02-13-39 Regular
February 13, 1939
The Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M.
with the City Attorney and Councilmen Bradshaw, Crego,
Hall, Hill and Miller present.
Upon recommendation of the City Attorney,
minutes of the February 7th meeting were amended to show
this meeting to have been in charge of the Mayor throughout;
also changing the words"lined up" to "located" in fourth
paragrap):t of said minutes, With said' corrections the
minutes were regularly approved as amended.
Request was read from Dan W. Smith, asking
that a street light be placed at the intersection of Sea-
breeze and Atlantic Avenues. The Chairman of the Street
Committee reported that a light had been ordered placed
at said intersection and was included in the three new
suspension street lights ordered for East Atlantic Avenue
some time ago,
A letter was read from eighteen Beach property
owners protesting the operation of motor scooters on
Delray public streets because of the peril and the annoy~
ing noise occasioned thereby due to lack of proper muffler
equipment. In this regard, it was moved by Mr. Br~shaw
that the matter be referred to the Mayor and Police Depart-
ment for regulation and remedy. Mr. Hall though~ome
ordinance should be passed whereby the police department
might be governed in regulating such tings, Mr. Crego
seconded Mr. Bradshaw's motion, which was carried unanimously
{ A communication from Thos. W. Boykin, Jr. was
read, in ~ich he renewed a previous request that the
section of town in which he resides be changed from Zone
B to A; also asking that piles of rubbish left from the
grUbbing of property adjoining his, be disposed of. In
the first instance, it was moved by Mr~ Hall that Mr.
Boykinu be notified that the Council has already acted on
previo~s request and the promised action of the members
" will be taken in due course, although definite date of
such action cannot be given at this time; also that
the property owners are protected on said zoning restrict-
ions, inasm~ch as the Building Inspector has been instructed
to issue no'permits for zone B construction in said d\stnict
pending final amendment of the ordinance. Mr. Bradshaw
seconded, the motion, which carried unanimoUSlt'J ·
COUNCIL CHAMBER - February 13, 1939
Mr. Crego, Chairman of the Sanitation Committee,
agreed to see that the rubbish complained of by Mr. Boykin,
is cleaned off the property in question.
Another communication from Mr. Boykin appealed
to the Council for a reduction in the license fee required
of him for his advertising agency business. The matter
was discussed, members of the Council expressing themselves
as being sympathetic with the small business man to whom
license fees appeared excessive compared to the volume
of business done but that it was impossible to make the
fee coordinate with all types and sizes of businesses.
Mr. Hall finally moved that Mr. Boykin be notified that
there was no way by which part of said fee could be
remitted, Mr. Crego seconded the motion which car~ied
A letter was read from the Florida State Ex-
hibit asking that Delray Beach forward, at this time,
check for the $50.00 pledged towards said exhibit out
of the 1938-1939 budget appropriations. Mr. Hall moved
that said $50.00 be forwarded at once and Mr. Bradshaw
seconded the motion which was carried unanimously on
roll call.
A co~unication was received from Gordon B.
Peck, Attorney, asking that the Council defer foreclosure
proceedings on a twenty acre tract in Section 17 belong-
ing to Sarah B. Laitin, which the City is seeking to
acquire as part of a future aviation field. It was
accordingly moved by Mr. Bradshaw that the communication
be turned over to the City Attorney for reply, and that
forec:t,osure action be deferred until such time as tie
bond refunding is definitely settled. Mr. Hall seconded
the motion and on roll call the motion was unanimously
A communication was read from Edward Cornell
stating he was constructing a bulkhead adjacent to his
canal property and Offering to continue same across N.E.
.First Street to tie in with the City's existing pile
bulkhead at the northern end of the City Park, providing
the City would agree to fill in the necessary rock back-
ing. Mr. Cromer explained this would be for a distance
of about 125 to 150 feet, and questioned whether Mr. Cornell
had obtained a War Department permit for said work.
After discussion it was moved by Mr. Hall that the City
agree to cooperate as requested by Mr. Cornell, and that
the City Engineer be authorized to supervise such work,
provided government permit and approval is obtained for
this bulkheading. Mr. Grego seconded the motion which
carried unanimously.
COUNCIL CHAMBER - February 13, 1939
A letter from Miss Nanna Bigler complaining
of noise and,disturbance originating from the Delray Patio
during earlyCmorning hours was read by the Clerk, and on,
motion of Mr. Bradshaw, seconded by Mr. Crego and unan-
imously carried, referred to the Mayor and Police Depart-
ment for investigation and remedy.
The following letter was Submitted for action
of the Council:
February e, 1939
City Council
Delray Beach, Fla.
I had Mr. Grover Baker put down a new
6 foot walk in front Of our hOme On Atlantic Avenue
East. I have Been other property holders on Atlantic
Avenue had new walks replaced and the City of
Delray Beach have paid half the cos~, I think
,that I am entitled to the same consideration.
enclosing Mr. Baker's bill for the walk and I
paid him half and I hope to have the City pay
other half.
I am
Yours very truly,
C.N. MacLaren
After discussing ,this request, it was moved
by Mr. Hall, that upon the filing, by Mr. MacLaren, of
a statement that he did personally pay the entire cost
of the original sidewalk"that the City assume half
the cost of rebuilding same, Mr. Miller seconded the
motion, and on roll call the vote was unanimous and
the motion was declared carried.
'Application of H.S. Richardson for permit to
install bowling alleys, ,shooting gallery and other amuse-
ments on Lot 13 Block 28, West Atlantic Avenue, was pre-
sented to the Counoil and on motion of Mr. Miller,seo-
onded by Mr. Hall and unanimously carried, permit was
Mr. A.M. BOnd appeared before the members
asking what action had been taken, if any. regarding the
reinstating Of Jack Kay as life-guard. He ,said he had
agreed to COme before the Council at the insistence of
COUNCIL CHAMBER - February 13, 1939
some of the women tourists, who because of the new guard's
youth felt a lesser sense of security for themselves and .
children than they did previously with Mr. Kay. He said
he did not mean to suggest that the new boy was unsatis-
factory but it was doubtful if a boy of his age would have
the mature judgement of an older man in case of an emer-
gency. He said, also, a feeling prevailed among the
tourists that two guards were needed during the winter
and he would like to see the City employ two men during
the busy season. Mr. Bradshaw stated that if the people
felt additional proteotion was needed, he was in favor
of hiring an additional man for the rest of the season,
and it was accordingly moved by Mr. Miller that another
guard be employed until April 1st. Mr. Hall seconded
the motion and on rollcall, the vote was as follows: Mr,
Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hall yes, Mr. Hill yes
and Mr. Miller yes. The motion was declared carried.
In this connection it was recommended that the Citv Clerk
ask for written consent'from the parents of James Lane,
to his employment as Life Guard and the payment to him
of his monthly salary, since the boy was a minor.
Complaint was registered regarding rocks placed
in the street right-of-way around the home of Henry R.
Lewis in Del-Ida Park, these being regarded as a traffic
hazard, Councilman Hall agreed to investigate said
complaint and report to the Council.
Councilman Crego reported request had been
made that benches be placed just West of the Shooting
gallery and of Allen's store on Atlantic Avenue to accom-
odate women and older people who sometimes want a place
to sit and rest downtown. Mr. Hall advised that two
ooncrete-end benches at the diamond ball field could be
utilized for this purpose,
Upon motion regularly made, seconded and
carried, the following ordinance was placed on its
first reading.
The ordinance, having been read in full, it
was moved byMr, Miller, seconded by Mr. Hall and unan-
imously carri.d, On roll call, that the ordinance be
passed on its first reading,
February 13, 1939
It was moved by Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr,
Bradshaw and unanimously carried that the following res-
olution be passed:
(S.E. Second Street from S.E. Eighth to
S,E. Seventh Aves.)
Plans and specifications for said improvement
work were presented by the City Engineer and Mr. Hall
asked whether curbs'had been planned and provided for
in said improvement. Mr. Cromer infor~ed him that they
had not been, since a running curb along said street would
increase the cost approximately $1.00 a foot, Mr. Hall
recommended, in the absence of a running curb, that at
least a quarter round curb be built at the intersections.
He said this would afford adequate protection at very
little extra cost. After examining the plans it was
moved by Mr, Hall, seconded by Mr. Miller that the follow-
ing resolution be adopted:
(S.E. Second St, from S.E. Eighth to S.E. Seventh
Aves. l
The City Engineer asked that an appropriation for current
expenditures on this street and beautification project be
made. Work on same would start at onoe he said. It was
accordingly moved by Mr. Hall that the Oity"Engineer be
authorized to draw up to $100,00 for truck rentaL IlXld "
other incidental expenses neoessary on the project during
the next two weeks. Mr. Bradshaw seconded the motion
which carried unanimously on roll call.
Mr.+~romer enquired as to the ~egal status
of the proposed project,stating that Mrs, J.M, Reitmeyer,
owner of a fifty-foot lot in said block was the only
COUNCIL CHAMBER - February 13, 1939
property owner who had refused to sign an agreement for
the proposed improvement and asked if the on~ dissenting
owner would prevent the City from proceeding legally with
said work. The City Attorney stated that the one objeot_
ing property owner might possibly have the right to use
the present street right-of-way, thereby preventing the
City from improving and beautifying same, if she so
desired. It was the oonsensus of opinion among the members
that since the proposed change was to be made entirely
on City property and would in no way affect private
property lines that the work be proceeded with regardless
of said objeotion, as the property owner would eventually
have to agree to said change in street looation whenever
her property is used for building purposes.
In regard to the proposed work, Mr. Cromer
stated the North end of the Yacht Basin Park would require
a lot of fill which would cost considerable if hauled in.
As a solution for this he recommended that three or four
feet of silt be removed from the yacht basin and deposited
in said low spot on the park property. This, he said,
would gi~e necessary extra mepth to the basin as well as
supplying the required fill, He said he could possibly
have this dredging done for five cents a yard. This
price however depended on whether Harvel Bros. got a
contract in Boynton, in which case, they could afford to
bring their dragline on South to Delray for this purPQ~ee;
It was accordingly moved by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr,
Hall and unanimously carried, on roll call, that the City
Engineer be authorized to go ahead with said work if he
is able to get it done for the price stated.
Mr. Cromer reported property owners on Nassau
Street wished to have it made a matter of reoord that
the City will install a drainage pipe to carry off water
frOm the low point in said street if the property owners
buy same. Members ,of the Council contended that previous
motion had been to the effect that the property owners
should pay for both material and installation, the City
Engineer simply to supervise the work. After consider-
able discussion, it was finally moved by Mr. Bradshaw
that the City accept the property owners' present pro-
position and install necessary drain and catch basin
for the-draining Of Nassau Street, property owners to
pay only for the material used. Mr. Hall sefonded the
motion, and on roll call the vote,was as follows,
Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, liIlr. Hall. yes, Mr. Hill
yes, Mr. Miller yes. The motion carried. It was esti-
mated the cost of said installation woul~robably run
around $50.00,
Councilman Hall reported on the claim of Jas.
ROberson who asked reimbursement from the City for med-
ical expense and loss of time due to intestinal intox-
COUNCIL CHAMBER - February 13, 1939
ication, which he alleged was suffered as a result of
poisoned sewer gas. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded
by Mr. Crego, and unanimously carried the Clerk was
authorized to pay, in connection with said claiml Dr.
Davis' bill of $4.00, medicine $2.50 and one day sloss
of time $2.00.
City Engineer's report and assessment roll
was submitted for sidewalk construction on Atlantic
Avenue, running from the East property line of Gleason
Avenue to the West property line of Brondson Street
(Sabin ~idewalk), and on motion of Mr. Hall, seconded
byMr, Miller and on roll call unanimously carried
approved, and said assessment roll ordered published
the required two weeks.
City Engineer's report and assessment roll
was also submitted for the filling of the East half of
Gleason Street, extending from Atlantic Avenue to a
point 167.7 feet South of Atlantic Avenue (Sabin fill),
and it was moved by Mr. Miller that same be approved
and the assessment roll published for two weeks. Mr.
Hall seconded the motion and on roll call, the vote was'
as follows: Mr, Bradshaw not voting, Mr. Crego yes, Mr.
Hall yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Miller yes. The motion
carried. "
The City Attorney reported in the 'matter of
the Miserocchi suit, stating these people proposed to
deed the required Andrews Street right-of-way fora '
consideration of $200.00, plus the waiving, by the City,
of accumulated interest on paving liens against the
Ni Blook 161 and Ocean Beach Lots 1 and 2, said interest
figured to February 15th being $222.50. It was accord-
ingly moved by Mr. Hall that the City Attorney be author-
ized to allow this abatement of interest to date of deed
Mr. Miller seconded the motion and on roll call the vote
was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hal!
yes, Mr. Hill yes and Mr. Miller yes. The motion was
declared carried.
E.T. Page appeared before the members in regard
to his occupational license claiming same had'been
boosted out of proportion to other businesses, In dis-
CUSSing the matter with Mr. Page it was pointed out that
the license fee could not be changed without an amendment
to the ordinance, and since the license year was sO~ar
advanced Mr. Page agreed to pay said $25.00 liceJ:1$efcr'
1938-1939, on condition that his case be taken into con-
sideration before another license year begins and suitable
amendment made if neeessary.
Mention was made of other licenses regarding'
which complaint had been made, viz. C.M. Nelson and A.D.
, ~urney, operating repair and blacksmith shops in town,
but no action whatever was taken by the members,
COUNCIL CHAMBER - February 13, 1939
Mr. Nowlin reported that the City Judge had
disqualified himself in regard to the he'aring of Mr.
Bradshaw's case for non-payment of license fee, and it
was therefore in order for the Council to appoint a
Judge to hear this case. Mr. Bradshaw and members' of
the Council expressed themselves as being anxious that
the case be tried by a fair and impartial attorney. It
was recommended that some tourist attorney be requested
to act as Judge for this purpose, and Mr. Hall finally
moved that the Mayor be authorized to nominate a Judge
to act in this connection. Mr. Miller seconded the
motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr,
Bradshaw not voting, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hall yes, Mr.
Hill yes, Mr. Miller yes. The motion carried,
The Chairman of the Light Committee stated
the City still had nine whiteway and twelve brac~et type
lights that could be put into commission and operated
at same price paid by the City previous~he light rate
reduction and recommended that these be installed, since
a survey of the City had indicated a need for lights
in many places. It was therefore moved by Mr. Bradshaw
that these be installed at earliest possible moment,
the locations for same to be left to the jUdgment of the
Light Committee, Mr. Crego seconded the motion and on
roll call the vote was as follows: Mr,Bradshaw not
voting, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hall not voting, Mr. Hill
yes and Mr. Miller yes. The motion carried.
Councilma~ Miller recommended that some dis-
posal be made of the refuse piled on the old City Ball
Park and it was moved by Mr. Hall that the Chairman of
the Parks Committee be authorized to dispose of same,
which motion was regularly seconded and unanimously
r " up the
i to the
U It was
By motion regularly made, seconded and carried,
members of the election board were appointed as follows
for the holding of the City's Bond Refunding Election on
February 21, 1939.
W.O. Winn, Clerk
Paul Rehr
S.H. Jones
J.L. Love
Arthur Barton, as a substitute memb~.
It was ~oved by Mr. Bradshaw that bills
numbered 3836 to 3905, having been O.K'd by the Finance
Committee, be returned to the Council and ordered paid.
The Chairman of the Street Committee brought
matter of sidewalk on N.E. Fifth Avenue, adjacent
Milton property, asking what had been done about it.
reported that Mrs, Burd had stated that if the
COUNCIL CHAMBER - February 13, 1939
City would wait until later in the year she would have
the walk rebuilt, and it was believed Mr. Wuepper would
do likewise thereby providing a new stretch of sidewalk
at this point all the way from Atlantic Avenue. Some
of the members considered it undesirable to tear the
walk up just now at the busy season, therefore the matter
was left in abeyance.
There being no further business, the meeting
by motion regularly made, seconded and carried, adjourned.
fh~ Y1-l. G~
City Cler