03-03-39 Special - ,~..,'t",., 1.1.58 ,'~, " It' ';4\ COUNCIL CHAMBER March 3. 1939 , , The Council met in special session at 7:30 P.M. on the call of the Mayor. for the purpose of se.tting the tax levy for that portion of the City located in the territory formerly known as the City of Delray. ,~ The City Attorney and the following members of the Council were present: Mr. Bradshaw, Mr. Crego. Mr. Hall and Mr. Hill. Mr. Miller was absent because of his" failure to receive notice of said meeting. Mr. W.Y. Fillebrown appeared before the Councll asking for special consideration in thdissuance of a building permit to him for a residence ~o be located on the Nt Lot 13 BloCk E, Palm Beach Shore Acres.Require- ments for said zone being that a fOurth of the width of the lot be left for sideyards and Mr. Fillebrown's' plans not allowing for this, he asked special permit come within 5 feet of the side lot lines instead of 7t feet. After considerable discussion, it was moved by Mr. Bradshaw that the permit be granted a.,s quested, with the understanding that the owner9j;'it.~~:i Si of Lot 13 be granted the Same privilege andall;lilV;'ed< to build within five feet of the North lot line ,511ould he so desire. ~.. Hall seconded the motion and on rOll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hall yes. Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Miller absent. The motion was declared carried. Clifton Harvel addressed the Council, stating he had a barge-load of rock ready to unload for the City but owing to the recent requirement adopted by the Council that a State Road Department analysis he' furnished showing that all rock purchased by the Oity meets No.2 grade specifications, he would be prevent~d , from unloading this order)f rock the following morning. .>" if he was required to obtain this analysis. thus incurring;:~;li demurrage charges and other costs. He stated this rock'!'!- was from Broward Quarries back of Dania, and the City,,'- Engineer advised that Mr. DeGarmo, Superintendent of .... ,?f~ Highways Maintenance had informed him that same~~~~~~~~;~~ with No.2 State specifications. It was also st<<'~J3.d ' "'> that so long as same met the required specific~tlon~and was satisfactory to the City Engineer there walt )1.ore!l:So for refusing same, and thereupon it was movedl:)y Mr. Hall that the City accept the bargeload of rock and~. Baker be instructed to designate a place to dl1,ll1 \,,:; Crego seconded the motion which carried unanim ' ';on roll call. , .<ti!i ~~~~,<, ,,-,.,::';:'j' COUNCIL CHAMBER - March 3. 1939 It was moved by Mr. Crego, seconded by Mr. Bradshaw and unanimously carried that the City give free water service to Mr. Berry ~ohnson. tl~ Howard Cromer asked for a further appropriation ~{ ;~~f~ {~~e t~~o:tP $f50~~~r~0 P;f~i:~of~~t jOb H~n e;~;~ted"'" good shape; and said the Council, citizens and negroes were taking an extreme interest in the project now. He said it would cost about $50.00 to service the tennis co~rts, and that the rock had been furnished by the Govern_ ment and the County through the efforts of Mr. Byrd; that same needed to be water bound and the City would oil it. The only person equipped to finish the courts; was Grover Baker who had ae;reed to do the two courts.,_ (in all 850 sq. yds), for '50.00 and 40 gallons of gasoll~e~ It would cost another $50.00 to finish the log shelter y. and $50.00 for incidentals. He said a lot more work had been done out there than had been originally cont'em-' plated, at little additional cost to the City. It was accordingly moved by Councilman Crego that Mr. Cromer's request be granted and that he be permitted to draw up to $150.00 for said purposes. Mr. Hall seconded the motion ;~~. o~~oge~~l;e;~eM;~t~a~~Sy::, f~;:O~:{l ~~. Br~~:haWi~~~~ motion carried. :':\ , :'_, ,.,:;:_:,~.r~{l~,:~ The City Engineer also asked for an a.ppropria.",,";,.;f1~ tion for the Yacht Basin Project, and Mr. Hall acco:rd+~J.Y~~, moved that he be authorized to draw up to $lOO.OOOh"l;.::'i1~~ account of said project. Mr. Bradshaw seconded themot;iQAiif.;'W and on roll call same was carried unanimously. In rega~d$~~8 to said project Mr. Cromer recommended, for the Councilrs',~'r;: consideration, the planting of Royal Palms. along the Canaa;!t'Yt from the Bridge South to the Voorheis' property. .. " 'J'"'--:.'} The matter of setting the tax levy was then ,take#'H+ up and discussed after which, resolution as submitted by the City Attorney, was by motion of Mr. Bradshaw, seconded by Mr. Crego, and on call unanimously carried, adopted as fOllows: RESOLUTION 269 A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF lJELRAY BK~CH. PALM BEACH COUNTY,FLORIDA, LEVYING A TAX ON ALL THE PROPERTY WITHIN THE FORMER CITY OF DELRAY. FOR MAINTENANCl!: AND ' OPERATION. AND LEVYING A TAX FOR PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST AGAINST THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE FORMER CITY OF DELRAY. AND ALLOCATING AND APFROPRIAT;rNG SAID COLLECTIONS THEREUNDER'. ~Y'i'~"~ COUNCIL C~~BER - March 3. 19393 :lia ~ In explanation of same, Mr. Nowlin advised he had a stip- ulation, in writing, from Mr. Kurtz, Attorney for The Vermont Investment Company, requesting that a twenty mill ~~~ levy for his judgment be made but that upon the City~s~~; issuance of the refunding bonds, he would accepp saId, 're..,'!~, funding bonds in lieu of his judgment and the Cityc'oul4"7j~ then use said twenty mill levy for general bond debt. ,{"t; ~:~~~~~e ~:v:;~~:~t ~~=~~n;h~~dG:fth~:~~ ~~~a~~: for '1~~ a 1938 levy for their respective judgments. ""1;, -4 The tax roll prepared and c0mpleted by the Tax ',~~ Assessor, Mae W. Cramp, and checked and equalized by .''fl the City Council W~. by motion of Mr. Bradshaw. second~~)i$ by Mr. Crego, and unanimously carried, approvedandoe~~~;~~ fied to by the Council, and attested by the Clerk of ,....,..,~~:;!t~ said Counc il J and copie s of the following certificatioll~'.""';;? affidavits and warrants for collection were ordered " attached and made .;part of ,said 1938 rolls., ~~i",~'t~~,~,.,~~~ ,~_ :;'o.;+;~~~tt1~~ .~':;.~:tf; CERTIFICATE OF PRESIDENT AND CLERK OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO: MAE W. CRAMP. 'Tax Assessor. The undersigned president and clerk of Council of the City of Delray Beach. Florida, do hereby certify that theforegOing,ae$essm~, roH for 1938 of the taxable real €estate' wit~:,~ that portion of the City of Delray Beach loca~ in the former City of Delray. Florida, has beett~) revised and equalized by'the City Council. sitting as a Board of Equalization of Taxes. ..~ and that the valuations fixed upon thIs assess- ment roll shall be deemed final, and said val- uatIons shall not be changed. Dated this 18th day of ~uly. A.D, 1938. . \., C.W. Hill President of the City Mae W. ~ramp City Council SEAL Clerk 'of the CERTIFICATE OF PRESIDENT AND CLERK OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO: ~W. CRAMP, Tax Assessor The undersigned president and Clerk City Council of the City of Delray 1:161 COUNCIL CHAMBER - March 3, 1939 < do hereby certify that the foregoing assessment roll for 1938 of the taxable personal property within that portion of the City of Delray Beach located in the former City of Delray, Florida, has been revised and equalized by the City Council, sitting as a Board of Equalization of Taxes, and that the valuations fixed upon this assessment roll shall b~eemed final and said valuations shall not be changed. ~ DATED this 18th day of ~uly, A.D. 1938. C.W. Hill President of the City Council ~ Mae W. Cramp Clerk of the City Council J....I ~ STATE OF FLORIDA ) PALM. BEACH COUNTY ( CITY OF DELRAY BEACH ) TO: Mae w; Cramp, Tax Collector in and for the City of Delray Beach, Florida: < Yol,larenereby commanded to collect out of the real estate and personal property, from of i~ersons and corporations named in the annexed assessment roll the amount of tax set opposite the name of each person or corporation.);. or lot, parcel or tract of land described ther~i~~ and in case the taxes imposed are not paid at the . time presoribed by law, you are to collect the same by levy and sale of the goods and chattels', lands and tenements, and all monIes collected, on behalf of the City of Delray Beach, you are to pay over to the City TreaBu~Br, and you are further required to make all collections on or before the first day of April, 1939, or else hold all unpaid taxes as delinquent. ;:;~~ r Mae W. Cramp Tax Assessor, ::;~~" 'f~~ ,'J~ "1' .' ." '.',-,;'{~i,*", " da"', ' '"t'" J:' ,':;.,,::'~: t/l)'?fi?J, ',,'- :'~ :,-:.~~~~ ',::~wY:.: '" Given under my hand and seal this the 3rd of March, A.D. 1939. Mae W. Cramp Assessor of Taxes, *', Delray Bea ch, Flso,. ...,...,.'. .' ". ..,. ';.' Covering tax roll on that portion only, whiOl:1:.t~;:",i~" located in what was formerly known as the Cit'~:)~l,~i:,{,;,~':,: De.:+ray. .", '::i!t'!l';;;;<;,:.' ~':::'.~':~? 'i';;j-i:',' :,:;,~l.';:~'t;;;::i~.'iA; After further general discussion, it was regularly moved, seconded and carried that CounciladjOll.r'l>h;,', ~ ~ cIi . c~~c5f;~~~i~ , ",:>ii;r;:'lIl:~ COUNCIL CHM!BER - March 3, 1939 CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, COUNTY OF PALM BEACH, STATE OF FLORIDA t ~ I hereby certify that the WaTrant given under the hand of Mae W. Cramp, City Assessor of Taxes, ' to Mae W. Cramp, Tax Collector, and attached to the assessment roll for the City of Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, for the year A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Thirty-eight, has been duly recorded on Page ~,of the minutes of the City Council in and for said city aforesaid, as required by Charter Act of the City of Delray Beach, and General Laws of the State of Florida, pertaining to the collection of municipal taxes. Given under my hand and seal of office this the 3rd day of March, A.D. 1939. Mae W. Cramp City Clerk, City of Delray Beach, FIa Co~ering tax roll on that portion only. whIch is located in what was formerly known as the City of Delray. 1, ti;j; ~"\; ~ It was moved by Mr. B'radshaw, seconded by Mr. Crego, and on roll call, unanimously carried that 4%' discount be allowed on tax payments during the month of March, on taxes levied by said resolution 269. A discussion then ensued as to the desirab_ Ility of apPointing a committee of citizens to ser~e as an Adjustment Board for settling of delinquent taxes. Mr. Hall was OPposed to delegating such authority to any group outside the CIty Council but Mr. Bradshaw said any time a group of franchised citizens appeared to the Councilor, by public meeting, asked and voted that the Council go ahead and appoint a committee out- side of the Oouncil for such purposes, he was in of complying with such request. He said this was willing to work without fees; and that he was in favor of the COuncIl receiving a fee for such servIce but would like to see, every dollar paId in to a fund for the retirement of the escrowed provided for in the refunding agreement. \j: ...',,, APPR"!ivI~ " May, or",~,:y, . , ';', ~.J:~