Res No. 14-19 ........ ..... . E CLL . CSN:NO. 14-19 FLORIDAPRO G AN. .AGRP,EMF,,Nf f II NOVALINK (..)I_. .( .)NS, 11,C ]FCS INF(�... 110TE C .. "OLC. .'N PROVIDING. Efi;°E(.—,II ; D .° E; AND FOR 0111ER PIMPOSES. WI JEREAS,the City of Del y. each. ("City") is authorized to enter nuntcu agreements to provide services, programming iren d products nen acconlance withits Charter, arid IER ,. , the (]ity reqtiims information technology services for the purpose of managing existing a.un.d ern.erging technokn nes in support of'(,ky govemment operations arid services to the public; a.und W111iREAS, the Gty desires to enter into an agreement mennt th Novalink Solutions, for information technology,logy,se.. ices;arid : WHEREAS,the (,,nty Q)mmissic)n deems approval of this resolution to be nen.the best interest of the health., safety,and welfare, of the residents and citizens.inns o the City of Delray Beach arid the public at Large. . O , 1..1H.,'R..I.TCRE,, Ei'r ORDAINED Bfl. ;, (.ITY' (-X.)MxffSSI(.) O TI-M CITY YD- SEAG L bryWp"q3 F01-LOWS': -Section 1. '11c fc:nregoi n. recitals are hereby affirmed arid ratified. Section 2. The City Commission ofthe Canty of : e➢ Beach has reviewed and hereby approves this Agreement between the C::"nty arid Novalink Solutions, IJ,(, which �s attached to this Resolution as Exhibit".A." Section3. "ane Gty Qnnrnission authorizes Alpe City Manager to execute the Agreenxmt and any amendments a.un. or renewals thereto, and take a.uny other actions unnecessary to effectuate this Agreement. Section 4. u.11his Resolution shall become effective nun.. ediately upon adoptncm. 1 i PASSIA) AND ADOPILD in regWar sembn cm Ac ul a of :Y)I Kattrri Johnson, ("It - "Ierk Appn)vmi am Onn amd legal suf1dency: Qity of Dei Bie,:3ii:h 2018 056 Agreeinew with Novafink Sokjtion�;, dV..0 Exr0rt A U�e Rescdutkmi No 14 19 AGREEMENT THiIS AGREEMENT us made and enteiied into cm this 1"'11jay of '".k, 0 1 ("Effe(AiVE� Date"), by and betweerr the City of Dehay Beach, a Horida munici��)a� cwporation ("City"), whose address is 1.00 N,W,, 1, Avenue, Deiray BENH'Ih, Honda 334,44, and Novahink Sci,ilutkms, LIC, a Cieorgia corporation (heeafter teferred to Tonttactor") adAthora zed to do busllness in Hwlda, whY;ise address us 2180 Sateihte Bivil., Suute 400, Duluth, Geoigia 30097. WHEREAS, Cbrit fr acM suisirnitted information and docurner)u3tion to the City in accciii dance r0th the City's Request for QUafifications No. 2018 056 and OW ("ity finds Ccrntractw capahfle to dre irfor�I services in the foflowing category or categories.- iirrfoumation fechnoilogy infiasMicture Uba�wy Service Desk, Network Support, Server Support, and ProjectManage�rrentlwxj WHEREAS, the City des4es to retain the services of the Coribactaii: to provide the goods and services un accordance with the City's Request f(sr Cluaifficabons No, 2018 056, and the CntracU)r's response thereto, aill of which are incmpoi ante d herein by tefer(:irce, NOW, THEREFORF, irs consNderaflcm of the rrikjtuaV covenants and �)Yomises hereafter set forth, tfie Cont r actor and the City agree as foilows: ARIK LE 1- MCORPORAT ON OF' REQUEST FOR QUALh-KATiONS 11rnen terims arid conditions of this Agri?erneint shali include and in(rorpw ate the u::!rms, conditions, and specifications set forth in the City's ReqUest for Qua I if iuoJo iris No. 2018-056, ::iind th :: Contir,sctcr�'s imsponse thereto, inciuding aii documentation recii,hred thereUMJer. ARTICLE 2. DESCRKII]ON OF' GOODS Oil SC,0PE OF Ott RViICES rhe Contractor shall piiovide thie goods aind/or perform thuse services udenflfk:!(J in the specifications accompanying the City's soHcrtatirrin, whkh a�e incor porat(:!d lm?ii f�:rn by a efcN ence. ARTUI3, C M:IENSAIM 'rhe City shall pay to the Contractor, in cornphaince with and in acmdance to the teirins am:J sr,)ecrfications of the referenced soficltaticm. ARTICLE at. MMELLANEOUS PROVISiONS a. Notice F'orimat. Ail notices or oth(n written O)IMML.Mk ations required, contemplated, or pe i mitIRd Under this Agreement shaH be in m iting aind shall be hand defiver ed, Uiecommunicated, or amiied by registered or certified rnafl (postage p�q)z0d), retUrn receipt requested, U�ii the foul owinj'l addresses: L As to the City- City of Delray B(:1ach 100 N VV I"SU eet Deitay Beach, Fiorista Attin, City Mam:igei Page I I hity of Difliray Bealib 2038-056 Agru!rne nt wkh Y'" dU EONL A tcn ResalullJon Ncu, 34-19 H, Mth as <x)py to. Oty cuf Deii ay Beach 200 NW p"Street Dehay Beach, Ho�ida 33444 Attn: Cil:y AtIciii ney iii. As to th�:?Contii acvx Novahnk Soiubcms, LLC 2180 SateMtE13W, Suite 4001, DWuth, Ge)ugia 30097 Mtn : Huu Phian, Managing Din:K1cm, Via. Headirurs. The he,a(fings contained ki this Agreerne�o aii e for ccmvemeo uce oi` efli::11,(9*11-:1 ................. I.:�.,I cndy, arid sha Ili not firnit or othe r w�se aff ec:t pini a o wy vivay ti ie a nea ning a u kiLer iau e(aUw f I h is Ageen,wnl r;. Efftt.c.LJY.e-Dact.el� 1 he effecthve date of thus Agr eeiineii ft saW km? as of Lhe date iit Nn beeri execul ed by Iboth the pairties herev.':n. A RTi C L.�E 5, CONTRAUTERM This Agreement term shaH commence upon the Effectrve Datii::a and shaH rernain un effE !t f011 three years, urdess tenninated earheii or �enewed in acmdance wRh terms set forth in the RR-p: U p c)n mutual agreement of City and C ontmctor, flfls AgreEIM?nt may be Uenewed for up to an acldidonM two years. (The mrnaindea f tNs page os inteiiffionaHy Peh ibank) Page y 2 City Deh-ay Beach 2038 056 Agreement v0th P4ovahnk SollWilons, Lll.( EXhlbd A to lliiesoh,00ni Ms. 14.-19 �N Wi INESS WHEREOF, the pw ties have executelcl dJs Agreement on the dates heii ehnafle� wrillitil:M. 01 Y OF DE�RAY BEACH, A ORMA [SEALI By: Mau lk R ATTEST" By: o City Ck:!ik APPROVED ASTO FORM AND LEGAL.SUFFK'-ffNCY ity z rney '-ClPJTRA(-�O . R �SEALJ BV: . . .......... . ............ ......... ................................................................. .... . . .....l7e....... A pm inted Name 0 fifle STATE OF COUNTY OF foregoinins1,,rVhiyii)t was 3ckncm�edge4 before me this day o�: Z.1 2 0 3 b y Al� ------ of��Afim or agent, �&Ie of officeir or ag(:m1t), o�J i�ation ackii miMedgiii�g) a p�ace (nar6� of c()rpo (state of incorpmation) umpo ehaff c)f the� lil� oqx)rabon, ile/She is peiiscnafly ilmiirme oii has, produced .....41 ( pli�)f endfidabon) as, ident�fic�adbn, )lZ TA4j_ ok AftL%p z v A. 4 Ry c Page p 3