02-24-39 Special
, (
February 24, 1939
The Council met in called session at 7:30 P.M.,
.in conformity with Section 137 of the City Charter.
for the purpose of ca~vassing returns of the Bond
Refunding Election held February 21. The City Attorney
and all members of the Council were present.
The Clerk submitted the official returns of the
Election Board composed of W.O. Winn, Clerk, and Paul
Rehr, Arthur Barton and W.A. Jacobs, Inspectors.
It was moved by Mr. Crego, seconded by Mr. Miller
and unanimously carried that the following resolution be
~S, certified copies of the election
returns as delivered to the Mayor and City Clerk
by election officials in chaige of the Bond ~
Refunding Eleotion held in the City of Delray 'J
Beaoh, Florid.a, on February 21, show votes to
have been 0 ast as follows on the question "Shall
the City of Delray Beach. Florida, refund its
bonded indebtedness in acoordance with that
certain agreement dated January 24, A.D. 1939, now
on file with the City Clerk and published in the
Delray Beach News, issues of February lOth and 17th,
457 votes
9 "
1 "
Council of the City of Delray Beaoh, Florida.
that said eleotion returns show the eleotors
to have 'been favorable to, and to have voted
for the proposed refunding of the City's debt
in accord with the terms of said above mentioned
COUNCIL CHAMBER - February 24, 1939
Howard Cromer submitted a proposition from
Harvel Brothers whereby these contractors agreed to
sell rock to the City, for street purposes, at a price
of $1.35 per cubic yard provided the City takes delivery
in hundred yard lots. He stated the rock was dug from a
pit West of town and he considered same would pass number
2 grade specifications. Councilman Hall recommended
the immediate purchase of at least 100 yards, stating
it was needed baily for street repairs allover town.
It was finally moved by Mr. Miller that Harvels' pro-
position be accepted, said rock to be delivered where-
ever the City may designate. Mr. Hall secOnded the
motion and on roll call the. vote was unanimous, and same
was declared carried.
The Chairman of the Parks Committee advocated
the installation of a railing out in the ocean to extend
from the ends of the two existing lifelines. He said
this would require about three 20-foot lengths of 4"
pipe, and the City had one length and would have to buy
two more. The total cost would probably run around
$65.00 he thought, and questioned whether the City could
afford the expense just now. All members oonsidered
this a necessary safety measure and it was moved by
Mr. Hall that the Chairman of the Parks Committee be
authorized to have said work done. Mr. Bradshaw seconded
~he motion and on roll call the vote was as follows:
;~. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hall yes, Mr. Hill
yes, Mr. Miller yes. The motion carried.
It was also recommended by Mr. Miller that some-
thing be done to remedy the trouble experienced with the
pumps at the pool. He suggested the point be taken up
and given a good cleaning to remove all sand and then
be extended another forty feet out to the ocean. He said
that now was an opportune time for' this work beoause
much of the beach sand had been washed out and the pipe
could be more easily reached. It was accordingly moved
by Mr. BradshaWthat this work be done at once. Mr. Hall
seconded the motion which carried unanimously on roll
{ :'
MD. Miller reported that the City Engineer had
prepared a map showing location of the City street lights.
and as new lights are added the map will be changed and
kept up to date, he said.
There was some discussion as to obtaining war
department permits fOr bu1kheading constructed by the
City or private citizens, in the Intracoastal Waterway,
Mr. Cromer reporting that War department officials were
threatening to clamp down on such bu1kheadingoperations
because Various citizens had ignored permit requirements
and done such work without the knowledge of the War
Department. .
COUNCIL CHAMBER - February 24, 1939
Councilman Hall b~ought up a matter of unfinished
business., viz. tax ad.1ustment settlement allowed the
Delray Lumber Company on 78 lots in La Hacienda Subdivision
now outside the City limits. He said adjustment fee had
been paid and settlement figure decided upon, but due
to an oversight of the Lumber Company the taxes had not
been paid. It was the desire of the Company to pay same
in accord with said adjusted figure, he stated, and
recommended that the Council accept payment in accord
with such adjustment. He moved that payment be accepted
and receipts issued for said taxes. There was no second
to Mr. Hall's motion, and action was deferred with the
recommendation that the City Clerk look up the record of
the Board's previOUS action in the matter before author-
izing payment on said basis. .
There being no further business to come before . '"
the Council, it was regularly moved, seconded and carrie',
that Council adjourn.
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