Res No. 94-18 . . pf F).F;SGF AYJ 10N,' N(;). 94-18 .A R F^S("):(sF.,' G F(::N (,d). mm b m (;F":p y (:Hb ]DELRAY REQU-i, I FLORIDA ."(.baPBk)VF'I G AN NGF(.F°,EMEF^QT '1'p1:'-^i. ���F�F�'Fa,,N 1 YIVM1,N..,y�y&y,,�'p1Y.N:l�.y d/,AN1.M o"X,,A�y�'�7d!..°^p!G (WRP. lly.ry(.V�JI/\. �I.,�(�:°MyE..��ys�"B(q ../R�"���I'pi�vr(."J" d��A "w Y ��.rN AN(4,.T,', S °I &�K.,'tl aS; A &�� tl k II�4..!RI e' J P, C; F�N:'�M..� (,..o,llTY M.( NXG[�q,,,, T() F%XF,( f, F F, TTIF . GREJ.,NaFE'N"1 AN ) F A ', � ,`W A('.' 9 fONS a F"°,C.,pTti°,AF („) & aFTF^,(.. U. ..F 11H,”; .A G R F F',' p .F:',„ PROVIDING AN F BV:`G .) F V b`e 11ATF;F ; N F) ➢FE,R F AS, d w Uy (A Wpa2 y Bae°mbau. (CAI) is aaewt):ua uu•at°ed. to enter into agireemwa ata t:az provide � Sel afaaea, pe:wgratannanTu.ng and poduas in ar e.a)rdance w�idh its (,"ha t.e:r( and aF 111REAS,AS,the Uty ryphz :gin the foflownig services for,the'pt:x-rpose of Landscaping C^Tan tenance Services (Lake Fafa Und Wce;u.n.a,Wesi: Atlantic Avcinu c and (";am(auyaa FFueab::u ((a,»ub.cv aid), VFfF=;FfFg,AS, the: City desires to enter Evade)an agreement wi. a Ween fraa)awq lab:aa)wayah,6 (lwp, f6r Landsc2ping Mmatenance Services R yak Ida Road 'Taan "afWTe:at Ad:b:aaroda,A'venuue and (.;Nmge b;ksh, FFraulc,v."aa d,y aJUH(IWA.S, Me(Ty Waauaa,asy.ams deans ap :r wab (of d tis re.a(;abua6m to be uu°u.dh.e best i:ua.tetestof the baealtbu, safety, and wab:fare of thc r°rt.Febents aaaruab c.vii.aens of t.Fac Uq of,E)elra.a:IkBeach nand ffic public al: sW0NVj1%REU0FRF, KE IT ORI)AINI.71) BY THY, t�]T�- (;Olt'F�,,MI~FFSION 01' °F-°lif, (.,b`:F°) I Arlic forego6)g aeaautals a.a(. Fae.u~a l� !; y .affirmed and rafifiee:F. I'h c (;uG)r (.,a,ati u..,nis )a n of the (:.;tty, of SA.:.ay Beach has revicuaml and Wreab'F' aaFafani.;ma tFo.s Ag e.arne.nt Extween the My and Gae.a°.n FaaaFaagwad LmAmping, (aeaarp, whkh .A aat(aa.V"ued tea d.Faiva 'f�csOhutFt;a as E ,'FabFalt:.A `at a tu(;wta 1be C14 (ka.uanaaa:haFo n.a:uadhaaa-t.rae°a ffic (JF Manager to exe°a.uate tbne° Agre:etu°aa:aat and a7 ��aa:a°ue°ua(Faa ,aaa, g� �� �� , �� � (, � .. yT t e.F Fiaa:p Ma?att� t�;aba eaattt and/or n�aaira rareaq.� uF:ae!ae.(�a� �~eareb d.tba:e� awdb�ae.:a a(°fln.eaa�at�� aae ee���.aa u.u. ,"tryu:ee,amma. I i ":b% r s(aFtalCd.a:ati t,hOl faeae:mtraa tMc6veF,rtt.t'rie F upontt(��F(uFrdu.(n. J b�.tp(aF i I I I I i nm PASSED AN WA DOPTED I regular sesshn on the � ..... day a_)f�a � � .. 201 a. XI ... '° µ __ ..... m .'rI EST: SM ly Petr obi , C PR n w , H � wTM NAW&PAwsm; CA C1 r � Ito" .� �,."...a. . . ,ix Lo .n -n4 i ��VIII �llliµq. 0 100 NW Ist AVENUE, DELRAY BEACH, FL 33444 Pt IRCHASE AGREEMENT FOR SOLICITAl ION NO, 2018-040 " G RE IE E T F . N . 1mANDSCF11��1�: II `ENANCAE SERVICES (LAKE 0R.ODVi'µ.D� , AVENUE AND GEOR( WE BLISH BOULEVARD) GREEN INDUSSI-RY L,"ANDSCAPING CORP. I PtYRCHASE M, FRI E EEII M�E N T Z' 20(§ (the n-PIS AGREEMENT' is hereby made and eilitleii,ed �ntai VNs flay Of , : ", , 14 effective date"") by and between the Oty(J Delray B(NK],ii, a Floirida uniun�c�pa�t��q)rporation ("City"),whose adoluess is 100 NM V Avenue, De�ii',ay Beiiicl,u, FlorAa 33444, aind Gii'een h0iustry Rand dad;apinjrCoqj�o., a m�!)orafioin (p'iereafteg refeered to as "CcmtracU)r"), whos(::W addii'ess is 242 E, 3 i'd #205 IGfialeah, Fk)dda 33010, WHEREAS, doe Oty des�i°es to retain fl'ie servk:es of the (_'onlirairlor. To �Povide tA,ie g(Hods arid seivices �un accordance MUr fl,ie City's h*tafion to EM Mo, 2018-040, and the Comraciix)r's resjonse 111!hereii:o, 0 of which are �m:orp(wated twren ty mtereince, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideiiatioirw of: the rnutuacovenants airid promises hereafter set forth, tho? CqxitWaoloii, and the Gty agiree as ft)Hows� AR I IIID LE 1, MCORPORAP:019 OF MVi I A iION 10 BID 11,w terrTis and condV0mrs of dfls Agreemeahalll Vn(Aude and oncorjwdate the terms, ciondifioins, and spe6fications set fi� rt1l'ii in the Oty's rnvrtataoni to Bki No, 2018 040, and the OmOractor's response to the hwitaiiJon to ffid, inc]mfing ali dOCU''nentation mqured fl,wreunder ARTICLE 2, DESCRUIIION Of! GO(M!�I�Oik S("OtIll OF! amp's RVKE!S Vie Contrador shaH pov�de dw goods, perf(��rm flimse, s,eu vces identified un the spe4i1i'catkms accv)rnpairiyVng the City's �wifrt;,Akn to M, vvhk,fwe Bnox,,q:wratcd hemin bycft�rencel AIIUI�ICLE 3, COMPH16AT110icy I'he Uty shaH I'iay to the Contractm, 0 cwqhani:p wMi the Fli!kJng Scheduk,,auached hereu) and pncorpmuated heu6n, au,o�)rrig to th(: terins and spe6ficafions olf the iieferem,ed Mvitation to Bid, ARTICLE 4, WSCELLANEOL6 PROV61QN!3 a, NoCce ormtat, AH mAices or oli1wr writterl COMMLInkafions IlregtW re(I, conternflated, pen,r0tted under Ihis Agfreenerd shaH be firw w1fing and shaH be hand defiver(ld, w nrw0ed by registered oiii, cerffied rna0 (postage prepaid), retiurn u'eceppt requested, to the folknuing addresses-, L A,s to the Cray: City(rf DOray I3each .100N.W, 1"Povenupe Dekay 13eadli, Fknkta 3,3444 Mtn', (AyManage� E rn a 0., 6, with a 11:opy to, City of Deh ay Beach M)NNV V Avenue 011y of Delray Beach Agreement 2 1 au"'dscape Wiuntenam;e Sorvices (Lake k1a F�woad Med�ans, West Mank Avenue and Geii� rq ) ge Ilk ush[i3mdevard) lk:!Iray Bew:li, F.k)hda 33444 Attn. City Attoriney Eur H: R, As V°a the Coinlluv actm (Deen bidustry Landscap4ig, Corp, 242 lIE 3"'St #205 HWeah, Hw'0a 33010 Attir�,� �gnw��o M Valle Pe�ez,Owneu/FliresWent 1Ifl IT 011'1 b, H!La&ngs., Thq:a headkigs conta6ied Qs Agreen,ient are for conver0ence of geference oNy, and shaH not kiyk w, otherMse affect wn any way the meaning i�)iunteu pvetatkm of tHs Agro:aervlent. C, Eft ec.d.ve Mg, The ii:?ffective dal�e ol: thisAgiii"eeme,iii,it shafll lII°)e as of the date R has been executed by boilih the pmi!fles heii'o!to. MITICLE 5. ("ONI RACT TERM 110s teii"un of ths Agreemeiia shal� be fvq'im the effe(�!dw! date through 20—, unless ennfinated earhev II in: w:cordance w0i! terms set fouth �n the HB, (Rema4tdet of ths pag(!ms intenfion,Mly llleft Qty of Delray Beach Agreement t andicapeMainteiiianie SerOces,, (Lake W Medians,, Wil:!M!AtIanfic,Avemue and Geo IKNxish 1�1,oulevavd) I�q WI R4ESS W1IEREOF, the parties have anun�n„ncute l this Agreernent cun the flates her6nm fter wr0ten. QSEAJ hefl Pn,ny:voHae City 0 or All HSi� KaW:e n Johns ori,"Al?y Clerk"Al? APPR(WED AS TO Iii0IRM AO By, Max Loh a (JtV AtUnneV (.. By- uw S'A IIIl OF F0..."MiDA COUNTY OF IWAWDADE �nnu �umn �Inn �unniln��nm�� as� ... ... °'�"r � n.munn��nn� yU�i.���� .�. of,, 201811�° u�nnuw b nnun� mn"n n nov n n ed... inn. 20 ..�... �uiim" C� ,� �� ��n��� ��`uwyV�nn� n:nirnnnn� �u.n �� �n� � or Il�ll���nnmw � unnn,n is peu>at�;0yknown to me or has dui n��u ny')e nnul:mn enti� mn tiol,' °nnn y ^n"nyn ��n�y 4n.fli3 nn; ,, SWnnte of��InwrkJ A" OF OL410M i ity of III!Ii i*,—, Agreement $. u..andscape ahu nyeruance Services QU)Ili,e kJa Road Mecfians 'Nest Aflanfilii�'n Avenue and George!' u.usi� !Vnau. evoii d) EXHIBIT A PRICING SCFiE,JDIII,JL-E ON,of DeWay Be�lch Agii,,eemenil! 5 L.andscam Maintenarv!e Semces- (Lake kla ll�Road kledans,West At[arific Avenue and George 1!3w�ldh Bouievard) !i d" 9 a m.7 e 13 ",,,,,. f -��" „� t ., "' Arnr, r F" .... Ar iel w v�s,��,., d .��yU .r_ ,w r� ��n�...� ✓„uon. .. � ,,;,,,,,,,,®.:��.n4, .M,..,,,,, A,f ..... ......� v ft, a 61 ..........r>.. 1p O 4P .......... f, a r �1 n",�! � f �„d r.."� "" r t y Y � �„ .... .� I y I �' ��. .. i PRI ""Pv' "'r, r "a,� ,� �,,�- H ✓; a