03-27-39 Special >.'.."":."",,,' 1.180 COUNCIL CHAMBER March 27, 1939 The Council met in regular session at 7:30 P. M. with the City Attorney and all members of the Council present. Mr. Nowlin recommended that the minutes of March 13th and 15th be corrected to show tmt the golf course resolution called for "a contract to be drawn between the City and Mr. Wilson" and not for "renewal of the lease". Letters protesting the proposed improvement and paving of Laing street were received.~rom Mrs. Calvin M. Osborn and W. J. Enright and read by the Clerk. It was moved by Mr. Hall that action on said paving be suspended until next regular meeting in order to give everyone an opportunity to express themselves in the matter. lvir. Bradshaw contended that the Council should take no action in the authorization of allY such public improvement without the consent of 51% of the abutting propertw owners. After discussion, however, Mr. Hall's motion was seconded by Mr. Crego, and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes; Mr. Crego yes; Mr. Hall yes; Mr. Hill yes; and Mr. Miller yes. The motion was declared carried. .. The following letter was read by the Clerk: Honorable Mayor & City Council Delray Beach, Fl a. Gen tlemen :- I would like to make application to use the Baseball Park for the coming season for Delray Bealll'h Ball Club in the event an East Coast League is formed. lihen the League is formed, our playing dates will be set for the season. This will leave open dates fo r other clubs or organizati ons of Delray Beach to use the f1 eld. ( signed J Very tru.ly yours, Fred B. McNeece State Semi-.i;'ro Baseball COmmissioner Mr. McNeece appeared in person, at the meeting, stating the object of the request was to be assured of playing dates in the event an East Coast League is formed, as contemplated~ He said the Ball Club had held two or th ree preliminary mee!!ing~. '.... a;nd would hold another on wednesday, the 29th, at which time '1\':" he desired to report the Council's action in regard to the~i abo,,,,erequest. Mr. Hall.and otbe,rs considered it would be ~'j\l . ... .. .., :1181. impossible for the Council to commit itself without a more definite outline of the League's plans. It was finally moved by Mr. Crego that the matter be turned over to the Parks Commi ttee. with power to aet in working out a proposition wi th Mr. McNeece. Mr. Bradshaw seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes; Mr. Rall yes; Mr. Hill yes; Mr. Miller yes~ M:i!~,Crego ye$. rhe.motion carried. A letter was read from Harry L. Meyers advising of the approval of "Proj ect 50-4-B-252, Children' s Playground", which the City proposes to construct on the st of Bloek 51. Dr. J. W. Acton appeared at the meeting further protesting the habi t of permitting dogs in grocery stores, stating he " felt this was a praetiee that should be regulated before another season as it was objeetionable to many Delray residents. It was regularly moved, seeonded and earried that the . fOllowing ordin.anee be plaeed on its second reading, and' having been read, it was moved by Mr. Bradshaw, seconded by Mr. Miller and, on roll call, unanimously carried that the same be adopted on its second reading and final passage. . , ORDINANCE 272 AN ORDINANCE uF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, PROVJDING THAT ANY J!'EE uR FEES DUE 'fO ANY MEMBER OF THE CI TY \,'OUNCIL AND/OR THE CI TY BUILDING INSPECTOR AND/OR THE CITY SANITARY INSPECTOR FOR SERVICES RENDERED ON ANY INSPECTION vR EXAMINATION BOARD APPOHrTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. WHICH dES ARE IN ADDITION TO THE SALARY OF SUCH UFFICER vR EMPLOYEE, SHALL BE CRll)DITED TO THE GENERAL FUND OF THE CITY uF DELRAY BEACH. On motion regularly made, seconded and c,arried the following ordinance was placed on its second reading,and on motion of Mr. Crego, seconded by Mr. Bradshaw, and on roll eail unanimously carried. same was adopted on its second reading, and final passage. J ORDINANCE 270 AN ORDINANCE OONFIRIHNG AND EQUALIZING ASSESSMElfTS J!'OR 'tHE GRADING AND l''ILLING OF 'iEE EAST ONE-HALF of GLEASON STREET, EXTENDING JrROM ATLANTIC AVENlJE TO A 1'0INT ONE HUNDRED SIX'l'Y- SEVEN AND ::iEVEN-TEBTHS FEET (16~rlO') SOUTH OF ATLANTIC"" AVENUE, IN 'i'HE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AND LEVYING Sl'ECIAL IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENTS AS ::;HOWN BY THE ASSESSMENT !lOLL J!QR SAID Sl'.ECIAL IMPROVEMENTS; J:'ROVIDING TEE METHOD SAID tll'ECIAL AiSSESSMENTS tlHALL BE MADE; l'HE TINlE WEEN THE SAME ::;HALL BECOW!) PXYABLE; THAT SAID ASSESSMENTS j,'O BELEVI1!l SHALL BE A LIEN JrROM 1'HE DATE OF 'l'EE ASSESSMENT Ul'ON 'i'HE RESPECTIVE ....OTS DESCRIBED IN dAID ASSESSM.i!1'IT ROLL AND SET F01'lTR HEREIN;' THE MANNER IN WHICH SAID ASSESSMENTS .&RE TO BE COLLECTED AND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF SPECIAL . fi8~ CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS FOR THE i!.MOUNT SO ASSESSED AGAINST THE ASSESSABLE PROPERTY AND PROVIDING THAT THE CI TY MAY TRANSl!'ER lU,TJl DELIVER A PORTION OJ!' SAID SPECIAL CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS TO THE CONTRACTOR IN PillffiNT OF SAID SPECIAL IMPROVI~ililE1'TS. Mr. Grover Baker appeared at the meeting, stating he had a contraet to construct combination curb and sidewalk and rock street to the curb adjacent to Mr. Lamb I s property on the , Federal Highway, and asked that the City furnish the necessary grade for this work. This, he said, would take only four or five hours of engineering, and Mr. Lamb was willing to furnish help for said purpose. Mr. Bradshaw therefore moved that the City furnish the requested grade. Mr. Miller seconded the motion whieh carried unanimously. r Miss Galvin said the City should have a flag to fly on speeial oeeasions, as tourists had remarked on the absenee of such. It was therefore moved by Mr. Hall that this matter be referred to the .Parks Commi tte6 and the purchase and flying of same left to its discretion. Mr. Bradshaw seconded the motion, and on roll eall, the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes; Mr. Crego yes; Mr. Hall yes; Mr. Hill yes; Mr. Miller yes. The motion carried. Mr. R. C. McNeil appeared and protesilleilithllJproposed impro- vement and paving of Laing Street if same was to be assessed to abutting property owners stating he did not want the street .and was not interested in it. ','1U. .' On motion 'regularly made, seonnded and carri ed the fOllo'i'lf,gg ordinanee was placed on its second reading: ' " ORDINANCE 274 AN Om>INANCE CONFIRMUTG AND EQUALlzr NG' ASSESSMENTS FOR THE . CONSTRUCTION OF A SIDEWALK ALONG ATLANTIC AVENUE FROM TEE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF GLEASON A VENUE 'l'O THE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF BRONSON STREET. IN THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA AND LEVYING SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENTS .AS SHOWN BY THE, ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR SAID SPECIAL IMPROVEMENTS; PROVIDING TEE METHOD SAID SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS SHALL BE MADE; THE TIME WHEN; THE SAME SHALL BECOME ,PAYABLE; THAT SAID ASSESSMENTS TO BE LEVIED SHALL BE A LIEN FROM TEE DATE OF TEE ASSESSMENT UPON . TEE RE$PECTIVE LOTS D;$SCRIBED IN SAID ASSESSMENT ROLL AND SET FORTH HEREIN: T,HE MANNER IN WHICH SAID ASSESSJ4ENTS ARE' TO l3EOOLLECTED, AND :j?ROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF. $l>ECI.AL,,";;i CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS FOI TEE AMOUNT SO ASSESSED ,V:',f: AGAINST THE A~ESSABLE PROPERTYAAND PROVIDING THAT THE CUW: MAY TRANSFER AND DELIVER A PORTION OF SAID SPECIAL CERTIFICAI ES OF INDEBTEDNESS TO TEE CONTRACTOR IN PA1MENT OF SAID SPECIAL IMPROVEMENTS. _J .. 1:183 The ordinance having been read in full, it was moved by Mr. Crego that same be passed on its seeond reading and final passage Mr. Hall sedonded the motion, which carried unanimously on roll call. Mr. Nowlin submitted and read the following communication regarding acreage owned by Ossie Eriest inside the City Golf Course. Dear Mr. Nowlin: '; We have your letter asking for details in connection with th sale of eertain properties located in the municipal golf course of Delray Beach to Mr. Ossie ~riest. This sale was handled through our office, but we naturally consider all phases of the purehase as confi lential. However, we can say that we considered this property as e:x:ceptililnally"valuable because of its loeation, and priced i as sueh. i.lr. Priest paid our price some few months ago, aiid has since tmt time owned the land. He has good title, as; the property was delivered to him free and claar of all encumbrances. Yery truly yours, COASTAL REALTY SERVICE, Ine. By W. G. Mathers ';'.'\\' In referenee to same it was moved by Mr. Hall that the>.:, J!'inanee Oommittee'i>be authorized to negotiate with ~r. Priest'i:if' the settlement of this matter. Mr. Crego seconded the motion, and on roll eall the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes; . Mr. Orego yes; Mr. Hall yelS; Mr. Hill yes; and Mr. Miller yes. The motion carried. Mr. Crego eomplained about the need of one-way signs at the, entrances to the street lying nest of the shuffle-board, stating daily eonfusion resulted from motorists entering the narrow stree and having to back out again. The Chairman of the Street Committ agreed to see that 'the necessary signs were put up. R. C. MeNell eontended taxes were too low on the beach; that property Should be assessed for more and a levy speeially made t for the improvement and beautifieation of the beach section. liir. Miller, Chairman of tbe .rarks Committee reported that :" Harvel Brothe-Ts offered Royal ~ alms for the Yaeht B!i,!1l"" project at :;;5.00 eaeh, but he eonsidered these a litt1:ij;:too SJiall and spindly and reCQmmended , instead, the purehase from HarV81s of a larger tree of abo,ut 20 foot trunk. :rhese he said, were very fine one s, and he believed they rould be moved for about ,8.00 apiece. He said it'IIUuld take aboot 33 or 34 trees placed 40 feet apart. On this recommendation of the Chairman of the ..Bilks OOJ/lllli t tee; it W&,S moved by Mr. Rall tha t ,.;..,", :11-84 . r~ Ehe ~arks COmmittee and City Engineer purchase not over 35 of said trees at a eost not to exeeed ,8;00 each plaeed in the hole. Mr. Crego seeonded the moti on and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes; Mr. Crego yes; Mr. Hall yes; Mr. R ill yes; ilir. Miller yes. 'I'he motion carried. " R. C. MeNeil reeommended that the City provide for the construction of a sidewalk on the East side of the ueean Boulevard instead of the west, stating the latter would work an injustice on property owners who have, by mistake built their homes directly on the boulevard, due to the question which has arisen regarding the location of the nest Boulevard line. He said,further, that if the City proceeded with its plan to widen the boulevard he would do everything to stop i tfsunle ss the si dewalk is est ablished on the l!;ast si de. . Councilman Miller said a new beautification project, inCluding the tieean Boulevard and around the Beach pavilion, wuuld shortly be started. He recommended that speeial atten- tion be given to improving t1In.e beach and requested that Howard Cromer be permitted to work wath the rarks Committee in preparing a program for this mile of proposed beaeh beauti- fication, said plan to be submitted to the Council for its approval ad; the next regular meeting. In eompliance with the ' req~est it was moved by inr.Hall that the City .l!ingineerbilm ,"~ conJunetion with the Parks COmmittee work this program up and AS;;', report a definite outline of the improvements proposed for the'" beach. Mr. Crego seoonded the motion and on roll eall the votEli~i; was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes; Mr. OrElgO ;VElS; Jiir. halLl yes;"" Mr. hill yes; inr. miller yes. The motion carried. ..1 , ! I 1': Councilman Miller drew the member#~ attention to the eondition of the approaches to the Oanal Bridge, stating tb) lSast si de was parti cularly dangerous, and he though t the City should repair it. It was pointed out that sinee -it was a COttn$y bridge the County would probably fix it up. Mr. Crego therefore moved that the street COmmittee confer with Mr. Byrd to see what ean be done and in the event it is not fixed by th e County that the City make the necessary repairs. JlIir. Bradshaw seconded the motion and on roll eall the vote was unanimous and the moti on was declared carried. I j I I i . I' :\ , ~he Chairman of the Light Committee recommended a street I light at the Corner of ::>. .l!l. 4th Avenue and 5th ;:;treets, alsc> I fu.rther South on 4th Avenue where there is a eluster of hOllses ,'f. and one on Thi,rd S" treet almost direetly west; also that the." ,,~'t;8i light at >:l. If. 1st Avenue be ehanged to S. If. 2nd Avenue. It~ i was moved by Mr. nall that the LigJlt Committee's reeommendation j be approved and two lights reinstated, one installed and' I one changed. Mr. BradE!haw seeonded the motion and on roll eall II. the vote was unanimous and the motion w@s declared earried. i I I ! Miss GalVin suggested that the Ci't7 plOl':\.de suffieient paint, to eover the new milings put in the pavilion. ~ .~ :1L::LB '""'...' r '1 \ It was regularly moved. seconded and carried that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute quit-elaim deed, to , , C. W. and Sara Sands, eovering the "The E. 20' of the N 87.5' ti of the S~ of the wt of Blook 120". wf1ich had inadvertantly .been( ! deeded to the City instead of ~lfhe E. 20' of the N. 87.5' of 'i the st of the Et, the latter having been subsequently deeded to effect the desired conveyance. It was moved by Mr. Hall that the .l!'ire Chief be perlllitted ,i to draw up to $24.00 to re1mburse the life-saving class for then $1.00 eharge made to cover t~xtbooks etc. Mr. Crego seconded 'f the motion but, after diseussion" wi thdrew his seeond and ) the motion was lost. . f 'i , It was moved by Mr. Crego, seeonded by Mr. Bradshaw and, on roll call, unanimously carried that bills numbered 4037 to 4088, having been O. K'd by the Finance Committee, be returned to the Counel1'and ordered paid. It was regularly moved, seconded and earried that (}ouncil adjourn. , -~ 1 '._, ~ ~'I ~ } 'I" ~. .gr-, ,'f1l 1 ;' "i )1 r:' f,' .. APPROVED ~k m 'MTi w. G o-w1/1() TY cr.ERr ---,-- I I I , , , L..j t "