03-06-39 Special
March 6, 1939
The COQncil met in special session at 7:30 P.M.
on call of the Mayor, to refonsider the tax levy to be
made for debt service in Ward 2, of the City.
The City Attorney and all members of the COQncil
were present.
The Mayor explained that owing to a telephone
conver~ation between the Clerk and S.C. Kearley, it
was thoQght that possibly the Bondholders Committee
WOQld ask a change in the 20 mill levy set by the members
at last meeting of the COQncil, but since no such demand
had been made, action of the Council was not reqQired at
the present time.
He said he would like to recommend, at this
maeting, for the consideration of the Council, the appoint~
ment of Edgar Wilson, John Berg and H.A. Hubbara, to act
aD a Tax Adjustment Board to help the Council in settling
~~st-due taxes, as previously outlined and recommended.
He asked other members of the Council to make suggestions
as to members for this committee if they knew of men
better qualified for the work. He said he had asked"iMr
Jelks to serve but because of his activities as a real
estate broker he preferred not to do so, but had agreed
to lend his services at any time they might be of benefit
,to the Board.
Mr. Hill stated he was not recommending the
appointment of this committee with any thought of casting
reflection on the ability of the Council to act in this
capacity, but that inasmuch as the majority of the members
were working men, he felt they would be unable to give
this work the time necessarily required.
Mr. Bradshaw moved that the recommendation of
the Mayor be approved, and that Messrs. Wilson, Berg and
HUbbard be appointed to function aE a Tax Adjustment
Board. Mr. Crego seconded the motion and on roll call
the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Cregp
yes~ Mr. Hall no, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Miller yes, with the
comment however, that he considered it was a mistake, as
he deemed such tax adjustment work to be the duty of the
duly appointed Council, as did Mr. Hall.
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The Clerk was instructed to notify these appoiftee~:;
of the creation of said board and of their appOintment
to same. It was decided to allow the Board itself, to
decide when it shall begin functioning~
CoUNCIL CHAMBER - March 6, 1939
Mr. Hill stated the City Attorney would advise the Clerk
in regard to how monies received from such tax settlements
shall be allocated and deposited in the bank to insure its
proper use and safety.
The Chairman of the Parks Committee reported on the
Yacht Basin Project, stating that the City Engineer re-
commended the planting of trees down said street., The
Clerk reported that Mike Blank had furnished a bid on 50
Royal Palms, eight feet _10' c.t. planted and guaranteed
for $600.00. Inasmuch as Royal Palms have had a tendency
to blight, it was recommended that some other type of
trees be used and it was considered small trees to be
more desirable then the large ones. Mr. Hall recommended
that the Parks Committee go into this matter in detail"
and make recommendation as to number of trees to be
planted, cost &c; also various types of suitable trees,
that might be used to advantage. .
Mr. George asked about the trash dumped on the
old City Ball Diamond, and Mr. Miller said it was to
be cleaned QP.
Council by motion regularly made, seconded and
carried, adjourned.
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