Res No. 09-19 ....... .... .... . . ........................... ........ . .................................. .............. RES01,11"110N NO. 09-19 A RESOLTRION OF 111F', (1TY C).F DELRAY BEAC1L FLORMA APPROVING AN AGREEVIENI' W1111 GREEN GLOBE TECI-INCA....,0GIES, ING' FOR INFOIWATION '1T,Q_N0LCx;y SERVI.(,:FS; Au n 10RIZIM; '17.1E CJTY MANAGERTO EXECUIE UU.', AGREEMEWAND TAKE AL1, A(MONS NEUSSARY 110 EF1._'EM,, JXTT, 1111S AGREENTMNI'; PROVIDING,, AN EFFECIIVE DAJE.; AND FOR,O`11-ff.,.'R PURPOSIFIS. WHEREAS,the (Ity of Detray Beach C(ky") is authorized to enter into agrrernerants to provide set-vices, prograrnir-ning and products ki accordance wit.11 its C. narrate and WHF'REAS, the City requires for tion technology services for the pin. . se of managing existing and ernerging teckuxologies in support of City government operations and services to the public; and WHEREAS,the(ity desires to enter into an agreement with Green Globe Technologies,Inc,for information technology services; and WHFTEAS,the (qty Cormnission deerris appmval of this resolution to be in the best interest of the health,safety, and welfam of they residents and citi7ens of the Cky of Delray each and the pubhc at large. NOW, 'ITIEREFORE, BE I"TORDARNI'D BY U-11F, CITY G XVMSSION 01"ITIE, ('11Y OF DF LRAY BE AQ L P1,C)RIDA,AS FOLLOWS: The forrgoing recitals me hereby affirmed and ratified. 1. Section 2. The (11.1ty, &m. mission of the C"ity of Delray Beach has rrviewed and hereby ...............................................— appmves this Agreement between t.he Gty and Gren GlobeTechnologies, Inc.,which is attached to tl�s Resolution as .Exhibit"A." Section 3. The City('30mmission authorizes the Gry Aban4;er to execute the Agreement and any amendn-tents and/or rvnewaLs thereto, and take, any odier actions necessary to effectuate this Agrrernent. Sectian 4, '"Mis Resolution shall becorne effective inimediately upon adoption. f I 2017 � � �r° ���aa�, n� a� aua ����y Cit �,"Ic � .a'a.mt Id leg Ole", cit i i I Oty of DOray Beach 201.8-056 Agreement wfth Green UdbelechnologIes,hc, ExNbit A to Resokibon No.09-1.9 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made tatntered �nto on this —, day of 203._-- ("Effective Ciate"), by and between the City of Delray Beach, a Florida rnunidpal corporation ("City"), whose address ws 3.00 N.W, 1,IT Avenue, Delray Beach, Horida 334,44,and Green Globe Technologies, Irm, a Horida corporaflon (hereafter referred to as "Contractor"),whose address is 717 Ponce De Leon Blvd., #328,Coral Gables, Horlda 33134, WHEREAS, Contractor mibmitted informatpon and documentation to the Oty ki accordance wWi qie City's Request for (jualifications No. 2018-056 and the City finds Contractor capable to perforryi services in the f0osving category or categories:Projects and Ira staUations;and WHEREAS, the City desires to retain the services of the Contractor to provide the goods and services in accordance with the C"ity's Request for Quafifications, No, 2018-056, and the Contractor's response thereto,all of'wNch are incorporated herein by reference. NOW, THEREFORE, ki consideration of the mutual covenants and prounises hereafter set forth, the Contractor and the Clty agree as foflows: ARTICLE 1. pNCORPORATION OF REQUESTFOR QJAUFICATIONS The terms and condifions of tNs,Agreement shail inchAde and Gncorporate the ternis, cor16fions, and specifications set forth in the City's Request for Quahfications No. 2018-056, and the ("'ontractor's response thereto,inclucling 0 doct,grnentation requ�red thereunder. ARTICLE 2. DESCRIPTION OFGOODS OR SCOPE OF SERVICES The Contrartor shAl provide the goods and/or pertorm those services pdentified in the specifications accomparrying the City's solicitation,which are incorporated herein by reference. ARTICLE 3. COMPENSATION The City shall pay to the Contractor, in cornphance with and in accordance to the terms and specifications tat'the referenced solicitation. ARTICLE 4. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS a. Notce Format, All notices or other written c',ommunications required, contemplated,or perrnitted under this Agreement shall be in wribng arid sh0 be hand delivered, t0ecomuntinicated, or rnaded by registered or certified mail (postage prepaid), return receipt requested, to the following addresses: L As to the City: City of Dek,ay Beach 1,00 NW 1"Street Delray Beach, Horida 33444 Attn: Oty Manager mG. with as copy to: City of Delray Beach 200 NW I"Street Dekay Beach, Florida 33444 Attn: City Attorney Page 13 City of Dena y Beach 2018-056 Agreement Mth Green Gobe Techricdogies,Inc, ExMbft A to atm sokstilon No.(Y)-1,9 W. Astothe Contractor: (3re4.mnGiol-)e'l"echnoog�es,li-ic. 717 Ponce De Leon 81vd., #328 Coraables, FlorWa 331,34, Attn.: Pete Dlaz, PreMdent b. H" it&s. The headings contar ned in tWs Agreernent are for corrven�ence of reference only,and shaH riot Urnit or otherwise affect M any way the mearring or kiterpretation of Ms Agreement. C. Effective Date. The effective date of this Ap reemerit shall be as of the date It has been execrited by both the pardes hereto. ARTICLE S. CONTRAC'T"rERM This Agreement terra shaH cornmence upon the EffeOve Date and shaH rernain in effect for thireeyears, unless terminated earlier air,renewed insccordance with terms set forth in the RFQ. Upon mutual agreernent of("Ry and Contractor, Oils Agreement may be renewed for up to an additionai two years, (The remainder of this page�s kitentionally Wl:blank) Page � 2 City of tame y Beach 2018-056 Agreernent wk1h Green Gobe Technola&s, Inc, ExNbit A to ResohitJon No.( ) 1.9 IN WITWESS WHEREOF,the smarties have executed this m em°mment arr the dates @mmem"6mmuafter wdtten. CITY OF DELRAY BEACH,FLORIDA Mark R, Lauzier,Oty Manager ATTEST: Pau 'P u mm ted �a:�mm ....City("le k APPROVED STT FORM AND LEGAL,SUFFICIENCY . yww By:_. �... "........ .............,�,� Ci A � o UR M ACO TA �� .. �: ���.. ... _ .... ,lir ami rgfi»r1w� '> e, Pdr�vl Name d " " ! ii�� � 11 ,. iVe 5TIVIT OF COUNTY F :. .._ c fi,remf mrm,.wt@"um'BPmthis:: iday of u�m..�.rmi�`�r.✓ ��"w ,�.: y a s m�mm officer m agent,, m le offi e � agent),of �a me of corporation acknowledging), a.. �,�t�:��°��mmy��., Qstat. or,pbace produced n) �.m�m"jxxa mm mmm bel" f'm)f flw corporation. He/She is personM�y known to e m°has a�� �m��.,mtu���m�m" �mm � ��. m..... "a �� m� t� (ty;') miff iden fica on)as d(�ergifi tion, �. �.... � J ar k � yubHc State of �......w.....:.� . . �J o � Page