01-18-39 Special
January 18, 1939
The Council met in special session, on call
of the Mayor, at 7:30 P.M. with all members of the
Council present.
The Mayor stated several matters required
the attention of the Council, among which he mentioned
the need of cleaning up unsightly conditions existing
at several places in town. This matter was referred,
to the Chairman of the Sanitary Committee for remedy
and Mr. Crego agreed to have these places cleaned up
providing the Street Committee would clean up the
alley running through the North end of Block 69 from
First to Swinton Avenue. This the Chairman of the
Street Committee also agreed to do.
~Mr. Hall reported Mr. Zook, who owned con~
siderable property on South Dixie Highway, which he
contemplated developing shortly, had requested that
this section of town be re-zoned to come within F.H.A.
Loan requirements. After discussion, in which it was'
stated that it was improbable anyone in that locality,
would object to such a change, it was finally moved
by Mr. Miller that the Clerk be authorized to
a letter to Mr. Zook advising that when the next
ment is made to the Zoning Ordinance, property
on Fifth Avenue, between S.E. First and S.E. Fourth
Streets, on both sides of said S.E. Fifth Avenue, and
running back to the alley, will be changed from Zone
"C" to' Zone' "BIf District, and that the map be changed
accordingly. Mr. B~~shaw seconded the motion which
c arried unanimouslY.~
The Chairman of the Ordinance Committee
reported he was having an ordinance drawn to regulate
building in Delray Beach during the Winter season.
Considerable discussion followed as a consequence
anfr differences of opinion were expressed as to whether
such an ordinance was desirable for Delray. or not.
It was also reported 'that some. of the hotels'
had compla ined that the Firestoneflnd Flamingo Service
Stations. which stayed open all night, were disturb-
ing to their guests, and would like to see some leg-
islation passed to have these places close at night.
The members considered it would work a hardship on
these businesses to force them to close and Mr. Miller
recommended that the City take 'the matter up direct
. ';;~i1~t;:<
COUNCIL CFJUMBER - January 18, 1939
with the operators of these two service stations and
see if some mutual arrangement cannot be reached
satisfactory to both the hotels and service stationsi
without the necessity of closing them up. It was
finally referred to the Mayor and Pol~ce Department
for regulation.
The Mayor stated he would like to know what
the members intended to do in regard to employing a
man to help Mr. Cook in the Inspection Department.
There was considerable discussion in regard to this ,,"
Mr. Hall recommending that Frederick Brown be retained I'
as a full-time Inspector of plumbing and sanitation :{
and an additional man be employed to help on the build-i';
ing and electrical inspection. Mr. Bradshawre"CommendEllL.s;ji
that Mr. Brown be employed three days a week at $50.00 Ii
a month and Mr. Crego contended that the City could '
not afford to employ another man. Mr. Miller thought ,.,
no action should be taken at all until something de-',!?~;
finite is known as to the City's debt situs tion and ,
1938 tax ~evy.
It was finally moved, seconded and carried
that Council adjourn.
h r.ovJ. C.~f2
City Clerk