03-15-39 Special The parties holding the revival were present and stated that before erecting the tent fOr said purpose~ written consent had been obtained fromsnrrounding residents. They said it was not their intention to disturb anyone and that services had never continued later than 10:10 P.M. Mr. Crego could see no reason for closing the meeting up and Mr. Hall said he considered the matter should be left to the Chief of Police to check up on and take whatever action he deemed necessary to abate unnecessary disturbance. The Mayor therefore informed the parties concerned that it seemed to be the consensus of opinion, among the members, that services might continue, if in the opinion of the Chief of Police they constituted no nuisance. Howard Cromer presented application of Oscar Gehringer for special building permit to erect residence on Lots 1 and 2 Block 103, with only a 14 foot set-back from Second Street instead of the required fifteen feet. Inasmuch as there was no possibility of a house being built to face North in the rear of his proposed residence, and in line with previous action on corner lots located in this manner, it was moved by Mr. Bradshaw that special permit be granted for the fourteen foot set back. Mr. Crego seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hall yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Miller yes. The motion carried. . Another special building permit was requested ' by Mrs. H.J. Sterling who desired to build a $1600.00. '. guest house on the rear portion of her beach property, viz. t.::..*. The NoO' of the SlOO' of Ocean Beach Lot 23. It was explaine . that the building restrictions in Zone "AIf allowed for no ; . utility being made of the rear ends of these deep beach ~! lots', and therefore special consideration was asked on .;~ COUNCIL CHAMBER March 15, 1939 The Council met in special session at 7:30 P.M. with the City Attorney and all members present. The Mayor a nnounced the purpose of the meeting was to decide what action should be taken in regard to renewing the lease on the golf course for the next five years, with L.S. Wilson, the present manager. Before taking up the business of the meeting, however, the Clerk read a communication from Sarah C. Pearcy protesting against the continuance of revival services in a tent erected on S.E. First Avenue and Second Street. It was contended that same was noisy and had be.come in the nature of a public nuisance. .. :1:17 !: ;1 . " j ~ ~ ~ ~I I ~ ~~ f ~' I ~ I COUNCIL CHAMBER ~ March 15, 1939 :! /. said permit. Inasmuch as side-yard set backs and other requirements had been complied with, it W8S moved by Mr. Crego that special permit be granted for said structure, as requested. Mr. Miller seconded the motion, and on roll call the vote was as follows: ~tr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hall yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Miller yes. The motion carried. The Mayor then invited Mr. E.M. Wilson to op~ the discussion on the golf course situation, and Mr. CU) Wilson responded by stating it was the desire of himself and others, interested in the Signing of the proposed contract, to have this done immediately so that a drive for memberships might be gotten under way before people leave for the North. ,. Councilman Miller stated the meeting had really been held for the purpose of allowing those, who opposed the contract,. an opportunity to speak and register ob.iect- ions thereto. Mr. Caraker then addressed the meeting, to the effect that any deficit occu~ng in the operation of the golf course should be met by the golfers themselves and the businesses deriving benefit therefrom and not be an obligation of the taxpayers of the City. O. Helland said he knew nothing personally about the matter except what remarks he had heard on the street, some to the effect that the course had been allowed" to run down under its present management. He said it was useless for anyone to argue for or against a contract they knew nothing about, and that people should know what was in the contract and have time to look into it; therefore it was no more than right tolay the matter over and allow people to acquaint themselves with the .. terms of the proposed lease. ,. Mr. F.E. Mackle, Stanley Gray, Fred Scott and others in the crowd urged the signing of the lease, and Mr. Mackle recommended that a W.P.A. loan be applied for to improve and enlarge the facilities of the course. Councilman Miller stated he was not in favor of linking the contract and the appointment of the Golf Committee together in one resolution as had been done. , Councilman Bradshaw said he believed he was as familiar with the golf course as anyone and knew what condition it was in and that he would appreciate a committee taking charge of the situation and raising some money for the improvement of the course before the tourists leave. He said he saw nothing ob,iectionable in the resolution so ther~fore moved its adoption. 1 L~ . I ;1 , L._..... f :1:17€ I 'j .~ j ~ i .~ ~ {, ~ -,~ .1\, ~ ! ~ ..~ I f .'Ii: .~ I i17~ COUNCIL CHAMBER - March 15, 1939 ,,; Mr. Miller said he saw several things in Slme that he did not approve of and asked the City Attorney's opinion as to entering into the proposed contract. Mr. Nowlin said he did not think it good policy to authorize execution of the contract unless the terms are definitely set forth-what the manager's duties are and the City's obligation therein &c. Mr. Hall stated the Council was insufficiently acquainted with the financial status of the Club; that the members had no knowledge whatever of the gross revenue actually received or the potentialities of the course, and therefore were not in a position to agree to continue to subsidize the course. If it actually required more money to run it he said he was in favor of appropriating more, but that he considered it should be maintained and managed by the City just as the Water or any other depart- ment of the City. He said the members were unable to make an intelligent decision on the question with the insuffi- cient information at hand but thought the Council, as representatives of the people, thoroughly competent to decide any issue affecting the people or the people's money. He thereupon offered the following amendment to the proposed resolution, and moved its adoption: iihereas the City Council of Delray Beach, Florida, recognizes as an incontrovertible fact that a well maintained and eff~ciently conducted golf course, managed in such way as to popularize and ad- vertise the game is an essential adjunct to a resort community, and believing that a course so maintained and conducted can gradually be made self-sustaining. I And whereas the Municipal Golf Course is at present a serious financial liability requiring a large annual subsidy for maintainence without being the well-maintained or well-patronized course which would justify such subsidy by supplying recreational facilities to a considerable number of citizens and winter visitors. \ Therefore be it resolved that the Park and Golf Committee of this Council is hereby directed to make a thorough investigation into the matter of g'olf insofar as the Ci ty of Delray Beach is concerneq., . and to report fully to the Council, with recommendations in writing, as to the best, most efficient and . economical policy to'be p.rsued in the handli~tof the Municipal Golf Course; such report and recommendations to be made to the Council not later than the first day of May, 1939. .. :i:17~ COUNCIL CHAMBER - March 15, 1939 .. . Mr. Hall's mot ion on the amendment v;as lost for want of a second. Mr. Bradshaw's prpvious motion t~at the reso- lution as originally submitted be adopted, was seconded by Mr. Crego and upon roll call the vote was,a s follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes, Mr. Crego yes, Mr. Hall no, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Miller no. The motion carried. R.. ")..'f3-A Mr. Hall pointed out that in adopting said resolution the Council, in the face of the City Attorney's opinion, had voted an absolutely blanket agreement with no stated terms. ~ Mr. E.M. Wilson thanked the Council for its adoption and recommended that all get together and apply for a W.P.A. Project for the improvement of the Course. .. ,; ,;; ." Upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried the following ordinance was placed on its first reading: i ORDINANOE 274 AN ORDINANCE CONFIRMING AND EQUALIZING ASSESS- MENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SID~lALK ALONG ATLANTIC AvENUE FROM THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF GLEASON AVENUE TO THE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF BRONSON STREET. IN THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AND LEVYING SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT ASSESS- MENTS AS SHOWN BY THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR SAID S:PECIAL IMPROV>>4;ENTS; PROVIDING THE METHOD SAID SPECIA,tpsSESSMENTS SHALL BE MADE; TBE TIME WHEN T SAME SHALL BECOME PAYABLE; THAT SAID ASSESSMENTS TO BE LEVIED SHALL BE A LIEN FROM THE DATE OF THE ASSESSMENT UPON THE RESPECT- IVE LOTS DESCRIBED IN SAID ASSESSMENT ROLL AND SET FORTH HEREIN; THE MANNER IN WHICH SAID ASSESS- MENTS ARE TO BE COLLECTED .~ PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF SPECIAL CERTIFICATES OF INDEETEDNESS FOR THE AMOUNT SO ASSESSED AGAINST THE ASSESSABLE PROPERTY AND PROVIDING THAT THE CITY MAY TRANSFER AND DELIVER A PORTION OF SAID SPECIAL CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS TO THE CONTRACTOR IN PAYMENT OF SAID SPECIAL IMPRO~~S. . ~ ,~ ':~t ~,~ ~k~ i ~ :->:!! I~ ~ ; ~,. ,,\~,( ~\:~; -,,," .>,~;; ,-'it~ ~S: ,q;;, !~V .~! Ii ';~~ I r:~ i ~r .. i , , \; It was moved by Mr. Bradshaw, seconded by Mr. Crego and unanimously carried, on roll call, that same be passed on its first reading. Upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried the following ordinance was introduced and placed on its first reading: "},,;' .~tJ COUNCIL CHAMBER - March 15, 1939 ORDINANCE 27G AN ORDINP~CE CONFIF&lING A}lD EQUALIZING ASSESS- MENTS FOR THE GRADING AND FILLING OF THE EAST ONE-HALF OF GLEASON STREET EXTENDING FROM ATLANTIC AVENUE TO A POINT ONE HUNDRED SIXTY- SEVEN AND SEVEN-TENTHS FEET (167 7/10') SOUTH OF ATL-'l.NTIG AVENUE, IN THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AND LEVYING SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT ASSESS- MENTS AS SHOWN BY THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR 2AID SPECIAL IMPROVEMENTS; PROVIDING THE METHOD SAID SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS SHALL BE MC-'l.DE; THE TIME WHEN THE SAME SHALL BECOME PAYABLE; THAT SAID ASSESS- MENTS TO BE LEVIED SHALL BE A LIEN FROM THE DATE OF THE ASSESSMENT UPON THE RESPECTIVE LOTS DES- CRIBED IN SAID ASSESSMENT ROLL AND SET FORTH HEREIN; THE MANNER IN 1!,'HICH SAID ASSESSMENTS ARE TO BE COLLECTED AND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF SPECIAL CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS FOR THE AMOUNT SO ASSESSED AGAINST THE ASSESSABLE PROPERTY AND PRO- VIDING THAT THE CITY MAY TRANSFER AND DELIVER A PORTION OF SAID SPECIAL CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTED- NESS TO THE CONTRACTOR IN PAYMENT OF SAID SPECIAL IMPR OVEMENTS. , ;,__J By motion of Mr. Crego, seconded by Mr. Brad- shaw and unanimously carried, on roll call, the ordinance was passed on its first reading. A letter addressed to the Mayor, from Mrs. Susan Liebig, was read, protesting the removal of a 3x2 ft. board placed at the back of her lot directly in front of the kitchen window of the neighboring residence. It was contended that same was erected without a permit and was an eyesore to neighbors who had complained about It was moved by 1rr. Bradshaw, seconded by Mr. Miller and unanimously carried that the communication be filed. There being no further business to come before the members, it was regularly moved, seconded and carried that Council adjourn. 11-L~ r A-rwIP. City Clerk APPROVED f) ,kL ~ 'I17~ ~ ;) '" iJ - ,I ,~. j'; ,-' ,)f~ .~ it!( ~ ~ ;;<- .;;:;( ~ :l:~ ti .~ !J:~ :~l I it. :~ ':i;~ :,~ti "'" ';'..:i: ~~f{~ ~ 11:~:;I' f~' - 1""5 ~j, ."," " ,.- Co ~J. &,.'\: ;"~i:" .:':2~ !,*~~