04-27-39 Special , ~ .~ COutiOn. OliAURF.R April 27, ~939 i" ,~11e e0UJ1o.1~ met in speo;i.al session at '1:30 l'.M. .on .... OU~ of tae Jlayo:t; for tile purpose of reoe1v;lJ)g re4ommendat1ons from members of the Oitizens Bond RetQ.nd.... iJ1g Oomm1.ttee and Tax AdJustment Board. in regard to tne adJustment of de11nQu4nt taxes. '118 01ty Attora8Y and tlle followiJIg membe;rs of the Counoil were pres~n:h Kr. Crego, JIr. llall,JIr. ~ll. and u.Jli.~le1". JIr. Bradsbaw wasabsem. Oity Atiorney Bowlinroporteci tb.at JIr. :n-Bngle, Athrney for the, Jottdholi\.ers (JObi '\itee. ob Je oted vert 111:~renuousl3' to the J.i1' adJus11J..nll adopted b7 the Co~cU for setUeJll.e.i1t of taxes,pn-lor to l.936 Qd ,equested tbat it be discontinued. I'll was stated fIlrtner. llbat 'nODes M. COOk. retQ.nding agent. was o,posed to same beoause s1neethe C1ty ~oposed to t~e up its delinquent bond interest at the rah d '\Ih1rty and tb,i:t.'tl-f1ve Clents on tb.a dollar it w$.S c~i1Sidered neoessar,y tb.at taxes be adjusted on this buis ~so; at least at this stage of the retQ.nding negotiat1ons. 1208 1 ~. I ~ f ',~, . i , 1Il, I In lieu of tne fifteen percent plan. now in e::heeet. it was reeemmended tb.all settl.ementef suoh d.linquent taxes' be made in aooord wi tll tile teras Ilet o*~ in the following resolution wll10h tile City Atto1'ne7 oftered for the Counoil~s consideration and whioh bad ~oeived the approval. of the bond oreditors and retQ.nd- !Jig agent. After read1ng tile resolution in faU. it "U lllOved by COUJ1cilman Jliller that sa1d resolution be adopted as follows; a.od copy of same forwarded lh-. L'Engl ( iES9:l;aUTIOB 281 A JtESOLU'llQli OF THE ClT! OOUBCIL OF TIm CITY OF DBLRit..YBEACR. DIl3COIlTll'i\lJlfG. SETTLEJ4E1i!l' OF DELIH- '4U1mf f~S AlSD Sl'~I.AL ASI3E,SSJll!lliT LIDS UBDER ~! CERTAIH ORDIliABQE I'ASlSED 01 THE 14. DAY OF A,1N'ln.. 19i9, AND mst~l1OTmGTHE CITY OLERK AS fO THE METHOD OF SETTLPEII!t .THEREOF. ;\ iJ:1 "II :1209 , ; cotilrcn C1IDl.BER - April' 27, 1939 r ~ ' JIr. CregO seool1dod the motion and on roll oal.l the vot~ was as fOllows; JIr. Crego yes. Mr. Hall no. )(:t. 1I11l yes. Jtr. M1l.1er yes. Upon be;lJ)g informed by the C1ty Attorney that a four-fifths vote was neoessar,y to pass tile resolution, Mr. Hall agreed to change ll1s vote to lOs. and the motion was declared oarried. Ilr. Iral.l. brougQ<.t up the question of water at the recently oompleted lIegro reoreation park. stating that no provision of a~ kind Ilad been made for water to lI&11er sllra.bber,y or grass or any otller purpo sa. It lias stated 500 feet of additional p1pe would be required to extend the water line to tile grounds. Jtr. Hall mono. t,bat Jlr. Bakerbo Butllor1zed to purob.ase tile o.eeessary p1pe and extend tbe water main to the park. )(1'. ][iller seconded'tlle motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Jlr. Crego yes. llr. 11111 yes. llr. Jl11ler yes. 1118 mot10n carried. '>- I I I I , ~ Some diseussion tllen ensued regard1Dg oontem- p~ated oharter ollanges and Mr. Hall recommended that the citizens be asked to co.i1fer witb: members of the OOUJ1cil. ~; as to these ob.anges, and finally moved that the Kayor J be authorized to oall u on ten representative oitizene. llreferabl.y from reoogniied organizat10ns of the tolln.:ti,ll/ . oonfer with tile Council on t~se proposed cllanges. an4;?;~:.fIl tll$t a meeting be oa1J.e!l for 7:30 hesday nigb:t.1la7 ~ 2nd. at '1:30 for said P'llrpose. )ho. Miller seoonded the lib motion and on roll call the vote was as follollS: lIJ.'.' I Crego yes. )ho. Hall yes. Mr. Hil.l yes, Mr. tiller yes. ... motion _. d."ared ""","d. ;:; Tllere being no further business to come before I the members. it was regularly moved. seoonded and carried tllat COWloi1 adJourn. ~~, ;~~ ~'~:f :~?~, ~>,~~:: ~ ~~ I ~~: /'kitti ~{e'f:~ "; , ~ ~ APPROVED: eLj)J~ . ll'a7or , , I ~'i1f!'; i .~~ ,~~~i 'I ",',J t,~T