04-03-39 ff". r ~: t: , 1 ~, ~ j ; (, ;Y' . ;n',:- -. .. i ~);l , , , ~ <, f' I: I ~- ...... ...." , >' l ; ., ""~W';'''''.:..:'''.'',".; ;'"-1;r:f:n,j{-'01_~_'~'mi.!Y~ ">''''':.'';'''.'-.'''':'>, '..J._:t<~ .: _ .' .i -::"",\<'L ":':o::t."h;" COUNCIL CHAMBER , April 3, 1939 ..,1 The Oouncil met at 7:30 1'. M. on call of the Mayor. fOl" purpose of receiving the recommendatton of the Tax AdjuS"lln", ': Board ani for other matters of business requiring theOOWl'fQll;t;l' action at this time. The Citv Attorneys and all members of tH~; Council were presenile "'.' Mr. E. M. Wilson reported that several meetings of the ,~ Adjustment Board had been held and every angle of the ta.x'/ adjusting situation considered and discussed with the Oitl',':,' Attorney and City Olerk, and the Board presented its finat~,~ recommendations in the form of letters and ordinance as . ','.: follows: Delray Beach, Fla. April 3, 1939 , Mayor and City Council, Delray Beach, Florida. Gentlernen:- We, your Tax AdjUstment Committee heretofore appointed, after haVing given considerable time and thought to the d8:r.ilnquent tax situation, beg.... leave to file our report and recommendations 1J;l the form of a proposed ordinance, which we hand you herewi th and ask that you consider same. an<l , , . we fU1'ther recommend that this ordinance be paased , and adopted which we. your Oommittee, believ~ will .' be for the best interests of the City and all con- cerned. (Signed) Respectfully submitted, E. M., ttilson ' J. M. Berg H. A. Hubbard Mayor and City Oouncil, Delray Beach, Flori da. Delray Beach, Fla. April 3, 1939 Gentlemen:- Your Tax Oommittee, heretofore appointed, in addition to the recommendations made regarding the settlement or sale of delinquent tax certifi- cates, begs leave to make the follOwing suggestion. Before the city taxes for the City o~ Delray Beach are assessed for this ensuing year, we respect- fully suggest that you appoint an Assessing Board to 1189 1 bought the food and other items we had to have.qii and have paid almost out at present, by using my own sala~~ I feel that Delray Beach received a lot of good PUblicityi:,~~ from this convention, and would appreciate any help the:'~ commLs.sion might care to give me':i~ Yours truly, O. A. Gulledge. (Signed) . After discussion, in which it was agreed that much helpful.>;; publicity would result to Delray from the convention, it was ' moved by Mr. Bradshaw that the Oity donate the sum of iP39.40 to Mr. Gulledge to defray his deficit on said Radio Amat$urs .~; Convention. Mr. Hall seconded the motion, and on roll call "',.'''':;[ the vote was as follows: Mr. Bradshaw yes; Mr. Crego yes;.H/';' Mr. Hall yes; Mr. Hill yes; Mr. Miller yes. ~he motion carrie~J~ The following letter, with reference to the Oi ty' s appliQ~1l::~l for new post office building in Delray Beach, wfl.s submitted and''.::,;: read. ""', March 28, 1939 ,ci'.i:'j "'":,, "'! ";',.>1 Miss Mae W. Cramp, City Clerk, Delray Beach, Florida. Dear Miss Cramp: In working with the ~ost Office Department for a new building at Delray Beach, I find that pictures showing the outside and inside of the present build ing will be useful. y:::.) ......,::.... ,..,.... '\~~,{t If it is possible for you to secure these pictures for me it will be greatly appreciated. With kindest regards, I am ''''0. "';;-;;~ '1~?"1 :'~' , . ,,':' ~~':-]'I~ ,'.;.',:'1 ';',; ,......' ;",', Yours sincerely, >;"^ (Signed) FAT OANNON In oompliance with the request therein~ it was moved byJlr~r:! Hall that the Oity cooperate with the .t:ostmaster in .having the:'.;K~,:: required pictures of the inside and outside of the present ,.,:~~ building taken and that the bill for same be paid by the CitY1'"7'''':f;! <.~~~ The matter of improving looal mail deli very then came up '~Ili~ discussion and Oouncilman Miller reported that a cheiee of twd.i~: types of service wpuldljlrl:>:bably be ,Offered to Delray shortl;v",>.',,'.~,~.,' vi~, door-to",door service by a mail man on foot over the 11mi teQ' area of the City, where sidewalks exist, which complies with 0~ teguirements for such postal service, or the serving of the :!~ , -~'::.. <.'Iy .~~,' ,. ,~-{:~\ '::~~J:-~, :1L:190 entire community wi th rural route servi ce. The members disapproved of mail boxes scattered throughout the City and, for various reasons, deemed the latter plan undesirable, but were highly in favor of the foot delivery service even though it would serve only a fraction of the residents Q~ the present time, and it was moved by Mr. Hall that the City Clerk be instructed to write the .rostlllm.ster expressing the Council's approval of the carrier service amd the members' preference of same over the rural delivery. Mr. Crego. seconded the m~tion, which on roll call carried unanimously. H. A. Hubbard reported a deep hole in the pavement, adjacent to the Kentucky House, at the corner of Seventh Avenue and Atlantic, which the Chairman o.f the Street Committee stated was to be repaired immediately. The Oity Attorney called the Council's attention to a certain truck which was making a practice of hauling heavy loads of logs over the residential streets of the Oity, and said if it was allowed to continue the streets would be town to pieces, as a result. CQunc1lman Hall recommended that the City Attorney draw an ordinance, conforming to State Highway regulations, prohibiting such practice. An application from Mrs. CalVin M. Osborne fo.r permit, to construct garages and guest cottage on Lots 5 & 6 Vista Del Mar Subdi vision, was submitted by the Building Inspector who stated the required set back from ~aing Street was 35 feet and a concession for 25 feet was asked. He reco.mmended that this con- cession be given o.n all lots located between Vista Grande Blvd. and Laing Street and in acco.rd with said recommendati~n it was moved by Mr. Miller that permit be granted with the 2S-foot setback, and that this same concession be allo.wed fo.r all sDIDilar properties on said street. Mr. Bradshaw seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that Counci 1 adjourn. !!feu ~.~ r~1/? TY C 'K APPR& ' ~ MA~