Res No. 104-18 ........... ......... ........................................ OF DFLRAY BFACl-1, T(.) 41",�Q'FAI'lVELN LEVY .A 7DVK ONT ATI. PRTYPERPES VVYIIIT14 "n it t-)()WN'I'( W'N (1TY BI A(-Tt, Fl-()R..[U�^%, �,LAINTI'.�,NANCE )VNE) ()PERATION, von 'rO APPR()l*IKFE SAM NOW, THEREFORE1 BE IT RESOLVE1.) BY"I'HE CITYCOMMISSION OFT11E CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA,AS FOLLOWS: SmUsTd. Mt a t2x of plmoo per one Amsand dollars ($1,000.00) ofa�is seer scd a"Ihlntiori is ht-treby tentatively 1(wied m aU. taxable propeny wilka the: I)owntown 1)(weloprin.ent District oft he (.ity ofl)(Iray Beach for tbe, fiscal year conaerien-citig Octobtr 1, 2018, and endhg SeMcnaber 30, 2019. '111cre shall [.)c and hemby 1 appmpriated for the puq�osc r:)f firtanci'ng the, operadmi of Qe Downimun Developnwnt K,jtbo6ty ].'a. ing D.m6c t revenue derked fxomn said tax for openating and rr'iaintenance empens" of the Dowrao vn. Developtrient Akufbority 1'a�%Jng Distd(';If" and also is) adds on, all. revenues 4.1crivedby ,said "J'axing l.-)ktnct during said fiscal year from J] other sources ottier than tbe tax. levy for current borid service and theit P"ut of c011ccd(-,)n c)f delinqucnt taxes levied Or bond setvice. 'rhe asmssed vaUtirm,on all tamable property' f6roperatinf purp'oscs Wolin the Districtoftbe ("ity of V)elray Beach t,s $1,094,040,88'l. "I'he tentative optmHng n5lage rue of $11wo per came thmmand dollars ($'R, )0(10(l) is rnore than ffic rofl,(.�,d back rate 000,9285 per one ffionsind dollars ($1,00U()) by 730%). %dan,2, 1hat the above tentative in la,ge rate, is adol.')ted puv."'riant m I'lotida Statutes Section 200-065(2)(e)(2), and subject to adjustment iri ac.;cordance wid Section 200 065(l5) of the Horh3a Stanites, which provides t.1),,,it ea.ch af'fe=cted tnIng; audionty, other rhan rnunicip-alities, ccauZes, scipsol boards, ind water, marmgerrient districts, inay adjust its adyned nAhge ree if Ae taxable VaRle 'wVitl'drl the jiarisdicti.on of the taxing autho6ty as (.-'eltijied Putsmant to Sec6or 200.065(y) is at variance by irr.orc than thwe Immm (31u) witli die, taxable value shown on the as sessrnent rcfl] to be extended. Svvdon.; , That a public hea.ring was hehl on duo proposui budypt on Sepumfxr 6, 2018. .................. PASSIl,"'D AND A,D()P'lT,'lD in reg-ULIx �Vssi�,-vn, on, this the nth da y of Septerr 2018. ............... ---—- -----Z-6-........................ ---------.................... ............................... I'll obla, Nhayor N't"I't ;lt I- K atetti,joigi,.on., k NPFIR.(".)VED AS TO F'()"R A S AIFIN(I I Y 'Ol/ 1/0 ............ ----------------- C)ty Clic