secuhty
toihegrsanls to frmtect its F111-H in corwillphanc e with MPAA.WMRA llnOtatiou u,h n;Covewd Erhay'!;olAgal.roi u to,
2.1,11- Not rnclude l4fl rn iinforrnatwn Covered Entity submits to techniud support personnO through a technicall supioort request or to cuirminny,
sui1i fovurru,lin addifion, Busono ssAss mAato&)Onot aCt ar,car i Ifte orshgalimrs of as E3wwnE!v:I,AssrxAate under the H PAA Rules
w0h respect 10 Cuslorneii i a!oicia it o sent lo or trom CoveroJ E jj,'P u Ily cutside ESO's Software ovcu the public Internet;and
21-2, implement pwacy and secunry safeguards ln Ali systenrs,alplirlications,and soffwaire Covered Enbty controls,umfigutes and connecLs to
ESO's 1,3oftovaire
22 'h u 'oVerred Entfty,
Au,terms(A tidos Ad do wt gilant arry rights to any parties otheii than lhmnfm:�Associate dnd the(I
�23 5ogt2MJo[e5 I he s�gii Owes to the Agieeinent for the docim neo it eMeii�c°ing the pames'adoption theleot')mdicate agreerviom 0 hereto and sitaill be,
deerned slgnatures hem:4,whetrux nranuall,elecuonic or rammide.