Res No. 52-19 RFSOLL-H(Y\' W, 5249 .1 RIBOLITION OF TIM ('111' C0N1A11SSK,,,)N OF Tfll,', CJTY (X-, Df,J,R,AYBF', %(11, ULORIDA,WMENIMNG Mt IMM NU UK` WHICI I L,S]ABUSHED 'HIE RNRKING NIATIAGUMENTU ADVISORY MIMI AS St 13SEQ)LT,,NT1,Y AM1,,,N1nT) M' Kf-:�,S()L("TK-)NS NOT 10-98, 331C 6300, 2W. AM) 52 IN M' AMENIMM; 04711010 3 1ulA1'PUN[N(,7 T(,) \Jt,-N4B1'�,RS[j1P (A)M1'OS1110NA BY ANUSNIMM SECTRYN 4 PYT] AUNMG "IV) CA',0C�RA III W7 ARM WITUN WIARAI BOARDSHAILOPURAIA MAIDING MR AN E!"FISGI101 DATU'; ANA) 1"C)R (�YHIUT PURPOSES. TMER11AS,on December 1,19VV dw(Ity (ArrunWon of Ke Q of Delay Beach adopted Qsohaion No, 88 97establishing ffie 'Parlwig Management Ad6sory Board (here h m Rove Irred u) as dw 'TNL%Bl ma fornm] adviory b(mrd tasked �kith adMing aml nmA, recorunwilda dons to the City Commission with respect to parkbg inalagemamt polic'v and issues relaied u)y4sam0g, Wani:Q det,elopment,construction and operamm of pukbg Wfies wthm the City' d)f'Delray, Beach;and VMEREAS, le C,ity C.orn.missM of the Q of Way Beach finds Atto l..Pe in the bt,,st interest(:)I thc Cn-%,, qwf I))lrae Beach to amend the memberslAp conyosition of the Pnkkg ,tIanagement Adl,isort Board in orcicr to ensure that the B(mrd v; ccmnpnsed of mem1wrs vadi speciaLtzed hnowedge and eqmmme to Mhus, Q Wde parkinA managanent pohcy and rebul Qu es. sjon numEFORE,BE ITRESOLVED 111-111E CATY (.',OMMISSION OFT11E CITY OF 1)ELRXY BEAU 1, Fl�.,ORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: flamium.l. AM rhe fotca,,omg, Wflf]�HAS" Mum are nvificd and confIrmed as 1n6ng twe and cormcr and are amde a spe6fic paart ofthus R.esolu6on. W&M. Tha t S,cctaon 3 of ResJuMn 88.97, a,,; subsequenQ, mmon4d, A hereby. Mud in is enureoY and repLiced %xith. the fcAlc)wing: lba"he Pnkbg)Management AdAsory Bond shall be composed c4 the F,xeckjfi-,e Director ofthe L)elray Beach Downtown DmQtmeAo6 ) pumenuthTs dmi arepwT appimed by WN Wy WunWhom 14o (t citizen m 6rge representali%,es shafl be appotntc,d for an initial terni. of one (1) year am.] tvk,(:) (2) citizen, at large representativvs f6r a term ()f two (2) J-hereaftet, all appc)intments shall be for tw(:) (2) years. All cinzemat merge representaix-es shal] hm,e expertise or Interest in parking man,,igernerit policy and related imms and shall be tmWenm of or own pmyerry in the Q, own a business witInn ffic Ciq,or be an officer, &,,ector im.anaget of a business, located within the City. San Clio.. .3. " fat Secdon 4 of WmAmbn 8&97 K Oxch, amended to tvad as Maws: 112t the gcognqihic area unbbwhich the ;\.(16sot� Board shafl. opetaw is d6ned Wino tI'I e 4totlftt6vv'14� a; tttt&-rwA-(h-,- c,orporate Wim of Ge (Ty 4 Way Buch, as cunendv cWt (w may, exit in die hut iuc� WINIA. Tbjs Res(dution shaU become efIcKe immedint(dy upon its and adof)6t ,,�n. RASSED WQ .%JX)P'1tD rn regul.ai, session on the 5 &1.�' .................................. ............. NI A -4) R AxocNR ............... City C'Icr� qi ro%ed av"K- 111m'Iafl cg,Asuftickncv: ...................................... L,ynn Gelin,Iiii: Can Ntrorncy 2