01-02-39 Organization I~ ~. , '. 1105 ''I' -.. . . COUNCIL CHAMBER ':.M J"anuary 2, 1939 ..,., >, 1 f , 'l '. The Counoil assembled at 7:30 P.M. for annual organization'meeting, as' provided by Seotion 12 of the City Charter. The City Attorney and members Hill, Hall and Miller were present. Mr. Wodisohek was absent. The minutes of the last regular meeting, held Deoember 26th, were approved by motion regularly mad,p'i seoonded and oarried. ' . . Counoilman Miller reported oa~s were parking pn the North side of Atlantio Avenue Q.pposite the Boyd Blook, whioh praotJ,oe had been proJ1iblted previously by motion of the Counoil. It was sta_ted this ~iola~ion . was probably,d,ue toinsuffio1ent,markingor' signs,show-, ing suoh polioe regulation, and it wa~ raoomm'rndedthat signs be ereoted olearly definingthi$' non-parkingl:\Fea., ':'-'1' .,;-" ,/;', 'I , , -'('I' '-;'",\>'1. ::'~_':k , . T,he Ci tY.A,ttorney rello:r:ted he.v-ing atte~~!lS\"Y;-<i'li Fe'deral C,ourt, in MfEJ,')I1:l!! on Deeemb'er .,26,th ,in OOll9~C, t_i~)i:;,',\7,",J,','!:J:I~" with Vermont Investll'ieIit Companyts,su1t for bohdtihterest~;; He, stated three members of the Citiz!l,ns Advisor,y 'qom"i. <. mittee had aooompanied him and thatJ,fr',Kurtz.. Attor'nay! for said Ve;rmont 90mpany,- haP. agree,d, tOe.-.~p-daypost- , ,_ ponement of the case to give the o oIl!lllit tee. an, oPP9rtu.ni,tt to work out a proposition, report of whioh is tol\:>e sub;-; mitted at that time and deoision made. as to whetht\r ' , further extensions will be allowed. ii '! ~ and unanim~~sr;s o:~;f~d b~h~' t~:l~o~:~~~d:~j~~r~~i~;ifr~i ;,' ,.'<< -jx ~ ''''"' G .~, , ~ ,il '~t!,. .i!J' " ;';'- ~, ,1 . , Mr. Hill, Aoting-Chairman, the'n oalled the Coun01.l-Eleot to order, and enquired of the City Clerk it the, newly. ele o,ted me,mbers were ,qualified to h91d off,ioe The. Clerk assured him that they were, so far as could be asoertained from City reoords. ' , .." ,.. "~_' ...,',':~.; ,','.. ;,.- ':; .. "".,-,-'-v . .... '"-."',,,.... .. ~', . ,,'~" The6a:th of of1'10e was then administereqc by the" City Clerktllnewlyele,cted Counoiihmen D .M. Brad,shaw. :Frank Crego andA.L~>M:nleI'~ ' " . ',' . ' ThE' Ao.t1ng~Cha1rman. sta ted the n~fCt order of iness was to<seleotone Of their members as }4ll,yor the ooming year. where ~pon it was moved by Mr. Hall 'If' 11.06 COUNCIL CHAMBER - January 2. 1939 r- -, i I that C.W. Hill be nominated to suooeed himself to said offioe. Mr. Miller seoonded the motion. Mr. Bradshaw moved that nominations be olosed. On Roll oall the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hall yes, Mr. Hill yes and Mr. Miller yes. The motion oarried. Mayor Hill thanked the Counoil for its nomin- ation and expressed a desire to so oonduot. the affairs of his offioe as to merit the oontinued oonfidenoe of the members. He further expressed a hope that the City would suooeed in working out a favorable plan whereby settlement of its bonded indebtedness might be &tfeoted, and asked the oooperation of the entire Counoil to ~hat end. [1 It was moved by Mr. Hall, that, in aooord with the prooedure followed by the Counoil last year, the Mayor make'the oommittee appointments and further that he name himself Chairman of the Finanoe Committee. Mr. Crego seoonded the motion whioh carried unanimously. The Mayor prooeeded therewith to make suoh a./lpointments as follows: FtNANCE COMMITTEE: (Finanoe & Real Estate) C.W. Hill, Chairman E.C. Hal:l. A.L. Miller LIGHT. PARK & GOLF COMMITTEE A.L. Miller, Chairman E.C. Hall, D.M. Bradshaw STREETS, WATER & FIRE COMMITTEE: E.C.aall. Chairman A.L. Miller, C.W. Hill .. ~'l .\ I k~ lJ,.. c. . SANIT.Ai'iON cOMMITTEE: (Public Hea.lth & s~11itil:t;i9'rt)"7' Frank CreSo ,ehairlllB.n D.M. Brad,Shaw A.L. Miller, . COUNCIL CHAMBER January 2. 1939 [ ORDINANCE COMMITTEE: D.M. Bradshaw, Chairman Frank crego. C .W. Hill '( Counoi1man Miller nominated Mr. Crego as a member of the Board of Eleotrioal Examiners but it hav- ing been pointed out that he would have to serve on the Plumbing Board as Chairman of the Sanitary Committee, Mr. Miller withdrew his motion and thereupon Mr. Hall moved that Counoilman Bradshaw and Miller serve as Counoil members of the Eleotrioa1 Board of Examiners. Mr. Crego seoonded his motion whioh oarried' unanimously. Mr. Miller moved that Geo. Pinokney be appointed. to serve as oontraotor-member .of the' Board of Plumping' Examiners, for the ensuing year. Mr. Hall seoonded the motion whioh oarried unanimously. The Chair stated it had been oustomary in past years to allow heads of the departments to reoopendtq the Counoil who and what assistants should be .appolnte~' in these various departments of the City, suoh reoommen~~ ations to be subjeot to approval and ratifioat1onby the Counoil. Mt. Bradshaw interrupted the-Mayor here, to enquire if he did not think it would beadvis~b1e . to delay appointments of department heads ana their assistants until the regu~armeeting on January 9th. He said he thought the new oounoil members should be given time to go into this matter with heads of the departments before taking any preoipitate aotionas to /'Ppointments. Mr. Hall said he thought all the members were familiar with the oapabilities of the City foroe. Mr. Crego stated there might be some ohanges they wou~d desire t4l amaker' and made a motion that the appointlli.ents be deferred unt 1 next regular me~ting. .. Mr. Bradshaw seoonde6 the motion'whio~ oarried unanimously. 1107, "" ~., ir- ;'~:.~-;~' 'i':<:-':, "l'.' ';~'~ ';8:' -j> . ., -,~;;'~M Under oommunioations the Clerk read a 'letter from Harry L.Meyers, W. P.A. Area Supervisor, advising.?;~\; tha t the City' s revised proposal ofProjeot 50-4.,B..23~ '.;\~:&~ Ja.Qht Ba.Sin... Park ,w7l-slJ~ iI1l?..f....o~ard~d . t(). w. '7fJ~~!1:. ~.~t.,.J,9..,t1;"'t"'.0. '_.r..... ..'.'. ;."".;\".~.....,....il. ,- 'e.:!i:Pro'ifal; also thanking the City employees,,' pt;l~$f,~.q.iJ,:_~~jt>~;~ ~ lyMr. Cromer for the oooperation rehdered and"the!f1;p-e"'i;~'f progress made on the Ocean Boulevard" Reoreation:park . .~~1 and Sti'eet Beautifioation projeots. . Mr. Hallsaid.it'{.. '~-f'; was a ma.tter of gratifioation that the CitYEn:g1ne~l.'h.a.d!;~.; been 80 highly oommended. The oommunioation was ordered.' 't~!-~ . filed.,. ':H~;{ ,L' l j COUNCIL CHAMBER - January 2, 1939 . A report on the aotivities and finanoes of the Delray Beaoh Baseball Assooiation was read and after being sorutinized by the Counoil was ordered filed with the oomment that it was a very satisfaotory and oomplete report. Writte~equest was submitted from the C.E. Tyson Motor Compan'y offering to pay $10.00 per month for rent of Lots 3 and 4 Blook 69 to be used by said oompany for a used oar lot. Sinoe this area had been reserved by the City for publio parking spaoe it was moved by Mr. Bradshaw that the offer be refused. Mr. Hall seoonded the motion whioh oarried unanimously. Applioations for the position of Building Inspeotor were reoeived from I.J. Sinks and C.N. Mao- Laren, and by motion of Mr. Bradshaw, seoonded by Mr. Miller, ordered filed for future oonsideration. Counoilman Miller submitted tentative draft of an ordinanoe whioh he reoommended drawing to est- ablish a one hundred dollar lioense fee on automatio amusement maohines having various pay-off features. He explained his reason for submitting same was beoause suoh maohines, were in operation allover the County. and though not olassed as slot maohines yet they were big money-makers for the operators who should be required to pay a muoh higher lioense on same than tha.t demahded by the present lioense ordinanoe. Counoilman Bradshaw and Hall objeoted to the tentative ordinanoe, stating that the wording of same virtuelly plaoed the oity in the position of lioensing something outlawed by the State. It was thOUght said ordinanoe oould be drawn to aooomplish the purpose desired and sama was referred to City Attorney Nowlin for redrawal. Mr. Bradshaw moved that the Council defer aotion on same until next regular meeting. Mr. Crego seoonded the motion whioh oarried on a four-fifths vote of the Counoil, Mr. Miller registering as "not- voting. " J Mr. Hall moved that the Chief of Polioe be instructed to enforce the lioense ordinanoe regulations in rega.rd to suoh games. There was no seoond to said motion. I , , ___..1 PeterC. G,jubbS addressed the meeting, again' asking the Counoil's cooperation in eliminating the low spot at the West end of. Nassau Park Subdivision. After, Some disoussion as to means of remedying the situation and as to where the responsibility lay for ~~e poor engineering involved it was finally moved by lIIr. .Bradshaw that the matter be referred to the Street C;ommittee and the City Engineer to get in touoh with the . 110f , J , , ",j I I , I ~ ; , , 1 1, ..1 COUNCIL CHAMBER - January 2, 1939 affeoted property owners and work out a satisfaotory solution to the diffioulty. Mr. Crego seoonded the motion whioh oarried unanimously. Mr. F.E. Maokle addressed the meeting con- gratulating the members of the old Counoil and extend- ing his best wishes for the suooess of the new one, and praising the Chief of Polioe for his timely oooper- ation and servioe rendered in oonneotion with a disoov- ery that day of a plat whioh ~' . ~ would have endang- ered the lives of many oitizens had it been oarried out. He said he oonsidered Mr. Nelson a very effioient officer. Fred Soott appeared before the members asking for permit to oonstruot bowling alley and shuffle- board court on the property just West of the Sesorest Garage. After lengthy disoussion in whioh various reasons for possible opposition to suoh a plaoe were cited, it was moved by Mr. Crego that said permit be granted. Mr. Bradshaw seoonded the motion, but after further disoussion Mr. Crego withdrew his motion, and it was then reoommended that aotion be deferred until the next meeting of the Counoil. By motion of Mr. Hall, seoonded by Mr. Miller, the Clerk was instruoted to inform property owners within a half blook of the pro- posed location, advising that said permit will be aoted upon at next week's meeting. Mr. Miller seoonded the motion whioh oarried unanimously. City Engineer Cromer reported on the W.P.A. Negro Park Projeot, stating it had been started about thirty days'ago and would ultimately oost about $300.00 to oomplete. He requested the Counoil's sanotion on spending enough money to oomplete the job, whioh oost WQuld be prinoipally for material, marl, laoor &0., in the oonstruotion of two tennis oourts, log oabin, ball park &0. Mr. Miller neoommended that appropria- tioh of monies for this purpose be deferred until another meeting. i 1 , l .) Mr. Crego moved that bills 3744 to 3757 having been O.K'd by the Finanoe Committee be returned to the Counoil and Ordered paid. > It was regUlarly moved, seoond,ed and oarried that Counoil adjourn. . lik(1~'&~42 C ty Clerk .~ APPROVED: 1# ~jjJ) Mayor .. -~ 1101 COUNCIL CHAMBER ~__J tlio January 2,1939 Speoi~l Boards as organized January 1, 1939: The Plumbin~ Examiners Board cOnsists of: Frederiok Brown Frank Crego E.C. Hall C .W~ Hill Geo. Pinokney - Plumbing Inspeotor Chairman of the Sanitary Committee - Chairman Of the Water Committee - Mayor - Looal Plumbing oontraotor The Board of Electrioal Examiners Consists of: L.W. Cook Joe Wesson C.W. Hill D.M. Bradshaw A.L. Miller - Eleotrioal Inspeotor - Respresenting the 100al.Power Co. - Looal Eleotrioal oontraotor - Councilman - Counoilman The Counoil omitted to seleot a Vioe~Mayor at Monday night's meeting. :J ( ( I c~ ~, ~ ! , I k I I i ';l ~ ?; :0 " # ! ~ ~ " , ~ I "hi < .~ it: * ij 1\ \< W. ~ ~ * ~ ~ ''I