Res No. 11-19 ... ...................... . ............................... ..... ....................................... .............. RES0111TIONNO . 11-19 A IUSOLMION OF 'ME, C11"Y OF DELRAY BEA(.-,T.L f,'I.,()RI,DAA'I)Pl,tO)INCYANA(;.-RE,EMI,,',I'q.T'%I'l'IIINIl.',Rl..)EV, FOR INFORNIA110N 1F(T1N0L(XjY SERVI(E.S; C.TTY MANAGIERTO EXECUIT', TI IF, ACA-TEWNTAND 'FAKE ALL ACTIONS NE(1,S GARY TO EFFECIUA11', '111IS A(A.UE1EM1.,,NT'. PROW)ING AN EFFEC711VE, DME;AND FOR UMER PURPOSES. W1 1F.,REAS,the City of Delyay each CCity") is authorimd to enter into agreements to pmvide services, progimnming and products in accordance with its Cliamr, and WTE1U,'AS, the Cky requires infonnatics n technology services for the purpose of managing existing and ernerging technologies in s t.,ipjx)rt of'(ity govem.n.writ operatioris and sery ices to the public; and VMERE,AS, the, City desires to enter into an agreement wit1i InterDev, for inforrmdon technologyservices; and W1 ff.,REAS,the GAY C-or.TUTUSSion deems approval of this resolution.to be in the best interest cyf the health, safetyand welfare of the residents and citizens of the :qty of ye. ay Beach and the public at large. NOW, T1 11-RETORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY m CITY (K)MNUSSION OF mCITY 0FDEIRAY BEAG L FLORIDA,AS FC)-U,0WS- ,Me foregoing recitals are here by affirm.ed and t ific(L Section.J.. 'Ut -5 e clion. ..12.... The GrC momission of thee (-ity of Delray Beach has reviewed and herrby y approves this Agr,en ent berween the (".1ty and :Inter Dev, 11(, which is attached to tails �solution as Exhibit"A-" .Section 31. me CityCk)rnrrnission authorim-s the City Manager to execute the Agreement and any arnendnxemts and/or re-newals thereto, and tA.,� any other actions necessary to effectuate this Agreement. .Sectioyi.A. 'This &,solution shatl become effective immediately ufx)n adoption. ............ A d) A D()PTF�D M rcgular sess' mi on Ile Y 0 R Katerri Johnson I ofu[ison,xerk Approved 2s tp-klp n ca� Ntt,rT� City of Deiray Beach 2018-056 Agreement wuth Inter Dev, LIC Exhibit A to Resohjtoon No. 11-1.9 AGREEMENT IMS AGMEMENT is made and entered into on this k kl)i day of 201 ("I[Ifective Date"), by arid between the City of Delray Beach, as Florkla rrumicipal corpmation ("City"), whose addiress is 1.00 bI.W. 'I" Avenue, Delray Beach, Florida 33444, and InterDev, Ll.("', as Georgia corporation (hereafter referred to as "Contractor") akjthorCzed to do business ni Fiorkla, whose address is 2650 H6coryrb Bridge Road,Suite 120,Alpharetta, Georgia 30022, WHEREAS, Contractor submitted information and docurnentation to the ity iirn accordance with the City's Request for QUalffications 1No, 2018-056 and thE� City finds Contmctor capatfle to perfon'n seyvkes •in the foHowing categoiry (w categories-, <,,inftm mation 'Technology lnfrastructmEl� �ibrary Service Desk, Network Support, Server Support, lriforniation lechnology Security, Project Management, and Assessrnents/Scoping; and WHEREAS, the City desires to retain the services of the Contractor to provide the goods and smiCoS in accordance wfth the City's ReqUest for Qualifications No. 2018-056, and the Clonlractor's ie.sponse thereto, all of which are incovpurated herein by reference. NOW, I i IERHLORE, in c(misideration of the rnutkjal coveriants and prornises hereafter set forth, the Contrac:�tor and the City agree as follows: AR­flffl: 1. 11INCORPORANON OF UU'r(JUESf FOR QUALIFICA"flONS -1 he terms and condrflons of this Agreement shall include and lncorpoirate the terms, conditions, arid specffic:atiions set forth in the City's Request for Quafficaflons INo, 2018-056, and the Contractor's resporise thereto, incudirig all docunieritafion required thereunder. ARTICLE 2. DESCRIPTION OF GOODS OR SCOPE 01F SERVUS fhe ("ontractov shall provide the goods and/or perform those services identified in the spe(ificalJons accornpaviy4ig the City's solicitation,which are incorporated herein Iby reference, ARI ICLE 3, CrOMPIENSAIION 1"he (';ity shall pay to the Contractor, in cornphance with and in ac"cordance to the tern ss arid specificlations of the referenced solicitatioin. AR'HU11 4. MlSCIELLAINEOUS IPROVISIONS a. N'qtnce For'in'at, All notices or other written communicatioins requnred, contemplated, o� permitted under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be hand dehvered, t0ecommunicated, or n,miled by registered or certified mail (postage prepaid), return receipt requested, to the following addresses� L As to the City: City of Del ur ay Beach 1,00 NW 1"Street Delray Bea(li, Horida .33444 Attn: City Manager Page I 1 Uty of DOray Beach 2018 056 Agreerrient with IriterDev, LIC Exhibrt A to ReSOkfticin No. 1.1 19 fi. with a copyto: City of Dekay Beach 200 NW I"Street Vi Oray Beach, Horida 33444 Attn: City Attorney iii. As to the Contractor: InterDev, LK 2650 Hokomb Bridge Road, `write 120 Mplharetta, Georgia 30022 A tlr Lewis WOkinson, Sr. Project Manager ibo lle.a.dJqg.s. I he headings contained in this Agreement are for convenience of reference orr iy, alai rc4 sha H not hm it or otherwise affect in a riy way the mea riing car. interpf etation of thin Agr eernent. C, Effective Dat"e. I lie eff ective (late of this Agireernent shaH be as of the date it has ben e .. ..................... execut(-.�d by both the parties hereto. ARTU E 5CONIRACI H�RM lh4 s Agreement iern) shO commence upon the Effective Date and shaH rernain in effect for three YE!ars, unle!ss termrnated earlier or renewed in accordance with terror set forth irr ftRFQ. UPOrl rnutuM agwement of City and ("'ontractor, this Agreernent may The reru?wed for up to an addiflona�two years, (The remainder of this page is 4itentionally left Wank) Page � 2 C'Ity of Ddray Beach 2018.,056 Agreement with Bntev'Dev, LLC Exhibit A to Resolution No. 31 19 M VVI IN ESS WHEREOF,the parties have executed this Agreement on the dates her 6nafterwrrtten. CITY Cuff; DEI RAY BEACH, H ORIDA �SEM By: Mark R. i auzier, City Manage A� FES I By. KatevohnsoiJtyCierk l APFIROVED AS..1. FORM AND LEGAI SUFFIGENCY By: X 1 7- CONI RACTOR '0 ami �SEAL] ...... .......... Printed Narne 'rifle //q?colkld° S TA'T E 0 F CO U N1 Y o F rhe foregoing, 4IIstruvnent was acknowledged before me tI-fls 201S day of&, by 44 n s on. WN 8 (name of officer w ag t Ofle of officer or agent), of -i acknow�edgi (nime of corporatioii UA (state or Oe of oncorpqq t"ktn) corporation, on behaff of the cov1poratiori. He/She is persona� known to me or has produced, (type of identrfication) as identfficatk:m Notary Pubhc—State of Page 13